


  • RyvreTam
    RyvreTam Posts: 45 Member
    I'm officially hooked on Aion again. Srsly, does anyone play? I also downloaded the cute-looking mmo from Steam, I forget the name, but it is cute and easy and fun.

    I am loving inFamous. I wish I could play more to keep up enough to play inFamous 2, the Bioshocks, AC, all the ones I've been missing. Especially with the new Bioshock and wicked Tomb Raider coming. And Uncharted! Oh I'm so behind. Hoping I can afford a launch day Vita though. It looks amazing.
  • ecahill91
    ecahill91 Posts: 69
    <~~~~~ :heart: 's video games! I still have my SNES :tongue: I love me some Super Mario and Donkey Kong!! N64 was one of my faves too :bigsmile:
  • lachicadelfuego
    lachicadelfuego Posts: 35 Member
    My bf and I play Reach on 360 together a lot. I love to play but he is way more into it than me. I'm trying to catch him though. We have all the Halo games and several of the COD ones. We are also into the Rockband and Guitar Hero games. And the best game of all----Mortal Kombat. lol That's the only one that is mine.
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 259 Member
    Call of Duty Black Ops
    Left 4 Dead 2
    Portal / Portal 2
    Halo 3
    Halo Reach (ROCKETFIGHTS = <3)

    xbox 360 all the way
    gamertag lingading221
  • Angeloftheshore
    Angeloftheshore Posts: 227 Member
    Fable, Dragon Age, City Of Heroes
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I've always been a gamer. Used to play WOW and have played Conquer online. Love love love me some Final Fantasy on the playstation. <3 It's my game!
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157
    I can't wait until I get through my move and get settled into my new apartment in August -- only having 1 job and not being in school, I might actually have time to play video games again!
  • Alaranio
    Alaranio Posts: 75
    I'm a Call of Duty fanatic. XBox 360. But then again any FPS is right up my alley.
  • Aeliyah
    Aeliyah Posts: 247
    So much that I even met my husband on WoW. You know classic scenario, I was the GM of a hardcore raiding guild back in BC and he was our main tank lol! :)

    Anyways, I am liking Rift though. Good change lol.

    Ah! I love this! My boyfriend and I met on WoW, and we've been together for 2 years now. It's been difficult considering he lives in Indiana and I live in Ontario, but sometimes things are meant to be!

    I've played WoW since vanilla (original game) and even though Wrath of the Lich King was a rough spot for me, I'm back as GM and Raid Leader now in Cataclysm. I'm very happy with the latest expansion!

    I also tried Rift when it came out. I liked it, but it wasn't WoW... and I'm not a natural gamer : / I have to learn and teach myself the mechanics and abilities to be an efficient player... I can't just jump into a game and play well (Although, that would be AWESOME!)

    Glad to see a good amount of gamers on here!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I have two 360's, a ds, and a psp (also a pc/mac obviously)

    My favorite games are:
    Elders Scrolls
    Assassins Creed
    God of War
    Ninja Gaiden
    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
    Harvest Moon
    Silent Hill
    The Sims 3
    Katamari Damacy

    I would like to say Street Fighter 4 but I don't have a tournament stick anymore, and I suck at it so xD
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    ps3: Black ops, BFBC2,
    360: Homefront, Crysis 2
    onlive..........just got it, only have duke nukem

    looking forward to trying EA Fitness with my Kinect one of these days too.........
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    If you get him a ps3 God of War 3 and Drakes Uncharted 2 are must haves..............
  • em1976
    em1976 Posts: 119 Member
    Wow,horde oceanic server.Raiding constantly,then dailies etc added to my weight woes.Firelands is out shortly so I'm trying to not get back into the 'I'll just sit down for a bit' thing as that leads to endless hours.Been quite difficult to kick the wow or at least back off on my playtime.Getting there,helps that since cata its getting a little boring:)
  • Cassielfsw
    Cassielfsw Posts: 24 Member
    I played WoW for about 4 years but quit in frustration after Cata because my preferred role is healing and they nerfed healers into the ground. :brokenheart:

    I'm playing Lord of the Rings Online now. :smile:
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    well because we all play online games like MW3 together as a family...and it saves arguements when we all want to play...


    I completely see the logic of this - some games my partner and I buy two copies of so we can play together! I was hoping we'd be able to play Portal 2 together but it messes with his equilibrium! He had to leave the room yesterday when I was playing Portal 1 because he was starting to feel icky just looking at my screen! :cry:
  • nascent
    nascent Posts: 28
    Only PC and not that much anymore: Battlefield Bad Company 2, Unreal Tournament 3, Modern Warfare 2, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Borderlands, Rainbow Six Vegas 2... really diverse games (not!)
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I have played LOTR a bit but haven't in a while. It is pretty good though I must say.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I played WoW for about 4 years but quit in frustration after Cata because my preferred role is healing and they nerfed healers into the ground. :brokenheart:

    I'm playing Lord of the Rings Online now. :smile:

    I have played LOTR but haven't so much lately. It is quite good though.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Anybody picked up MtG 2012 for the 360?
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    Another gamer here. Currently I play WoW and Wii (always prefered nintendo systems over the PS3). hubby plays PS3 and DC Universe online.

    I used to role play....table top, online, name it. I prefer white wolf systems but have played D&D, Warhammer and a couple other obscure ones that I can't remember the names of at the moment. We used to have a regular table top night and I also at one point owned an online chat based role playing site.

    I'm a big nerd :laugh: