everything in moderation? i respectfully disagree



  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    [I also think that those who are bashing her for voicing her opinion and being too preachy need to step back and take a deep breath. It's okay to disagree, but let's all try and show her how to disagree with grace and style and tact. Some of you have, some have not.

    That's all. :)

    *agreed :)
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    considering a lot of the comments are from people who havent even read the whole debate
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    but don't you guys realize it's the american mindset to worry about consequences only after the damage has been done? (i don't mean to sound ethnocentric either, but the majority of people with diet-related illness live in america). since when is information so offensive? how about research for yourselves what the adverse effects of these substances are, then. and if it doesn't concern you, then by all means don't. but don't get offended because i told you twinkies are bad for you. if a smoker was told it would be in his/her best interest to quit smoking, would you all be up in arms about that? why is junk food such a sensitive issue?

    It's ALL a sensitive issue. No one wants to be told what they should or shouldn't be doing, especially when they're trying to do better. Honestly, do't really care.. if I wanted the information I would look it up. What people take offense to is being told what they're doing is "wrong". Oh, btw, I'm a smoker too and know that's bad for me as well so I'm sure you'll have a field day with that.
    No disrespect to the poster because you did make some valid points about food, but it is your choice to eat and live the way you want to just as it is my choice to eat, drink, smoke, and live the way I want to. It is a free country and it's okay to give your opinion, maybe just think about 'how' you're saying what you want to say beforehand. A vegan can die just like anyone else because eventually that's what we're all gonna do. I don't chose to be as meticulous as you are, but I congratulate you on being able to stick with what YOU have chosen to do just as we all should congratulate ourselves on whatever progress we've made in whatever way we choose to make it. We are all on MFP for basically the same reasons and I'm sure that with media, websites, etc. that everyone has already heard about what foods are considered 'bad' and the risks that allegedly come with them but at the same time, BREATHING is unhealthy(pollution) too but we all do it anyway so since I'm not gonna die until it's my time, I think I'll go and enjoy some sliced cucumbers with cottage cheese and a pork shoulder sandwich...btw there will be wine in the diary for dinner...just live until you die people!!!:drinker: :smokin: :yawn:
  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    i keep seeing this phrase thrown around all over the place. "it's ok if you ate a quarter pounder from McDonalds last night, everything in moderation!" "don't feel guilty about eating that Snickers bar, everything in moderation right?" i don't really understand this frame of mind - why would anyone want to put anything unhealthy into their body, ever? i mean is it ok to poison yourself in moderation? because that's what junk food does to you. especially genetically modified, heavily preserved or artificially sweetened junk food.

    to indulge is one thing. i make some seriously delicious and indulgent dark chocolate brownies from time to time. but they're made out of whole grain barley flour, 100% dark chocolate, and sweetened with applesauce or dates. if i'm in the mood for pancakes i make buckwheat pancakes. i'm not saying everyone should cut out desserts or treats, not at all. you can absolutely indulge in chocolate, cookies, pancakes, etc in moderation. but people, there are healthier versions of these foods that taste just as good and won't kill you!

    it is never ok to drink soda, regular or diet. it's never ok to consume snacks that contain more chemicals than real food. it is NEVER ok to consume BHT, hydrogenated oils, artificial colors like yellow 6 and red 3, high fructose corn syrup, sodium nitrite, or aspartame. check your favorite "cheat treats" - if it contains any of those ingredients, please don't eat it. i wish people would get out of this "everything in moderation" mind frame, and start asking themselves "what is this food going to do for my body?" instead. if there is nothing at all beneficial in the food you're about to eat, why are you eating it? food is meant to be fuel for our bodies, stop catering to your taste buds. your taste buds make up like .001% of your body, what about the other 99.999%? if you think you're satisfying your taste buds by eating that Twinkie, doesn't it bother you that you're hurting the other 99% of your body?

    i understand cravings, and that if you deprive yourself of something you'll likely binge out on it at some point. i don't condone deprivation, i just think you can find a perfectly natural substitute. if you NEED a cheeseburger, make your own out of organic beef, please don't eat that artificially flavored chemical smorgasbord from McDonalds. if you need cookies, make your own, don't reach for a box of Entenmann's. every food in its natural state can be consumed in moderation, absolutely. but when you enter into the world of freaky genetically modified lab experiment foods/additives/preservatives, there is absolutely no reason to go near it, even in moderation.

    your body is a temple, treat it with respect :flowerforyou:



    This was great reading with my morning coffee love that pic :laugh:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Eating well may prevent you from getting some illnesses associated with eating badly, but there are things that are not treatable by diet. Cholesterol, for one! My father had a stroke 7 years ago, eating well and losing 4 stone didn't make a jot of difference to his cholesterol. Statins did.
    Eating well (and I do eat very healthily) has never stopped me getting bronchitis, or tracheitis, or pneumonia or pleurisy. Having a good diet doesn't treat those things. Antibiotics and steroids do. Without those I'd be dead many times over. Eating well didn't stop me getting appendicitis either. Despite not having even been born to eat anything, my son was born with a deformed kidney, and will always have problems with them. That won't be reversed by eating cleanly. It needed surgery.

    Clean eating isn't a replacement for medicine. Without medicine a lot of people would die a lot sooner than they needed to.

    Diet can cure cholesterol issues, giving up grains and other forms of sugar and inflammatory foods is what will have the cholesterol come down. Statins are not good for us.

    Funny also that since I have given up all processed foods I have not gotten a cold, allergies, bronchitis or any other illness that would require antibiotics.

    I don't believe in conventional wisdom or main stream medicine any longer and I never will again as long as doctors rely on pharmaceutical companies.

    I also find it funny that my dad has had multiple strokes and a recent heart attack. The doctor put him on a high fat, moderate protein and low carb plan that is similar to how my sister and I both eat and feed our families and all damage in his heart has been healed.

    I also have a couple of friends that one parent or another has had cancer and healed themselves through nutrition.

    I don't buy into the pharmaceutical stuff, nature is best.

    What balls. Diet can lower cholesterol by something pathetic like 10 or 20%. Statins can lower it by 80%. My parents both eat all natural, super healthy, mostly home grown diets, he still had a stroke at 58, just like every other male member of his family has. He would be dead now without statins so don't give me ****e about them being EVIL.

    Oh and one of my friend's mother's healed her cancer through nutrition first time, but it didn't work when it came back 3 years later. Food isn't always the answer, and I suggest you are being very blinkered to think it does.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Oh, and I have never eaten an item of processed food. I am a strict vegetarian who cooks all my own food from scratch, and yet I get hayfever and lung infections every winter. You are totally clueless to the point of being offensive.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    My god, I'm so stressed out about the chemicals I ate today that I smoked a half a pack of cigarettes while I read this!!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :wink:
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    Judgmental much!!

    Who made you so perfect that you feel it's ok to talk down about anyone who doesn't eat as perfectly clean as you do.

    By the way if that is you in your avatar you might want to work on not being such a hypocrite? Alcohol is considered a poison, I guess your drinking it in moderation though! :huh:
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Judgmental much!!

    Who made you so perfect that you feel it's ok to talk down about anyone who doesn't eat as perfectly clean as you do.

    By the way if that is you in your avatar you might want to work on not being such a hypocrite? Alcohol is considered a poison, I guess your drinking it in moderation though! :huh:

    Wow, I walk away from this thread yesterday to get some work done, come back today and see nun porn, crazy talk, and nastiness.

    Somewhere back there someone asked why the "healthy" people preach so much, and the reply was because it's like a religion. I agree with this so SO SO SO much. They are often blinded by their perceived "rightness" and can't comprehend logic. I am actually kind of surprised this thread hasn't been locked yet.... >.>
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    You know, if we all ate like we did 80 years ago and stopped relying on medicene, we would all live WAY longer! Oh wait...
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Maybe she's a troll!

    And I have been doing some serious research on grains. You want to talk about something that's bad for you? Look up Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Check out Mark's Daily Apple. We're replacing highly nutritious foods like fruits, veggies and meats and healthy fats with grains that are very lacking in nutrition, contain antinutrients, scrape our intestinal lining as we "digest" them and do nothing but spike and crash our blood glucose levels throughout the day. (Carbs control insulin and insulin controls fat storage).

    I think we all should go back to eating like we did 15,000 years ago. Our early ancestors were stronger and healthier than we are now. Their brains were bigger, too. And if they had an uneventful life with no trauma (a broken bone or a cut on a finger could kill them) they could live well into their 90s.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Maybe she's a troll!

    And I have been doing some serious research on grains. You want to talk about something that's bad for you? Look up Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Check out Mark's Daily Apple. We're replacing highly nutritious foods like fruits, veggies and meats and healthy fats with grains that are very lacking in nutrition, contain antinutrients, scrape our intestinal lining as we "digest" them and do nothing but spike and crash our blood glucose levels throughout the day. (Carbs control insulin and insulin controls fat storage).

    Yup, because some people decided that we suddenly needed allllllllll these grains. I don't eat them that much anymore due to intolerance, but I sure used to! On that same note, if I want a grilled cheese sammich, or a cheeseburger, I am NOT using lettuce as the bun.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Maybe she's a troll!

    And I have been doing some serious research on grains. You want to talk about something that's bad for you? Look up Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Check out Mark's Daily Apple. We're replacing highly nutritious foods like fruits, veggies and meats and healthy fats with grains that are very lacking in nutrition, contain antinutrients, scrape our intestinal lining as we "digest" them and do nothing but spike and crash our blood glucose levels throughout the day. (Carbs control insulin and insulin controls fat storage).

    Yup, because some people decided that we suddenly needed allllllllll these grains. I don't eat them that much anymore due to intolerance, but I sure used to! On that same note, if I want a grilled cheese sammich, or a cheeseburger, I am NOT using lettuce as the bun.

    Cheers! Me too. I went Primal two and a half weeks ago. But I sure as hell enjoyed my pizza this past Saturday and the asian food in the sweet sauces earlier that day. I will not deprive myself but will do my best to eat as healthy as I can 80% of the time. As long as I do that then I can eat what I want during that other 20%.

    And whole wheat bread does the exact same thing to our body as white bread - spikes your blood sugar! That intolerance is because our bodies haven't evolved long enough to be able to digest them (look what happens with corn!)

    Diabetes is killing my dad. My older brother was recently diagnosed (and is doing great now). It's not going to get me!

    And Losingitin2011: did you steal my kitty?! Wait, no. My kitty is a fathead! OMG the resemblance, though!
  • Butterflynma
    Butterflynma Posts: 22 Member
    Wow I'm really surprised by all the negativity. We are all here sharing common goals and up until this post I saw posts and responses that were very supportive. This post just took on a life of it's own. It's ok to disagree, but the negativity is so uncalled for. We are all here to support each other not tear each other down for having opinions that differ.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Maybe she's a troll!

    And I have been doing some serious research on grains. You want to talk about something that's bad for you? Look up Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Check out Mark's Daily Apple. We're replacing highly nutritious foods like fruits, veggies and meats and healthy fats with grains that are very lacking in nutrition, contain antinutrients, scrape our intestinal lining as we "digest" them and do nothing but spike and crash our blood glucose levels throughout the day. (Carbs control insulin and insulin controls fat storage).

    Yup, because some people decided that we suddenly needed allllllllll these grains. I don't eat them that much anymore due to intolerance, but I sure used to! On that same note, if I want a grilled cheese sammich, or a cheeseburger, I am NOT using lettuce as the bun.

    Cheers! Me too. I went Primal two and a half weeks ago. But I sure as hell enjoyed my pizza this past Saturday and the asian food in the sweet sauces earlier that day. I will not deprive myself but will do my best to eat as healthy as I can 80% of the time. As long as I do that then I can eat what I want during that other 20%.

    And whole wheat bread does the exact same thing to our body as white bread - spikes your blood sugar! That intolerance is because our bodies haven't evolved long enough to be able to digest them (look what happens with corn!)

    Diabetes is killing my dad. My older brother was recently diagnosed (and is doing great now). It's not going to get me!

    And Losingitin2011: did you steal my kitty?! Wait, no. My kitty is a fathead! OMG the resemblance, though!

    Hehe my kitty is a Handsome Boy, or so he thinks. His sister is a pretty pretty princess >.> or so she thinks.... *sigh* cats.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Maybe she's a troll!

    And I have been doing some serious research on grains. You want to talk about something that's bad for you? Look up Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Check out Mark's Daily Apple. We're replacing highly nutritious foods like fruits, veggies and meats and healthy fats with grains that are very lacking in nutrition, contain antinutrients, scrape our intestinal lining as we "digest" them and do nothing but spike and crash our blood glucose levels throughout the day. (Carbs control insulin and insulin controls fat storage).

    Yup, because some people decided that we suddenly needed allllllllll these grains. I don't eat them that much anymore due to intolerance, but I sure used to! On that same note, if I want a grilled cheese sammich, or a cheeseburger, I am NOT using lettuce as the bun.

    Cheers! Me too. I went Primal two and a half weeks ago. But I sure as hell enjoyed my pizza this past Saturday and the asian food in the sweet sauces earlier that day. I will not deprive myself but will do my best to eat as healthy as I can 80% of the time. As long as I do that then I can eat what I want during that other 20%.

    And whole wheat bread does the exact same thing to our body as white bread - spikes your blood sugar! That intolerance is because our bodies haven't evolved long enough to be able to digest them (look what happens with corn!)

    Diabetes is killing my dad. My older brother was recently diagnosed (and is doing great now). It's not going to get me!

    And Losingitin2011: did you steal my kitty?! Wait, no. My kitty is a fathead! OMG the resemblance, though!

    Hehe my kitty is a Handsome Boy, or so he thinks. His sister is a pretty pretty princess >.> or so she thinks.... *sigh* cats.

    Dogs have owners; Cats have staff! That is really true. (I have 4 kitties myself all spoiled rotten!)
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    but don't you guys realize it's the american mindset to worry about consequences only after the damage has been done? (i don't mean to sound ethnocentric either, but the majority of people with diet-related illness live in america). since when is information so offensive? how about research for yourselves what the adverse effects of these substances are, then. and if it doesn't concern you, then by all means don't. but don't get offended because i told you twinkies are bad for you. if a smoker was told it would be in his/her best interest to quit smoking, would you all be up in arms about that? why is junk food such a sensitive issue?

    So you are a physician and research analyst now... BESIDES being rude and insulting.

    I have lived OUTSIDE the United States... and guess what? They have the same problems. Do you realize heart disease and diabetes are "caused" by many more factors than diet. Do you realize african-americans are far more likely to have high blood pressure than caucasians? Yes... GASP!... SOME diseases are racially unbalanced. In England, the Indian population is far more likely to have kidney disease and be on dialysis than the anglo population. Genetics, sex... SO many factors!!

    Somehow... you feel it YOUR responsibility to let us all know that we are wrong and you are right. Sometimes, being happy is better than being right. I doubt you have lived long enough to learn that lesson... so I forgive you.

    You really should step off the pedestal... before someone pushes you off...
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    Maybe she's a troll!

    And I have been doing some serious research on grains. You want to talk about something that's bad for you? Look up Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Check out Mark's Daily Apple. We're replacing highly nutritious foods like fruits, veggies and meats and healthy fats with grains that are very lacking in nutrition, contain antinutrients, scrape our intestinal lining as we "digest" them and do nothing but spike and crash our blood glucose levels throughout the day. (Carbs control insulin and insulin controls fat storage).

    Yup, because some people decided that we suddenly needed allllllllll these grains. I don't eat them that much anymore due to intolerance, but I sure used to! On that same note, if I want a grilled cheese sammich, or a cheeseburger, I am NOT using lettuce as the bun.

    Cheers! Me too. I went Primal two and a half weeks ago. But I sure as hell enjoyed my pizza this past Saturday and the asian food in the sweet sauces earlier that day. I will not deprive myself but will do my best to eat as healthy as I can 80% of the time. As long as I do that then I can eat what I want during that other 20%.

    And whole wheat bread does the exact same thing to our body as white bread - spikes your blood sugar! That intolerance is because our bodies haven't evolved long enough to be able to digest them (look what happens with corn!)

    Diabetes is killing my dad. My older brother was recently diagnosed (and is doing great now). It's not going to get me!

    And Losingitin2011: did you steal my kitty?! Wait, no. My kitty is a fathead! OMG the resemblance, though!

    Hehe my kitty is a Handsome Boy, or so he thinks. His sister is a pretty pretty princess >.> or so she thinks.... *sigh* cats.

    Dogs have owners; Cats have staff! That is really true. (I have 4 kitties myself all spoiled rotten!)
    3 cats here (and a doggus).
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Maybe she's a troll!

    And I have been doing some serious research on grains. You want to talk about something that's bad for you? Look up Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Check out Mark's Daily Apple. We're replacing highly nutritious foods like fruits, veggies and meats and healthy fats with grains that are very lacking in nutrition, contain antinutrients, scrape our intestinal lining as we "digest" them and do nothing but spike and crash our blood glucose levels throughout the day. (Carbs control insulin and insulin controls fat storage).

    Yup, because some people decided that we suddenly needed allllllllll these grains. I don't eat them that much anymore due to intolerance, but I sure used to! On that same note, if I want a grilled cheese sammich, or a cheeseburger, I am NOT using lettuce as the bun.

    Cheers! Me too. I went Primal two and a half weeks ago. But I sure as hell enjoyed my pizza this past Saturday and the asian food in the sweet sauces earlier that day. I will not deprive myself but will do my best to eat as healthy as I can 80% of the time. As long as I do that then I can eat what I want during that other 20%.

    And whole wheat bread does the exact same thing to our body as white bread - spikes your blood sugar! That intolerance is because our bodies haven't evolved long enough to be able to digest them (look what happens with corn!)

    Diabetes is killing my dad. My older brother was recently diagnosed (and is doing great now). It's not going to get me!

    And Losingitin2011: did you steal my kitty?! Wait, no. My kitty is a fathead! OMG the resemblance, though!

    Hehe my kitty is a Handsome Boy, or so he thinks. His sister is a pretty pretty princess >.> or so she thinks.... *sigh* cats.

    Dogs have owners; Cats have staff! That is really true. (I have 4 kitties myself all spoiled rotten!)
    3 cats here (and a doggus).

    I want more kitties, but we're in a tiiiiiny studio apartment, so Hubby says no more until we move somewhere bigger.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    Maybe she's a troll!

    And I have been doing some serious research on grains. You want to talk about something that's bad for you? Look up Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Check out Mark's Daily Apple. We're replacing highly nutritious foods like fruits, veggies and meats and healthy fats with grains that are very lacking in nutrition, contain antinutrients, scrape our intestinal lining as we "digest" them and do nothing but spike and crash our blood glucose levels throughout the day. (Carbs control insulin and insulin controls fat storage).

    Yup, because some people decided that we suddenly needed allllllllll these grains. I don't eat them that much anymore due to intolerance, but I sure used to! On that same note, if I want a grilled cheese sammich, or a cheeseburger, I am NOT using lettuce as the bun.

    Cheers! Me too. I went Primal two and a half weeks ago. But I sure as hell enjoyed my pizza this past Saturday and the asian food in the sweet sauces earlier that day. I will not deprive myself but will do my best to eat as healthy as I can 80% of the time. As long as I do that then I can eat what I want during that other 20%.

    And whole wheat bread does the exact same thing to our body as white bread - spikes your blood sugar! That intolerance is because our bodies haven't evolved long enough to be able to digest them (look what happens with corn!)

    Diabetes is killing my dad. My older brother was recently diagnosed (and is doing great now). It's not going to get me!

    And Losingitin2011: did you steal my kitty?! Wait, no. My kitty is a fathead! OMG the resemblance, though!

    Hehe my kitty is a Handsome Boy, or so he thinks. His sister is a pretty pretty princess >.> or so she thinks.... *sigh* cats.

    Dogs have owners; Cats have staff! That is really true. (I have 4 kitties myself all spoiled rotten!)
    3 cats here (and a doggus).

    I want more kitties, but we're in a tiiiiiny studio apartment, so Hubby says no more until we move somewhere bigger.
    That is what my husband said when we had two cats...(Bwahahahaha).