"Hot" celebrities that you find unattractive



  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    First, Gerard Butler is mentioned (sorry, I had to throw some goodness into the mix) and now a picture of Alexander Skarsgård has been posted. This thread is going way off topic.

    Lol, I think its bad karma to only post bad things...so I try to balance the ugly with the uhhhhhmazing.

    I don't know what the reference to the poo is??? I'm going to say even the funniest looking celebrity is better than poo...
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77

  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member


    I want to rub my face on his smooth, hairless pits
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77
    I find several unattractive but here are a few that I just can't understand. I don't get America's fascination...

    1. Ben Affleck
    2. George Clooney
    3. Vin Diesel

    yuk, yuk and yuk!
    But Vin Diesel is all about the voice. I'd let that man whisper sweet nothings into my ear all night long. Hooooey, someone get me a cold glass of water! :blushing:

    I love Vin when he plays tatted up bad boy! His voice is what makes him for sure!
  • DumbDoorKnob
    DumbDoorKnob Posts: 31 Member
    What a great topic! LOL. I bet I could think of a bunch, but I know off the top of my head Orlando Bloom...Adrien Brody...Robert Pattinson. For girls...Natalie Portman...Tori Spelling...Jessica Alba. And personally...I know everyone loves her, and I love her music...but I don't really understand the whole Katy Perry as hot. Hot enough to be Maxim's #1 and the next year #3? I think of her more as cute, if that...definitely not hot!
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    I don't know what the reference to the poo is??? I'm going to say even the funniest looking celebrity is better than poo...

    Hmmm, I dunno -- the following might upset your theory on Poo vs. Celebrity:


    *rubs her eyes repeatedly with sandpaper*

    Now... let's get back to this:
    But I will give the ladies some HOT eye candy to get all the ugliness out of your mind :)


    ^^ Bet his haggis is scrumptious, indeed.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Johnny Dep and Orlando Bloom!
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    I really don't think that Tom Hanks is all that attractive. I was a bit upset to see him in the Angels and Demons and The DiVinci Code
  • Golden83
    Golden83 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok maybe its just me but....

    Beyonce is pretty, but this whole Booty thing? Her mother made an excellent comment, its not about what you wear on the outside, its about what you wear underneath. Undergarments are key which is probably why sometimes she has a butt and other times its flat!

    As far as NOT cute, Wesley Snipes, Wendy Williams, Simon Cowell, and is it me or did Beyonce suck up all the good genes and leave Solange with absolutely nothing!? Although I do like her better with short natural hair...
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    Tom Cruise is ugly, Robert Pattinson is weird looking, I can't stand Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie has big lips and I can't stand her. I also agree with the Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a horse post and Julia Roberts looks sort of like one too... I love Johnny Depp's movies and he is hilarious, but he does not have the hotness.

    Oh, and Wendy Williams looks like a man.

    That guy in the picture under the dog poo is very yummy though.
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77
    Kendra Wilkins (playboy) PUKE!
    Demi Moore!

    Brad Pitt
    Mel gibson

    I love loveeeeeeeee Gerard Butler, Matthew McConaughey & Johnny Depp
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    Too many to name. :p

    I DO think Mariska from L&O: SVU is verryyyy beautiful <3
    Also, I think Johnny Depp is dreamy along with Viggo M. but only when he has a beard. [like in lord of the rings lolol]
  • cowpoke06
    cowpoke06 Posts: 171
    Ha! This reminds me of the episode of "The Office" when they debated whether Hilary Swank was hot or not.

    My picks for fugly are Cameron Diaz and Renee Zellwegger... dropped as babies...... on their faces....

    ewwww I hate Renee Zellwegger. She got wayyyyy to skinny and gaunt. I liked her in me myself and irene, she looked normal then. But in Chicago...gross.
  • cowpoke06
    cowpoke06 Posts: 171
    Okay, sorry, I think Pattinson is hot......but Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Anniston, Kate Moss, Renee Zielw..whatever it i....s all uggg!!

    I also don't think David Beckin whatever...married to Posh is "the sexiest man alive....." I don't think so!!!

    Hot= Ryan Reynolds, boys from Supernatural, Desmond Harrington, Paul Walker, Ryan Gosling

    Pretties= Kate Winslet, Jennifer Lopez, Katherine Heigl, ......

    boys from supernatural are def yummy. my mom has a crush on them, it's hilarious
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460

    Hmmm, I dunno -- the following might upset your theory on Poo vs. Celebrity:

    *rubs her eyes repeatedly with sandpaper*

    Now... let's get back to this:

    I didn't repost the picture because nobody deserves that twice. Carrot Top is on 'roids now? I think I just joined the other team....and I spit water all over my monitor when I gagged on that btw.
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Johnny Depp does NOTHING for me.
    Penelope Cruz is hideous to me for some reason.
  • cowpoke06
    cowpoke06 Posts: 171
    Here's another one .... Channing Tatum!

    I <3 me some channing tatum...I can't even think about him right now
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    Jennifer Aniston, Eva Mendes, Cameron Diaz, Reese Witherspoon, Denise Richards, Gwynth Paltrow, Claire Danes.

    Although I don't consider her a "celebrity"...that Snookie chick from that one show that makes you stupid. Fug-ly.
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    I didn't repost the picture because nobody deserves that twice. Carrot Top is on 'roids now? I think I just joined the other team....and I spit water all over my monitor when I gagged on that btw.

    L.M.A.O. Friend request incoming...
  • jackal75
    jackal75 Posts: 95
    Paris Hilton... thin is great, skinney is somewhat ok, but Paris is into anorexic which would be like getting it on with a skeleton.

    Cameron Diaz... see Paris Hilton

    Lady GaGa... Have plenty of friends that say she has a "bangin' body", but I can't get past that horse face of hers.