30 Day Shred (30DS) - Starting 5/23



  • mom2jacob
    mom2jacob Posts: 54
    3rd day down baby!! I'm def feeling it more today and of course I had my hubby as an auidence today so that made me push harder. Bring on the results!!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    someone said they get bored. I turn the volon the tv down and play some fast music during the routine. seems to make to time go by faster!

    Great idea thats what i did tonight much better:smile: jillians voice gets on my nerves!
  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    I just read all the posts and wanted to say I am so proud and encouraged by everyone making a massive effort each day to complete the Shred. Even though we are only on day 3, I think it says alot that everyone is trying their best and completing their workout and still checking in on the message boards. I know that when I read them, I feel ready to conquer the next day's workout. Everyone keep up the good work and keep pushing until the end!!
  • mom24uk
    mom24uk Posts: 54 Member
    Day 4 done and I didn't think I'd make it today. For some reason I found it really difficult and had to stop several times. I didn't realise until after but my heart rate was way up too at 123% instead of the max of 85%!

    Keep going everyone, You're all doing great.
  • minnesotamama
    minnesotamama Posts: 38 Member
    Done with day 4. :happy: This weekend might be a challenge since we're going out of town, but hopefully I'll only miss a day or two at the most.
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    Does anybody else have issues with other people being around while doing 30DS? I absolutely can't have anyone around when I'm jumping and flopping like a fish. I'm too embrassed! Even my kids have to be asleep. ANybody else?
  • thomma12
    thomma12 Posts: 18 Member
    Day 4 done! Even did a few "real" pushups! :) Worried about staying on track for the holiday weekend though, camping with family = lots of food (need to be strong). I'm going to bring the DVD and my laptop with but not much alone time either and not sure I can handle having anyone around while I do the workout. Scared if I take a day or 2 off I won't get back into it and I really want to do the 30 days straight and see if I get some results!
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    Today is my day 3 and I'm not looking forward to it at all. My legs are so sore today I can barely walk after sitting down for a few minutes. I'm afraid I'm going to collapse half way through the workout, but I'm going to give it my 100%.

    I have to say this is humbling. I thought it would be easier this time around with the Shred since I've been exercising daily for months and months and have totally slayed the elliptical at the gym.... but oh nooooo, Jillian smacked me down a few rungs, that's for sure.
  • pixieval
    pixieval Posts: 64 Member
    Does anybody else have issues with other people being around while doing 30DS? I absolutely can't have anyone around when I'm jumping and flopping like a fish. I'm too embrassed! Even my kids have to be asleep. ANybody else?
    I'm super embarrassed to do it in front of my husband. He knows me though, and finds something to do.
    I'm fortunate though, in that we have TV and a roku in the bedroom, so I can hide in there and do it if he won't leave the living room.
    My daughter is 3, and has come with me to my tues/thurs night kickboxing classes sometimes, and I am the slowest person there, so she's used to me flopping and failing a little bit! lol

    Day 5 down!
    I'm most proud of myself right now for finishing the last burst of cardio all the way 2 days in a row without having to change to a jog in place!

    What are you most proud of right now?
  • jlanab
    jlanab Posts: 89 Member
    im half way done with level one. day 5 completed this morning even though I REALLY didnt want to... like REALLY. I pushed through and am happy I did! Still alternating between 3 and 5 lb weights and I can tell Im getting stronger. That doesnt mean I dont loathe the idea of me flopping around my living room every morning just mean the pushups are easier, those damn side squats with arm raises arent as torturous, and I can kinda get through the cardio portions without swearing... out loud, but in my head its fair game :wink: .

    Im happy Iv committed to the thirty days and am eager not just for my results but for all of your successes as well. It will get easier and our results will be worth it so keep going :happy:
  • pixieval
    pixieval Posts: 64 Member
    someone said they get bored. I turn the volon the tv down and play some fast music during the routine. seems to make to time go by faster!

    Great idea thats what i did tonight much better:smile: jillians voice gets on my nerves!

    LOL!! Jilian super gets on my nerves, but I really like her at the same time because I know I'm going to get my best workout right now with her.
    When I'm working out in the living room, I have the workout on the computer screen, and then have the TV on and watching old episodes of the Biggest Loser. I still keep the volume up a little so I know when to change, but it makes the time go by faster, and seeing Jilian on the Biggest Loser reminds me that she gets results, and that she'd cuss me out in a second if she was in my living room!
  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    Done with day 4! Did level 1 today. I rocked the heck out of the modified push ups.
  • mom2jacob
    mom2jacob Posts: 54
    day 4 complete and there is nothing more encouraging then hearing your son cheer you on!! he is only 3 and kept saying good job mommy!!
  • crystal9999
    crystal9999 Posts: 73 Member
    Level 1 Day 4 check!!! I don't like to do it in front of my hubby either. My kids try to copy me, it's cute!!!
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    You guys are doing SOOOOO amazing!!! I am so proud of each of you!!!!

    Day 4- Down *doing the squat boxing move*

    Today was MUCH easier than yesterday, I am working out later with a girl friend and I think she will want to try the 30 DS so there might be a 2nd round of this in my future. Push-ups are still hard for me (lame) found Jump ropes to be much easier today, calves are not hurting nearly as bad…

    I too have to work out alone, luckily my BF is still sleeping in the morning (one reason why I switched my workout from PM to AM) I also find that since I am working out in the morning I have less excuses or distractions too. I really dont get annoyed by Jillian, I thought about doing it to just music but there are times right before i go to take a break or give up that i hear her say 5 more... and it keeps me going strong, i guess i need the countdown.

    Even though it’s a holiday weekend, I will still be full force with 30DS, those that are taking a break enjoy yourselves :drinker:

    Have a wonderful and save Memorial Weekend!!:happy:
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    Day 3 - DONE.

  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I also wanted to let you know that I have started a June Challenge:

    Feel free to join :)

  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    Day 5 done ..it is getting easier still kicks my *kitten* but I can handle more then went for an awesome walk...loving this weather :smile:
  • kcalli0429
    kcalli0429 Posts: 27 Member
    okay I need motivation. I haven't missed a day yet but really want to. Didn't eat great. That waffle house omelet was way too heavy. my knees have been killing me from the jumping jacks. Today I had my knee in a chair and applied to much pressure and it popped and a pain shot up my leg. I am thinking I can still do it but just do the punching during all of the cardio parts. Would that be too much of a cheat???? Maybe I could manage to run in place but I am not sure. I have been putting heat on my knees before the work out and ice after, any body got any good suggestions. :huh:
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    First - kcalli, if your knee is still bugging you, either call off today's workout, or do the boxing. It is SIGNIFICANTLY easier to modify for a few days and come back strong than it is to go for it anyhow, sprain/strain/break something and be sidelined for a month. Please take it easy on yourself!

    For me, Day 4 is done. I think Jillian is full of ****. 'Cause either that, or tomorrow I'm going to see some massive burst of endurance or something, 'cause this is NOT any easier than day 1 was! GAH!