MUSCLE BUSTERS (closed group)



  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member

    Tomorrow, I am doing city solve, Minneapolis...running around the city solving clues and puzzles and whatever goofy stuff they make us do. They say it take 3 to 5 hours to complete the whole packet...should be a good calorie burn...not sure if I am going to wear the HRM or not. That would be kind of nerdy.

    Wear it !! That would totally not be dorky, and a good way to track!

    tee hee yes I'm stalkin everyone
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    Tomorrow, I am doing city solve, Minneapolis...running around the city solving clues and puzzles and whatever goofy stuff they make us do. They say it take 3 to 5 hours to complete the whole packet...should be a good calorie burn...not sure if I am going to wear the HRM or not. That would be kind of nerdy.

    That sounds like a lot of fun. We've looked into doing something like that but haven't found anything close enough to us.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OK...I will be dork and wear the goofy thing...:tongue:

    Brit, I did something similar last year and it was a lot of fun...thing is, I am not originally from the Twin Cities so it's extra hard for me to figure the stuff out. :grumble:

    I just ate Jay's (not Lay's) BBQ potato chips for breakfast. My sister brought them from Chicago. They are my favorite chip in the world. :love:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Peeps, we lost another person. Since we all gained, I am hoping that you all wine this, I mean, win this week. OK, have to go

    Hey, I didn't gain! Guess I am just the red-headed step team mate. :sad:

    I'll bet you will see a lot of HRM's. Is your sister doing the city solve with you?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Your right didn't gain!!! If the FF's win, I wonder if they will take you back from us. :noway: It will be very interesting to find out who wins and who gets traded.

    Yes, my sister is doing it with me.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OK, peeps, 73 minutes of exercise...DONE DEAL...WHAT have you done today??
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I will do a lot of exercise after work as there is no way I'm going into second chance category, screw that! :devil:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Gosh, what would we do if one of us actually won this's the opportunity to make the team stronger or weaken the other...Holy buckets, I'm brilliant

    Watch I end up winning this after all the alcohol and whooping it up...
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Your right didn't gain!!! If the FF's win, I wonder if they will take you back from us. :noway: It will be very interesting to find out who wins and who gets traded.

    I doubt it, they won't want to give up one of their own. I think they may trade me or Faith for Shannon though. Maybe.... not sure what I would do. And after the day I had I may be the biggest gainer next week! I didn't take my lunch and figured I 'deserved' to have Wendy's and the grease made me physically ill. Then crap (haha, not really) happened at work and I didn't leave until late and got home late after driving in the rain with what must have been all 80 year old's because they wouldn't go more than 30 mph and told my husband heck with it all, make my drink. So, bad eating, big drinking, no telling what's for dinner..... uggg. Big fall off the wagon! Must focus on goals!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Debbie, you'll probably lose the most because of it...

    Going to the wine club "Swirl" to have a flight of wine and purchase a couple bottles...tomorrow, is the City Walk and hopefully and nice calorie burn to go with it.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Don't let them take me :sad: No way I am going into the second chance category after working my *kitten* off. One of us HAS to win please!!! :explode:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Faith, I was counting on being eliminated this week. :ohwell: I checked the numbers, if you were sent to the second chance category, you would be ahead of Healthymomma.

    I have been exercising like a mo fo. However, I've been indulging in the :drinker: :drinker: Hopefully, it will all equal out.

    Thing is, whoever comes back...what team do you go on? I have it set up that the team with the lowest amount of players gets the comeback kid - or - if the teams are equal, the winner gets to decide.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Scale is moving down again....slowly yay! 4 days to make up for the bad ones :laugh:

    Hope you are having a great week with sis Kim! :drinker:

    Cmon Debbie we got this.....:ohwell:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Your right didn't gain!!! If the FF's win, I wonder if they will take you back from us. :noway: It will be very interesting to find out who wins and who gets traded.

    I doubt it, they won't want to give up one of their own. I think they may trade me or Faith for Shannon though. Maybe.... not sure what I would do. And after the day I had I may be the biggest gainer next week! I didn't take my lunch and figured I 'deserved' to have Wendy's and the grease made me physically ill. Then crap (haha, not really) happened at work and I didn't leave until late and got home late after driving in the rain with what must have been all 80 year old's because they wouldn't go more than 30 mph and told my husband heck with it all, make my drink. So, bad eating, big drinking, no telling what's for dinner..... uggg. Big fall off the wagon! Must focus on goals! or not me? Am I the only shannon. How would I help...wait, I guess they could take me to ensure I would go home the next week. Ooooh, thats evil
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hey peeps...

    Back to calorie counting and being a good girl. I will try to work on not being the one eliminated this week. I am OK with the 2nd chance because I am still in the game, right? :huh:

    I am trying to use up all the stuff in the freezer at this point...It's kind of cool today and I'm making my favorite pot roast recipe with garlic smashed potatoes and green beans:love: :

    Pot Roast:

    Mashed potatoes, 1 Cup 190 calories, 5 g of fat grams:

    Over the weekend, I made stuffed jalepenos with the neufchatal cheese. Instead of wrapping the peppers with the proscuitto, I pan fried it, chopped it up and sprinkled it on top...way less fat and calories that way....everyone loved it!! Thanks Trent for the recipe!!!

    Today is a ballgame, cleaning and maybe a workout...I don't really feel like working out....but, after the weekend, I think I had better.

    Shannon, I think you will be safe with the trade. They will pull a power player if anything. You won't have to worry about it tho, if your the one to pull a big, big number. :bigsmile: Good luck!!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Down 2 lbs so far from last week (had a sneak look this morning). C'mon scale keep dropping. :drinker: I hope those FF's are eating a LOT of cookies! :bigsmile:

    I am off any desserts, take away, sweets, alcohol and fatty food until after weigh in. 45 mins exercise every morning. We are NOT losing a team member! :mad:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Ugggh, way up yesterday due to a bad Friday but today was better. Swam and then did the treadmill today. Eating wasn't too bad. turkey sausage with onions and peppers for dinner, @ 300 calories total so that's good.

    Anybody watch True Blood on HBO? Season premier tonight. Debating whether to watch or DVR and watch Friday. For some reason it just does not seem like a Sunday night show. Needs drinks..... :bigsmile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Faith, you honestly crack me up!!! Good job on the 2 lbs. I am hoping to break even for this weigh-in. It's all I can do, I have had so much company for the past 3 weeks.

    Debbie, I am sure that you will recover. You do every week. Nope, don't watch the show.

    Ended up eating a hot dog & chips at the game. They decided to BBQ. Nothing more for the night. I feel like I should go out and run; but, I am just exhausted. I will pound the water and check the damage in the AM *fingers crossed*
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Yay for True Blood!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OK, ate a good healthy breakfast to start the day. I spent $275 on groceries and meats yesterday so I should have plenty of good, healthy stuff.

    We have a ballgame tonight and I'm supposed to work 3 to 11. I've requested off and I'll have to wait for staffing to call. If I get off, I can get some extra workouts in. Otherwise, I am starting week 3 of the C25K today. I think it's running for 3 minute intervals. I have to look it up again. Warrior Dash is 1 month away!!!


    I bought some tubing passes for the river this weekend. I know it's not really working out; but, I do like a lazy river. I'll take the kids so there will be no alcohol, maybe a small ice cream :bigsmile: