everything in moderation? i respectfully disagree



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    i'm just following now for the nun porn


    I am so getting banned....
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    I ate crap food until a few months ago and I can honestly say people with your attitude kind of kept me eating that way. So judgemental and condescending with the fake air of concern.

    I have a cheat day once a week that consists of pizza, doughnuts, chocolate and sugary drinks. Why? Because I enjoy food and taste. It's not the enemy. Lack of self control is. Your wonderful brownies probably could make people fat, too.

    LOVE this post!! :happy:
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    i'm just following now for the nun porn


    I am so getting banned....
    This is amazing.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I didn't comment on the grocery money thing, but would like to put in my two cents :) My grocery bill was alot higher when I was buying a bunch of boxed/packaged/canned/bagged groceries. low fat/low carb/50% less this/no trans fat that....easily spent a couple hundred dollars with a buggy loaded with processed crap! Now I can go grocery shopping, and get lots of healthy meat, lots of veggies, minimal fruit, nuts, and even some cheese and not spend more that $150. yes, that means cooking and preparing meals, but my health and wallet are so worth it. and I don't cook during the week very much at all. I prepare everything for the week on sundays. it works really well for us. like i said, my opinion. but I'm proud of anyone that is actively trying to improve their health, no matter what way or what level. moderation does work for some.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Oops! I didn't mean to post. Sorry guys.. like this thread needs to be any longer!
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Now I can go grocery shopping, and get lots of healthy meat, lots of veggies, minimal fruit, nuts, and even some cheese and not spend more that $150.
    I do the same, my money argument was about organic foods being so much more expensive than non organic, I'm talking more than double the price. Buying non organic fresh meat, veg, fruit etc and making my own meals I have found cheaper than buying pre-packaged stuff. The food tastes better too. And if I make a cottage pie or stew or something it'll usually do both me and my hubby for dinner one night and then one of us will have it for dinner the next night too.

    I'm certainly not against buying and cooking fresh foods, just pointing out that for some of us eating organic only is just not affordable or practical.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I do agree on the groceries thing, to a degree. I can't do 100% clean and organic. But comparing the price of some chicken or shrimp, a box of pasta or bag of rice, and some veggies (fresh or frozen) to a few boxes of Lean Cuisine or Hamburger Helper... Yeah, taking a little more time to put it together yourself is a more cost effective option. But I'm not gonna tell anyone they're stupid, wrong or killing themselves if that's what they choose. I might suggest alternatives, but I know my way isn't the only way.

    Plus, sometimes, I just WANT a DiGiorno Rising Crust Pizza. They're delicious! I can feed my husband and myself for $5, it only takes 30 minutes, and there's no messy cleanup, other than scraping some cheese off the pizza stone. Yeah, the sodium is insane, but I'm willing to pay the cost of some minor bloating the next day.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I think what bugs me most about this post and some of the responses is the "hollier than thou" attitude that I see. Those that strongly disagree must do so because we know we are wrong. Or we just don't really know what is best for us yet. Yep, the OP hit a nerve, but it has nothing to do with knowing she is right.

    It is condescending and rude. Guess what? THAT is what bothers me. Not the fact that the OP does not believe in moderation. If not eating any crap ever works for you, then that is great. Truly. It is just not what I want or am comfortable with for my life.

    I don't see where she is coming off that way. If your doctor told you this would you think the same way???? Or would you start making the changes??

    We all KNOW deep down inside that she is right about what she is saying. Not one of us needs processed, sodium and sugar laden, GMO grains, boxed, pre-made crap food.

    It hits a nerve with a lot of people because people don't want to make the necessary changes. That is straight forward, plain and simple.

    We would all be a lot better off if life was lived the way it was 50 or more years ago. I have went back to that way and will never return to any other lifestyle.

    Home made, fresh food. Not something from a freezer, box or other package.
  • badblood
    badblood Posts: 43 Member
    I will continue to inform people what i've learned and have the proof to back it up.I make all my treats Grain/Gluten free. It tastes wonderful. All the food I consume are whole, fresh and completely homemade and my Aunt no longer takes Insulin for her diabetes on a daily basis because of it. She has kidney disease and goes to dialysis 3 times a week. Her doctor is baffled that her kidneys are HEALING....here's to your health people

    If this were the case surely she would be under close scrutiny?? I doubt that diet alone would have much to do with that, if it did then the discovery would have been made earlier and I might have been saved 2 years of dialysis and a transplant.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    I think what bugs me most about this post and some of the responses is the "hollier than thou" attitude that I see. Those that strongly disagree must do so because we know we are wrong. Or we just don't really know what is best for us yet. Yep, the OP hit a nerve, but it has nothing to do with knowing she is right.

    It is condescending and rude. Guess what? THAT is what bothers me. Not the fact that the OP does not believe in moderation. If not eating any crap ever works for you, then that is great. Truly. It is just not what I want or am comfortable with for my life.

    I don't see where she is coming off that way. If your doctor told you this would you think the same way???? Or would you start making the changes??

    We all KNOW deep down inside that she is right about what she is saying. Not one of us needs processed, sodium and sugar laden, GMO grains, boxed, pre-made crap food.

    It hits a nerve with a lot of people because people don't want to make the necessary changes. That is straight forward, plain and simple.

    We would all be a lot better off if life was lived the way it was 50 or more years ago. I have went back to that way and will never return to any other lifestyle.

    Home made, fresh food. Not something from a freezer, box or other package.

    And this just confirms my point 10 fold.

    And guess what, my doctor and my therapist and 100% on board with the changes I have made. But I guess I should listen to internet strangers instead, since they obviously know better. Whoda thunk.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    The biggest obstacle to eating right isn't always what YOU believe. Sure, when I have absolute control of what I'm eating I'm compliant.

    Social situations and family meals, though. Interesting situation. Do you refuse foods? Do you sit there like an obstinant child and refuse to eat the plate of pasta in front of you? Do you explain to your friends and family in advance that you cannot eat certain foods? Do they comply?

    There ya go. That's generally when those cheat meals come into play for me. Though my friends and family are very respectful of me not being able to eat gluten. That's not diet, though, that's becuase I get ill if I eat the stuff...
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    The biggest obstacle to eating right isn't always what YOU believe.

    This is exactly it in a nutshell. We all have different issues with food that got us to the point in which we needed to lose weight. Which means we all need different ways of getting it off. Everyone has different obstacles to overcome in this process.
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    i'm just following now for the nun porn


    I am so getting banned....

    Hands down, best post in this entire thread.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    The biggest obstacle to eating right isn't always what YOU believe. Sure, when I have absolute control of what I'm eating I'm compliant.

    Social situations and family meals, though. Interesting situation. Do you refuse foods? Do you sit there like an obstinant child and refuse to eat the plate of pasta in front of you? Do you explain to your friends and family in advance that you cannot eat certain foods? Do they comply?

    There ya go. That's generally when those cheat meals come into play for me. Though my friends and family are very respectful of me not being able to eat gluten. That's not diet, though, that's becuase I get ill if I eat the stuff...

    Actually in social situations I eat before going so that if there is nothing suitable for me to eat, I enjoy the company that I am around and sip on some iced tea or water...............

    My family and friends always make things I can have, especially since my sister and I have our families eating the exact same way.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Wow - I got to page 3 of this and decided that people were WAY over-sensitive. I might have tried to phrase the original rant differently but the original poster is right about one thing - eating stuff you know is bad for you is never a good idea. I cant justify eating white bread instead of wholemeal. I cant justify eating steak instead of chicken. I cant justify eating Kit Kats at all.

    That said - most of us - me included - will do it from time to time. I was at a friends wedding this weekend and there was no way I was going to start asking him if the food was organic, if there were any artificial colours in the cake decoration or even the number of calories in each course.

    What I did do was make sure I only ate whilst I was still hungry and spent plenty of time on the dance floor. I didn't actually get any of the cake but only because I was enjoying the bar when the cake got handed round.

    Do I feel guilty? NO - why? Because I don't do this every weekend - let alone every day - when I'm at home I cook all my own food and minimise the amount of processed ingredients - I buy organic when its affordable to do so and 95% of the time I will make the health choice. 5% of the time I don't. That's OK - all things in moderation!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I think what bugs me most about this post and some of the responses is the "hollier than thou" attitude that I see. Those that strongly disagree must do so because we know we are wrong. Or we just don't really know what is best for us yet. Yep, the OP hit a nerve, but it has nothing to do with knowing she is right.

    It is condescending and rude. Guess what? THAT is what bothers me. Not the fact that the OP does not believe in moderation. If not eating any crap ever works for you, then that is great. Truly. It is just not what I want or am comfortable with for my life.

    I don't see where she is coming off that way. If your doctor told you this would you think the same way???? Or would you start making the changes??

    We all KNOW deep down inside that she is right about what she is saying. Not one of us needs processed, sodium and sugar laden, GMO grains, boxed, pre-made crap food.

    It hits a nerve with a lot of people because people don't want to make the necessary changes. That is straight forward, plain and simple.

    We would all be a lot better off if life was lived the way it was 50 or more years ago. I have went back to that way and will never return to any other lifestyle.

    Home made, fresh food. Not something from a freezer, box or other package.

    And this just confirms my point 10 fold.

    And guess what, my doctor and my therapist and 100% on board with the changes I have made. But I guess I should listen to internet strangers instead, since they obviously know better. Whoda thunk.

    Well, you obviously don't have a doctor that speaks his / her mind regarding people's health. My doctor puts it to you straight up about what is going to happen if her patients don't eat the way we humans should be eating. And she will drop you as a patient if progress isn't made. One of my friends got dropped by my doctor as a patient for refusing to make the lifestyle changes that were suggested and required as treatment.

    My doctor doesn't sit and fill out a prescription pad. She treats and heals with whole foods nutrtition.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    I think what bugs me most about this post and some of the responses is the "hollier than thou" attitude that I see. Those that strongly disagree must do so because we know we are wrong. Or we just don't really know what is best for us yet. Yep, the OP hit a nerve, but it has nothing to do with knowing she is right.

    It is condescending and rude. Guess what? THAT is what bothers me. Not the fact that the OP does not believe in moderation. If not eating any crap ever works for you, then that is great. Truly. It is just not what I want or am comfortable with for my life.

    I don't see where she is coming off that way. If your doctor told you this would you think the same way???? Or would you start making the changes??

    We all KNOW deep down inside that she is right about what she is saying. Not one of us needs processed, sodium and sugar laden, GMO grains, boxed, pre-made crap food.

    It hits a nerve with a lot of people because people don't want to make the necessary changes. That is straight forward, plain and simple.

    We would all be a lot better off if life was lived the way it was 50 or more years ago. I have went back to that way and will never return to any other lifestyle.

    Home made, fresh food. Not something from a freezer, box or other package.

    And this just confirms my point 10 fold.

    And guess what, my doctor and my therapist and 100% on board with the changes I have made. But I guess I should listen to internet strangers instead, since they obviously know better. Whoda thunk.

    Well, you obviously don't have a doctor that speaks his / her mind regarding people's health. My doctor puts it to you straight up about what is going to happen if her patients don't eat the way we humans should be eating. And she will drop you as a patient if progress isn't made. One of my friends got dropped by my doctor as a patient for refusing to make the lifestyle changes that were suggested and required as treatment.

    My doctor doesn't sit and fill out a prescription pad. She treats and heals with whole foods nutrtition.
    This is just getting hilarious.
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    I will continue to inform people what i've learned and have the proof to back it up.I make all my treats Grain/Gluten free. It tastes wonderful. All the food I consume are whole, fresh and completely homemade and my Aunt no longer takes Insulin for her diabetes on a daily basis because of it. She has kidney disease and goes to dialysis 3 times a week. Her doctor is baffled that her kidneys are HEALING....here's to your health people

    If this were the case surely she would be under close scrutiny?? I doubt that diet alone would have much to do with that, if it did then the discovery would have been made earlier and I might have been saved 2 years of dialysis and a transplant.

    I have no reason to kid you on this...my aunt is 72 years old and been diabetic (type 2) for over 15 yrs. Remember...excess sugar and High glycemic grain carbs are what put her there as well as many other people with metabolic disorders. I put her on the Paleo diet with very few carbs. She does not need insulin everyday because she's not consuming enough carbs that insulin is needed for. She consumes a high fat, moderate protein, and very low carb diet and is getting healthier everyday because of it.
    Yes I've told her doctor what I've done. He was soo concerned and had all that brainwashed medical advise to give. He put her on a whole grain, low protein and low fat diet as if protein & fat were the reason she bacame diabetic. She was taking insulin everyday on his meal plan. I told him no thanks and put her on the Paleo lifestyle and she is doing wonderful. Even with this proof he still doesn't want to believe in the FACTS.
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    I ate crap food until a few months ago and I can honestly say people with your attitude kind of kept me eating that way. So judgemental and condescending with the fake air of concern.

    I have a cheat day once a week that consists of pizza, doughnuts, chocolate and sugary drinks. Why? Because I enjoy food and taste. It's not the enemy. Lack of self control is. Your wonderful brownies probably could make people fat, too.

    LOL LOL I love it! and so true