What's the worst thing someone has said to about being overw



  • light_shimmer
    light_shimmer Posts: 118 Member
    While having a break up argument with my ex, he was listing all the reasons he didn't want to see me anymore. Finished by pinching my cheeks and saying he's never been into big girls ( We started dating at one on my "thin" periods, and I had gained maybe 20 lbs while we were together). I can't stand to have people touch my cheeks to this day.

    I waitressed at a resort when I was at a healthy weight. I have a bigger frame, so supermodel thin is not my style. Anyway. I went up to a table of four men, asked, Hi what can I get you today? The reply? You can tell us when the cute girls come on shift. I walked away and they complained to my boss that they weren't being served. i told my boss what they had said and they were asked to leave! Miss working there.

    My mom asking me last year if I was pregnant....and then asking 20 minutes later, are you SURE?

    Oh, bunches more. How depressing. 30DS day 3, here I come lol.

    * Forgot one- In middle school, I wanted to play basketball with the girl who was my "best friend" at the time. She laughed at me and said chubby girls with glasses can't play sports.
  • tiffanymariebrock
    today i lost my 10lb goal before my vacation and two little boys called me fat and their mother did nothing about it. so not cool!
  • 01bigmomma02
    Well there is so many ... I really didn't become morbidly obese until I was around 20 ... I am now 34 so 14 years I have been living with this!! I remember about 1 1/2 years ago I was at Superstore with my children unloading my groceries. An Elderly woman was walking towards me going to shop... as she got closer I noticed her staring ... i didn't really pay attention... but I felt eyes burning on me lol... so I looked at her again... and she was so disgusted with me.. that she crossed the street JUST before she reached me... made a uuggghh sound... I said "Hello" to ease the tension...!! She looked at me and said "you are SO fat, thats gross" ... that just threw me ... I was not only disgusted how SHE behaved (I mean an elderly woman) but to actually have someone say that in front of my children WHO by the way heard everything. I put up my wall and looked at her and said... Yes, yes I am fat and you are a rude , ignorant human being!! Then I turned to my kids and told them... no matter what people look like, what color they ect ... they are to never , EVER say anything disrespectful to others like that lady done to me...!!
  • ixabelita
    ixabelita Posts: 2
    Hi all,

    I really think that my live it's about weight, losing weight, food...
    grrrrrr there must be something more in life... I wish I could enjoy myself, the way I look, and just feel gorgeous no matter what...

    But no...

    Tomorrow? The same as today, the usual everyday!

  • 01bigmomma02
    I rememebr not too long ago my mom said... " You would be so pretty if your were skinnier" ... I Love you too mom, and she wonders why I have a complex...!! As much as I say it doesn't bother me it does ....!!!
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    My Mother (although I love her dearly) would always tell me I had a skinny girl hiding inside of me. She's still trying to get out :wink:
  • ladydove5
    ladydove5 Posts: 23 Member
    When I was a teenager I weighed 98 pounds soak and wet with clothes and shoes on. I was walking with a friend one day and thought I was looking pretty good. There were a couple of guys walking behind us and I heard one of them say to the other , " I bet she can sing like a bird......she's got the legs of one". I was terribly embarrassed:blushing: Insensitive remarks can come in many forms...from some very insensitive people. I laugh about it now ....but not then.
  • mlagena
    mlagena Posts: 154 Member
    I don't remember being teased much about my weight just general teasing, i guess. Maybe I blocked it out? I blocked out a lot of school. lol Oddly enough I do remember getting teased about the size of my head. :huh: Kinda like Dib from Invader Zim! :laugh:
    I always looked at myself with the mentality, "I'm bigger than my friends, so I have to take care of them." I've also always been taller than my friends. I used my size as intimidation and would, literally, throw it around with my friend who was also big. (We would sort of sumo during recess. lol)

    The most weight teasing I got was from my brother and sister. I would always say, "I wanna do [this] when i grow up!" and my sister would tell me, "You're too fat to do that, you should be an opera singer. They get to be fat." or there was the "You should be a policeman because everyone gives them donuts." Wow, thanks. I was so naive, though. I remember when I was about SIX my brother said to me, "Megan, I'm looking to gain some weight. Tell me what you do." I'm glad I was so little and that it didn't bother me at the time. I doubt either of them remember those comments, but I do! I just recently started telling my mom about it and she's was so mad. lol

    One thing that hurt THE most, and I know he wasn't thinking it when he said it (he's pretty sweet, but DUMB), is when an exboyfriend actually said to me, "You look better with your clothes on." :noway: :embarassed:
    Hope that wasn't TMI! lol :sick:
  • carmenvo
    carmenvo Posts: 34
    When I was nine or ten we went swimming with some other class from our school. When we were waiting for our teacher to come out of the dressing room so we could enter the pool, one of the girls of the other class (I think the same age or maybe one year younger) right next to me started to conjugate 'to be too fat', looking me in the eyes. I was too chicken to answer.
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I don't remember being teased about my weight to my face during school, though this likely has quite a bit to do with the fact that I distinctly recall socking a boy in the teeth for trying to pick on me in elementary. I never got in trouble for it (I suppose he didn't want to admit he'd been hit by a girl), but most people figured me for a little bit nutters. I was left alone and ignored, but for the snickers and such when I couldn't clear the bar, climb the rope, run the mile, etc in phy ed. I was actually told by a girl I'd gone to classes with since pre-school in 8th grade - when we'd been paired together by the teacher - that she had been told/figured I was a b**** and so no one talked to me. Amazing how a reputation can continue even when people have no idea what it's for.

    In general, though, I KNEW I was fat, I have been since I was a toddler, and built up walls and an aura that drives people away. It keeps away snarky comments... and friends. Most of my friends came to me and most were big, like me, so I felt more comfortable around them.

    I've worked through most of the unapproachability, now to work through the weight. :)
  • Raven00
    Raven00 Posts: 67
    When I was in junior high we had to wear these HORRIBLE uniforms that I hated cause I carry all of my weight in my hips and thighs. One day I was making my way through a row of seats and some guy said watch out HERE COMES THUNDER THIGHS and made sounds like thunder, I have also been moo'd at by various guys. But whatever I will show them :-)
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    When I was in junior high we had to wear these HORRIBLE uniforms that I hated cause I carry all of my weight in my hips and thighs. One day I was making my way through a row of seats and some guy said watch out HERE COMES THUNDER THIGHS and made sounds like thunder, I have also been moo'd at by various guys. But whatever I will show them :-)

    That's right!! Show em!!
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Thanks for sharing everyone:))
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    As a kid my nicknames were spam and ham (my name is Sam.) Worst is when the people closest to me use my weight just to tear me down. I have had people who have known my biggest qualms with myself, that the one thing i hated about myself was my weight. To make me feel bad for something or another, they'd bring that to the forefront. "Oh, so your boyfriend slept with me, that makes me a slut? well.. YOU'RE FAT AND UGLY" (no lie--- that's happened!!) Losing weight and getting fit so next time anyone tries to tear me down, i WILL kick some @$$. ;-)
  • mmmrisssa
    mmmrisssa Posts: 13 Member
    ive had tons of comments that have hurt me over the years. Mostly by my "loving" ex fiance who told me on a daily basis i was fat and disgusting. hence why he is an ex......
    but i think the worst was when i used to hang out with a terribly skinny girl. She was so tiny, i wasnt even fat but i looked large compared to her. People would always call me the "big" one or the chubby one.
    People can be mean w.o even realizing it.
    Oh and my own mother has told me how fat i am on numerous occasions. thanks mom.
  • Mommaof3Boys2011
    for me the worst came from my mom, she is heavier than me it was last winter (not this past winter) and i was standing on the scale i was down to 195 lbs and i was all excited and said look mom im under 200 lbs (the winter before i was almost 300 lbs) she then replied with you dont look it..... i felt horrible,
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I don't know if I could list them all.. but most recently, the one that hurt the most (as I remember) .. was this last year, my brother is dating someone who has a 5 year old, now the 5 year old LOVED me and we played and had a good time. Well we were at a restaurant waiting to be seated, and she came up along side of me to sit.. and then a couple seconds later she said "You know your fat, just look at yourself" I was heart broken.. and I can't forget it... I know she didn't mean harm, but it hurt. :cry:

    I also used to be called, Elly Tubby, or Smelly Elly, Piggy Wiggly... kids were so mean in school..
  • julie_a_griffin
    julie_a_griffin Posts: 58 Member
    I used to get called 'The Tank' by some guys on my street. I always laughed it off, but it always stuck. I've had people make snide comments about my weight my whole life. Several times, people have yelled out something like 'fat pig' from cars as they pass, and once, some random guy came up to me and told me that I shouldn't be eating a bar of chocolate cos I was too far. Little things like that that get under your skin and really dent your confidence. It's part of the reason I'm so determined to do it this time. I even joined a gym today!
  • allroundthesun
    This thread makes me so sad. :brokenheart: I won't deny that I can be a ***** at times, and that I've said things I shouldn't have and regret, so I don't mean to sound all self-righteous, but I honestly can't imagine making fun of someone's weight. I understand when it's elementary school kids and such; it sucks, but lots of kids that age are too immature to get how ****** up that is, but when it comes to adults I honestly can't fathom it even occurring to me to say something about anyone's weight and I honestly cannot understand how someone could be so socially backward that they would even *consider* it being remotely normal to comment. :noway: The only way I can imagine a normal person thinking that you *do that* is if they knew someone was training for something or really getting into a new sport and were proud of it, and it was a comment like, "Wow, you look so fit, that's awesome," or something, or if someone they were close to was becoming more and more morbidly obese (I'm talking gaining hundreds of pounds, not a bit of weight) and saying something tactful about their concern for the person's health (not even the weight itself, just the health affects) in a sensitive way, out of caring. Otherwise, seriously, WTF? :huh:
  • julie_a_griffin
    julie_a_griffin Posts: 58 Member
    I also work in learning disabilities and challenging behaviours, and one particular service user used to constantly pick at my weight. It was horrible.