What's the worst thing someone has said to about being overw



  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    When I was 14 my music teacher was walking behind me....I had a ruffly jean skirt on (it was the early 90's people!) and he said "Why would you wear a skirt with legs like that?"

    Ouch....and yikes, all at the same time.

    My mom told me when I was about 17....that no man would want me the way that I was.

    Good times, good times :wink:

    Anyone know of a good therapist?? :laugh:
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    hey yeah Ladies... I got the "pregnant" comments too...
    another stand-out: "Here Comes Santa Claus" (while wearing a red shirt)
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I feel so bad for every poster on this thread. I can relate to these comments as my mom told me I was fat every chance she got. I always hated the way I looked, and it got worse when I was married to an extremely abusive man. To this day I can't stand to get dressed or shower in front of my (different) husband, who is very supportive of my weight loss efforts.
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    I wasn't exactly fat, just a little chubby, but my much fatter boyfriend in high school said he was happy to hear I was jogging because I'd look really cute if I was skinny.
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I've had a lot of comments. The one that always stands out was from a guy I went on a date with. Our first date and he told me if I lost 40 pounds and did some weight lifting I'd be perfect. I just couldn't believe it since it was a first date, and he asked me out again. I didn't go. He found me on Facebook a few months ago. I've lost more than 40 pounds and he has gained at least that much.
  • rosec005
    rosec005 Posts: 67 Member
    I was called "jelly roll" in 4th grade. I've never forgotten that comment.
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I've been asked if I was pregnant a couple times.... honestly that was part of my inspiration for joining this site.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    When i was pregnant the 1st time I was clearly over weight. A co-worker or mine brought the big bowl of homemade cookies and was literally walking around the bowl to hand them out. He gave one to the girl standing behind me and I went to get one and he pulled the bowl back and said, "are you gaining too much weight? I don't want your doctor calling me like its my fault." I was dumbfounded.
  • ms_blonde_2008
    I never really had any weight problems, But the last time I visited my family in Ohio (April 3rd- 6th of this year), Everyone I knew, especially in my family, kept asking me if I was pregnant even though I had told them 'no, I'm not pregnant' several times during my visit. It is what made decided that it is really time to start losing weight, and then I found this wonderful site filled with the most wonderful, encouraging people! (I am planning another visit to see my family in Ohio at the end of this month. Hopefully I wont be asked if I'm pregnant as I plan to lose 10- 15 pounds before the visit.)

    Oh and the other day while at work, my manager was giving me a shirt that we're suppose to wear for the next few weeks if wanted to. He asked me what size do I wear and I said 'Large'. He looked at me and said, 'Well, the shirts shrink so I'll give you an X-Large" (not that anything is wrong with whatever shirt size you wear.) Whether he was telling the truth about it 'shrinking easily' or not, it still kind of hurt my feelings because the large shirts I already wear are kind of loose on me. (However, I was told today by another co-worker that they were out of large's and that was why he gave me an X-Large, but still).
  • CherryteaMT
    CherryteaMT Posts: 47
    just two weeks ago in a heated argument my husband said "i want my hot wife back"

    my mom told me several years when i was in between jobs that i needed to lose weight cuz no one would hire a chubby girl.

    i was called Chunky most of my childhood from some very mean boys...
  • shrinkingkristy
    shrinkingkristy Posts: 14 Member
    Oh wow...where do I begin?

    I've always been chubby. My Dad's entire family is chubby. My Mom, however, is 5'7" and 110lbs soaking wet. When would go out with her, even as a lttle girl, people would question if she was my REAL mom because of my weight.

    In high school, I was in color guard all year round, so I stayed active with that, and I took extra gym classes. My senior year, our guard costumes were crushed green velvet unitards (we had a Riverdance-themed show). I was told I HAD to wear a girdle under mine or we might get docked points.

    Many, many comments from my grandma about how I'm "cute" but I have the potential to be beautiful...if I lose weight.

    When my husband and I announced our engagement, my mother in law said "Oh, so it will be a while before you get married, then? I know you'll have to special order you dress. Stores don't carry that size." (FTR, I bought my dress off the rack, and had only minor alterations done)

    The first time I met my husband's paternal grandmother, she turned to my husband's dad (at Chirstmas in front of 25 peole I'd never met before) and said "Oh, Jeff certainly likes fat girls, doesnt he?"

    Most recently (and the straw that finally broke the camel's back), I was helping my mother in law's sister organize her closet...she is a size 0. I complimented a dress she owns and her response was "Thanks. It's too bad you'll never get to wear cute clothes."

    After that, I am no longer speaking to my in-laws.
  • carmenvo
    carmenvo Posts: 34
    My previous job was pretty intens but I liked it a lot and my colleagues were great. We had three teams of five project managers and one BD/teamleader. We sat on those little islands in a circle so we made jokes all the time, got frustrated, shouted at each other, higged, high fived,... you get the picture. One of those colleagues was a guy who made comments every time someone went to the kitchen to get a snack. Not just me, every one, I have to admit that but still: pretty confronting. One time I went to get a snack (99 calories cookies, you know) and he, once again, "are you eating AGAIN?" while it was my first snack that day 'cause, you know, I was on a diet. I just lost it and one of my other teammember (also a girl, but skinny and beautiful) totally supported me and joined me in my tantrum. The guy was in shock, type: big mouth, very small heart and looked to our BD with his puppy eyes but totally mad. BD:"What? You're going to be angry while you were an a**? You know nothing about women do you?"

    Felt quite good.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Then there's the back handed compliments.... "wow, you have such a pretty face!" While looking at me up and down, critiquing the rest of me...*kitten* wipes....

    I got that and a few others from some of my old friends, needless to say I don't hang around them anymore and that was when I was between 40 - 42 kgs so I can just imagine what they would say now.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I've been asked if I was pregnant a couple times.... honestly that was part of my inspiration for joining this site.
    I got offered a seat on the Underground because I looked pregnant. I accepted out of spite :tongue:
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    My dad always used to make comments about my "belly" since I hold most of my weight there instead of it spreading out everywhere. When I was 18 I dropped about 30lbs and had pretty much stopped eating, he thought it was a good idea to stop teasing me. Haven't heard a thing about it since, even though I've gained about 20 of those lbs back.

    My dad did exactly the same thing and it hurt so bad, he has stopped now after I began to starve myself and lost a few kilos and then my step mum helped me get out of that frame of mind and talked to my dad, needless to say my dad has not said anything to me since then but now my friend does and she can't help herself especially when I am sitting down or treating my self to a donut or chocolate, I hate it but I don't know what to do or say to her about it.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    On the subject of backhanded compliments, I hate, "You look...well". It's like they couldn't find anything else pleasant to say about my face, my body, my demeanour, my clothes, my shoes...
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    My grandmother....

    'You're never going to get married cuz no boys like a chubby girl. That's why you're single, isn't it?'

    I didn't have the heart to tell her my boyfriend is Black...but probably should've cuz that would've shut her up...
  • JenniferH81
    JenniferH81 Posts: 285 Member
    I recently just had a talk with my mother which consisted of her telling me I should be like her neighbor and get 30k worth of liposuction and drop down to a size 10.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    What awful people there are out there. :angry:
    I recently just had a talk with my mother which consisted of her telling me I should be like her neighbor and get 30k worth of liposuction and drop down to a size 10.
    What a horrible thing for her to suggest.

    Tell her you'd love to do it, and could she give you the 30k. Then spend it on a fabulous six month holiday. You'll have reached your target weight anyway by the time you get back - look mom no scars! :bigsmile:
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    My ex boyfriend: I was 20, size UK10 (i.e. not overweight at all, especially as I am 5'10"). He referred to me as his 'women'...when I pointed out that surely he meant to say 'woman', he laughed and said,

    "No, there's enough of you for two." :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Needless to say he rapidly discovered he was single! :laugh:

    ETA: I'll read the rest of the horror stories later.