everything in moderation? i respectfully disagree



  • julie_a_griffin
    julie_a_griffin Posts: 58 Member

    Yes, it was a typo, supposed to be Just that, FOOD

    Thank you for clarifying. :)
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Remind me what's "enjoyable" about going to Mc Do...
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Remind me what's "enjoyable" about going to Mc Do...

    For some people, it truly is. Everyone is different.

    What you find to be delicious I might think is nasty, and vice-versa
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    From what I hear, Walmart sells fattening food. I've never seen one of their stores myself. However what you are seeing is not necessarily a direct result of organic and locally produced foods being less fattening; they can be just as high in calories as non-organic foods. What you are seeing is partly doe to the widely divergent health awareness factor which is sadly prevalent in differing socio-economic groups.
    I just wanted to touch on this *because I've given up on the actual topic of this thread....

    I shop at Walmart for one good reason. They have all my Diabetic/low carb/low fat/special foods I need to get for my Diabetes at a cheap price. I buy nothing fattening there. At all. Egg beaters, low carb flat bread,veggies and fruits. Lean meat. And I can do it at midnight when I get out of work! So hip hip hurah for Walmart!
  • marandaj77
    marandaj77 Posts: 13
    For me not having a pepsi or a slice of pizza every now and again would be like I am punishing myself.And there is no need for that. I want to and I am making better life decisions. But just to completely cut myself off I think would do more harm than good but you have to do what works for you.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Remind me what's "enjoyable" about going to Mc Do...

    It's not called a happy meal for nuffink...


    Actually, I don't know as I don't eat there but if an individual does so on occasion, which in turn promotes a higher rate of adherence to their diet, it is much better than falling off completely.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,711 Member
    Just chiming in to let you know, msf74, that I really enjoy your posts — both the serious and the amusing ones.
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    Reading this thread made me want to eat a bacon cupcake and chase it down with a Jolt Cola.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Just chiming in to let you know, msf74, that I really enjoy your posts — both the serious and the amusing ones.


    Nice delts by the way. Keep flexing lady ;)
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Reading this thread made me want to eat a bacon cupcake and chase it down with a Jolt Cola.

    Mmmmmmmm cupcakes.........
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,711 Member
    Just chiming in to let you know, msf74, that I really enjoy your posts — both the serious and the amusing ones.


    Nice delts by the way. Keep flexing lady ;)
    :blushing: Thank you.
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Splurging for me is going someplace and having someone cook for me. No organic restaurants in my neck of the woods.

    So, you do what's good for you, and I'll do what's good for me and the two of us shall live happily ever after.

    I totally agree, thank you!
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    I ate crap food until a few months ago and I can honestly say people with your attitude kind of kept me eating that way. So judgemental and condescending with the fake air of concern.

    I have a cheat day once a week that consists of pizza, doughnuts, chocolate and sugary drinks. Why? Because I enjoy food and taste. It's not the enemy. Lack of self control is. Your wonderful brownies probably could make people fat, too.

    That is soooo true, thank you!
  • carolynmittens
    woah, 13 pages?? alright well, i didn't read a lot of the comments - sorry, i was trying to be really conscious to read what everyone had to say, since (i'm assuming) you read my post in full if you commented here. i did skim pages 11-13 and was delightfully shocked to see some positive comments! :) but based on what i read i want to address 2 things:

    a lot of people seem to be insinuating that i don't enjoy food, that i am probably choking down raw kale and wheat grass all day in an attempt to be healthy, getting no enjoyment whatsoever from what i eat. so not true. i LOVE food. really really love it. that's why i spend hours in the kitchen prepping my veggies, i take the time to make them taste amazing. this is going to sound weird but whatever: one of my favorite foods on earth is brussels sprouts. it's not because i like the taste, they taste like *kitten*! but i cook them in such a way that makes them really, seriously delicious. i roast them with unrefined coconut oil, oregano, rosemary, salt and cinnamon, and sometimes if i'm feeling crazy i'll toss them with maple glazed pecans. i almost died when i tried one. i realize some of you are dry-heaving right now but hear me out. healthy food can taste good if you prepare it right! everyone seems to think that a life without snickers would be a hellhole. and they'd rather die than eat brownies made with barley flour. but the thing about your taste buds is they are extraordinarily adaptable, as is your entire body. if you cut sugar out of your diet, you will crave it less. if you start eating clean, and get your sweet fix from bananas, or barley brownies, or coconut date rolls instead of twinkies and candy, your body will start to recognize these healthy alternatives as sweet. eventually (it does take time) these foods will be too sweet for you! look, if sugar rules your life, if you are ADDICTED to it, then my advice (not that you asked) is no, i don't think it's a good idea to enjoy those trigger foods in moderation. you are keeping them constantly in your system, and you're never going to break that addiction. if you don't want sugar ruling your life anymore, if you're sick of obsessing over food and yo-yoing with your weight, then you should consider eliminating all junk from your diet. but hey, if you can enjoy that snickers "in moderation" and it doesn't screw up your entire life, then go for it. this post isn't for you and i'm not going to argue with you. but to a lot of people, these foods are dangerous.

    i noticed a lot of excuses as to why a lifestyle like this wouldn't work for everyone, time and money being the main ones. i get it, we're all busy and poor. especially me! i'm a freaking preschool teacher, i barely make above minimum wage. i have to go to the free clinic at the hospital for routine checkups and such because i make so little money and my job doesn't offer insurance. but i make it work, i just choose to spend less on things like clothes, entertainment, getting my nails done, etc. and i make my own cleaning products, which saves a ton of money. and as for time, i understand that too, believe me. including my commute i work 8 am - 7 pm everyday, then i go to the gym on my way home for 1.5 - 2 hrs. i get home around 9 - 9:30 pm each night. i just choose to spend my free time cooking, as opposed to watching TV, or whatever it is other people do in their free time. to me it's worth it, the food i cook makes me feel so, so good. so i make sacrifices for it.

    i'm not at all saying this is the only way to live, i never said that. this is what has worked for me, worked exceedingly well, so why wouldn't i share it on a site where people are supposedly trying to make healthier choices in their lives? and i mean... junk food IS bad for you! i can't apologize for saying that - but i will absolutely apologize if anyone felt like i was attacking them, or if i came off as condescending. it doesn't bother me if people want to attack my lifestyle, the drink in my hand, my past issues with food, or any of that. but i do find it odd that telling you something you already know caused such an uproar.

    and will you all stop knocking the barley brownies already, they are really good. i based my recipe off this one if anyone is BRAVE ENOUGH to try them:
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    I eat clean. And yet, I'd still rather eat cardboard than something made from buckwheat or barley flour.

    Sometimes, I read romance novels. Because I enjoy them. Sometimes I eat a Kit Kat. Because I enjoy them. If I spent my life reading nothing but The Economist and avoiding "junk" food, I'd die young from being miserable. I'm here to enjoy my life and sometimes that means I do something that isn't 100% "good" for me. I can't imagine that I will ever regret the occasional Kit Kat, unless I choke to death on it :laugh:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I eat clean. And yet, I'd still rather eat cardboard than something made from buckwheat or barley flour.

    Sometimes, I read romance novels. Because I enjoy them. Sometimes I eat a Kit Kat. Because I enjoy them. If I spent my life reading nothing but The Economist and avoiding "junk" food, I'd die young from being miserable. I'm here to enjoy my life and sometimes that means I do something that isn't 100% "good" for me. I can't imagine that I will ever regret the occasional Kit Kat, unless I choke to death on it :laugh:

    *love this* :heart:

    I might live forever if I avoided all junk. But maybe it would just FEEL like forever. :sick:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Yeah. Pandas are cute.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Once again, WHO ASKED?

    OMG it's amazing how you must love to keep stepping in it. I'm so done with this thread.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I wasn't offended by the OP, I just don't want to live my life worrying about every single thing I put into my mouth. I want to be able to go out for a meal without thinking about whether something has this that or the other in it. I'm well aware that some of what I eat isn't good for me but it's not going to stop me eating it occasionally. I'm off to Pizza Hut next week and will be sharing a pizza with my hubby and then having dessert. I'll go over my calories, eat stuff that's not overly healthy and drink a glass or two of coke but guess what? The meal won't kill me. Well, not unless I choke to death on a piece of pineapple anyway.
    I might live forever if I avoided all junk. But maybe it would just FEEL like forever. sick
    This lol.
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    your body is a temple, treat it with respect :flowerforyou:

    You are by no means at the top of this staircase of the definition of a healthy being.
    I don't think one single person ever ever will be, it's taken what you have been through in your past to realise that you need to treat your own body with a bit of respect hasn't it?