Considering Atkins



  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    In my last sentence I mentioned I wasn't referring to you in a negative way but replying to the French diet which made me laugh. If my comment came across negative -it wasn't meant to so I apologize.
    Thank you. I just get sick of the holier than thou attitudes some people have about their diet. I just see it as finding something that works as a lifestyle for you. We are all different, and therefor have different needs. If you find a lifestyle that works for you, that is amazing! But to say that people that choose to follow a different path are basically ignorant just rubs me wrong. Obviously LOL (And that goes both ways in this discussion)

    Obvisouly if someone is donig something totally unheatlhy to their bodies that could cause them damage, that is a different story.

    People eating junk food because it is in their calorie range is doing something unhealthy and damaging to their body.

    I don't get where people that are focusing on whole and natural foods are gving off this holier than thou attitude???? It is words on a computer screen. I don't get any emotion from the computer screen.

    I believe the emotions mostly come from a place where it sticks with the person that is reading it and some how becomes offended. **merely my opinion*** I have done it in the past myself, I have since gotten a grip because there is no emotion there in reality.

    I tried to stay off this forum because of the ignorant comments, but I can't sit back anymore and say nothing.

    All of the demeaning posts in regards to the Atkisn Lifestyle is due to unedcation about the plan and going off of something they definition that is ignorance, whether it be the person or the comment, it still goes back to the person.

    There is nothing about the Atkins plan that is unhealthy. The facts, studies and the peeople that have successfully gotten their health back are there.

    I challenge every single person that has something negative to say about the Atkins plan to sign up for a website called low carb friends and check out the success stories and educate yourself about it, even if you would never embark on the journey.

    Just to educate yourself and arm yuorself with a bit more knowledge. Learn something new today!!!! I challenge you!!!

    To those of you that did the Induction phase and never moved on to the other phases - well you didn't do the Atkins plan. There are 4 phases to that plan.......

    To the person that said you can't have bread on Atkins - your wrong. Plain and simple.

    It is a temporary removal of bread until you add back in all of your veggie carbs, fruit carbs, dairy, beans, legumes, lentils, starchier vegetables and then you add in grains. They are added back in last because they are highest on the glycemic index..............

    Here is a post I made recently outlining all 4 phases of the Atkins plan. I thought it would dispell a lot of the myths, but I was so wrong after reading these posts here. <<<<SMH>>>
    I never said every single person in this thread was doing that. If you read my posts at all I have never condemned those that have chosen to eat primal. Ever.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233

    I don't get where people that are focusing on whole and natural foods are gving off this holier than thou attitude???? It is words on a computer screen. I don't get any emotion from the computer screen.

    I believe the emotions mostly come from a place where it sticks with the person that is reading it and some how becomes offended. **merely my opinion*** I have done it in the past myself, I have since gotten a grip because there is no emotion there in reality.


    I tried to stay off this forum because of the ignorant comments, but I can't sit back anymore and say nothing.

    All of the demeaning posts in regards to the Atkisn Lifestyle is due to unedcation about the plan and going off of something they definition that is ignorance, whether it be the person or the comment, it still goes back to the person.

    Heh. Well, ok then. Also..
    To the person that said you can't have bread on Atkins - your wrong. Plain and simple.

    That was me, and I dont care. I still would not stick with that diet, which was my point. If your diet works for you thats awesome...
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member

    I don't get where people that are focusing on whole and natural foods are gving off this holier than thou attitude???? It is words on a computer screen. I don't get any emotion from the computer screen.

    I believe the emotions mostly come from a place where it sticks with the person that is reading it and some how becomes offended. **merely my opinion*** I have done it in the past myself, I have since gotten a grip because there is no emotion there in reality.


    I tried to stay off this forum because of the ignorant comments, but I can't sit back anymore and say nothing.

    All of the demeaning posts in regards to the Atkisn Lifestyle is due to unedcation about the plan and going off of something they definition that is ignorance, whether it be the person or the comment, it still goes back to the person.

    Heh. Well, ok then. Also..
    To the person that said you can't have bread on Atkins - your wrong. Plain and simple.

    That was me, and I dont care. I still would not stick with that diet, which was my point. If your diet works for you thats awesome...

    Then what is the point of posting in this thread where the OP is asking for advice because of a desire to eat according to the Atkins way.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I purposely wrote my post in a way that there is NO WAY anyone could take offense to it,,,,, guess I was wrong. I put IMO at least three times to indicate it was my opinion that this lifestyle is the right choice and that it will work for “MOST” people. It is my opinion that this lifestyle is the best option for most people willing to give it a real shot. But that is just like anything in life, are you (in the generic sense) willing to do what it takes? One person already posted here they are not, they will not give up their pet foods, even if they know it’s unhealthy, rock on, at least they are being honest with themselves and us here.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268

    I don't get where people that are focusing on whole and natural foods are gving off this holier than thou attitude???? It is words on a computer screen. I don't get any emotion from the computer screen.

    I believe the emotions mostly come from a place where it sticks with the person that is reading it and some how becomes offended. **merely my opinion*** I have done it in the past myself, I have since gotten a grip because there is no emotion there in reality.


    I tried to stay off this forum because of the ignorant comments, but I can't sit back anymore and say nothing.

    All of the demeaning posts in regards to the Atkisn Lifestyle is due to unedcation about the plan and going off of something they definition that is ignorance, whether it be the person or the comment, it still goes back to the person.

    Heh. Well, ok then. Also..
    To the person that said you can't have bread on Atkins - your wrong. Plain and simple.

    That was me, and I dont care. I still would not stick with that diet, which was my point. If your diet works for you thats awesome...

    Then what is the point of posting in this thread where the OP is asking for advice because of a desire to eat according to the Atkins way.
    I post on these posts to give my own personal expericence with Atkins, and how it was not for me. Maybe my experience will help the OP make a decision, maybe not. When you ask a question on a public forum you are going to get a variety of responses, which is what I think MOST of us want.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    I purposely wrote my post in a way that there is NO WAY anyone could take offense to it,,,,, guess I was wrong. I put IMO at least three times to indicate it was my opinion that this lifestyle is the right choice and that it will work for “MOST” people. It is my opinion that this lifestyle is the best option for most people willing to give it a real shot. But that is just like anything in life, are you (in the generic sense) willing to do what it takes? One person already posted here they are not, they will not give up their pet foods, even if they know it’s unhealthy, rock on, at least they are being honest with themselves and us here.

    That is the thing though, how would you know what would work for most people? It works for you, which is fantastic. Really. And maybe it will work for a lot of people on this site. Also fantastic. But there is a huge leep between that and "If people actually did what it takes it would work for them". Sure, if I followed your diet of choice I would lose weight. But I would NOT be a happy person, and it would not be something I could maintain for the rest of my life. It is frustrating when you appear to look down on other peoples choices because they do not mirror your own.
  • rja1016
    rja1016 Posts: 1
    The Atkins Diet is a god diet, but it is not the easiest to maintain. My wife has always sufferred from food alergies, but could never figure out what gave her pains. She went on the Atkins Diet a few years ago and her pain completely went away. The induction phase eliminates breads, and it was dificult for her to do so with all we depend on bread in our diets. In short, it worked for her, but eventually, she let it go. In my mind, I still have trouble with the idea of substituding fried pork rinds and a steak in a diet in place of fruits. But results are results and it did work for my wife. Good luck.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I purposely wrote my post in a way that there is NO WAY anyone could take offense to it,,,,, guess I was wrong. I put IMO at least three times to indicate it was my opinion that this lifestyle is the right choice and that it will work for “MOST” people. It is my opinion that this lifestyle is the best option for most people willing to give it a real shot. But that is just like anything in life, are you (in the generic sense) willing to do what it takes? One person already posted here they are not, they will not give up their pet foods, even if they know it’s unhealthy, rock on, at least they are being honest with themselves and us here.

    That is the thing though, how would you know what would work for most people? It works for you, which is fantastic. Really. And maybe it will work for a lot of people on this site. Also fantastic. But there is a huge leep between that and "If people actually did what it takes it would work for them". Sure, if I followed your diet of choice I would lose weight. But I would NOT be a happy person, and it would not be something I could maintain for the rest of my life. It is frustrating when you appear to look down on other peoples choices because they do not mirror your own.

    Now I think I understand. First I do not look down my nose at other peoples choice of foods they eat, to be completely honest I do think some people chose to eat a certain way for idiotic reasons, which have nothing to do with the food or the health benefits they may get from said food, but that is a topic I will not get into here.

    The reason I KNOW this will work for most people is this; Most people are humans (ok lighten up all people are humans), but my point is, despite what everyone says (not all people are alike, this diet isn’t for everyone, yada, yada, yada.) Physiologically we all pretty much the same, I know there are cases where people have allergies, or some other non-norm make up, I GET IT. But for the most part we all process food the same way, this life style IMO (and from the reading I have done) will provide better health, shall I say closer to optimal health than that of other ways of eating and sure as heck, without a doubt, better than SAD.

    That is my opinion (somewhat informed opinion) take it or leave it, or better yet provide a counter (informed) opinion. But don’t read into my comments things that are not there, if you want to count calories for the rest of your life, good for you, if you want to eat veggies (because you think they are the healthy option) good for you, if you want to eat nothing but Zebra dung, go for it, I DON’T CARE. But don’t come on here (and you didn’t) and say ignorant stuff like, good luck with that stroke, because that is garbage.
  • BodyByBrusselSprouts
    BodyByBrusselSprouts Posts: 49 Member
    You are all weird.

  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    You are all weird.


    Not telling me something I don't already know :bigsmile:
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member

    That doesn't really answer my question. And also WTH??? I think you may be confusing participants in this thread.

    I thought I had answered the question. If I did not, I have to ask you to reword it... because my previous post did not answer your question to your satisfaction, then I really dont think I understand what you are asking. Sorry about that.

    Also: no, I did not confuse posters. You just quoted my response to someone else. Since it was someone else's post that spawned the post I made, that you then asked a question about, it was necessary to include for context. I assume you are referring to the 'uneducation' comment when you asked that, btw...if you are not, then I'm not sure what you mean.

    still doesn't answer my question of why - if someone is asking for support in going Low Carb - immediately the army of naysayers descend to dissuade him or her. Mostly making blanket statements based on hearsay and their own aborted experience with the Atkins induction phase.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233

    still doesn't answer my question of why - if someone is asking for support in going Low Carb - immediately the army of naysayers descend to dissuade him or her. Mostly making blanket statements based on hearsay and their own aborted experience with the Atkins induction phase.

    Oh, okay. That's significantly different, but the same answer applies:

    Again, I just find it funny how attached people get to a specific DIET. The process just isnt as important as the result. It's like if someone is debating on taking a train, or taking an airplane. If you get to where you want to go on time, does it really matter which you took?
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Zeromilediet - LOL ditto to everything you said also! You seem to be eating much like me. You are always welcome on the Primal/Paleo group. :)

    Zero mile diet, interesting name! I *try my best* do the 100mile diet - your name makes me think you may be doing the same?!

    For those that don't know the 100mile diet isn't a diet at all persay but a commitement to eating, buying and supporting locally grown foods that are seasonal, fresh, hormone and not genetically modified. Anyone interested for more read here:

    The name comes from trying to grow my own food, walking to the backyard for my food: zero miles :-) It's not easy with a growing season that lasts 145 days but have a garden planted with beets, onions, brussel sprouts, carrots, radishes, numerous lettuce varieties, swiss chard, kale, cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and apples. Local bylaws prohibit keeping chickens so I get eggs and meat from a nearby farm. People who have ethical problems with eating beef raised in feedlots (like me), can get grass-fed, pasture raised meat which has the added advantage of being leaner (same amount of fat as a skinless chicken breast) and containing CLA, and omega-3 fats (2 to 4 times of feedlot beef, almost as much as wild salmon). The consumer owns the marketplace and if people start demanding grass fed beef in the supermarket, maybe we'll see healthier meat choices more widely available. I'm lucky to live close to a farm-gate source.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451

    still doesn't answer my question of why - if someone is asking for support in going Low Carb - immediately the army of naysayers descend to dissuade him or her. Mostly making blanket statements based on hearsay and their own aborted experience with the Atkins induction phase.

    Oh, okay. That's significantly different, but the same answer applies: Post away, it's just not necessary to be a jerk. This applies to both people 'for' or 'against'.

    Again, I just find it funny how attached people get to a specific DIET. The process just isnt as important as the result. It's like if someone is debating on taking a train, or taking an airplane. If you get to where you want to go on time, does it really matter which you took?

    I know I haven't really been involved in this thread, and this reply has no hostility to it. I wish you could hear voice tones and see expressions on threads- technology ain't a perfect substitute for real life interaction...

    Well, my "attachmentment" to the way I eat comes out of my awareness of how healthy it is for me- how much my life has changed. I truly believe that everyone should live the life that's best for them. I know what is best for me. And when these threads get to me it's because these statements "it's so bad for you", "you're going to have a stroke", "all that fat is going to give you a heart attack", "it's not a realistic way to eat" (these statements are RARELY- and I'm not just talking about this specific thread- made directly to me, but in response to the way I eat), make me upset because they are LIES. I have the weightloss and blood work and happiness to prove it that for ME, at least, this is a HEALTHY SUSTAINABLE lifestyle. And I'm not the only one it works for.

    I'm not gonna jump on a thread about someone touting the deliciousness of their no-fat, low-cal muffins, and scream ALL THAT SUGAR IS GIVING YOU DIABETES-STOP!! It's not my place. I just would like others to do the same.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    clipped ...

    still doesn't answer my question of why - if someone is asking for support in going Low Carb - immediately the army of naysayers descend to dissuade him or her. Mostly making blanket statements based on hearsay and their own aborted experience with the Atkins induction phase.

    I think Freerange's frist comment here tells it all for the OP
    Just make sure you read the book and FOLLOW it. Too many people stop at the induction phase and then wonder what went wrong. Check out Paleo/Primal it's a lot like Atkins but IMO better.

    Zeromilediet - awesomeness! You think much like me!
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233

    I'm not gonna jump on a thread about someone touting the deliciousness of their no-fat, low-cal muffins, and scream ALL THAT SUGAR IS GIVING YOU DIABETES-STOP!! It's not my place. I just would like others to do the same.

    I hear ya. That's really not far from what I'm saying, to be honest.

    Just one thing:

    make me upset because they are LIES

    They are not lies.

    Notice, I'm not saying they are CORRECT, either. They may or may not be (I really have no idea, I'm not a nutritionist). But there is a major difference between someone being wrong, and someone LYING. Saying someone is lying, rather than just wrong, implies an intent to deceive rather than just being, you know, wrong about something. This is a pretty good illustration of what I mean when I say I get a kick out of people taking things so seriously about their diet. You personalize it to such a degree that you assume someone who disagrees with you doesnt actually disagree with you, they actually KNOW what you are saying is right, they are just saying something else intentionally wrong out of spite or something. Either that, or you really dont know the difference between something being a lie and something being wrong...but I doubt that's the case.

    But anyway, like I said I agree with you in a general sense. If it works for you, groovy. If someone asks for input about a particular diet, it would be cool if responses only came from people who knew what they were talking about. This whole thing generally starts from the 'anti' camp rather than the 'pro' camp, so to speak. That's true. I think my comments here have mainly been directed towards people on the 'pro' side of Adkins, but that's only because it so happened that someone from that side responded to me in such a silly manner after my first post (which I thought was pretty reasonable)....but both sides are just as guilty.

    To make an analogy, it's like one side is a hive of hornets and the other side is a hive of yellow jackets.....then I'm the annoying 12 year old poking them both with sticks =D
  • laceylovespink
    This is just MY experience and I think you should do what you feel like is the right thing for YOU after educating yourself about every single angle.

    After having 2 ruptured disks and weighing 250 lbs I was desperate to lose the weight. I tried diet pills, starving, yadda yadda...

    I did Atkins for a year, I stayed in ketosis and never went out of phase 2 (my doctor at the time recommended it) not one single time did I slip, I drank ONLY water and I walked religiously 3 miles every day. In that year I lost 100 pounds and I felt AMAZING. My big staple was taco salad without the taco shell and I ate it all the time. I did miss fruit a lot though, I love fruit. After I lost the weight my husband at the time went ballistic and I gained every single pound back. I do believe what they say about the 'golden' FIRST time...the first time you try it, pounds will literally fly off. But once you jump off the wagon it never ever works the same again (it didn't for me anyway, I'm sure everyone has individual results).

    Five years later I have lost 50 of the pounds I had gained back, only through exercise and eating right. I do fall off the wagon sometimes but it's not like Atkins where it takes 3 full days to fall back into ketosis. It may be in my head but I really think I lost a lot things my body needs now and if I could go back in time I would've never done it that way.

    The largest piece of advice I have after going through all of the ups and downs is to do weight training on top of the cardio. It took me 34 years before anyone actually taught me this. it IS in magazines and all over the internet, but I didn't fully understand it. You must do BOTH to lose weight and be healthy.

    Good luck in whatever you choose to do. After every single diet in the book I personally think that eating a balanced meal and exercise is the ONLY way there is...and everyone is right, once you lose it by eating that way you have to remain eating that way for LIFE or every single ounce and all of your hard work will be for nothing.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi guys,
    I have now unlocked the thread after editing a few posts which contained personal abusive remarks (and other posts which contained these quotes). Please remember that personal insults are not tolerated on the MFP forums and although debating is completely acceptable; arguments steer the thread away from the question asked by the opening poster and can be upsetting for other users to read. Please keep the following rule in mind when posting...

    4) Do not attack/slam/insult other users. The forums are here so that members can help support one another. Attacks or insults against each other takes away from the supportive atmosphere and will not be tolerated. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

    Thank you for your co-operation,

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator :flowerforyou:
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    *I thought I made a post about this, but I could not find it.*

    I am considering Atkins and I know that many frown upon it, but I have been doing alot of research and I really think I would like to give it a go. So much has changed since I tried it 8 years ago. So, I would like to get reviews from anyone who has tried the new Atkins and had success or failure. I want honest reviews and honest opinions please.

    Thanks in advance!

    Okay, so to actually responded to the OP :)

    I have never really "followed" Atkins. My mother went on Atkins 15 years ago when she was told she had diabetes. In the years since she has remained rediculously devoted to her low-carb lifestyle, her diabetes is gone, along with a whole host of other health problems, she feels great and is in amazing shape. She has said it has never been hard for her to sustain Atkins because she feels so much better she would never want to go back to her old eating ways.

    Through her influence, I began looking into low-carb eating, and played around with my diet for years- i've been vegetarian, vegan, raw-vegan, I've done all organic, I've done "complex carb" dieting, and waaaayyy in the past I did all the "diets" of the SAD- weight watchers, eating all smart ones and lean cuisines and slim fasts.

    How I got healthy, and the way of eating that I found for myself through experimenting that made me lose weight the easiest, is closest to Primal/paleo, of all the "defined" ways of eating.- Really, I just try to eat low-carb and natural.
    (I eat as much of the organic/free range stuff as I can- lots of lean meat, tons of eggs, lots of berries and avocados and greens and many many other veggies. I also enduldge in the occasional bit of dairy, Zevia soda, and suagr free gelatin...)

    So if nothing else, what I'm really recommending is experimenting with yourself. I think it's a great idea to try Atkins if you haven't found what works best for you yet. Atkins might be it! And it might not be, but at least you'd learn something about your body.


    Best of luck and love to all :):)
  • meggiemaye
    meggiemaye Posts: 117
    I've spent years living in the Romance countries of Europe and yes, my diet consisted of a lot of pastas and cheeses and wines, but I lost weight and was smaller than I had been since I was 12--but then, I was also walking everywhere (or, at the very least, walking to a bus or train) and spending a large portion of my time outside moving around, which in the US is not very common. :wink:

    Also, I'm with the person who said "we're not judging you, we're judging your diet"--I certainly have nothing against the Paleo/Primals, I'm very happy that they've found a lifestyle that works for them! Truly! :happy: But I really wish they would (1) change the name and the way they describe it, because it carries a connotation with it that it is the way humans originally ate or were originally intended to eat [:noway: VERY VERY WRONG] and (2) be a little bit more careful about the way they encourage people into their fold...the fact is that, like any diet that restricts entire food groups, it's not across-the-board healthy or recommended for the average person.

    I'm not a nutritionist, but I am an archaeologist (and have taken several classes on human nutrition as well as the history of the human diet) and I've seen hundreds of generations of bodies who have given me all the proof I need. :flowerforyou: Whole grains are your friend...not that there's anything wrong with you yourself cutting them out if you want to (Seinfeld!), but to spread the idea that they are bad for you or in any way OUGHT to be cut out for one's health is untrue and irresponsible.

    We've all come here to support each other and yes, these days research can be found on the internet to support almost anything, but maybe we should concentrate on just encouraging each other to eat a healthy, balanced diet that is based on decades and decades of research.

    I'm not sure it will really matter though...I sense this thread is about thisclose to being shut down since it's getting people a little riled up. :tongue: