30 Day Shred (30DS) - Starting 5/23



  • jldaley09
    jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
    Day 3 - DONE.


    I was in pain before doing Day 3, but felt pretty good while doing it and feel much better today! Did that happen to you, too?

    Can't wait to do Day 4 in a few hours!!

    Yes, that's exactly what happened! Yesterday was tough mainly because my kids kept bothering me during it. Not a good time to ask mommy for a snack! My horns may have come out at one point. :devil:

    Today (day 4) was a breeze though! And the time just flew by!
    It makes me feel hopefull that it will get easier. Because today was a *kitten*! and as for kids.. I have 5! and they always have some kind of drama and I too bring out the horns.."Let me do my video!!"
  • crzybeautiful11
    Level 1 day 8 done - Just wanted to share a bit of motivation.. My scale says I'm down almost 7 pounds this week, since starting the shred. It's also my TOM, and I'm a bit bloated..so I have hope that I've actually lost more!! I think most of it was water weight, but it's gone, so good riddance! Also, people are starting to notice that my body is a bit tighter! I've started adding 6 week 6 pack or Insanity cardio abs in the afternoon for an extra workout =)

    Keep it up everyone, you're all doing great!! I can't wait to hear everyones results at the end of this!!
  • jlanab
    jlanab Posts: 89 Member
    Day 7 of Level 1 done and have lost 2 INCHES OFF EACH THIGH... ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!! if this isnt motivation enough for me to complete the entire thirty days I dont know what is. i said I wasnt gonna do inches until the 10th, 20th and 30th day but I was having a moment and wanted to know that all my struggling and swearing wasnt for nothin!

    Ladies please keep going so proud and excited for all of you!
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    You guys are doing sooooo great!!!!! KEEP IT UP!!!!!

    Im leaving for Sunday and Monday, I know I can get the workout in on Monday when i get home, its Sunday I am nervous about, If i cant get the actual DVD I might try and do it off memory- LOL

    Have a great Memorial Weekend everyone!!!
  • pixieval
    pixieval Posts: 64 Member
    Day 7 down, this was the hardest day for me since day 1.
    Totally my own fault though, since my daughter spent the night at my mom's last night, I decided to have a few glasses of rum and OJ. I'm feeling it today!!
  • les8186
    les8186 Posts: 2
    I started the 30ds on 5/25 the day my husband left on a debt to Cali for 4 weeks..its been tough but i'm prolly over doing myself I'm 2 months post pardum with my third child all c sections blahh. But i throw in there everyday 3 miles with the
    Leslie Sansone at home walking dvd, and a workout that came with my kettleball..please feel free to add me its a great feeling
    and i'm really determined my starting weight was 216 my goal is 150-155lbs. Wish you Luck!! :)
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    Day 7 complete...went for a walk afterwards but man are my legs ever aching yet again lol
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    Day 5 is in the can. Yay!
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    I'm just going to post what I put on my profile...
    Day 5 level 1 30 Day Shred: still kicking my butt. but got through it again today. I used 10 lb weights for some of the weight training but not all. probably 1/4 of the weight training. I felt the burn...

    I may start doing the the exercise barefoot I've never been comfortable running or stuff like that in shoes. Prob is that I'm supposed to be going to a podiatrist to see if I should be fitted for orthotics....
  • jldaley09
    jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
    Day 3 done! It does not seem to be getting easier. The last set of ab work, the bicycle crunches.. are so hard. Im already tired from the cardio right before that I have a hard time doing these crunches.. I really hope it gets easier. But I did it :) keep on keepin on
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    Day 3 done! It does not seem to be getting easier. The last set of ab work, the bicycle crunches.. are so hard. Im already tired from the cardio right before that I have a hard time doing these crunches.. I really hope it gets easier. But I did it :) keep on keepin on
    I think the only reason I am able to stand doing the bicycle kicks is that I was up to 350 crunches a day 6 days a week during my exercise routine... when Jillian starts the regular crunches it feels like I'm taking a break.
  • mom24uk
    mom24uk Posts: 54 Member
    Day 7 done and I dont think there's any way i'll do this in 30days... I think I'll just stick at level 1 for the entire time! It's all hard but that first cardio set (jumping jacks/skipping) kills me. My legs are like lead and really wont do it. Today is the closest I came to doing it with a mouthful of water in between each set.

    I don't know if it's my age, my size or my lack of exercise for the last 10+ years. Probably the latter!
  • diembroadhurst
    I started 30ds on 27th May - first 2 days I did level one but today jumped up to level 2 - that was a much harder workout and I was sweaty mc sweat sweat from soggy land!

    I'll do level 2 until it feels comfy and then go up to level 3.

    Try to combine 30ds with other activities - yesterday I swam for 40 mins. Today i'm going to bike ride, other days I might hit the gym. This is in addition to my running.

    Keep going ladies/gents - 30 days will be done in a flash!
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    I finished day 9 of level one yesturday and I will be doing day 10 today. I'm excited I'll be 1/3 the way throught but nervous for a new routine tomorrow. I would have probably have been comfortable moving to level 2 on day 8 but since I still can't do all the pushups I'm going to go through the video as intended. I finally took some measurements and before pictures but it was on day 7 so my results might not be too accurate at the end but oh well (I had lost 4lbs before I took the pictures/measurements).

    Keep it up the good work everyone!

    I didn't feel much of a difference until after 5/6 days or so in my indurance. The bicycle crunches will get easier. I used to feel the knot in my stomach that Jillian talks about way before she says it but now I don't feel it until she starts counting down for the last 5. Stick with it, it will be worth it!
  • pixieval
    pixieval Posts: 64 Member
    Day 8 down!

    How are people doing who are doing the shred + another cardio/exercise? I've only been taking walks on all the shred days, but my kickboxing/running class starts back Tuesday night, and I don't think I can't handle both on the same day. thinking of take Tuesdays and Thursdays(class days) off from 30 day shred.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    Day 6 was hard for me today. I felt like I was struggling the whole time.

    I usually do it after lunch and today I did it before lunch... maybe I didn't have enough energy for it because I hadn't eaten prior.

    I think the side lunges with arm raises are getting harder every day.
  • iteachfirst
    iteachfirst Posts: 8 Member
    I'm going to start tonight! I've done all 3 levels before, just not 30 days straight. Wish me luck
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    Day 8 down!

    How are people doing who are doing the shred + another cardio/exercise? I've only been taking walks on all the shred days, but my kickboxing/running class starts back Tuesday night, and I don't think I can't handle both on the same day. thinking of take Tuesdays and Thursdays(class days) off from 30 day shred.

    Since the weather has been nice Ive been going for a walk usually 45 minutes to an hour ...on rainy days I go the gym if I can get there and if not I do a round of the biggest loser on the wii.
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    Day 8 down ...yay :wink:
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    Day 8 down!

    How are people doing who are doing the shred + another cardio/exercise? I've only been taking walks on all the shred days, but my kickboxing/running class starts back Tuesday night, and I don't think I can't handle both on the same day. thinking of take Tuesdays and Thursdays(class days) off from 30 day shred.

    I go for an hour bike ride twice a week as well I did try to do my regular exercise routine as well the first day and could barely move the next day.