Starting 30 Day Shred 5/29/11 who's in?



  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    I did Level 3, Day 8 today... planning to do the whole thing again starting July 1. I took a sneak peak at my weight and measurements, and unfortunately, they don't seem to have changed much. However, I just came back from a beach vacation and ate extra calories every single day for a week AND it's just a few days before my time of the month (but I did do the 30DS every day on vacation!). Hopefully, with another cycle and proper eating, it will make more of a difference in my appearance. The good news is, I am so much fitter. I started not being able to make it through a 2-minute cardio without resting and now I am zipping though them all, even on Level 3. I can tell I am stronger too.
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    Just finished Level 3, Day 9...only one day left until I can say I completed the 30 Day Shred! :smile:
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    That's awesome, GMGirl!!

    I did L3 D6 yesterday, so today is day 7... it really has gotten a lot easier. I did the first set of walking push ups regular, and some of the second set (then I had to go to knees) and I was able to do all the cardio, right up to the rockstar jumps. Halfway through those I had to just sort of hop, but when I started L3 I did one and then went to the hopping. LOL

    My diet has been excessive the past couple of days - we went to a friend's house last night for a party, and I went over my calories again. However, I was able to keep it to a reasonable amount, so it wasn't too too bad.
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    Great job, Colleen! I see only 2 pounds for you until you treat yourself to some cute exercise clothes!!

    Well, I finished the last day of 30DS, and I am so proud. I have never in my life done a workout video for 30 days. Today is also my 100th day in row of logging in to MFP. I think a lot of the healthy changes I've been making are becoming habits, finally.

    I will post my weight/measurement stats tomorrow.

    I'm going to join a July 30DS challenge, if anyone would like to keep going at this with me.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Great work!!!!

    I think by the end of the Shred, I'll be at my mini-goal. Yay!!
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    My final results:

    weight: -2.2 lbs.
    waist: -1 inch
    hips: -0.5 inch
    thighs: -0.5 inch

    I plan to do the 30DS again starting today, and hopefully lose more weight in July. I think I would have lost more in June if not for a one-week family shore vacation, but it was worth it.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Great job girls! I leave tomorrow on vacation and unfortunately Jillian just didn't happen this week :( I lost 5lbs from the start of this and my clothes for the trip fit so I'm pretty happy. Have a wonderful holiday those here in the States!