200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Picture posting doesn't like me! I'm not totally computer stupid, but the directions just aren't cutting it, or I'm missing something. Any ideas? Tried message boards & blog both. I feel kinda dumb right now & it's stressing me out.


  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Tae - Thanks for the butt kicking offer. :P

    In ways, I always need it, just like everyone does. But I got a pretty good "self" butt kicking on Monday. Started with my personal training session and I made the mistake of telling her I wanted to give up. BAD MOVE, lol. She pushed me harder than she ever had and I wanted to die. Scratch that, I *still* want to die. But the major motivator was seeing Tim again. Seeing him be the d-bag that he is and reminding me that this is worth it definitely turned me back in the right direction. I realize I shouldn't be doing this for him, and there are a lot of reasons I'm doing this for me. But the biggest oomph is the "F YOU" I can hand him when I've lost the weight. :happy:
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Congrats to everyone for the great weight loss..... especially Katie & Jenn:drinker:

    I have been down with fever since yesterday & do not feel like eating normal meals and have been having urges to eat sweet & high fat foods OR comfort foods:( I have not made good choices today, though still under my goal & hoping the fever goes away soon! Hardly any energy is leading to no workout & logging in at the end of the day to do the needful with entering my food (though I seriously did not want to do that)

    Just perused & see everyone is doing great!!!! Keep it up & will touch base soon:)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey ladies!
    Day 3 of P90X is complete! It was shoulders and arms plus Ab Raper tonight. I'm sure I will feel it tomorrow more than tonight...especially since I can't make my arms straight from Sundays work out on the chin up bar and push ups! I didn't burn all that many cals, but that isn't what is important with that work out I think. I used the res bands for most of it. I need to get a hang of them. I might need to get a hard one..I used the medium and it wasn't quite enough for a few of the moves. Ab Raper got easier tonight, I figured out the v-up 30 degree move that I hated Sunday night so that helped. Still had to modify though. Looking forward to Yoga tomorrow.
    I'm at 2490 for burn right now...so I should be good on deficit.

    Well, its after 9 already and I am dying to watch Glee finale!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey everyone. so wonderful news. my gain from the past 2 weeks was from TOM water weight. i checked this morning and was back down to 238!!!! *twirls* *cartwheel* *does a happy dance* i am thrilled. hopefully it will continue to go in a downward direction.

    in not so good news i have a tension migraine. it starts above my left eye, wraps around to the back of my head in a diagonal direction into the neck and shoulder muscle. it sucks. its the 2nd one this week. grrr. hopefully i will be able to get rid of it by tomorrow before work . i just took 800mg of ibprophen and now im going to get some sleep. night every one!!!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Another morning. Sun shining. Hubby and daughter out of door on time and I am replying to thread for third day running. All is well!!!!

    Hailie: Hells Hill? Going UP? Are you mad or just fit, fit, fit..........well done you.

    Amber: Sorry to hear about migraine but congrats on going back down two.

    Kendal: Hope wrestling was fun and you managed to text, legibly, throughout!!!! Thanks for step by step - you are very patient. Not had chance to try it yet but, watch this space.

    Lacey: How many days is your PX (kinda assume 90) Anyhow, three down. Which series of Glee are you watching?

    Suzie: Feel better soon.

    Crystal: Yah for more positive thought! - and for a butt kicking personal trainer.....

    Kristina: hope you doing well. Thanks for keeping us organised!

    Karen: You are not the only one who follows ALL the directions and it still does not work.....I am sure this technology stuff has a list of names who they never work for!!!!! Not dumb - just persecuted (hee hee).

    Victoria: thanks for the support - do have a few years on you but nice to know I'm not the only one this side of beginning life.....

    All: thanks for those who have posted their location, looking forward to the rest so I can get out the map.....

    Have a great day

    Annette x
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Tuesday: 2704 calories burned/ 2217 calories consumed/ 487 calorie deficit

    Amber: I'm glad the weight gain wasn't real. I hope your headache feels better.

    Lacey: I love that you call Ab RipperX - Ab Raper, it totally is.

    Suzie: Feel better. Having a fever sucks!

    Crystal: While I agree that you should be losing weight for you, I completely agree that it is very satisfying to send a "F You" message to someone who sorely deserves it.

    Karen: To post pics 1)upload to photobucket 2) copy the IMG code - it begins and ends with [I M G] 3) Paste the IMG code into your MFP post and change the capital IMG to a lowercase img and post.

    Hailie: Yay for Hell's Hill!!!!!

    Annette: I was born near San Francisco, CA but HOME for me is Monterey, CA (on the Central California coast)

    I've been keeping myself busy during this rest week with my school work and Zumba. We're also trying to come up with something fun to do this weekend as it's a holiday and it's The Kid's 8th birthday. I'm thinking we'll go visit Neuschwanstein castel or do something in Bavaria. Have a good one ya'll!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Tues... 2821 burned. Exercise was a 3 mile walk with mom and a friend. Had to cancel the bike ride due to cold weather today. Maybe tonight. Have s great hump day!!!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    *chirp* *chirp* Kinda dead on here.

    Hallie - Yeah on the hills. They are still my kyrptonite.

    Karen - I lose my gift cards all the time. Hopefully, you'll find it soon.

    Crystal - Yes, we all need to lose the weight for ourselves, but if the idea of f-youing the ex helps, I say use the motivation.

    Suzie - Hope yo feel better soon.

    Annette - If it's not too late, I was born, raised, and (unfortunately) have moved back to Decatur, IL.

    Check-in for Tuesday... 2297 cal burned / 1345 cal consumed / 952 cal deficit. Did BodyFlow today, not a heavy-duty workout, but a couple NSVs. For those that don't know BodyFlow is a combo of Tai Chi, Yoga, and Pilates. I was able to stay in downward facing dog AND plank positions without going down to my knees! I also feel like my overall form is getting better. Obviously my fat rolls get in the way sometimes, but it's getting better. Also, my wife has started working out with me when she's available and she loves Zumba! Yeah, I have a workout partner!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy-did that. Apparently, as I read somewhere after venting here, photobucket is having issues, so it might not be me!

    Annette, that does't mean we aren't still persecuted, it's just photobucket doing it to me this time! LOL!

    Katie-I feel better knowing I'm not alone. It's my own fault for carrying it with me NOT in my purse, hoping to get on my phone & buy stuff while sitting around this weekend...only didn't get much actual down time, so didn't happen. It's somewhere. I saw it...Sunday, IN the house, so it's there! LOL!

    AND, on The Weather Channel's scale of 1-8 for likelyhood of tornados...western KY is on a 9 today! Blah! This should be a fun evening! If it does hit, I hope I'm at church (I rent a mobile home!)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    To those who want to post pictures, here's how I do it. (I can't ever seem to use photobucket the "right" way or I grab the wrong code or I post the pic and its way too big to show in the boards, so this is why I do it this way.)

    1) Upload the picture to my profile here on mfp
    2) View the picture I want to paste (you know how you click the little thumbnail and it shows the bigger version....thats what I'm talking about...view the big version)
    3) Right click the picture and choose Properties.
    4) Copy the "address: URL" link (looks something like: http://photos1.mfpassets.com/images/photos/74/702/74702_1402.jpg)
    5) Paste that into a post.
    6) Add [ i m g ] before and [\ i m g ] after it except take the spaces out.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I didn't have dinner last night. Instead Mr. Reunion gave me an extra 2 hours of cardio. :blushing: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Can I just say O.M.G. that was what I needed! After that long on the bed, my hair was one HUGE knot. He freakin brushed my hair until all the knots were out. :noway: :bigsmile: Totally unexpected and impressive. I mean really? How many guys do something like that?

    Tonight is another day of c25k and p90x. Plus I need to mow the back yard and make my breakfast omlettes/quesadillas. Been meaning to do that since Sunday.

    But yeah, after p90x last night (cardioX) and my extra workout, my legs are freaking killing me today lol.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Wooo Kendal! Work it! *wink*
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hi Girls!

    Well, I am officially no longer alone in the office and am hoping that means my days go back to mostly normal, which will put me in a waaay better mood.

    Hailie, way to go on Hell's Hill! It sounds pretty intimidating!

    Suzie, I hope you are feeling better! Try to pull yourself out and eat some stuff that's good for you - it will help!

    Lacey, I was thinking about you this morning while I did plyo - I'm happy that you have joined Kendall and I in the P90X craziness - its good for support. I'm excited to hear what you think of the yoga dvd. Most people pretty much hate it I think, but I kinda love it. I never want to start it, but once I do and I get through the first half of it, I'm super proud of myself. And the second half - all kinds of amazing stretching going on, which will feel great after the other shenanigans (I'm talking to you, chest and back workout!). Did you watch Glee last night? I thought it was good, but I really wish they would have done a 2 hour finale. I feel like it was a bit choppy and there wasn't enough time to really deal with all the story lines they had going (like Quinn cutting her hair and them pretty much not making a big deal out of it). I really loved when Rachel and Curt sang on the Wicked stage. That was awesome.

    Amber, I hope your migraine is better, those are no fun. Congrats on dropping the water weight!

    Annette, I live in Lansing, MI. If you want to have some geography fun, I have also lived in Grand Haven MI, Saginaw MI, Tarpon Springs FL, Allentown PA, Middlebury VT, and New Ulm, MN. I spent a summer in Tucson, a summer in Oaxaca Mexico, and a summer in eastern Germany (mostly Dresden and surrounding areas). Good times!

    Amy, did you buy the Zumba dvd set? (that question goes to all of you who Zumba!) I'm curious to try it I think, but don't know what I should be looking for. I have a friend here at work who's sister is a trainer and teaches some classes at her gym. My friend went to her Zumba class last night and said it was super super fun. I'm completely uncoordinated and usually only dance if I drink, but I think it'd be a good time to try it. I hope you find something awesome to do this weekend for Gabe's bday!

    Katie, that is FANTASTIC that your wife is joining you in working out! Doesn't it feel great to know the good choices you are making are rubbing off on the people you love?

    Karen, please tell me you were tornado free last night. Ick.

    Kendall, that Mr. Reunion is sounding more and more like a keeper. I'd ask for dirty details but I don't want to get our thread shut down! :blushing: I'm really excited for you though - he sounds super sweet and fun,

    Kristina - HI! I never told you thank you for getting me all your trianing info for running... my plan (I think) is to spend July just working at my own pace at trying to get my distance up, and then probably in August I'll focus it in more. I'm still debating doing the Detroit Free Press half marathon in October... are you going to do it? My passport expired last year so I would either need to get a new one or get an enhanced driver's licence... I don't know. I have another friend who is run/walking it and another who I think might run it, I'm not sure.

    Everyone that I missed - HI! I promise I will now devote more time to talking to each of you individually and learning more about you.

    There is a guy who I work with who is a total stud- seriously, he's gorgeous, and also completely ripped. I've talked to him a couple of times about this whole "journey" and he's actually been super supportive... he's always asking me how P90X is going and telling me that I can't quit... yesterday he told me that I look "amazing." Yeah. I may be an extremely happily married woman, but that's not something you can ever hear enough. It pretty much made my day.

    Plyo down this morning. I'm at this awesome point now with P90X where when I finished plyo I thought "I only have to do that workout 3 more times now to finish this." I am totally going to achieve that goal. Which is really super exciting.

    Chris and I have no plans this weekend - I have Saturday and Sunday off but have to work Monday (the joys of retail), so I think we are probably just going to work in the yard, grill out, go for a bike ride if the weather holds up, probably go see a movie. Hangover 2 comes out Friday and obviously I want to see that, plus I still really want to see Bridesmaids... I've heard its fantastic.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    OMG Kendall! Hahaha, how exciting! Having a little "spice" in your life can definitely change things and I'm happy for you! Seems like you found quite the man, one of those few and far between that is willing to go above and beyond! (Brushing your hair...? Yea, I've never experienced that...) I'm so happy for you, he seems like a really good guy! :happy:

    I second Kerry in that statement about not wanting the thread to get shut down! :laugh: Hooray for remaining PG!

    YAY! After YEARS of trying to figure out what I wanted for a tattoo, I finally figured it out! I have one tattoo already (that one took me long enough to figure out) but I am VERY picky. It has to be tasteful and meaningful and UNIQUE (that's the hardest part for me, I want something NO ONE ELSE has). So for years I have been trying to figure out what I want on my left calf - it's been bothering me more and more because I have some pretty bad scarring from eczema as a child and want it covered up but wasn't going to just cover it up with just anything. So this morning this just popped into my head:

    "My heart, my soul, belongs to you" translated. Initially I thought I would do Latin but that just looked hideous. Second best bet was French (took a lot of French throughout school and it is the "romantic" language) so it turns out as: "Mon coeur, mon âme, vous appartient". Get some shading and shadowing in there to cover up the remaining scarring and voila! I want to incorporate a little something else but haven't chosen what exactly yet as this is a tattoo that I am getting for Charlotte. I didn't want to do the stereotypical name and birthdate, or foot prints so I thought this was the persfect solution. :happy:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Crystal- that sounds like a great tattoo idea! I found my high school latin teacher on facebook and emailed him to be sure that the translation is 100% accurate for the one I want. In my eyes, he's the expert lol. I would be horrified to find out the internet was wrong about the translation. After that, I will contact the tattoo place and get the process started. I'm getting pretty excited about it. I just hope Mr. Cundiff would freaking email me back already!!! AHHHH

    Oh yeah! I will get my new Nike+ sensor today! The old one died and now that I've used it a little bit, I fell in love with it and hate jogging without it.
  • innerexp
    innerexp Posts: 32 Member
    Hey, ladies

    What a great burn last week- congrats to all!

    Kendall, love the extra cardio, started my day off with a smile :)

    Question to you all- is anyone doing Zumba on the Wii? Or any other fitness games other than Wii Fit? I love my Wii Fit but want to mix it up.

    I have a water bottle that says "What IF you could?" What can you challenge yourselves to this week? :heart:

    My challenge is to coordinate both am and pm workouts- at least 5 in the gym and 5 at home.

    Have a beautiful day! :flowerforyou:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Check in for yesterday: 2731 burn/2353 ate/378 deficit. I have reduced my cal goal down to 2200. I'm not going to burn as much with this program. Thats cool, its not what its about at the end anyways.

    Annette- yes the program is 90 days. I am going to try super hard to finish it in exactly 90, even though I will be traveling several times. I keep up with Glee, so I am right on track with their current season.

    Amy - that would be fun to visit a castle!! I just got a packet for a forestry tradeshow in South Germany a year from June and am trying to convince my boss that we should go. It will take major research lol.

    Katie - thats awesome your wife is starting to work out with you! And way to go on being able to get that proper form!

    Karen - I cannot even comprehend weather like that.

    Kendal - yeay for the boy!!!!

    Kerry - I love yoga and am pretty flexible, so I am foolishly hoping it will be easier for me than what everyone says. Hahaha..I will remember when I want to tell Tony F U you douche! that if I can get through the first 45 minutes I will be good to go lol! I am going to see Bridesmaids Friday. Can't wait!! I want to see Hangover 2 also. I am in a total mood to sit in the theater and veg out. I've been in this mood for about a month now lol. I am going to see if Pandora.com has a Wicked channel...I'm in the mood. Have you seen that musical in person? A-Mazing!

    Crystal - I have two little birds carrying banners in their mouths with Gracie's name and the date she was born on my right inner shoulder. It is dainty and precious and I love it. I like your idea too!!

    Jenn - I rarely ever use our Wii, but I do have the Golds Gym boxing video and I like it. I found it at Target in the "cheap" wii games so you might try that. Its a good way to get in a quick work out to get you moving and your HR up.

    I'm not as sore from the day 1 work out today. I can actually reach across my desk without wanting to die, though my muscles in the crook of my arm and still so tight they are preventing me from straightening out my arm all the way. Lots of stretching going on here. Jeff kind of made fun of me last night for cringing all the time..and I told him he needed to do one of the work outs. If I can get him to, I want him to do that chest/back and ab raper. he he he.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Go Kendall! Woo hoo!! LOL!

    Kerry, the tornados are due tonight, so let's keep hoping!!! I have Zumba DVD set. The instructional part breaks it down to learn each set of moves individually, which in & of itself is a nice workout...I quit after 30 minutes the first time (had somewhere to be) & I just wing it now on the 20 minute quick workout...which is all I ever seem to be able to squeeze in!!

    Crystal-tattoo sounds awesome!! J'adore francais! I don't remember all that much of it from high school but I still love it! LOL!

    Jenn-I've gotten some sore arm muscles from tennis & baseball on the Wii when playing with my kiddos, but otherwise, I kinda haven't done any workouts on it. My BFF Ruby uses hers all the time though & loves it!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    The thread is a bit livelier today!

    Karen: Keep safe!

    Lacey: OMG, you should seriously push for the German trade-show! Southern Germany is ridiculously gorgeous. We've decided to go to Neuschwanstein Castle (the castle that Walt Disney based Sleeping Beauty's castle on). I've been there before but The Hubbs and The Kid haven't. It's on the Romantic Road in Bavaria and is freaking beau-tastic! I tried to get The Hubbs to do a P90X workout and he flat-out refused. He said it looked too hard. LOL.

    Jenn: I have Wii Sports and Wii Active and some Wii boxing game. They're all pretty cool. I have the Zumba game for the XBox Kinect and it is freaking fantastic! I don't know how it translates to the Wii though, as you'd have to hold the controllers or something for the game to know if you were doing it right. My water bottle says "Imagine". I love looking at that every time a take a sip. This week I am challenging myself to climb a mountain to get to a castle. I'm not being metaphoric, we're actually doing a 40 minute hike to get to a castle on Saturday.

    Crystal: I like your idea for a tattoo. My wrist tattoo is my family tattoo. The Hubbs designed it and it has the word family hidden in the design (you'd never see it if I didn't point it out to you) and I LOVE it.

    Kerry: I have the Zumba DVD set. It's cool but I like the game on the Kinect better as there are more ways to mix it up so you don't have to keep doing the same routine over and over. Congrats on the hot dude telling you look amazing. That's effin' cool!!!

    Kendal: YAY for an extra cardio workout. I can't say I've ever had anyone brush my hair. The Hubbs gives me an awesome scalp massage though.

    Katie: It's awesome that your wife is working out with you. The hubbs works out with me every once in a while and I love it cuz we push each other to work harder.

    Well, I gots ta watch the Finale (I get things later than you US peeps). Have a great one!