Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Hufflepuff



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Wow - glad yesterday was weigh in and not today :wink: I'm thinking next week won't be such a big loss, if anything at all!!! Do we have the final Hufflepuff numbers yet?
  • jpeebs88
    jpeebs88 Posts: 81
    Challenge SW: 232.4
    Current W: 231
    Loss: 1.4lbs
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    I was wondering about a Hufflepuff specific weekly challenge? Maybe it could be reps of a strength move or walking a certain distance through the week, burning a certain no of calories something like that?

    I think it would be nice to have a weekly house specific challenge to spur us on!!

  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Good Morning fellow Hufflepuffers!!

    I'm excited for this week's challenges. Making a new recipe helps spice up what you're eating; I find that I get myself into ruts, although healthy, eating the same things. Boring!!!

    This morning I made a Ginger & Carrot soup - can't wait to have it for dinner tonight!

    We had a great first week; nice job everyone! Excited to see by how much we stomped the other houses! :devil: ..:wink:
  • AccioPancakes
    Okay, so I've been crazy super busy the last 2 weeks (like, 17 hour days, on my feet, for 4 of the last 6 days just for an idea) so I haven't been on my computer, let alone MFP. I suck, I know. I also thought weigh-ins were Monday for some reason. So that's why I'm late. I'm sorry, but I endeavor to do better.

    My weigh-in for this week:

    sw: 282
    cw: 279

    And I drank somewhere between 2-3L of water every day.

    And I missed the 3 facts thing:

    1)I have been to 3 Harry Potter Conferences: Prophecy 2007, Terminus 2008 and Infinitus 2010 as well as countless wrock concerts (include a day long one called Wrock Chicago, which started around 11am and finished around 1am).

    2)The Harry Potter community is filled with the most amazing people I have ever met in my entire life. There quite simply does not exist another group of people filled with individuals who are so caring, kind, compassionate or understanding.

    3)I live at home and while it's nice to live with family, I cannot wait to be out on my own again. I miss the independence and freedom

    4)Bonus fact: I own a full set of HUFFLEPUFF robes, official license or whatever. If I had been sorted into any other house, I probably would have jumped ship.
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    SW 199.3
    CW 199.7
  • turbogirl4christ
    Sorry...I weighed in yesterday but never got on to post....I stayed the same still at 160 :cry:
    Oh well....its a new day/week
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I worked 13 Hours yesterday, everyone likes to eat out on Mothers day.
    I never thought of weighing in. I'll do it now.

    SW: 225
    CW: 221
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I copied the below from the main message thread; we're waiting on GryffindorHouse to post their %.

    Slytherin 0.955%
    Hufflepuff 0.95%
    Ravenclaw 0.78%

    @ JD92 - Notice how Slytherin in taking their % to the 3rd decimal? Can you re-post ours on the main thread in the same format? If it comes down to the 3rd decimal; we've got to report it, right? I'm just sayin'.....

    :smokin: ...:wink:
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    Hello! Sorry for the late reply. I'm 184 today. No loss for 2 weeks now, but this group will motivate me!!
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member


    TOTAL % LOST = 0.927

    we are still missing 5. the % above is using the starting weights of only those who did weigh in, but it also doesnt take any gains into account, because the net sum has those gains actually taken away from it. any gains have been counted as a 0 loss. the chart shows a total loss of 59.5, but when those gains are taken away, its actually 61.9 pounds lost total.

    waow, ive confused myself!

    well done Hufflepuff!! :heart: :heart:
  • AnoukDoutyBatya
    Yay! Off 2 a good start!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member

    TOTAL % LOST = 0.927

    Awesome job, Hufflepuff Housemates!!! 59.5lbs from 39 members...that's an average of 1.5lbs/person. Great work by all. And no worries for anyone who didn't lose or gained...that's part of the journey...this next week will be yours to kick butt!!! :bigsmile:
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    I know that most if not all of my extra weight is fat but how do I get rid of any excess water weight I may have?
  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member
    I know that most if not all of my extra weight is fat but how do I get rid of any excess water weight I may have?

    I'm not an expert and if there's anyone who knows better, please feel free to correct me.

    As far as I'm aware, eating properly, exercising and drinking more water will lead to shedding water weight. This is the reason when someone changes to a properly balanced diet with exercise they tend to have huge losses that gradually decline. The body disposes of the water it'd been holding on to and just keeps what it needs to run.

    Also, watch your sodium intake, this is a huge offender for causing you to hold on to water. The more salt you take in, the more water your body will hold on to.
  • cgeiser1
    cgeiser1 Posts: 145
    So when do we know the winning house for the week?
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    cgeiser - the winner was Gryffindor for a bit there, but apparantly that was due to a typing error! currently its between us and Slytherin. they have 0.92 and we have 0.927, so its all down to whatever their 3rd digit is!

    oh, i found this online, could NOT stop laughing... gotta love Harry Potter and Mean Girls :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member
    Hahahaha, that gave me a good laugh. :laugh:
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Woo hoo!!! Well done Hufflepuff! :)
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    This has been a quiet thread today...I hope we didn't lose everyone!!!

    Congratulations, Hufflepuff Housemates on winning WK #1 weight loss challenge! We kicked butt!!!
    Let's keep it going to win this week as well!

    This week's food challenge is going well for me. I've made a healthy mini-egg muffins, sweet potato & carrot soup and a low sodium beef stir fry. All YUM!! No outdoor exercise for me this week - rain everyday. Hopefully I'll get at least one day in this week. But I am exercising in house.