twilight fanatics challenge! get your vamp on by november 1



  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    kudos, everyone! we had a great week, with a loss of 53.6 pounds for the week and a total loss of 183.4 since the start of the challenge! if the scale didn't cooperate, don't sweat the small stuff. it will happen - just stay the course! well done!

    members in gray are either new and have not weighed in as of yet, or have not weighed in for a week - remember that after not weighing in for two weeks you will be removed from the charts. here you go:

  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member

    “I told you — you don’t see yourself clearly at all. You’re not like anyone I’ve ever known. You fascinate me.”
    Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 12, p.245


    This week is all about giving yourself the attention and love that you deserve! Bella always found herself wondering what Edward saw in her, and that was a theme of the books that really resounded with me. It pretty much took her the entire series to accept that Edward loved her just as she was, and I think this is something that most women feel or go through and some point in their lives.

    So this week, your duty is to display your success with good grace. When your spouse or honey says you look beautiful, agree and say ‘thank you’ instead of replying, ‘You have to say that because you’re my husband.’ When someone compliments you, thank them instead of saying, ‘It’s just my shoes – they make me taller.’

    I am guilty of both of these actions, and it’s time to stop! I gained a bit of weight this week – does that mean I didn’t try? Does that mean I gave it all up? Does that cancel out all of my weeks of hard work and dedication? Does it mean I don’t deserve any praise because I had one week that didn’t meet my expectation?

    Of course not.

    In addition to gracefully accepting other people’s happy words, you are charged with giving yourself good vibes. Say something nice to yourself each day, preferably while standing in front of a mirror. Or write it down. But give yourself some love – start looking for the reasons that people are fascinated with you.

    So ladies, this week we are giving ourselves a break from any self abuse, and building ourselves up. We are strong and good people who are beautiful inside and out. We rarely see ourselves clearly and our challenge this week is to begin to. Human sight is dim – use your vampire eyes to find yourself.
  • xxjacqueline
    xxjacqueline Posts: 97 Member
    I really like this weeks challenge. I struggle constantly with issues of confidence and insecurities. I absolutely do need to work on being more accepting when someone compliments me. good luck everyone!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    go harry potter!
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    This weigh in day, I didn't lose an ounce.
    I am the same 217.2 lbs as I was 6 days ago. =(

    I guess 1 spurge day + Period for last 3 days just made it impossible.
    I'll have to try harder this next 6 days.

    You have my sympathies. My period just messed up my run today with cramping (after making me gain, thankfully only temporarally, 3.5 lbs in one day). Stupid childish organs. Why do they have to throw a fit once every month? I do NOT like having my runs messed with. I'm sooo close to getting to a 5k!

    Don't take it too hard. Give you Uterus a stern talking to about proper behavior and how weight loss will improve life for you both... Maybe it'll start behaving.

    *Goes back to her lurking in the thread...*
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Happy Monday to all the Twilight challenge folks!
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Like this new challenge and it came at the right time for me! I work as an exam marker for A Level English and spent yesterday doing my clearance marking - basically I mark some sample papers and my marks have to be agreed by the principal examiner otherwise I'm not allowed to mark (or grade, to use the American word:wink: ) This morning I got my feedback and she's agreed my marks so I'm clear to start. She also complimented me on the comments I made so it's all good.

    As well as accepting compliments I think we should all challenge ourselves to ignore any husband can be completely tactless and doesn't realise how insulting some of the things he says can be! Luckily, I'm very stubborn so my reaction is always, 'Yeah, and I'll show you you're wrong!' Now I'm also programming myself not to get annoyed at him when he does that.
  • sheffiej34
    sheffiej34 Posts: 91
    I agree this challenge is totally appropriate and yet difficult to do. There are too many stories on MFP where we are warring with ourselves over diet, exercise, the dreaded reflection in the mirror, etc. Whether we are a size 4 or size 44, we are a unique, beautiful creation. We must always remember that.

    I am guilty of self-confidence issues and the avoidance of the mirror on the wall ... but I will embrace this challenge whole-heartedly.
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    I always feel awkward when someone compliments me...not necessarily that I show it but inside I feel weird and I know its because of my own insecurites and self-consciousness...part of this journey I am taking is finding out how to love myself and be happier with myself becuase of ME and MY accomplishment because for so long I have struggled to do that...I really enjoy this weeks challenge and hope to be a little closer to better self confidence after this :)
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    I lost 3.8 lbs this morning ,but was ill yesterday so maybe or prob might go up a bit next week when normal eating resumes hopefully not ,maybe shouldnt have weighed this morning and left it a few days .

    glad you are feeling better!

    Thank you ,within the last hour is the best I have felt for days :flowerforyou:

    Well done on the weight loss ,love this weeks challenge :smile:
  • rissyroo2002
    rissyroo2002 Posts: 71 Member
    This is a perfect challenge for me this week. I spent a long time looking into the mirror this morning, naked, feeling negative about it. I have lost 48 pounds and should be proud of myself, not disgusted with how much more I have to go. Hooray for me!!! I have never lost more than 20 lbs on a diet and I am almost at 50!!!!! Def time for a self image adjustment!
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    I love this weeks challenge but it will be so difficult to do! I always say something weird and dont handle compliments well because I dont feel what they say and i am not comfortabe with my body... Some days I feel pretty but most days not so much...

    So i think this week's challenge will be a step in accepting that just because my body is not how I want it to be does not mean I am not pretty.
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461

    “I told you — you don’t see yourself clearly at all. You’re not like anyone I’ve ever known. You fascinate me.”
    Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 12, p.245


    This week is all about giving yourself the attention and love that you deserve! Bella always found herself wondering what Edward saw in her, and that was a theme of the books that really resounded with me. It pretty much took her the entire series to accept that Edward loved her just as she was, and I think this is something that most women feel or go through and some point in their lives.

    So this week, your duty is to display your success with good grace. When your spouse or honey says you look beautiful, agree and say ‘thank you’ instead of replying, ‘You have to say that because you’re my husband.’ When someone compliments you, thank them instead of saying, ‘It’s just my shoes – they make me taller.’

    I am guilty of both of these actions, and it’s time to stop! I gained a bit of weight this week – does that mean I didn’t try? Does that mean I gave it all up? Does that cancel out all of my weeks of hard work and dedication? Does it mean I don’t deserve any praise because I had one week that didn’t meet my expectation?

    Of course not.

    In addition to gracefully accepting other people’s happy words, you are charged with giving yourself good vibes. Say something nice to yourself each day, preferably while standing in front of a mirror. Or write it down. But give yourself some love – start looking for the reasons that people are fascinated with you.

    So ladies, this week we are giving ourselves a break from any self abuse, and building ourselves up. We are strong and good people who are beautiful inside and out. We rarely see ourselves clearly and our challenge this week is to begin to. Human sight is dim – use your vampire eyes to find yourself.

    I love this challenge, and the message behind it!!! Thank you :) What a great reminder to CELEBRATE ourselves and our successes!
  • tracish
    tracish Posts: 7 Member
    I love this weeks challenge. Just last week I saw a friend for the first time in a while. She was full of complements for me. And what did I do? Deny, Deny, Deny and blamed my clothes for causing me to look thinner. Bucking up and just saying Thank You. is going to be difficult. I'm up to the challenge.
    I am also trying to start writing in a journal each day and this weeks challenge is a great topic to start with!
    Good luck everyone!
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    OMG you must have Edwards mind reading abilities because this is EXACTLY what I need! I have been extra tough on myself because I haven't been working out as much and haven't been taking that extra care with my food. But you are right, we deserve to be a little nice to ourselves! Thanks!
    P.S. I am at 150 this week...not much change happening over here :/
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member

    This week's challenge is to push yourself in your workout endeavors. If there's something you've been thinking of trying out, do it. If your already a gym rat, push up your time or your intensity. Add five minutes of jump-roping to your routine. Start that C25K. Get your mind to a place where it can visualize your muscles and your arteries - see your blood pulsing, feel it moving. Stretch. Jump. Sweat. Work on your vampire reflexes. Attend to your instincts!

    I've decided to give c25k a try because I have a 5k coming up in Sept. that i'm determined to enter on the race side instead of the fun walk. Anyway, with that said, I'll only be able to train every other week (when my son is in camp), so we'll see where I'm at 3 months from now. However, one thing I can do, that I've not done yet...since you mentioned jump rope! Now, if I can only figure out where my son put it.....

    Ha-ha! Send him over here if you need to train - I will trade you c25k time for Zumba time on my end!! :)

  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Hi All! As usual, I didn't manage to send my current weight in on time. Better late than never right? I've lost a few lbs this week and am trying to stay on track above all else. I continuously tell myself that I am changing my lifestyle, not trying to get through another diet. I have lost and gained enough weight in my lifetime for 6 people and as much as I want to lose the weight, I really want to stop the vicious cycle I've been on for all of my adult life. My mantra: I've come too far already to screw it up now!

    I hope you all look in the mirror this week and remember that you must first love yourself in order to make this journey a success. I need to do this as well, so I know it's easier said than done. Luckily, I'm a fairly vain individual so I'll give myself compliments that I won't take from others.:tongue:

    Good luck to all this week!!:smile:
  • o0IrishEyes0o
    o0IrishEyes0o Posts: 82 Member
    What a great challenge. I need the influx of positive thinking this week. It's only Tuesday and it's already bad :(

    Good luck everyone!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    This week I challenge myself to go to one class at the gym. I am nervous about shaking my stuff with others around, so we shall see. I also challenge myself to increase 3 of my workouts this week to 45 minutes. I did one last night and it wore me out, but I felt good afterwards.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Stacy, great challenge this week! Love how clever you are figuring out what to incorporate from Twilight to send a great message out to everyone! I often find myself focusing on how far I have to go rather than celebrating how far I have come. Working to change that, so your post was perfect for me! Have a great week!