Pin-up Girls! - Week 1



  • Babyblue4711
    Babyblue4711 Posts: 9 Member
    Ouch I am the biggest one here so far... by far.. but I am excited about this.

    What worked for you the last 10 weeks? This is my first go round with this just started seriously trying again to lose weight.

    What are you goals this round? I would like to lose 20 lbs. seems like a lot but really is only 2 pounds a week.

    What are you going to do the same or change this time? well I have been 5 days now with no soda, I have been known to drink a whole 2 liter in a day and then some so that is a huge change I am also logging everything I eat, and eating 3 meals a day ( a big change from only once and then scarfing for me)
  • kellicrawford73
    kellicrawford73 Posts: 4 Member
    Please add me too. My start weight is 130 pounds (59kgs) in Australia. How does it all work?

    My goal is to lose 10 to 15 pounds.

    I've done weight loss challenges before but never online so this is something new.

    A change for me will be doing more consistent exercise and allocating time to do it each week instead of doing it sporadically when I have a free afternoon occasionally. I'd like to do a 10km run (well) in august and I know being lighter and fitter is reAly going to help.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    I have a large need for a bunch of the dresses on, but don't know where else to shop if I don't want to go the DIY route. Therefore, I'm issuing a plea for links! Clothes, shoes, whatever you've got! ^_^ is a good place to find real vintage or just some handmade stuff.

    Some other good sites:

    I have got some amazing dresses off etsy! I also have to say that ebay is a great place to look too
  • valeriedent2
    valeriedent2 Posts: 154
    I really need to get my rear in gear or Monday's weigh in is going to be BRUTAL!!! I've put on 2 lbs this week, and it's all in my boobs!! Oy!! TOM is miserable this month!!!

    I've barely been staying in my maintenance calories, let alone a deficit. I haven't worked out in 2 weeks. I need a kick in the *kitten*!! LOL!!!
  • efokken
    efokken Posts: 138 Member
    I want in! Let me know how this works... SW: 135. I just want to maintain but lose body fat is my goal
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member

    This is a group of lovely gals, here to hold each other accountable, share our ups and downs, and advice based on our own experiences. We weigh-in once a week, on *****MONDAYS*****, to hold ourselves accountable, to have friends to not only celebrate our successes with, but to keep us moving forward when the scale gets us down.
  • Good Morning!

    I would like to join.

  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    If it's not too late, I'd love to join you ladies.

    About me:

    SW 148
    CW 146.4
    GW 140

    What works for me is planning planning planning. I work for a great company with a fabulous cafe but I can never control myself to get something good for me up there. I'm very lucky that we have a great deli/vegetable store that I can buy all sorts of good for me food at so this time of year I live on Salads. I love Trader Joe's for my snacks and add ons to my meals. In the summer we grill all the time so we don't have to cook in the house. Again, found a great butcher shop not even a mile from our house, it makes a world of difference. If I can plan, I can stick to the plan and do well.

    Having only a few pounds to lose is more difficult than it seems. I need to get my strength back in my right arm after an injury 2 years ago - which I was doing great on until I pinched a nerve - again. I'm in alot of pain right now and took a 2 week break from the gym. On Monday I start back up fresh. Pain or not, I'll do things that don't aggrivate my neck.

    I'm really looking forward to having other people to share ideas with and keep me accountable.
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
  • mkaplan50
    mkaplan50 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to join! SW 217
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Added all.

    155 ladies now.....
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    Wow that's a lot of us!

    Do you want us to just message you on Mondays with our SW and CW, or just CW?
    Just thinking what would make doing the table easier :)

    Not sure if they ship to anywhere but uk, however do some gorgeous dresses,,
  • Glow87
    Glow87 Posts: 52 Member

    I know im about 15 mins late BUT.......

    I'd love to join this challenge.

    My CW is 175
    So if i could get end the round between 160 - 165, i'd be very happy

  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    Good morning all you beautiful Pin-up!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: So in a good mood today. I think it's because I can finally answer the 3 questions Rach posted at the beginning of this thread.

    What worked for you the last 10 weeks?

    Logging all my food intake and exercise. Knowing that everyone can see what I eat, really made me want to stay below or near my calorie count. And I would get excited to see how many calories I burned working out, which made me happy because then I knew I could eat more calories, so if I wanted to eat that one (yes, just one) cookie, I could :-) (Near the last end of the 10 weeks though I started slacking)

    What are your goals this round?

    My goals for this round is to try different aerobics classes at the health club and stick with them. They are starting a new dance class in June, so I am excited about that. I am also going to try (starting next week, come on, it's Memorial Weekend) not to drink alcohol :drinker: . That is my one down fall because even though I say I will have just one, I normally have 3-4 more. I did only have one on Tuesday night, so I was proud of my self. So starting Monday, I will (try) not to drink alcohol. Another goal is to not snack after 7 PM. I have done it before, so I know I can do it again (and hopefully keep this going forever). I can keep going with more goals, but for now, I will stick with these 3. :-)

    What are you going to do the same or change this time?

    I will continue to go to the gym and wake up every morning (except once school is out, I work at one, I won't have to get up so early to do zumba/pilates in the morning) to work out. I am going to do a new strength training routine because I am getting bored with the one I am doing now. I will start that one next week :-) And, I will continue logging all my food and exercise. I noticed that lately I am slacking, but starting today, IF I BITE IT, I WRITE IT (can't remember which one of you lovely ladies said it, but I LOVE IT!!), which means, I better go log that fun size snickers bar I ate this morning :blushing:

    Hope all you gorgeous pinups have a wonderful Thursday!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    YAY! broke my 1 1/2 week plateau. Did it to myself. Took a weekend off...didn't eat well...and then TOM. so it's finally moving in the right direction again!
  • jumelle
    jumelle Posts: 50 Member
    Added all.

    155 ladies now.....

    That has got to be some sort of record lol. Has there ever been a challenge with that many participants? Good luck everyone! :wink:
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    Squee, more links! Thank you all so much! I have the ability to DIY for clothes, but not the patterns... And I'd also like to own a few pieces before I try to make them so I can get a feel for what they're *supposed* to look like before I get started, you know?

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm so excited!
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    Thursday morning and I am happy to report I haven't peeked at the scale. I suppose that is literally a NSV. :wink:

    Like a true addict, I think about it several times a day, and look at the spot on my floor where the scale should be every time I go into my bathroom. But I haven't caved. I feel liberated.

    One of the reasons I started this change was, on Wednesdays I tend to be my lowest weight. I would see that and feel really good about myself. This had a few side effects, 1) I would be a little more lenient or relaxed with my calorie intake or make a few more bad food choices, and 2) come Monday morning if I weighed the same or more than the prior Wednesday, I would feel bad about myself.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    So yesterday I consumed more calories than I thought was humanly possible. But I did log them. I am a bit disapointed in myself after havng such a terrific workout. Oh well I guess it happens and today is a new day.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Amy, don't beat yourself up. Today IS a new day. And you worked out yesterday. Be proud of what you did achieve!
    I have a large need for a bunch of the dresses on, but don't know where else to shop if I don't want to go the DIY route. Therefore, I'm issuing a plea for links! Clothes, shoes, whatever you've got! ^_^ is a good place to find real vintage or just some handmade stuff.

    Some other good sites:

    Wow! Thanks!