everything in moderation? i respectfully disagree



  • poohpasmommy

    My cheat day is today and I am NOT thinking about organic tofu with tree leaves and bean sprouts drizzled with all natural dark chocolate. Still healthy, drinking lots of water, making good choices, losing weight and feeling GREAT!!! I am not a car, and food is not soley my fuel. I love to EXPERIENCE food. And while whole foods are awesome and chemical laden foods are terrible, you most certainly can not compare poison to strawberry cheesecake...speaking of cheesecake, gotta go...:bigsmile:

    LOL!!!!!!!! You said tofu with tree leaves!! That was funny!!! LOL~
  • poohpasmommy
    By the way if that is you in your avatar you might want to work on not being such a hypocrite? Alcohol is considered a poison, I guess your drinking it in moderation though! :huh:

    LOL!!! I hate to beat a dead horse, but this poster stepped on some toes!! ha, ha.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    She was drinking cranberry juice, not alcohol.

    To be perfectly honest, I think people are getting WAAAAAAY too upset over this thread. I mean, it's her opinion, if you don't agree, then who cares? Is it really worth it freaking out over what she thinks?
  • carolynmittens
    but don't you guys realize it's the american mindset to worry about consequences only after the damage has been done? (i don't mean to sound ethnocentric either, but the majority of people with diet-related illness live in america). since when is information so offensive? how about research for yourselves what the adverse effects of these substances are, then. and if it doesn't concern you, then by all means don't. but don't get offended because i told you twinkies are bad for you. if a smoker was told it would be in his/her best interest to quit smoking, would you all be up in arms about that? why is junk food such a sensitive issue?

    So you are a physician and research analyst now... BESIDES being rude and insulting.

    I have lived OUTSIDE the United States... and guess what? They have the same problems. Do you realize heart disease and diabetes are "caused" by many more factors than diet. Do you realize african-americans are far more likely to have high blood pressure than caucasians? Yes... GASP!... SOME diseases are racially unbalanced. In England, the Indian population is far more likely to have kidney disease and be on dialysis than the anglo population. Genetics, sex... SO many factors!!

    Somehow... you feel it YOUR responsibility to let us all know that we are wrong and you are right. Sometimes, being happy is better than being right. I doubt you have lived long enough to learn that lesson... so I forgive you.

    You really should step off the pedestal... before someone pushes you off...

    sure some diseases are genetic, but look up stats on diet-related american illnesses sometime. it's pretty staggering.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    but don't you guys realize it's the american mindset to worry about consequences only after the damage has been done? (i don't mean to sound ethnocentric either, but the majority of people with diet-related illness live in america). since when is information so offensive? how about research for yourselves what the adverse effects of these substances are, then. and if it doesn't concern you, then by all means don't. but don't get offended because i told you twinkies are bad for you. if a smoker was told it would be in his/her best interest to quit smoking, would you all be up in arms about that? why is junk food such a sensitive issue?

    So you are a physician and research analyst now... BESIDES being rude and insulting.

    I have lived OUTSIDE the United States... and guess what? They have the same problems. Do you realize heart disease and diabetes are "caused" by many more factors than diet. Do you realize african-americans are far more likely to have high blood pressure than caucasians? Yes... GASP!... SOME diseases are racially unbalanced. In England, the Indian population is far more likely to have kidney disease and be on dialysis than the anglo population. Genetics, sex... SO many factors!!

    Somehow... you feel it YOUR responsibility to let us all know that we are wrong and you are right. Sometimes, being happy is better than being right. I doubt you have lived long enough to learn that lesson... so I forgive you.

    You really should step off the pedestal... before someone pushes you off...

    sure some diseases are genetic, but look up stats on diet-related american illnesses sometime. it's pretty staggering.

    There is this interesting thing about statistics and studies and whatnot. A lot of times, more than anyone would like to admit, the results are more.... shall we say.... beneficial to whomever paid for the study.

    Like, the other day I tried to watch Fat Head, because I'd watched Supersize Me and was interested in another side. I couldn't get past the first 10 minutes or so of it because the guy was just spewing crap and changing wording around to make his point of view look better.

    It isn't what you say, it's HOW you say it. I am well aware that fast food is bad for me, but eating it once in a blue moon isn't going to kill me. Eventually, we all die. It's this common side effect of life. I'd rather die happy and content at 80 than miserable at 100.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    This is rather ironic when you compare it to you avatar. Is that water you're drinking?
    HAHAHAHA funny and good eye on your part! Funny, funny,funny! After my 110 pound weight loss I am OKAY with what I have been doing! Tell you what, you mind your own business and I will mind mine!
  • Inittowinit11
    I agree with you on one point. I don't agree with the "everything in moderation" either because there are some things that should never be eaten; like McDonald's (watch the movie the Corporation, Super Size Me). There is nothing "ethical" about that place. They are literally feeding people poison. I've seen this in my legal studies coursework. So, I can agree with that point. However, there are some foods that can be eaten in moderation that may be a bit high in fat or in sodium - and I think it's fine as long as it isn't done all the time. I ate one piece of chicken from KFC yesterday, but I won't eat it again probabily until two months from now.

    I think it is very important that people think before they post. For instance, I may be able to afford all organic foods, but maybe John Smith or Sue Jones are on a fixed budget and can't afford $6 per gallon organic milk or $5 per half gallon organic orange juice. So, what are they going to eat? Should they starve because they aren't wealthy enough to afford all organic products? Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to upset you in any way because I do understand where you are coming from, but realize that not everyone can eat the way you do. The prices of gas and food has skyrocketed so it is even more difficult for people who aren't wealthy or those on a fixed budget to afford "organic" foods.

    And as I said in my legal studies debate two weeks ago, "just how organic are organic foods anyway?" Honestly, I don't trust any of it. I think it's just a label that is put on an item for more monetary gain.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    I have healed .....Bi-Polar

    NO you haven't.

    Bi-polar disorder is not something that can be cured. You may manage it, but it is not curable.
    However, the diagnosis sure is enlightening...
  • Snowy42
    Snowy42 Posts: 48
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    This is rather ironic when you compare it to you avatar. Is that water you're drinking?
    HAHAHAHA funny and good eye on your part! Funny, funny,funny! After my 110 pound weight loss I am OKAY with what I have been doing! Tell you what, you mind your own business and I will mind mine!

    Hell yes!
  • carolynmittens
    This is rather ironic when you compare it to you avatar. Is that water you're drinking?
    HAHAHAHA funny and good eye on your part! Funny, funny,funny! After my 110 pound weight loss I am OKAY with what I have been doing! Tell you what, you mind your own business and I will mind mine!
    ok, this "what R u drinking LOL" stuff is getting out of hand. i guess i need to put a disclaimer up in the original post. EVEN THOUGH THIS TOPIC HAS BEEN BROUGHT UP IN THIS THREAD ALMOST AS MANY TIMES AS THERE ARE PAGES IN THIS THREAD!!!! people, you are making me resort to caps. come on now.
  • LittleMissVintage
    I just got back from a three day trip where we ate out every night. I don't care what the heck they put in my food. I made the decisions I wanted. I lost bout three pounds. I felt happy for the first time in months. I think you should watch eat, pray, love because the first part will really gave me my passion for food and life and fun back. All I thought about was nutrition and workouts and after this trip I still do, but now I still live happy and healthy. Yeah I had pizza tonight so what? I had the calories, sodium, and fat left over for it. I'm happy, I'm satisfied and I love my new relationship with food. I used to live in fear of every single calorie, I cried about having to go out. I don't want to be afraid anymore, don't try to scare me. (not talking to anyone specifically just asking myself and the universe not to terrify me anymore.)

    I don't want you to think I'm telling you to go have some crap so let me clarify: if it makes you feel like crap don't do it. If it makes you happy why not? Just not everyday or it won't be special anymore. So the color red makes you feel bad don't eat it.... I can look the other way. Sorry for adding to this fight but I have a habit of tipping the iceberg.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member

    I have healed .....Bi-Polar

    NO you haven't.

    Bi-polar disorder is not something that can be cured. You may manage it, but it is not curable.
    However, the diagnosis sure is enlightening...
    :laugh: I was close to saying the same thing on both parts Lucky:wink: but I knew someone would come along and say it first to save me a few keystrokes. I was right:tongue: glad someone else caught the irony in this!

    Yes, enlightening indeed, though I'd heard this sometime back and YES, it explains so very much!:smokin:
  • chantel14
    chantel14 Posts: 128
    ok, so I don't get the whole organic thing. Do you people know how disgusting organic meat is? Organic means no vaccinations which means meat full of worms. They usually have to throw away half of the meat because its so infected... Thats why its so expensive :)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    ok, so I don't get the whole organic thing. Do you people know how disgusting organic meat is? Organic means no vaccinations which means meat full of worms. They usually have to throw away half of the meat because its so infected... Thats why its so expensive :)


    I could have lived all my life without knowing that...

    I was never gonna pony up the extra money anyway, but now...blech!
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    Just caught back up on this thread and I still want a bacon cupcake. Guess I will try an organic dark chocolate and tofu bacon this time.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    bahaha tofu bacon. I hope that is just a joke. If they actually make it, I'd rather not know that tidbit
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    This is rather ironic when you compare it to you avatar. Is that water you're drinking?
    HAHAHAHA funny and good eye on your part! Funny, funny,funny! After my 110 pound weight loss I am OKAY with what I have been doing! Tell you what, you mind your own business and I will mind mine!
    ok, this "what R u drinking LOL" stuff is getting out of hand. i guess i need to put a disclaimer up in the original post. EVEN THOUGH THIS TOPIC HAS BEEN BROUGHT UP IN THIS THREAD ALMOST AS MANY TIMES AS THERE ARE PAGES IN THIS THREAD!!!! people, you are making me resort to caps. come on now.

    I'm just not sure anyone buys it. But, hey, cheers to you!