What's the worst thing someone has said to about being overw



  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    So sorry to hear all of these mean comments. It's crazy what people will say without thinking first. No one should have to endure these types of things. I truly wish everyone the best in reaching whatever goals they've set for themselves.

    It doesn't sound to me like guys get it as bad as the women do though. Guys usually just make passing comments to other guys. People have told me "I bet you don't miss a meal" or "I'm sure Mike will eat whenever, he looks like he's always hungry." My nickname growing up was "hog jaws." If there were leftovers my dad would say "just give them to ole hog jaws over there." When I was in high school, my best friends mom used to come over and pinch my waist and say "if I can pinch an inch then you're too fat." The worst for me though came from a total stranger. I was at the gym and talking to a couple random guys. One of them said "man what a waste. My entire life I've wanted a body frame like yours so I could get ripped. When I see people like you who don't put any work into their body I just get so angry."

    I don't let what other people say get to me though. I'm my own worst critic. If someone has said something to me then 99% of the time I've already thought of it. The best thing is to try to stay positive and not focus on negative things.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Wow, these stories are so sad.

    I was always thin through school, without even trying. Just genetic, I suppose. Then I put on the "Freshman 15," and then I graduated and moved away and started drinking & eating out more (and exercising less), then I got married, and, bam... suddenly it was 15 years later and I was 50 pounds heavier than when I graduated high school.

    I shared this on another thread earlier today, but my niece plays dressup with my wedding dress. One day I was at my mom's and held it up to me, and she said something like, "Yeah, right, like you could fit into that." Pretty much the only negative comment I've gotten, but it was bad enough.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    WOW!! So many stories!!! I hope you all realize how far you have come. Just to be taking the step to make a change makes you an overcomer of those past hurts. When I was thinking about this today...I was on the Eliptical. I mentally thought of myself as putting all the energy I used being depressed about what and who I thought I was into being the person that I want to be. I think we all should be proud of ourselves and put our past under our feet to use as footstools to push us forward. Thanks for sharing everyone:))
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I almost cried reading some of these stories.
    I seriously put on weight when i started secondary school at 11. I'd gone from a small school with 400 pupils to one with 2000 and was really naive. It took a year before i made any friends. People used to call me Hagrid a name that i got called every day for 6 years and still makes me want to cry. The chav's used to sing 'boom boom skake skake the room' when i walked past.
    I wasnt what they said more what they did that bothered me.
    Boys used to try and pull my trousers down as i walked past to see if i really was a girl. Whoever invented communal changing rooms... The girls used to whisper and giggle when i was getting dressed. This is just the tip of the iceburg. I've got over 7 years of material here.

    so sorry sweetie * hugs *
  • Life0nMars86
    Life0nMars86 Posts: 155 Member
    Wow, this was sad to read, I'm so sorry that so many of you have had to go through and hear such things. My heart goes out to you all. *hugs*

    When I was young my father used to say I looked like a pig cuz I was heavier (but not really "fat" at that time) and my nose points up n whatever. He had multiple animal references n crap for me. And would always be like you're eating AGAIN??? (even if I didn't eat anything the whole entire day) My family would always make fun of me and how much food I ate or could eat and made jokes about "oh we need to hide that cuz we know with her around it'll be gone in no time" And my mom did plenty of the poking, jiggling, and squeezing my fat growing up...

    I developed at a pretty early age, and grew like 1 or 2 cup sizes over a summer. First day back to school the boy I had a crush on started making fun of me n was saying and telling people that I had gotten a boob job (sure it's not exactly calling me fat but to an already insecure girl it was mortifying)

    Then through the years I've had plenty of just the regular you're fat, a fatty, a fata**, chubbz, chubby....I dunno I tried to ignore most of it as best I could.

    In high school during lunch period one of my supposed girl friends at the time said something along the lines of "Don't you think you've gained enough damn weight? You really need to just stop eating"

    And I've also had quite a few of the how far along are you questions or if I've had children. (and no I've never been pregnant or had a child)

    Recently my brother's girlfriend (who I love dearly btw) said to me along the lines of "You know you're lucky, at least you have a pretty face, a lot of overweight or obese women don't have that." Not the first time I've heard this kind of pretty face comment, but it really hurt coming from her. She's super skinny and pretty and in great shape and everything so it just sucked.
  • cassiex10
    cassiex10 Posts: 40
    Some of these posts are terrible...

    The one I hate the most is when people say "At least you have a good face" Well gee thanks. Sorry the rest of me is repulsive?? lol Ridiculous.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    On a recent visit my mom and were shopping, which I will not look at clothes with her b/c of my size but she looked at me a said you gained all your weight back! I said yes I did. The next day she looked at me ans said "oh, your not as big as you were, must have been the clothes, only gained some back.

    Of course this is the woman that once picked out a shirt and asked "if they had it in a non-fat size" to which my sister responded"that's my size" She looked so disappointed!

    Wow....ya know the ONLY person who has NEVER put me down for any reason has been my mom.....I am so sorry...can't imagine having to hear my mom saying something like that or the other things that ppl have shared on here that their mom has said...
    * hugs *

    Aww Thanks, for me that only person is my husband. I don't worry about my mom, she just like that. At the time I was so shell shocked but now I'm out to prove her wrong!!!!
  • kiqno
    kiqno Posts: 11 Member
    oh where to start....
    My neighbor when I was in high school told me "sweetie, you would be so pretty if you lost weight (insert my awkward silence). oh, no, you're pretty now." not so smooth save there.
    tons of backhanded compliments from my grandmother...not all about my weight, some about my hair, clothes, etc.
    This boy at school who sat behind me in Algebra said "what are you going to do with those arms?" and proceeded to poke my arm fat. Another day he said sarcastically "look at those guns" I never thought about my arm fat before then, and after that I never wore short sleeve shirts again. I'm 25 and still so self conscious about my arms that I wear 3/4 or long sleeves only.
    People always telling me, even co-workers/bosses, that I have such a pretty face & nice, clear skin. I've always thought those were weird compliments, why not just say I'm pretty?
    When I was in the process of getting promoted at work and training my replacement, hearing my supervisor say "oh man now I'm gonna have to play watchdog and keep the guys from coming back here and flirting." referring to the new girls better looks.
    My husband asking me "whats wrong with your arms?" me "?" him "their weird"...aka the're fat
    The worst was my husband saying our sex life is lacking because of my weight. Then saying that he is embarrassed to be seen with me in public because he doesn't like being stereotyped as the black man with the fat white woman. Imagine my shock that after all this time of being together. It made me question everything about why we got together in the first place, since at the time he said this, I was the same size as when I met him!! I have to say though that him saying that did push me to work out more seriously. Not to loose weight for him, but I had a scary thought that if I got divorced I would be left with nothing but my weight. I decided that I wanted to get healthy for me and stop thinking about body image and do something to care for myself - to make myself happy!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    From my mother: "You know, if you lost weight we could go buy you some new clothes. We could do lots of things together. We could bond. I could love you more if you were skinny."

    I'm not kidding. EXACT ****ING QUOTE.
  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    "My husband asking me "whats wrong with your arms?" me "?" him "their weird"...aka the're fat
    The worst was my husband saying our sex life is lacking because of my weight. Then saying that he is embarrassed to be seen with me in public because he doesn't like being stereotyped as the black man with the fat white woman. Imagine my shock that after all this time of being together. It made me question everything about why we got together in the first place, since at the time he said this, I was the same size as when I met him!! I have to say though that him saying that did push me to work out more seriously. Not to loose weight for him, but I had a scary thought that if I got divorced I would be left with nothing but my weight. I decided that I wanted to get healthy for me and stop thinking about body image and do something to care for myself - to make myself happy!

    Ouch, that hurts so much when it is your husband. Good for you for doing it for your own health and not to please anyone else, and good luck!
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    My ex step-mom made a point to keep me out of school for two hours without anyone else's knowledge, to tell me that I was fat and had a problem. Around the same time she announced to a group of people at our house that I was "the heaviest I had ever been". I was 118. She also was crazy, by the way. There is a reason she is my EX step-mom.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    In high school, one boyfriend who saw in me in my underwear pointed at my stomach and said to me, "You know, I can help you get rid of THAT."

    Another ex boyfriend used to tell me how "exciting" it was when his ex girlfriend would come over after she went running, and she was all sweaty. Hint hint.

    My mother, who I love dearly, once told me that the outfit that I was wearing made me look lumpy.


    Needless to say, that caused enough weight issues, even when I was 125 lbs. But now, I'm engaged to a wonderful person who told me that he loves me no matter what size I am. Much better.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I was always really thin and fit growing up, but now I'm in my late 30's, have had two children and, of course, have put on some weight...The worst thing that I've heard numerous times is, "You look good for having had two kids." To me it seems like a back-handed compliment...

    one of my friends went on a blind date years ago... and when she met the guy, he says..."you're hot...for a mom".

    Needless to say, there was no second date.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    This entire thread makes me want to cry.....my heart goes out to each and everyone one of you that has been ridiculed, insulted, slammed, rejected and generally made to feel like you are less of a "human being" for being overweight. Wow.....just wow.....Feel free to add me as a friend. Been there, done that.....:ohwell:

    I second that. It makes me so sad that people's family (especially PARENTS) and significant others can be so cruel...I haven't been overweight for that much of my life and have been really fortunate to overall have supportive and kind people in my life...but I do have guy friends who have unknowingly made fat jokes (about other people) and then wonder why I'm offended...

    I also wanted to respond to the comment someone made about feeling kind of invisible when overweight...I didn't get made fun of (to my knowledge) very often even when I was at my heaviest but I was kind of ignored when I went out...I notice that now that I've dropped alot of weight...I get a lot more attention, even from strangers...it's kind of weird.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    It's amazing and at the same time very pitiful how cruel people are...it makes me think of my days in jr and high school...hated it! I was actually very thin and short...with acne, so I got teased every day of my life and it was miserable. I hated going to school except for being in the marching band which was my only escape. I really think that all of the teasing and bullying contributed to the depression that I went through as a teen, but I finally started cussing people out and they pretty much left me alone once they knew that if they said the wrong thing to me that I would say something 10 times worse! Anyway since I've married, had kids and gained weight, I used to get the 'are you pregnant' thing quite often...I really did look pregnant but it's just weird that people assume when they don't even know you..the people I know are not like that(thank God...don't wanna have to cuss out relatives,lol), but strangers can be really moronic when it comes to looks and their opinions of other people! We should keep our heads up because we are wonderful people and I'm so glad that I found this site where we can get all of the crap out of our systems. It's strange how we can hold things in for so long! It's all in the past and we are on our way to a wonderful future, so let's enjoy the present. It's not our problem how some idiot thinks...it's theirs!
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    When my gallbladder failed, I swelled up in the abdominal area. I didn't know my gallbladder was the problem, so I was already SUPER sensitive about it. I had a clerk at Wal*Mart ask me when I was due. I looked at her and said that I wasn't pregnant, I was just fat. I burst into tears when I got to the car though.
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    Hugs to all of you -- None of us deserved this kind of treatment.....people can be so cruel and heartless.

    I didn't even realize I was chubby till 3rd grade. Long story short -- my biological mother was killed in a car accident and I was placed in foster care. A year later I was adopted by a family. What followed was the worst 4 years of my life. She would call me Miss Piggy in front of everyone. She would lecture me till 2, 3, 4 am about how fat and disgusting I was. During these lectures she would make me hold gallon jugs from the freezer to demonstrate how much extra weight I carried around. She used to make me run around the block -- I say "make me"because she would follow me in her truck. She would "test" me -- asking me to bend at the waist till I touched the floor -- knees locked -- when I continued to "pass" -- she would have me stand on books lol. She enrolled me in track -- distance only explaining to the coach that I needed the extra exercise. when I got to join the swim team -- she told me in front of my team that she couldn't stand coming to our meets because I looked like a disgusting beached whale. She criticized what I ate all the time -- a lot of "do you really need that?"

    To this day -- the voice in my head that tries so hard to drag me down -- sounds like her.

    I was unadopted and went back to foster care. Part of my case plan had to do with eating and exercising -- and watching me around boys since it was known that overweight teenagers were promiscuous due to low self esteem. Here I thought we chased the boys for exercise lol. In one home -- I started out with "short stuff" as my nickname -- and as the weight gain continued -- I was called "overstuffed". i also had a foster sister that called me Mam-moo.

    In school, I was called every fat name you can imagine. A certain group of young males would sing "Fatty Fatty 2 by 4, can't fit in the classroom door" (Even though I could lol). When ever some one was mad at me - I was the fat b**** lol.

    After my divorce -- I was approached in a bar by a man wearing a T shirt that said "I f*** the fat friends". I did let him buy me a drink -- then left with friends lol.

    My daughter's father -- when I announced I was pregnant -- said to me "But you're so fat -- how can you tell??"

    A lady I work with -- she always tries to give me her left overs from lunch. And I want to believe she's just being nice -- but it reeks of "I know you're fat and all you want to do is eat -- so here's more food."

    I know what doesn't kill us makes us stronger right?? But some days I don't feel so strong -- and those are the days those memories play over and over. I just keep imagining myself on the Maury Povich show -- you know -- the one where we get to face our tormentors as total hotties. I really miss that show lol
  • crakmasta
    crakmasta Posts: 16 Member
    When I went back home to visit my parents a few years back, one of my dads friends was there, and says "hey what happened?" while poking his finger at my belly like the pillsbury dough boy. After that when ever I visited, I never came out when they had company.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Emotional abuse is so hard to deal with. My mother was very emotionally abusive when I was growing up, even though I was a good weight. She would tell me things like it was ok if I was stupid because I still had my looks, or I was pretty so I was going to be a slut. I honestly think that played a huge role in why I became so obsessed with my weight. I felt that if I lost my looks I had nothing left and was worthless. My ex reinforced this attitude when I put on a little weight (at my heaviest with him I was 175 and 5'7"). He would tell me that I was too fat to be attractive and he didn't want to have anything to do with me intimately. When we broke up I actually starved myself into multiple ulcers throughout my digestive tract. While I am still working on my self esteem issues, I have a wonderful husband who is helping me through it.

    Who is your support person?
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    the most hurtful comment came from my best friend in high school. it was when i was 60 pounds thinner than i am now and pretty deep into my restricting behaviors (that was way before the binging started). she got into the habit of calling my "Skelator" and said that everyone at school (including her boyfriend who i cared for as a friend) thought i was gross because i was too thin. i remember one day on vacation when she refused to rub sunscreen on my back because my spine grossed her out. granted i was way too thin at the time, it was extremely hurtful.

    one thing i've noticed since gaining weight is that people seem less courteous. i swear people used to hold open doors and say hello out of the blue but that doesn't seem to happen anymore. whenever i lose weight, people get polite all of a sudden. it's weird...whenever i gain weight i seem to become invisible : /

    The invisible thing is not in your imagination. It's a proven fact that thinner people get the jobs, perks, etc. I'm in outside sales. When I'm thinner, I get alot more time with perspective customers than when I'm chunky. (Most all my clients are men.)