twilight fanatics challenge! get your vamp on by november 1



  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I know there is a high probability I either gained or maintained this week, so I wasn't going to weight in this Satruday. But I thought of the challenge and am going to make myself do it! Win or lose, better to face it and make changes rather than pretend it never happened.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    My goals this week are to not gain weight and don't get pregnant. It's my anniversary and my husband and I are having a child free weekend at a spa resort!
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    I feel rough :( have had 2 kitkats this morning already, i really don't fancy my chicken salad lunch, i don't fancy anything to be honest, except getting in my big fluffy dressing gown at the BF's tonight and snuggling up in bed... and sharing my germs! Actually I'd quite like to go back to bed now... and it's not even 11am!

    Got the oncall phone for work for 2 weeks from today too which is crap, scuppers my plans to take the horses round the cross country course on sunday!
  • sheffiej34
    sheffiej34 Posts: 91
    I feel rough :( have had 2 kitkats this morning already, i really don't fancy my chicken salad lunch, i don't fancy anything to be honest, except getting in my big fluffy dressing gown at the BF's tonight and snuggling up in bed... and sharing my germs! Actually I'd quite like to go back to bed now... and it's not even 11am!

    Got the oncall phone for work for 2 weeks from today too which is crap, scuppers my plans to take the horses round the cross country course on sunday!

    Don't sweat the small stuff ... I believe we all need to cheat once in a while (within reason) to stay on track. Avoidance of the things we love almost guarantees set backs. Maybe treat yourself to a deli sandwich or a vamped up salad from a local vendor and save the chix salad for tomorrow.

    Be positive, enjoy your BF tonight, and just know you'll be with the horses soon enough. I despise oncall time too!
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    SCORE!!! The silly sod who had the phone before me forgot to put it on the shuttle to get it to me, the next one leaves there at 4pm (when I finish) and wouldn't get here until nearly 5, thus no phone this weekend, woo!
  • sheffiej34
    sheffiej34 Posts: 91
    SCORE!!! The silly sod who had the phone before me forgot to put it on the shuttle to get it to me, the next one leaves there at 4pm (when I finish) and wouldn't get here until nearly 5, thus no phone this weekend, woo!

    Fantabulous!! Congrats!
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    Alright so my summer job, which I THOUGHT would be great for my summer weight loss not. I rarely get to log into MFP!!!! BUT i'm at 148.5 FINALLY out of the 150's and hoping not to go back there! MOTIVATION to keep moving :)
  • clairelane1982
    woo hoo, i have finally lost my first stone with a great 3lb lost this week. am sooo happy.xxxx
    Hope everyone is doing great too.x
  • sheffiej34
    sheffiej34 Posts: 91
    woo hoo, i have finally lost my first stone with a great 3lb lost this week. am sooo happy.xxxx
    Hope everyone is doing great too.x

    Way to go!!
  • sheffiej34
    sheffiej34 Posts: 91
    Does anyone know how to add pictures to blogs?? I wanted to find someway of tracking my progress and all my attempts have failed.

  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    I have been bobbing around the same number for about 5-6 days now... kinda depressing. Gonna keep trying through next week, but if my results are the same then I'm switching it up after that.

    I hope this week went better for you guys then for me! lol.
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    3 pounds this week!
  • sheffiej34
    sheffiej34 Posts: 91
    3 pounds this week!

    Awesome! Congrats ..
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    Lost 4.1 pounds which I think is amazing because it was my tom and I was cheating like crazy! But I was so excited I went out and rewarded myself to cycling shoes:-)
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    evening, all you peeps of the night - or sparkly peeps of the day, if you'd ratther...

    i've been sort of mia this week - the struggle of realizing that i have no beach in my backyard and don't get naptime everyday has been warring with my work week. i'm holding strong just under 190, as i have been for the last 3 or 4 weeks - sheesh! the good news - at least in the fitness sense - is that i'm only going to be working half days for the rest of the summer. sucks for my paycheck, but getting back on schedule at the gym will totally be worth it.

    i was planning on getting back into my groove on monday, but i have a TEACHING INTERVIEW monday morning! i command that you keep all fingers and toes crossed while send crashing waves of good luck my way until further notice, otherwise i will tear you limb from limb and set you on fire! nothing personal, of course...:tongue:

    enjoy the rest of your weekend! i'm putting the chart together and we're making a lot of progress! a few of you have hit some wonderful milestones - hello to ONEderland! i'll have it up tomorrow!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    I am absolutely, positively the worst twilight fanatics challenge participant ever!! It seems I rarely get to pull out my laptop anymore and have no time to log on at work either. I was tracking my calories with my mobile MFP app, but I haven't even had time for that lately. THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of you who post encouragement in this thread - when I get a chance to read the posts, I always feel like I can make it through the next challenge I face. A special THANK YOU to chantriste13 for all of her hard work on this challenge. My personal goal for this week is to try to find a few minutes every couple of days to log on and encourage others. Let's hope life lets me achieve it!!

    I've been very fortunate that even without being able to log on and track lately, my weight loss is still going in the right direction and I have now lost 40 lbs. I give myself a "splurge day" every four weeks, and today was the day for this month. OMG, did I splurge! We went to Chipotle for lunch and though it was my first time there, I thought the food was pretty good. After some shopping, we hit Coldstone Creamery and I ate ice cream for the first time in over 3 months. I am not used to eating so much at a meal and certainly not such carb heavy / fatty foods. I found that not only did my body not react well to the food, but I also had no desire to eat anything else for the rest of the day. I've approached weight loss this time with the attitude of changing my lifestyle versus dieting. I guess this shows that for now at least, the approach is working!

    Good luck to all of you this week! Sparkly vampire lovers (and smelly wolf lovers too :tongue: )unite!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    here's the chart for week six - great work, everyone! we lost 25.1 pounds this week, and 304.3 pounds collectively - WOW! that's an average of just over 50 pounds per week - well done!

    if you're name is shaded in gray, it means i did not get a weigh in from you this week. if it's shaded in yellow, then i haven't received a weigh in twice, so you will fall off the chart next time if i don't receive one by saturday. again, fabulous work, everyone - stay the course! you're doing wonderfully!

  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member

    “I can feel what you’re feeling now — and you are worth it.”
    Jasper Hale, Twilight, Chapter 19, p.404


    What goes better with Alice than Jasper?

    This week’s challenge is another be-good-to-yourself sort. If we are going to find ourselves successful, then we’re going to have to commit to the long haul. That’s pretty hard to do if you find yourself stomping yourself every other day. I know that not everyone is like this, but it seems to be a fairly common thread in the weight loss world, so we are going to fight against that inclination.

    Jasper is super in-tune to his own emotions and everyone who is around him. He empathizes when people are bummed, and he is drawn to good vibes. We are going to follow in his footsteps and create happy vibes for ourselves. Your challenge this week is to write – yes, write – something good about yourself each day. It can be a sentence, or a list, or a journal entry, or a blog – I don’t care. But instead of simply thinking it to yourself like last time around, you need to make it tangible – so write it down. Each day. No cheating.

    Be creative – make it yours, make it art, do as you will. But give yourself your due credit. Affirm yourself, because you *are* worth all of this. It’s a long, hard road to begin with, and if you don’t have yourself on your side, it makes it even more so. If anyone’s interested, you can post what you wrote at the end of the week – it would be cool to see everyone rockin’ themselves out!

    We are all beautiful people, inside and out, and our challenge this week is to own it! Best of luck to each of you!
  • Lulumaguloo
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Great job everyone!