FireRunners (C25K May 9th group) Week 1!!



  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Well i just finished my w1d2. I ran at night with my son. But it was really hard. I didn't do very well, i just couldn't get my head into it. Im going to do day 2 over again. What can i do to get into it. Any ideas.

    It's OK to have a bad workout. I've been running for 3 years. You just put it behind you...and build on the next run. You'll do fine!

    Myself, I usually bring my IPOD and listen to music or a Podcast. I also try to challenge myself... i.e. Can I make it up the hill in this interval, can I reach that sign post...

    Just remember... Rome wasn't built in a day! It will take practice... but you will feel amazing when you complete that first 5k. I promise you, you will!
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member

    I would like to join your group. Downloaded the app today, started and finished Week 1, Day 1. It was tough, but I finished it. :happy:
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    So do i run tomorrow or do i rest. Sence i only ran half the time ...
  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    w1d2 complete!

    i definitely friggen do better in the morning. friday's workout will be done before breakfast again.
  • allimax2002
    allimax2002 Posts: 83 Member
    @jeffrodgers1---The advice seemed so simple, and I really just wanted to go with the wind right from the start. But clearly, I am more like the turtle and slow and steady will be my key! I'm so glad I tried again and I really am encouraged to keep at it! I would love to be a runner, which I have never been. I think completing this program and being able to finish a 5k in a timely mannor is a good first fitness goal for me. :-)
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I went out W1D2 yesterday and got bit by a dog about 3/4 of the way through, right on the back of my knee.

    Do any of you that run outside ever deal with this? Un-leashed dogs? if so what do you do? I am off for a few days to let this heal some and then will get back to it!
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    I went out W1D2 yesterday and got bit by a dog about 3/4 of the way through, right on the back of my knee.

    Do any of you that run outside ever deal with this? Un-leashed dogs? if so what do you do? I am off for a few days to let this heal some and then will get back to it!

    Ughhh that is my worst fear running outside!! Yikes! :frown: There are unleashed dogs in my neighborhood that chase me sometimes but usually they don't bite me... I would try to avoid that area if I were you, find a different route or if there's a park in your area with a walking path that might be a good option... Don't want to get rabies just because you were trying to stay in shape lol :smile:

    ETA: I came here today because I got a heart rate monitor yesterday! I'm so happy! :bigsmile: I took a walk outside this morning to clear my head (I was about to go insane in this house :grumble: ) and found out I burn more calories walking than I think I do (or than MFP says I do!!). Tomorrow ought to be great!! :smile:
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I started running at night. Alot of dogs are in the house at that time and not so many people are out to see me. I have noticed that in the morning after a day of running. My hips hurt. Is there any stretch i can do before or after.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I started running at night. Alot of dogs are in the house at that time and not so many people are out to see me. I have noticed that in the morning after a day of running. My hips hurt. Is there any stretch i can do before or after.
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    W1D2 Complete! I broke out in a sweat today :happy:
  • alygoo615
    alygoo615 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm a little further along since I started earlier than most but I'm sure we will all catch up to each other at some point. I just completed W3D1 and it was a bit challenging but it is all mental for me- I know this. Week 3 was a 5 minute warm up and two reps of the following- 90 second run, 90 sec walk, 3 min run, 3 min walk...

    For most of us it isn't going to be the physical part that is going to hinder you- it is the mental. I have asthma so I run on a treadmill for now so I don't have as many issues. I run at a 1% incline to more accurately mimic running outside. I have a tough time psyching myself out because I don't have the energy, or I'm having a tougher time breathing... I haven't passed out or threw up yet, so I know that I can push myself harder :)

    One of the best inspirational quotes I've had so far that has really helped me- Enjoy this experience- the miracle is not that you will finish, adn you will. This miracle is that you had the courage to start.

    I also think about seeing military vets with only one leg running a race. I have two working legs- they may get sore at times, they might want me to think they aren't going to carry me another few paces- but they will. I see people twice my weight participating in 5Ks and I have yet to run one. We can all do this- we are darn lucky to have the ability and means to do so.

    This is my second attempt at the C25k- I failed the first time because I underestimated how challenging it was going to be and I wasn't up for the challenge at that time- I was expecting it to be extremely easy which it wasn't. Some days are better than others- it's so much about your attitude. I also was going way too fast- and pushing myself way too hard. I started doing a very brisk walk during the walks and a full run (not sprint) during the runs. I wasn't ready for that- now that I have changed it to a still brisk, but slower walk and a fast jog, I am doing much better!
  • NDBee
    NDBee Posts: 4
    W1D1 done on Tuesday, and I'm heading out to do W1D2 when the little guy I'm watching lays down for his nap. I am going to keep this up!
  • Tarah40
    Tarah40 Posts: 75 Member
    I did exactly the same thing on my first run, started with a real spring in my step and almost needed peeling off the floor by the last, lol. I did my second run on the treadmill because it was raining and found that I was able to keep the pace steady and found it a bit easier so concentrated on running slower for my third. I'm attempting w1 d2 tonight, hopefully I'll be around to tell the tale tomorrow xx
  • Makers72
    Makers72 Posts: 65
    Well i completed W1D2 tonight, even though i was completely unmotivated today and did not feel at all like doing this run lol.

    I sweated though 85 degrees is no joke :) (for us northerners in ohio!)
  • Yary
    Yary Posts: 28
    Just completed W2 D2 tonight. Its a great stress relaxing experience after a long week. The only upside is that I did it around 9pm so Ive been wired and cant fall asleep. Not looking forward to getting up at 6. Good luck to everyone on their runs tomorrow. Remember that its more mental then physical. Stay positive!
  • Jayni40
    Jayni40 Posts: 123 Member
    W1D2 its finally starting to get tolerable. This is my third week repeating week1 mind you. But now I feel like I can finally move on to week 2 . How long it will take me to get through week 2? Remains to be seen!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    oh this is a bigger group! love it!

    im on week 2 and will be doing day 3 tonight! so far im enjoying it loads!
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I would like to join in. I did W1D1 on Tuesday and will do D2 tonight after work.
    Any suggestions on a podcast for C25K? I have iPod Nano, 3rd gen so apps are out and the podcast I have is an annoying computerized voice with no music!! I find the silence makes me keep thinking "is it time to walk yet?"
  • Sarean
    Sarean Posts: 77
    I woke up early today to do Day 3 before I log on for work. I got through about 20 minutes and had to stop b/c I started feeling light headed.

    So if I'm going to get up in the mornings to do the program, should I eat something small first?
  • Sarean
    Sarean Posts: 77
    W1D2 its finally starting to get tolerable. This is my third week repeating week1 mind you. But now I feel like I can finally move on to week 2 . How long it will take me to get through week 2? Remains to be seen!!

    I love that you're sticking with the program no matter how long it takes you to get through each week!

    “Most of us serve our ideals by fits and starts. The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication.” -Cecil B. De Mille