25 TO LIFE! September



  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thanks cp they are $7 here. I had a really bad night with it and ended up smoking. I have not given up I will keep trying and I see my doctor in two weeks and maybe he will help. I will keep trying until then. I am still on track with calories and exercise. If no loss this week I will switch things up again. Have a great day. :bigsmile:
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Way to go Sindy! That's quite tough. Hey, every day you smoke a few less than before is still an improvement!

    I'm going back up to the 1400 calories I think I was actually gaining weigh, yuck! I upped my walk time for the regular dailies.....here's hoping? I'm getting pretty frustrated. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong! I even log the milk/cream in my tea!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    hi everyone! i am here too!
    things have been just ridiculous at work, and i have no internet at home most of the time, so i have had a hard time keeping up! But i am still here, and still going to zumba three nights a week, burning 600-700 calories each time consistently. I am STILL on my plateau thought!! Yes the one that started three months ago. :( I know it is the last ten pounds, but im starting to wonder if my body can healthily GET any smaller...its made it easy to let myself go more often with the sweets, and its slowly working against me if I am not able to refocus.

    so here i am, hopefully with the internet back for a while ( i borrow a usb modem from a coworker on most days, that is owned by my work, so i have to give it back alot)
    maybe i can get back on track before it is too late to make it to my goal before my wedding.

    here is my current status: exactly where i was three months ago, with alot less of an UMPH or willpower that i had going into this last year. I need a boost! So what do i do?

    First step, make my way back into my mfp addiction. I had a six month period where it was all that i did! I learned alot from the message boards, and i am glad to have made myself 'read up' and 'do my homework' on everything to lose the 12 i have so far, but i want this final ten gone, and its going to be hard to push my body into a new and more inclusive routine, but it is pre-wedding time, hard not to let the stress make me eat eat eat!!

    has anyone started an October 25 to life?
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    I hear you Sparkles! I'm so frustrated!

    I am at a loss for what to do. :grumble:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Still no weight loss for me either. I really have to get back in the swing. I did not quit smoking. Had a break down three days into it and pick it back up. I will cut down over the next couple of weeks and try again. I have not given up just did not think it would be so addictive. Hope everyone is well and those of us still on a plateau we will break them. :drinker:
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Thanks and Good luck to you too Sindy!

    Just cutting down makes a big difference. You can do it!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Sorry, I too, like Emily was addicted to MFP for awhile, but have seemed to have lost interest. I have been stuck between (on the digital scale, which is more accurate it seems) 152-155. I would really like to lose another 10-15, but whenever I say that to people they look at me in shock. (they don't see me naked!) and I know where I still need to lose. (I know how to dress to hide my flaws) and have really tried to find clothes that work with me not against me. I'm stuck. I've slipped a little. My kind of new circle of friends like to drink. So I have gone out and over houses where I seem to be consuming my calories in liquid.:grumble:
    Trying to stop that b/c I know that's not helping. still going to the gym. trying to get my butt off the back of my knees! (it's sore right now) thank God, maybe it's working!
    I come on every now and then and lurk on the boards. But haven't been "one of the regulars" lately.

    Anyway, I'm still here, I'm still trying to lose. I'm not giving up!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    We should just wait and do a November one sparkles, only a week left and not to many posts. I am still trying to get back in the swing and cutting down on my smoking. Hope everyone is hanging in there. Have a great day :bigsmile:
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Have a new plan - let's see if it works!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    ok ladies, i finally FINALLY got to update the weight section of my profile! THANK GOD!

    I weighed after a very intense zumba hour, and i was at 157 with my shoes on, AND TOM!

    so next week when things have evened out, I am hoping to see a little bit more results, and get some of that motivation back!

    not to get political or anything, but i just wanted to say, no matter which side you are on, everybody remember to go vote on or before NOv. 4!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Congrats, Emily! I still think you look great, no matter what that scale says. Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend. Kerri, what's the new plan? :smile:

    I seem to be holding steady at the moment, which is fine. I have given myself permission to 'plateau' for a while so I can focus on some other projects that I really need to work on for the next few months. I would still like to lose another 5-10 pounds, but feel pretty good where I am now. I am just barely into the 'Normal' category on the BMI chart!

    So this is my first foray into 'maintenance' - I am not strictly counting my calories these days, and am giving myself slightly less strenuous goals on the exercise front (cardio 3x/week + pushups 3x/week). I may not be posting as much, but I still like to check in and see how everyone is doing. I am mostly trying to hang on to the good habits that I have formed so far, and not gain any weight back. And then when I get finished with these projects and have more time to spare, I will be ready for some fine-tuning! :tongue:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    OK LADIES.. i thought about starting a 25 to life October, and realized that it will be November before we know it! SO in the spirit of the time of year, look for ..

    25 To Life, Halloween Edition

    then we can start a november one and try to recruit some new folks into our little group...

    sound good? OK look for it :)
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Ok I will look for it Em. Then check in on that one. :bigsmile: