MUSCLE BUSTERS (closed group)



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    OK Muscle Busters,

    If we are able to somehow have someone on our team lose the highest % of weight lost...we get to pick someone from that team to come to our slick would that be to increase our team by one :wink:

    We have a slight 0.5 lb advantage this week...let's rock it the challenge again!!!:smokin:

    I have company all week long and it's been hubs birthday with lots of eating, I've been actually good about eating salads only when I go out and lite beers minimally. I think they call it moderation? :ohwell:

    I've been poor with exercising; but, I will bump it up a notch starting today...supposed to work at 3...I've requested off and I will definitely get a good calorie burn.
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    Alright, I think there is a curse associated with being the weekly winner :grumble: Was there a curse I wasn't aware of, because if so that would be really great to know?

    So, I started this week of really great (hence the 2 lb loss on Wed.) Then, I don't know what the heck happened to me. I've been in such a funk the last few days. I've been feeling kind of down so I've been going through these awful cycles that aren't helping me at all. I've been feeling kind of depressed/stressed about life all of a sudden so my typical day goes as follows: Couldn't make myself eat if I wanted to, just want to sit and sulk. Then I just want to give up and pig out on everything in the house, and usually do. Right back around to feeling fat and can't make myself eat if I wanted to.

    Well, that's it. Thank you everyone for coming out to my pity party. Now that it's over I've got to get back on track. We can't let the Fat Fighters beat us this week. Plus, we don't want them taking one of our members.

    Hope everyone else is having a great week. Good job Kim on controlling yourself with all of the activities this week. Good luck with your workout today.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    How's the exercise going Brit? The endorphins will help if you can force yourself to do it. The better you behave the less guilty you feel too, which helps I find haha. I hope your funk goes for you. :flowerforyou:

    Well done Kim. I know us lushes find moderation a challenge and you are doing great!

    I have exercised the last 3 days which is good for me and the scale isn't budging. It is plateau time? :sad: I wanted to go for an hour long walk along the beach today but the weather is looking glum, making me glum and unmotivated. :laugh: I plan a lushy evening cause I am naughty. I MUST get a good workout in today though or I am not allowed. :devil:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Faith, you will need to shake up that mood and metabolism with some's only a couple of days since weigh-in, it's not ready to move yet...but, I kow it will....please, just throw it up :wink:

    Brit, pity party of one is need to plan out 3 meals a day full of protein, fruits and veggies...I am allowing 2 slices of pizza to improve your mood :drinker: ...the cyclic eating like that will mess with your mood...right now, go plan some meals...also, from your photo, I think you are a beautiful woman...appreciate yourself!!!

    I haven't been exercising a lot...but, I am not snacking nor am I having the snacks in the house...that's the way it just has to be for this week.

    I have to learn moderation with the truely inhibits weight-loss
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    Well I needed to run to the store and decided instead of driving there we would just walk. So I packed up the youngest in her stroller and the older one got on her scooter and we walked there and back. It was 45 min. there and back (not including shopping time). I'm still planning on doing something later tonight once the kids are in bed too.

    I've also been doing better with my eating for the rest of the day. Now, to just keep it up through the rest of the week.

    Kim, good for you not snacking. That's the biggest thing I think since you can easily eat hundreds of calories in a few minutes and it takes a lot longer to burn that much.

    Faith, did you get your workout today? Good for you working out the last three days. Are you drinking a lot of water? That usually helps me out a lot.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Brit, good job on walking to the store and's gets you away and some exercise

    Your right...bites of food here and there add's my strategy on snacking

    #1 I don't buy any sort of pop to keep in the house
    #2 I don't buy any snacks or chips that I like in the house...then, you might say that the kids should have snacks...well, not necessarily.
    #3 I keep everything in cabinets and out of sight
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Great going Brit!! Yes i walked for 90 mins. My car has crapped itself and I have lots and lots of cals spare so I am drinking some of them! :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Ok...the weekend is over, it's time to get serious...weigh-in is in 48 hours
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Ok...the weekend is over, it's time to get serious...weigh-in is in 48 hours

    Ugghh! I'm about the same as I was last week, which is good considering. I ate bad on Saturday, Burger King, open house, specialty coffee. Then I had a few glasses of wine, went to the movies where I ate entirely too much popcorn, then a couple more drinks (vodka and cranberry). Then Sunday we went to the Japanese steakhouse but that was about all I ate. So, considering all that, I'm happy with a maintain (actually +.2 but I'm not sure how much isn't truly weight gain). So, back on track today and gonna hope for a loss on Wednesday.

    Still turbo-firing :smile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Shannon, your doing great, the weekends are, your doing awesome with the turbo fire, KEEP IT UP...Do you feel like the TF is doing anything for you?
  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member
    What a weekend! Soooo naughty! :devil: Maria (Irishgal on the other team) had a b-day party for her daughter yesterday, so I went there and ate way too much! Then we also camped with family this weekend, and I was a bit of a lush, with the food AND drinks. :drinker: :laugh: But, I have to give myself credit, I said "no" to the s'mores - one of my greatest weaknesses! :sad: Today, I'm going to begin the c25k training, so hopefully that'll get me going in the right direction again. As I type, I am SO hungry! :mad: I have an urge to leave the office and chow down on some naughty food! I hope I can keep my self-discipline and stick to the healthier lunch I brought today.... It's not fun battling with myself. :explode:

  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Kim - I do feel like its working. I'm starting week 4 tonight and I'll take measurements when its over. Its crazy how 3 weeks can make a difference. I never knew my shoulders could feel so toned. And, oddly enough, my hips feel like they are getting toned. I can feel the bones - I feel like the fat has gone from that area. I really hope it takes care of my belly. I know my diet has an impact on the fat there but I just want it to go away! Overall I really like the workouts - they are fun and that helps you really WANT to workout. I like that everyday is something different, easier to achieve when you have 12 dvds (and I didn't buy the extended version). So far I'm happy with it. Maybe the $160 is motivating me too - I don't want to feel like I've wasted money.

    Connie - I've felt the same way lately with battling myself over food. I've been having ice cream cravings lately - I only had a little bit on Friday. I've wanted steak too, but that I gave in to. That, I think, is my body's way of telling me its needs the nutrients (most likely iron). You are doing a great job!! Keep it up, but don't deprive yourself too much. BTW - I look at your picture and think of my ex-SIL. She is an ex, and somewhat crazy, but I always thought she was pretty. Anyway, just thought I'd let ya know. It's very strange.
  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member
    Connie - I've felt the same way lately with battling myself over food. I've been having ice cream cravings lately - I only had a little bit on Friday. I've wanted steak too, but that I gave in to. That, I think, is my body's way of telling me its needs the nutrients (most likely iron). You are doing a great job!! Keep it up, but don't deprive yourself too much. BTW - I look at your picture and think of my ex-SIL. She is an ex, and somewhat crazy, but I always thought she was pretty. Anyway, just thought I'd let ya know. It's very strange.

    Thank you for the encouraging words, Shannon. I gotta beat this! Oh, and um, thanks?, for the compliment. I can be a little crazy too, especially when battling with myself! Ha!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Connie - I've felt the same way lately with battling myself over food. I've been having ice cream cravings lately - I only had a little bit on Friday. I've wanted steak too, but that I gave in to. That, I think, is my body's way of telling me its needs the nutrients (most likely iron). You are doing a great job!! Keep it up, but don't deprive yourself too much. BTW - I look at your picture and think of my ex-SIL. She is an ex, and somewhat crazy, but I always thought she was pretty. Anyway, just thought I'd let ya know. It's very strange.

    Thank you for the encouraging words, Shannon. I gotta beat this! Oh, and um, thanks?, for the compliment. I can be a little crazy too, especially when battling with myself! Ha!

    It was meant to be that, but sounds so off. As long as you always win - battling is ok. :laugh:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    We are gonna win this week right? RIGHT?! :devil:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Muscle Busters!!!!

    What's the vibe today??? Drink your water, early low-cal dinners with veggies and good, good sleep.

  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I'm looking at a maintain...I'm trying! At least I'm not harming our team, but I'm not helping much either. I'll try to not eat late tonight! The gallon of ice cream hubby came home with last night will be my test. Maybe I can have a bowl after weigh in in the morn. :laugh:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Oh, and yes - WATER! WATER! WATER! This is what I need. I had a lot of sodium over the weekend - and alcohol.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Shannon, a maintain is good for you...your down to the 140s...but, if you could tweak out a 0.5 lb...that would be NICE :flowerforyou: I bet if you drink lots of water today, that just might happen.
  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member
    I am way up this week - like, 3 pounds up! I'm totally freaking out, not sure how this happened. I do feel totally bloated, I can tell by how my pants fit, and I know it's about that TOM for me, so maybe that's it? Regardless of the reason, it's not going to "excuse" me for tomorrow's weigh-in. OMG, I hate the scale right about now... :mad: Does anyone have ideas on how to get un-bloated in time for tomorrow's weigh-in?? :frown:

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