Since the worlds coming to an end…..



  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    <~~Rocks in chair chambering slugs into his riot gun. Checking water/food supply. Calling my mommy... that is all
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Mark 13:32
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    No No No. It's just the rapture tomorrow. The world doesn't end until 21st October! Plenty of time to reach that target weight.
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    So...I just lost 30lbs for nothing? *sigh* I could have enjoyed some great food over the past few months.
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    Again? What's gonna get us this time? I'm out of the loop.

    I guess I'll postpone that job search, then.

    The same guy that predicted the world would end in September of '94, predicted the world will end May 21, 2011!!

    Should I maybe hold off getting that bank loan just to party like crazy then? Like, I mean, if he got it wrong before.
    Damn that was gonna be some party :devil:

    NO! Go ahead and get that loan! He miscalculated that time. He's VERY sure this time!! :laugh:
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    That's right, God doesn't like 'them.' So, after 6,000 years, or 4.5 billion years, He's about to enact the Final Solution.

    Starting tomorrow He's going to torture almost every man, woman and child on the planet for five months, before He eventually kills us all.

    Glad us Fae's don't believe in the same things you humans do...*Flutters over to join ZH and his riot gun*
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Mark 13:32

  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    The worldwide earthquake that happens on May 21st ...soooo that means what? That the United States can find out if it's real or not when New Zealand gets its first tonight our time? As a licensed professional geologist, I myself am intrigued over this worldwide earthquake.
  • tiger87lilly
    tiger87lilly Posts: 139 Member
    UPDATE: According to DR Camping the end of the world starts at 6pm….you may be asking Eastern or Pacific time? Well both….anywhere it is 6pm, so technically the end of the world start tonight at 11pm Eastern time.

    At least we will get a preview before it get to us.
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
    Mayor: What do you mean, "biblical"?
    Dr Ray Stantz: What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.
    Dr. Peter Venkman: Exactly.
    Dr Ray Stantz: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
    Dr. Egon Spengler: Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...
    Winston Zeddemore: The dead rising from the grave!
    Dr. Peter Venkman: Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
    Mayor: All right, all right! I get the point!

    Haaa hahahahah Too funny!!!!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Mark 13:32


    This is good stuff written by some guy.... (read: also useless information)!!
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Guess I will write a bunch of checks today and when they bounce that will be my excuse! But mr banker, Ithouight the world was ending!
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    So basically this is just Ragnarok with zombies. Cue the earth snake and Loki cameos. Whee~
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    eat like a king
    Get drunk
    and have sex.
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    imma be a *kitten* for the night. no better way to die then to die happy right? might even incorporate food too. yay! lmao. jk jk... well, sorta

    going out with a bang!! literally and figuratively.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    The worldwide earthquake that happens on May 21st ...soooo that means what? That the United States can find out if it's real or not when New Zealand gets its first tonight our time? As a licensed professional geologist, I myself am intrigued over this worldwide earthquake.

    Come on... haven't you seen "The Day After Tomorrow" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :devil:
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    imma be a *kitten* for the night. no better way to die then to die happy right? might even incorporate food too. yay! lmao. jk jk... well, sorta

    I got pizza, ice cream and a full tank of gas!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    UPDATE: According to DR Camping the end of the world starts at 6pm….you may be asking Eastern or Pacific time? Well both….anywhere it is 6pm, so technically the end of the world start tonight at 11pm Eastern time.

    At least we will get a preview before it get to us.

    Yep! We'll see tonight. Poor New Zealand, they get quaked first!
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    1994 was the wrong date first according to him:tongue:
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    The worldwide earthquake that happens on May 21st ...soooo that means what? That the United States can find out if it's real or not when New Zealand gets its first tonight our time? As a licensed professional geologist, I myself am intrigued over this worldwide earthquake.
    I'm watching my Australian friends intently today. :laugh:
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