200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    so my A.D.D. kicked in again during p90x. I still have quite a bit left of the workout to do. Anyways, I was working out, had on black pants and was absolutely COOOOOOVERED in Lexi hair. Paused the workout, vacuumed, and also decided to just take my pants off cause it would irk me knowing I transferred dog hair back to the carpet lol. So here I am in my tank top and panties, sitting here waiting for Tony to finish whatever ridiculous amount of reps he's doing and I notice something. My thighs are smaller. :bigsmile:

    thank you, that is all. Now back to your regularly scheduled program. :bigsmile:
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    LOL...Kendal you crack me up. Woohoo for smaller thighs too!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Tae - not sure if its just in Oregon or what, but I see commercials on the tv to contact a specific law firm for the side effects of taking Accutane. You might look it up online to see if your symptoms are one of the things listed in the class action lawsuit. I'm not saying to jump on the band wagon, thats your personal choice, but maybe you need to look up what other people are having issues with? If I remember correctly, and I might not, there is something to do with the lady bits issues.

    Kendal - thats hillarious! Go girl!

    Kristina - hi! Colorado sounds fun! I'm not weighing in for months. No reason to doing P90x. My goals are to stick to the program and eat well. That should take care of the rest.

    Tonight was Plyo. FML. I do NOT like that work out, all that jumping ugh. Plus my computer stopped twice so I had to get it going again, and then G needed help with something once. I know Tony says I could do Cardio X instead but I think I am going to stick it out. I'd like to see improvement. I had to modify many of the jump squat things but I was drenched when I was done so I know I got a good work out. My BMF says 458 for the hourish.
    Tonight I will start wearing the BMF all day again. I'm putting it on right now!!
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Sooooooooooo, guess who hasn't formal exercise since last Thursday? Yep, this chick! Urgh, I can' t wait until I work every day and are able to work out in the gym 5 days/week, again! Wow, I never though I would miss a work out gym so much. I've been running each day and power walking--I still feel it's not a true work out. Also, I got a pedometer (I think?) that measures my steps/miles/calories burned from target. It's not bodybugg--my mama wants me to save up my money for "more important" things. I noticed that every time the pedometer jiggles it goes up .1 of a calorie. Maybe that's the way it measures when you take steps it slightly moves down by my hip. I'm only burning about 500 calories/day...I feel as if it SHOULD BE WAY HIGHER! Any tips? Please someone explain to me the bodybugg. Is the cost worth it? Do you have to pay the membership?

    Amy: Hola! (Oops, I'm doing Spanish homework at this moment.) I'm doing wonderful! I really don't like Miss Scale some weeks, I'm break out over my face, TOM gives me cramps, and graduation can't come fast enough. You know, the typical crazy, stupid teenage attitude issues! Haha, no I was just kidding! In one of your posts I read about the FIT tests! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Let me say, you're freakin' crazy but OF COURSE it's in a good way! :) What do you like/hate about Insanity?

    Sarah: Hi!

    Kendal: Are you a big pop drinker? I have never understood why people like Mountain Dew/Diet Mountain Dew. It's always hard for me to drink 8 glasses/day. Good luck with Warrior Dash, p90x and c25k! :) What color/design will your tattoo be?

    Annette: Hi!

    Kerry: I LOVE YOUR HAIR!

    Kristina: I was reading the last shout out for the chart--what does "last chance as you didn't weigh in last week either!" mean?

    I need my butt kicked to keep drinking 8 glasses of water/day. *sigh*

    P.S. Am I the only under 18 person on here? Also, how do you posts pictures on here!? I would love to show ya'll my prom photos! :)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Monday: 2664 calories burned/ 2108 calories eaten/ 556 calorie deficit

    Hailie: Hola! (I understand Spanish having taken 4 years of it in high school and being married to someone who is fluent in the language but my speaking ability is slightly retarded by my more prevalent knowledge of Vietnamese and German). I don't think pedometers are particularly accurate so don't take that 500 calories as the final word on the matter. You may very well be burning more. You asked what I like and hate about Insanity, here you go. Like: It's intense cardio and I know I worked my booty off for every workout, I have visible results, I am a lot stronger than I used to be. Hate: I hate squat jumps with the white hot passion of a thousand suns. But you know what? I can do 40 of those bad boys in a minute whereas I could only do something like 10 the first time. I think you are our only youngin' on this thread. To post pictures you have to upload them to someplace like photobucket first. Then you can copy the IMG tag for your photo into a post here and we can see the pics.

    Lacey: That Plyo workout is ROUGH. I hate those lunges that he makes you do on your tip-toes. Yuck!

    Kendal: Yay for smaller thighs!!!

    Tae: I have heard bad things about Accutane but I didn't know about it rotting your teeth. That's horrible! I like my Kinect games. I recently purchased Zumba and it's really a good workout. I have some Zumba DVDs and I think the Kinect game is much tougher than the DVDs (taking a real class at a gym is the best but it's not always an option). We also have a Sonic hover boarding game that The Kid loves but isn't really my thing and an adventure game that is really fun but deceptively a good workout and a game that has a bunch of different activities from darts to basketball to football. It's really cool and way better than sitting on your butt playing video games.

    Nava: The Super Burrito recipe serves 12 so one serving of the filling is 212 calories (9g fat, 9 g protein, 4 g fiber, 218 mg sodium). That includes the cheese but not the tortilla.

    I walked the dog this morning and I plan to do a Zumba workout later on today. I had to scrap the idea of running as my groin is still in pain. I want it to heal as quickly as possible so I can start Asylum as healthy as possible so I'm kind of taking it easy this week.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Morning All

    Am suppoesed to be doing house wrok but this is way more fun......

    Amy: sorry to hear you pulled something - am hoping as you back to activity that it is feeling better

    Kendal: you are fabulous - I agree with the tattoo on inner wrist so you can keep reminding yourself re how strong you are. The boy sounds so far so good (they do need to know their way around the kitchen and ironing board...). Hurrah for the slimmer thighs.

    Hailie: wish I was under 18 again (while retaining life lessons). Have been wondeing if I am the old lady of the thread......?

    Lacey: How much extra equipment is required to do P60X. You do not strike as someone who would not be going all out now you've set your mind to it so if muscles not as sore as you would like, enjoy th emoment.....

    Kristina: glad your business trip was positve. Hate the idea of loads of emails - when I was working properly they were the bane of my life.

    Crystal: getting out of bed each morning is the first achievement of each day. Spending time with your daughter, getting dressed, making meals; putting out the trash, are all achievments of each day. It is always worth being happy with what you do do (and this means finding your own baseline - whereever it is) as opposed to concentrating on often currently unreachable goals that we so often measure (and punish) ourselves by. Prayers are with you.

    All: my memory is becoming increasingly rubbish and I would like to try and address this. Thought I would try and increase my awareness of US geography (and retain it!!) and hoped you might help by giving me vague ideas of where you live (Amy - where you consider home!!!) so I can give it a go?

    Have a good day

    Annette x

    PS I still ahven't sorted out how to upload the signature thing - anyone patient enough to give me step by step instructions I wuld be very grateful!)_
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good Morning Super Pals... Check-in for Tuesday 2624 burned. Exercise an hour bike riding and 1/2 hour with mom doing low impact aerobics. I'm taking a break from logging food.

    Annette - I'm 42 so you're not the only older person on here (*winks*)...

    I've been reading posts and enjoying all the comments but havent found the time to reply individually.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Ugh! My motivation has waned over the past week or so. I think my messed up TOMs has really thrown me this month. I've had a calorie deficit the last few days, even if I haven't exercised. Monday's check-in... 2221 cal burned / 1736 cal consumed / 485 cal deficit. I really need to start working out again. Grrr. Anyhow, I have to get off line soon, so I don't have time to respond to everyone from the last few days. Except...

    Tae - Lean body weight is the weight of your muscle, bones, organs, etc. Theoretically, you're lean body weight is not going to change a lot, one exception is building muscle mass. To figure lean body weight, use the following:

    Body weight - (Body weight x percentage of Body fat) = Lean body weight

    250 - (250 x 0.44) = 140 lean body weight

    Have a great day ladies!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Yesterday was my first day eating 2000 cals and I'm terrifed. What if I'm wrong? What if it just makes me gain? Should I eat 2k cals on days when I only have p90x? (yesterday I did c25k, mowed half the yard, killed a snake, core syn for p90x, did the dishes and some laundry and then it was 11pm and time for a shower and bed, I know I had enough calories burned yesterday). Isn't that what most of you ladies found out once you got your 24hr calorie counters? You were burning way more cals and not eating enough?

    Mr. Reunion is coming over tonight. He wanted to come over last night but I was just too busy. We have a wrestling match planned cause he doesn't think I can roll around on the floor and text at the same time. LOL Should be fun! :wink: (I was texting while p90xing last night....thats how that topic came up lol)
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Kendal-you make me laugh & I love it! They say laughter is the best medicine, so you're keeping us all helthier! Thanks! Enjoy reunion boy!

    Amy-I'm glad someone else asked about photos-and am glad I already have a photobucket...now I just have to remember my password as I believe I haven't used it since I stopped using MySpace & no longer needed the ability to have pics in HTML form!

    Katie-I'm with you on working out! I have the deficit, but no exercise means STALL! Blech!

    Annette-I'm in KY, just 2 hours west of Louisville. :-) Hope that helps with your geopgraphy project! As for memory, if you figure that out, let me know! I blame it on my kids! My memory was great...then I had children, and the more I had, the worse it got! There's no hope for me now! I write lists & lose/forget my lists! :O)

    Haillie-I'm glad you're enjoying life! Keep at it!

    Amy-hope everything gets better soon! WTG on keeping up working out anyway!

    Nava-not sure if you can find them where you are, but I found a tortilla shell here that's high fiber/whole grain, but only 70 cal compared to the 110/120 of other tortilla shells. Ole is the brand. Actually listed in the database here, just not sure where all they're available.

    I sat on my but last night! :-P But I ate very healthy. Chicken tenderloins in some thai peanut sauce over a bed of spinach& broccoli w/feta cheese & sunflower seeds w/some raspberry vinaigrette dressing! And I got in my 8 glasses of water!! I got on the scale...just to see...228.2!!! ARGH! Stupid sodium! I'm SO blaming the beef jerky for bad weigh in yesterday! AND....my tape measure was my friend again! Waist & hips both down another 1.5 inches! Woo hoo!! So maybe I'm behaving better than I think I am! I'll take it!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I forget who asked, but I'm in North Carolina!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, thanks for the cal count!

    Karen, there's also La Tortilla factory high fiber tortillas, 50 cals a tortilla. They taste a bit like cardboard though, so I'm going to look for yours to give those a shot too! My favorite thing to do with them so far is take one, smear a laughing cow cheese, then put some turkey or ham, roll it up and cut it up in those little pinwheel appetizer thingies that people serve at parties.

    More unflattering pictures posted to facebook... shoot me now. I thought after being down 19 pounds I'd start to look a little better in pics!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendal: Are you a big pop drinker? I have never understood why people like Mountain Dew/Diet Mountain Dew. It's always hard for me to drink 8 glasses/day. Good luck with Warrior Dash, p90x and c25k! :) What color/design will your tattoo be?
    omg YES I'm addicted to Diet Mountain Dew. Although sometimes I get to a point where I drink it so much, I can't really taste the flavor of it anymore so I switch to a dark soda for a while so when I switch back, I appreciate the Diet Dew more.

    I buy a styrofoam cup from the cafe downstairs thats 32oz so as long as I drink 2 of those a day, I know I'm getting enough water.

    And I have no clue what color/design I want for my tattoo. I'm not an artist at all. I was thinking a girlie font/script in like, blues and purples. But the tattoo on my shoulder is a blue daisy with purple stars on either side of it. I'm trying to decide if I want to use the same color scheme or not. I'm wondering if I could go talk to a tattoo artist and let them draw up a couple ideas for me. I think that's how my sister did it when she got the phoenix on her shoulder.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Annette- If you want to throw a ticker in your signature, you will first have to create the ticker. Go to the blue toolbar at the top and choose "Tools" and then "Tickers" in the small blue bar that's immediately under that. From there you will create your ticker (design, numbers, that stuff...) and at the end, it will give you a code that you will highlight and copy. (if it gives you two codes to choose from, I would go for the html.....I don't think it matters for the sake of things showing up on mfp though)

    To create a signature, go to the Community tab in the big blue bar and click on Signature (its not in a small blue bar like the other link was, its in blue text above the message boards where you normally click "recent posts" or "my topics"). That link will take you to a box kind of like what we use to post on the message boards. First thing I would do is paste your ticker into that box. If you want text underneath it, just type away. Whatever you put in that box will automatically post underneath whatever you type on the boards. Then just be sure to click Save.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I don't have a whole lot of time...

    Kendal - IMO any tattoo artist worth their weight will just about always redraw your design to make sure it is going to look as good as possible. I've gone in and argued with a guy before until we were both happy with the design of it and also just told them what I wanted and had them draw it up until I liked it. Not all will do that, not all designs need to be redone also.. I guess what I am saying, if you go to a reputable shop, specifically one that has an artist you've found online who have drawn up work or you can see their pics, they should be able to do something for you with just an idea. Often times it seems like they flourish when they get to have a say in the design. Their bios should tell you something about what styles they like to work in (black/white, color, etc). In my experience anyways. I'm lucky to live in a town full of alternative lifestyles and there must be about 15 tattoo shops in Eugene alone.

    Annette - I live in Eugene Oregon.

    So far not feeling like plyo worked me out super well even though I was drenched in sweat last night. This is probably because my upper body is so damn sore from Sunday today. I have muscles deep in my chest I've never felt before!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    quiet day on the thread...
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Who just went UP Hell's Hill in my neighborhood? This chick right here! It's called Hell's Hill for a reason! :)
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    It IS quiet! Scary! I got off work at 3 today, so not being around the computer for the past 2 hours didn't help any! LOL!

    I can't find my Amazon gift card! I know it's in this house somewhere. I WILL find it & order me a book darn it!

    OK, I feel better. Have already been home 2 hours, cooked a semi-healthy supper, I simply didn't partake of the potatoes au gratin, so I'm OK! And now the boys & hubby are off to scouts while the baby girl & I hang out. She's playing w/her doll house while watching Diego as I sit w/my laptop & partake of MFP!

    I know, so exciting, right? If it wasn't for the fact I let the hubby just drive off with the stroller, I'd have gone for a walk! *sigh* Esp since we're supposed to get rain tonight/tomorrow. OK, enough of being random. Nobody to reply to that I have info for, other than excitement for Kendall's tattoo & yay for Haillie making it up what is apparently an awesome hill!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    You ladies are funny!!!

    Kendal - the tattoo artist's drew up design and made sure I approved for both of my tattoos. Maybe ask for a couple of designs - then chose your fav. An artist's eye sees diferently than me. I told the last artist my cat was tiger stripe black cat so a black and white tat would work - he pulled up internet pics until I found one like my cat. He proceede to say can't you see the brown and other color shades. He talked me into a color tat and it looks sooo cool. That tat was an impulse on my first visit to Vegas. The artists will make it look great. Id suggest an area that can be covered up for interviews. Or small enough to be covered with a band aid. Many people love tats but some are prejudiced and it could lead to missing out on a dream job.

    Annette - I live in Michigan near where the upper and lower peninsulas meet... Millersburg, MI.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sorry for the delay with this! Hope you're all watching the Biggest Loser finale!

    This past week's weight:

    Name/Starting Challenge/Last Week/This Week (difference)

    Kristina / 177.6 / 177.6 / PASS <- I'm not crazy to weigh in after last week
    Victoria / 188 / 190 / 190 (0)
    Kendal / 218.8 / 215.8 / 215.8 (0)
    Lacey / 208.6 / PASS / PASS
    Amy / 199.2 / 198.6 / 198.2 (-0.4)
    Sarah / 218.2 / 217.2 / 215. 2 (-2.0)
    Suzie / 177.8 / PASS / PASS
    Amber / 238 / 240 / 242 (+2.0)
    Kerry / 197.2 / 195.1 / 193.6 (-1.5)
    Hailie / 259 / PASS / 256.6
    Annette / 185 / 183 / 183 (0)
    Karen / 229 / 230 / 228.4 (-1.6)
    Crystal / 229 / PASS / 225
    Nava / 226.6 / 223.8 / 221/8 (-2.0)
    Psychohope / 259 / 259 / PASS
    Cristina / 159.8 / 158.2 / 157.2 (-1.0)
    Laura / 213.5 / 210 / 208 (-2.0)
    Sophjakesmom / na / 199.5 / 198 (-1.5)
    Choirgirl37 / na / 223.4 / 222.5 (-0.9)
    Katie / na / 249 / 244.4 (-4.6)
    Gonnadoitjenn / na / 321.8 / 319.8 (-2.0)
    Jenn / na / na / 204 (-2.5)

    This week's winner? Katie (megruder) with 4.6 lost! NICE! Jenn lost 2.5 in second, and we had TONS who lost 2 pounds this week. Great job everyone!

    I should have some time at work tomorrow to actually post some stuff about life and how things are going. Another busy day, and it's a heavy TV night for me: Biggest Loser finale, Glee finale, and The Voice! Wowsas.