Twenty Pound Somethings Week 8



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good Sunday Morning! Thanks for the kind and inspirational words Katy and Pedalhound! I appreciate it! I am feeling GREAT again this morning! Last night went well...I had a chicken kabob with mushrooms and green peppers for dinner and 5 potato chips (can you believe only 5?!) and then my salad that I brought and a Kashi TLC Honey Almond Flax bar as dessert...and it was plenty! Feels great having a small success after so many bad days!'s what I have planned for today:

    1 c. multigrain cheerios, 1/2 c. skim milk, 1 med. banana sliced, 1/2 c. strawberries sliced, 1/4 c. blueberries, 1 multivitamin.

    AM Snack:
    2 c. coffee, 2 tbsp. sugar free vanilla caramel creamer, 1 Kashi TLC soft-baked Strawberry bar.

    ??? No clue--maybe 1 light whole grain english muffin with natural peanut butter, yogurt, and baby carrots...I'll have to see how I feel at that point.

    Afternoon snack:
    Probably some grapes and almonds or a granola bar.

    4 oz. Tilapia, 1 c. steamed broccoli, 1/4 c. wild rice. (As planned for yesterday).

    PM Snack:
    Depends what I have left.

    Exercise plan--Probably walking with the dogs a little later or maybe I'll go for a run...have a few things I'd like to do around the house today. But I will post later with what I end up doing.

    I hope everyone has a FABULOUS Sunday! I'll check back a little later!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good day everyone! My weight has been up a little the last 2 days so I am smacked with the reality of my actions and feel motivated to be back on track.

    Today's meals:

    1: left over bison meatballs w/ brown rice and homemade tzatziki, 1/3 c orange juice

    2: vanilla protein drink w/ 1/2 cup skim milk, orange cranberry oatmeal flax muffin (homemade) w/ 1 tbsp homemade fat free yogurt cheese, 1 banana

    3: ezekiel bread w/ hummus, egg white omlette w/ spinach & salsa, 1 health nut cluster

    4: "lasagne" casserole, another muffin w/ yogurt cheese

    5: 1/2 cup chocolate peanut butter soy ice cream

    Work out: I'm about to bike over to the gym for my step class :happy:

    Have a great one everyone!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good for you Pedalhound...sounds like a good plan!

    Question for you (Pedalhound) you have a Polar you wear it in the shower and says you can but I wanted to make sure. Let me know when you get a chance. I want to just wear the watch all the time and put on the chest strap to workout...but what if I swim? Can I wear both the chest strap and the watch? And can I always wear the watch part in the shower?

    Another question (sorry) ...what exactly is hummus? I've never had it before and have thought of trying some? Can you compare it to anything?

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    So...lunch today was 2 lettuce wraps (2 leaves of Romaine Lettuce each with the following: 3 slices pastrami lunch meat, 1 sl. fat free swiss, 1/2 c. slices cucmber, 0.5 oz. alfalfa sprouts)...this was really yummy and filling! Just got back from another walk with the dogs (174 calories burned) and now getting ready for a snack of 1 c. green grapes and a granola bar.

    Well...I'll probably check back later but if not, tomorrow!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good for you Pedalhound...sounds like a good plan!

    Question for you (Pedalhound) you have a Polar you wear it in the shower and says you can but I wanted to make sure. Let me know when you get a chance. I want to just wear the watch all the time and put on the chest strap to workout...but what if I swim? Can I wear both the chest strap and the watch? And can I always wear the watch part in the shower?

    Another question (sorry) ...what exactly is hummus? I've never had it before and have thought of trying some? Can you compare it to anything?


    I have worn it in the shower, swimming (chest strap too, yes), in the lake (with chest strap)... as long as you avoid pushing the buttons while it's submerged it's designed to be useful for swimming too :wink:

    Hummus!! Oh, you must make some :happy: It is wonderful and I put it in sandwiches, on bread, dip veggies into it...

    1 can chickpeas (drained)
    1 tbsp olive oil
    1 large or 2 small cloves garlic
    1 tbsp lemon juice
    1 tbsp tahini (sesame paste, available in almost all grocery stores. check near the peanut butter)
    water, to adjust consistency

    chop up the garlic in a food processor then add chickpeas, oil, lemon juice, tahini and puree. Add water 1 tbsp at a time until you get a smooth creamy texture, not runny. Texture is usually like thick yogurt or guacamole.

    Some additional ideas:

    -make herb hummus by adding a handfull of fresh herbs into the food processor after it is fully blended (my favourites are basil or cilantro!)
    -add roasted red pepper for tasty zesty hummus
    -add an avocado to boost the nutrition even higher

    -use hummus as an addition to brown rice for really creamy, flavourful rice. Great with stir fry.

    Let me know if you give it a try!! :drinker:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    OK Ladies,

    Excuse my ignorance, but what is so great about a HRM (I assume it's a heart rate monitor)? :blushing:

    I haven't put my meal down for the weekend since I went overboard with those roasted almonds at the art fair yesterday, and today I had a very large omlette with hash browns. I did skip the brunch I was worried about, but still went out and basically had a brunch (above). But, I did walk to the grocery store to get items for my healthy chicken dinner. And am right back on track now. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I know I did. I am really going to miss this weather come winter time.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    OK Ladies,

    Excuse my ignorance, but what is so great about a HRM (I assume it's a heart rate monitor)? :blushing:

    I haven't put my meal down for the weekend since I went overboard with those roasted almonds at the art fair yesterday, and today I had a very large omlette with hash browns. I did skip the brunch I was worried about, but still went out and basically had a brunch (above). But, I did walk to the grocery store to get items for my healthy chicken dinner. And am right back on track now. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I know I did. I am really going to miss this weather come winter time.

    Ah the mighty HRM! Well, heart rate monitors allow you to get an accurate reading of the number of calories you've burned in a period of time. The one Kristin and I both have also keeps a weekly journal of your workouts so you can look back at them, it gives you a weekly summary of your work, it can suggest optimal target heart rate zones based on your actual body's response to different intensities of exercise rather than just formulae for target heart rate zones, and because it also stores user info like age, weight, height etc you get a real glimpse of cals. Since we're all keeping SUCH a close eye, relying on what MFP has to say about calories burned then eating those calories can be a hazard. It's the best weight-loss investment I've made. :wink:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I've only had mine since yesterday but am hooked already! And I agree with Pedalhound...accuracy and importance of calories...this has made it a great investment! AND motivation...I can't wait to see all the calories I burn this week!!!

    Well...I plan on making Hummus at some point...sounds good. Do you have calories for your recipe? I probably won't make it until next weekend (I will need to get some ingredients!)

    Well...getting ready to have dinner here in a few. Green beans instead of broccoli (the broccoli was bad:cry: ). AND...I will have a hostess 100 calorie Carrot cake cupcakes for dessert.

    Have a great night friends and I'll be back tomorrow!!

    P.S. Thanks for answering my questions Pedalhound!!:flowerforyou:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Thanks. I think I will look into getting a HRM if you both find it so helpful. Where did you purchase it from and how much was it?
    I'm done for today. PJ's & books for me now. Have a good evening:yawn:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Mine was about 100$ and I got it at Mountain Equipment Coop. I know you can order them online though. Check out the site to find where to buy near you :wink:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yes...the Polar site will show you more about them. Mine was about $100 also on sale at one of our sports stores here. Some people have gotten them on ebay for cheaper. They are kind of expensive, and there are cheaper brands if you are looking for something more basic. This one is VERY good though and I recommend it!

    I will check back in a little bit with my meal plan for the day!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Options's the plan for today:

    1 wheat english muffin, 2 tbsp. Natural Peanutbutter, 1 med. banana, 8 oz. PlumSmart Lite juice, 1 multivitamin.

    AM Snack:
    2 c. coffee, 2 tbsp. sugar free vanilla caramel creamer, 1 Kashi TLC soft-baked wild strawberry bar.

    Turkey&Cheese (2 sl. village hearth wheat bread, 1 sl. kraft free swiss, 3 sl. turkey lunchmeat, 1 sl. lettuce, 0.5 oz. alfalfa sprouts, 1 tsp. mustard), 14 baby carrots, AE Yolite yogurt, diet coke.

    Afternoon snack:
    1 med. apple, 100 cal. pack almonds, 1 Kashi TLC Honey Almond Flax granola bar.

    HomeMade Southwestern Quiche (1/4 of total) **let me know if you want the recipe** with a garden salad and spritzer dressing.

    PM Snack:
    ???--Depends on calories remaining.

    Exercise plan--1/2 hour run on treadmill, 1 hour BodyPump

    **Oh! I'm so excited to see how many calories I actually burn! This HRM is such a motivation!!!! BRING ON THE EXERCISE!!!!!! AND...I'm actually pumped for thread for a new week with a new weight! I had kind of told myself that I wanted to be at least where I was before vacation for weigh in (which was 164.5 on that Friday morning) that is what I'm hoping for tomorrow morning!!!

    Have a GREAT day friends and I'll check back later!!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good morning friends :happy:

    Well, although my ticker didn't move, I've added .5 lb back on in my settings because it has been consistent all week. I usually see my weight loss happen all in 1 day usually mid week so maybe there will be a change for tomorrow's weigh-in.

    I'm SO excited - my dance class starts today which I've been looking forward to for 5 years! I haven't registered for a regular class (just attended drop-ins when I could) since getting pregnant with my daughter and now I finally get back into a challenging, weekly class. I have taken all kinds of dance since I was three (been a ballet, jazz, tap & modern dancer) but I decided to go with modern (contemporary) since it offers a lot for just 1 discipline. I'm minorly nervous because it's an advanced class and the teacher is a highly regarded professional but I'm so excited!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'll check in later if I can... busy day today with stroller fitness, errands, homeschool for Ava, then dance for me!!

    :flowerforyou: Have a good one everyone!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning friends :happy:

    Well, although my ticker didn't move, I've added .5 lb back on in my settings because it has been consistent all week. I usually see my weight loss happen all in 1 day usually mid week so maybe there will be a change for tomorrow's weigh-in.

    I'm SO excited - my dance class starts today which I've been looking forward to for 5 years! I haven't registered for a regular class (just attended drop-ins when I could) since getting pregnant with my daughter and now I finally get back into a challenging, weekly class. I have taken all kinds of dance since I was three (been a ballet, jazz, tap & modern dancer) but I decided to go with modern (contemporary) since it offers a lot for just 1 discipline. I'm minorly nervous because it's an advanced class and the teacher is a highly regarded professional but I'm so excited!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'll check in later if I can... busy day today with stroller fitness, errands, homeschool for Ava, then dance for me!!

    :flowerforyou: Have a good one everyone!

    Good for you Pedalhound! Let me know how it goes! I'm excited for you!!:bigsmile:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Afternoon,

    WOW! A dance class that sounds like lots of fun and a great way to get in exercise. Did you join with a friend? The HRM is pricey, but if it inspires you that much, it is worth it. I just got back from my 1 hour workout at the community center. It's always a good one. I can tell my little walks are not doing much for me anymore. I will need to step up the pace on those.


    1: oatmeal, brown sugar splenda, banana
    2: Peach
    3: Homemade chicken enchilada (Very tasty, fast, and not too bad in cal.)
    4: skim milk & fiber one bar
    5: Lean cusine turkey
    6: maybe a banana or popcorn (of course light no added butter or salt) depending on how I feel.

    Have a great day ladies!:smile:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey everyone!!

    Ive missed ya!! Been busy and havent had time to check in..Im actually on my laptop during my lunchbreak bt classes right now!!

    So yesterday was 12 hour shift!
    foodwise: bfast: luna bar then wasnt hungry again til dinner and then had an egg white omelet with turkey and provolone and tomato. that was it yesterday...didnt get any formal exercise since I was at work so long, but I did walk up and down the halls for about 25min total swinging my arms and stuff like that.

    Today foodwise so far:
    bfast: 1 egg omelet, turkey and provolone.
    snack: fiber one bar
    lunch: subway club wrap no chz no condiments cept a splash of vinegar and drinkin a fiber one water mix
    afternoons snack..not sure if i will have one
    dinner: my babygirl wants pizza, and its her bday so we may go to pizza hut..if we do, I am sticking to the salad bar! :)

    my exercise today will be my shred dvd maybe levels 1 and 2 not sure though, and will take my princess to the park and play tennis or walk or somethin!

    Deblaf...yea if you arent seeing much results I would reevaluate your exercise and eating. Maybe you can figure out something to change it a lil and start seeing some results! But, it did also take me a few weeks to start noticing changes to my body and not just the scale!! And the HRM thing, I have one that I paid like $40 for at walmart its pretty basic and that works great for me! I dont want to mess with the chest strap thing with the more pricey HRMs I just wanted a better idea of how many calories I was burning during exercise and the one I have works great for me!! Much much more accurate than the calories burned on here!

    Kristin, you are jumping right back in the saddle, that is awesome! Im so proud of you :drinker: :drinker:

    Pedal sounds like a busy day for you today..and lotsa calorie burning!! Hope your dance class goes well :smile:

    Okay everyone I will check in later on this evening...New week tomorrow! YAY!

    Oh yea, took pics at my babys bday party and will post some later this evening..gonna post one from Dec/Jan to compare to me now !!

    Bye for now guys!!


    Created by - Free Food Journal
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yay Katy...I was starting to wonder where you were. Yep...getting back on track and feeling great! Wouldn't have been able to do it without you guys! don't have to buy expensive like Pedalhound and I did for a HRM...there are cheap ones if you think it will benefit you. I just like the Polar F6 because with the cheast strap, it avoids interference with other HRMs at the gym (which is where I primarily workout) otherwise I probably would have bought a cheaper one myself. But as Katy said, the accuracy is much better than the extimates on this site and machines. I will post tonight after comparing my new readout with what the machine tells me and the estimate for my BodyPump class...I'm excited to see the difference!

    Well...time for lunch here. I will check back later! Have a great afternoon!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    DebLaf, I didn't join with a friend, no.. I don't know any other dancers in this city really. Not yet anyway :wink: I just moved here 5 years ago. I've been dancing all my life though and I'm just really eager to be back in a class that will be at the right level!!
    I bought a cheaper HRM at first but upgraded to the F6 a week later. Love it!

    Katy, looking forward to seeing your pics!

    Well, stroller fitness was fun and now we're off to town to get errands out of the way!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...just found out we have a work picnic/BBQ dinner this Thursday for our entire department and idea what we will be eating, but means I won't be able to make my normal Thursday night Step class. But...I will try and make it to the gym afterwards if we don't get home to late and at least get a little running in. Then...we may be off of work on Friday (this hasn't been fully decided yet) but if we are, I will make it to an 8:45 am Step class to make up for my missed one on Thursday. Then Friday night I have dinner at my parents (some friends are visiting from Canada), those are a few challenges I will face this week. I will probably chat more about these in Week 9 thread (which we start tomorrow) but I just found out and wanted to post.

    I'll check back later!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    you back from step yet kistinbee....i want to know what you burned....:tongue: i have been waiting to see.