everything in moderation? i respectfully disagree



  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    Babies are totally natural and organic. So...that's what I eat. I eat babies.
  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    Babies are totally natural and organic. So...that's what I eat. I eat babies.

    You know there are some ppl who do eat the placenta.................................:sick:
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Babies are totally natural and organic. So...that's what I eat. I eat babies.
    I'd eat mine too but he farts too much, it'd put me right off! ;)
  • keith_uk
    keith_uk Posts: 4 Member
    I'd imagine that you advocate a holist approach to food and exercise. From that perspective, you're wrong to talk of your body simply as a machine that needs nutrients a,b and c, and must avoid chemicals d,e and f. You can't seperate the machine from the person inside it. You said that people eat for fuel. That's too simplistic. People eat for pleasure, for simple joie de vivre. If someone runs 10k and has a Snickers bar afterwards as a reward, that's absolutley great. The run and the Snickers bar, taken together, are a net win. It's not true to say that it would have been an even bigger win without the Snickers bar. It wouldn't.

    I don't feel that your post was preachy. It was a good post, sincere and interesting. It was just a wee bit misguided :)
  • carolynmittens
    just curious... what's in that big drink you're holding? Looks like alchohol... hmmm I suppose that's healthy for you.

    oy vey. this question has been answered like 50 times.
  • carolynmittens
    Babies are totally natural and organic. So...that's what I eat. I eat babies.

    You know there are some ppl who do eat the placenta.................................:sick:
    it's really, really healthy to eat the placenta ;P you can have it dried and put into capsules. i will not go into any more details as i'm sure everyone here will start throwing up all over their computers.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I enjoy things in moderation.
    I'd much rather slip off my diet one day out of the month and enjoy what I want, than to follow it strictly and eventually just get tired of it and go overboard.

    I get what you're saying in your original post though. I can see both sides. But enjoying junk food every now and then works for me.
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member

    All I have to say is that I lol'd quite thoroughly at this post, one might say I even roflmfao'd. Especially at the homemade deoderant. To each his own. XD
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    My 101 year old great aunt was in a nursing home. All she ever wanted, and ever talked about when we visited was how badly she wanted a bit of salt.

    What the heck good is living that long if you don't have a bit of enjoyment????

    I get that eating healthy is good. I make most of my family's meals from scratch and don't buy junk food. Great. But ya know what? I will get ice cream if I want some because I want to because I can't make it like blue bell. If that means that I die at 80 instead of 101, but die without begging my great niece to smuggle in a packet of salt, then I will die happily and praise the Lord for the life I lived.

    Everybody does the best they can with the life they are given, so live and let live!
  • george_ie_girl
    george_ie_girl Posts: 120 Member
    Wow I think everyone has been a bit sensitive to the original poster's post, I really don't see how someone else's unrealistic ideology can make people "feel" inadequate and get all defensive. Surely we've got more back bone than that... We're all on this site to monitor what we eat - so she is being more picky. Who cares. If that works for her - good for her.

    And what's wrong with having a drink in your picture? Mine is also cranberry juice - with a lot of vodka though.

    What she was saying is kind of correct; eat whole foods etc - any naturopath or nutritionist will tell you that.

    HOWEVER - Original argument was about "everything in moderation" and I think everything SHOULD be done in moderation.

    I love treats, binge drinking, kebabs, takeaway etc - I just have this kind of thing every once in a while, rather than a daily/weekly thing. Or have a ridiculously small portion and then move on with my life.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    If we weren't supposed to enjoy food, we wouldn't have tastebuds, would we?


    Yeah! And if porn is so bad then why does it have so many nurses in it? And nuns?

    Still loving this thread...
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    If I stopped eating all of the things you said not to, I'd probably die.
    I like to food to taste good.
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    my two cents i agree with the OP. when i went hard core that where i reap the most results. you cannot have a hamburger and say oh wow oh well forgive and let go that can set you sooooo back but i know some people like it slow and that ok too but giving 200 percent will yield the best results nobody can disagree on that sorry. i stay away from sugar as i mention before i can not control myself so i just took it out of my diet truth none of us will die if we never eat McDonald or chocolate again. ive found alternatives for many of my favorite and that keeping the weight off but everyone is different. and for those who claim they could never be happy without chocolate. i love my size 4 jeans way better then my size 26 jeans i use to wear they last longer then any piece of cake could. and that make me very happy.:wink: point different strokes for different folks. decide i think that way i have a problems with food we put and link so much feelings to it. it no wonder i have an unhealthy relationship with food you eat to sustain your body not to make you happy. im learning getting to know people and being more sociable is so much more fulling then any cake could fill
    again this is not the gospel truth it my two cents take it for what it worth.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member

    If we weren't supposed to enjoy food, we wouldn't have tastebuds, would we?


    Yeah! And if porn is so bad then why does it have so many nurses in it? And nuns?

    Still loving this thread...

    Nun porn?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member

    If we weren't supposed to enjoy food, we wouldn't have tastebuds, would we?


    Yeah! And if porn is so bad then why does it have so many nurses in it? And nuns?

    Still loving this thread...

    Nun porn?

    Ive seen porn with the girls dressed as nuns,it was AWESOME!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member

    If we weren't supposed to enjoy food, we wouldn't have tastebuds, would we?


    Yeah! And if porn is so bad then why does it have so many nurses in it? And nuns?

    Still loving this thread...

    ahahahaaha, love it
  • zebraroonie
    zebraroonie Posts: 13
    Great post! There is some truth to it....BUTTT, I think you struck a nerve with your "it's never ok" parts. You also failed to disclose that you cheat on occasion in your original post. However, it's whatever works for you...I like to eat what I want, eat healthy when I can, and eat a quarter pounder if the mood strikes me.

    I think this forum is a wonderful way to SHARE tips. But, when you begin bashing what someone else is doing--this defeats the entire purpose of myfitnessPAL. We're all friends here...guiding and assisting each other to a healthier life. "Healthy" is individualized, goal weights are different, and methods of GETTING there are DIFFERENT. Just something to keep in mind for your next post!:happy:
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Life is for living and I'm afraid I'm not going to constantly worry about whether every single thing I put into my body is perfectly healthy. I've been around people who are like that and I do NOT want to live like that. As long as I make healthy choices almost all the time I don't see a problem with eating out or having takeaway or whatever now and then.

  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Great post! There is some truth to it....BUTTT, I think you struck a nerve with your "it's never ok" parts. You also failed to disclose that you cheat on occasion in your original post. However, it's whatever works for you...I like to eat what I want, eat healthy when I can, and eat a quarter pounder if the mood strikes me.

    I think this forum is a wonderful way to SHARE tips. But, when you begin bashing what someone else is doing--this defeats the entire purpose of myfitnessPAL. We're all friends here...guiding and assisting each other to a healthier life. "Healthy" is individualized, goal weights are different, and methods of GETTING there are DIFFERENT. Just something to keep in mind for your next post!:happy:

    Absolutely right!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    That's a lovely theory.

    And those of us who don't own an oven? Or can't afford organic? Or work long hours?
    Sorry, while I didn't take offense, and thought it was a lovely bit o' prose, for some people those aren't viable options.

    Splurging for me is going someplace and having someone cook for me. No organic restaurants in my neck of the woods.

    So, you do what's good for you, and I'll do what's good for me and the two of us shall live happily ever after.

    Affording organic is easy.... Hit up your local farmers market or simply buy what is on sale. Cuts down costs and increases variety as things on sale are different every week.

    Or, buy the "dirty dozen" items organic and buy the rest conventional vegetables.

    Work Long hours? Well, I am going from 3:45 am - until after 10 pm at night. Sundays are cooking and prep day for me. Cut up and clean fruits and veggies well in advance, put in containers and you have them all week long. Boil your eggs so you can grab and go. Always cook left overs and take them in containers with you.

    Bag your nuts so you have them readily available as snacks.

    I am sorry, but I find the whole "I work long hours", my kids have practice, all as excuses. If you want a different lifestyle, you find the time to do so accordingly.

    I currently work 2 jobs (1 full time, 1 part time), cook breakfast every morning for my husband and I, take care of our dogs (includes training, play time and walks), the house, pay bills, do shopping, workout and study for classes (going full time), make my own cleaning supplies, cook everything from scratch and still have time for me (getting hair, nails, tanning, massage and facials).

    It just takes time and dedication.

    I agree whole heartedly with the OP.

    Wow that just really made me sad to read your daily routine. :( When do you see your kids? When you do play with them? When to do you snuggle them? I would eat nothing but lean cuisines before I would dedicate that much time to food prep and making stuff from scratch, if I was working 2 jobs and going to school full time. You can't get this time back with your kids. When its gone, its gone. Do really think they will look back with fond memories on you making your own cleaning supplies, cooking from scratch, and getting your hair/nails done and tanning? That stuff can wait - your kids can't. Conquer the world in 18 years when they are gone. For now... when you aren't working or in school...open store bought package, buy some Tide/Windex/409 and go play! :D

    What i am getting at is the fact that I have time to spend with my family, still take trips, go on outings and I still get everything done.

    I will not sacrifice the health of my family any longer than I previously due to making convenience foods and using commercial cleaning products.

    It is not as time intensive as you all think it is. My family is also involved in the prep work so it is a family thing.

    We do plenty of rest, play and also get the work done too.