Mark your calendar...June 6th starts another round of P90X C



  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    P90X Lean Day 10 - Shoulders + Arms is in the books! It's been a long and crazy day.
    Will be doing kempo in place of yoga partly for the time factor and partly because my parents dog peed on my yoga mat tonight :sad:
    Hope everyone I'd bringing it!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    P90X Lean Day 10 - Shoulders + Arms is in the books! It's been a long and crazy day.
    Will be doing kempo in place of yoga partly for the time factor and partly because my parents dog peed on my yoga mat tonight :sad:
    Hope everyone I'd bringing it!!

    So...the dog hates Yoga too, huh?
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Okay YOGA freaks! Last night, I did it... Granted, I did the last hour of it only (we forwarded :tongue: ) BUT I didn't stop. So leave me alone now. Thankyouverymuch.
    I kinda liked it. :grumble:

    So maybe I'll sneak 5 minutes here and there and before you know I'll be doing the whole thing.

    Who can do the crane here?
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    P90X Lean Day 10 - Shoulders + Arms is in the books! It's been a long and crazy day.
    Will be doing kempo in place of yoga partly for the time factor and partly because my parents dog peed on my yoga mat tonight :sad:
    Hope everyone I'd bringing it!!

    So...the dog hates Yoga too, huh?

    Lucky you! My dog just looks at me like I have 3 extra heads when I'm stretched about on my living room floor. My cat yesterday thought it was time to wrestle. "Yes, I hear you kitty! I'm bored as hell too!!!"
  • iamthepreston
    iamthepreston Posts: 195 Member
    I did shoulders and arms yesterday. Technically I am on week 4 but I decided to extrend Phase 1 by a week. I am glad I did, because I am able to push my a little harder in the workout. Some exercises more reps, some exercises more weight. I also think I am down 2 pounds, so that about half a pound a week. If I clean my diet up some it could be better. If I can lose 10 pounds over the rest of it I have reached my new goal of 180 pounds.

    Yoga is up today. Since I hate yoga I am going to try to do 30 minutes of it, and then do 30 minutes of lowerback and core work. Might try to get in 5 sets of heavy dead lifts too..

    I have Exercise Induced Asthma and it has been a struggle for me to really push myself since I worry about breathing, but it is getting better.

    For those who are on round 2 when did you really start notcing a diff in your body??? I think I have read most people say that it was after the 2nd phase.

    I can't wait to see what the weight training phase 2 workouts look like.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    So maybe I'll sneak 5 minutes here and there and before you know I'll be doing the whole thing.

    Who can do the crane here?

    No crane for me yet, but I love the idea of starting with the "good part" and add 5 minutes each week until I'm doing the whole thing.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Finished Arms & Shoulders + Ab Ripper X last night, taking a rest day today instead of Sunday due to my schedule this week. BRING IT!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    So maybe I'll sneak 5 minutes here and there and before you know I'll be doing the whole thing.

    Who can do the crane here?

    No crane for me yet, but I love the idea of starting with the "good part" and add 5 minutes each week until I'm doing the whole thing.

    Nice to know I'm not the only one. I did manage to do the wheel for like 3 seconds!!! That was sooo much easier when I was 10 yrs old.

    I will say that last night I noticed when I'd go to my runners pose, I no longer had to manually pull my left (or right) foot up. It swung all the way by itself.... pretty coolio.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    So maybe I'll sneak 5 minutes here and there and before you know I'll be doing the whole thing.

    Who can do the crane here?

    No crane for me yet, but I love the idea of starting with the "good part" and add 5 minutes each week until I'm doing the whole thing.

    Nice to know I'm not the only one. I did manage to do the wheel for like 3 seconds!!! That was sooo much easier when I was 10 yrs old.

    I will say that last night I noticed when I'd go to my runners pose, I no longer had to manually pull my left (or right) foot up. It swung all the way by itself.... pretty coolio.

    I can do crane off and on, but not for the entire minute....I have planted my face into the pillow many a time. My personal love affair with Yoga didn't start out that way...I hated it until I saw improvements like you just described. It proved that I was doing something right and was getting better...made we want to do it again and now I just enjoy doing it...maybe I am twisted.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    When I woke up this morning I didn't my day would end up like it did... But what can you do. No work out for me today so took today as my rest day.

    Yeah I guess the dog didn't much care for yoga.

    Will be pushing play bright and early tomorrow morning.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    So maybe I'll sneak 5 minutes here and there and before you know I'll be doing the whole thing.

    Who can do the crane here?

    I cant do crane, and never could when I was 10 either. I can get close though. You guys just made it more fun for me, as now I'm going to try and discover the tangible improvements in my yoga workout as well.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Kenpo X yesterday. This one flys by. Seems simple- but it pouring sweat when its over. My kid seems to enjoy watching me do the karate moves.

    Planning on putting some hockey in on this "rest" day. See you Saturday 90x
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Hello! Yesterday was Core Synergistics for the 1st time! Yowza! Much fun but who can really do those types of push ups????

    Kenpo X today. It's my favorite! I will most definately bring it.

    You know, I'm a bit excited to do Yoga again only because I have now become intrigued by the improvements in my moves. Kinda like a challenge.. hmmm.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    This is a shout out for help... I have no motivation to push play. I turned off my alarm and didn't get up and workout this morning. After work today we are going to a car show, and will probably be out late, so I'm sure I won't want to do it then. I didn't work out because my day was pretty hectic, BUT if I really wanted it, I could have/should have squeezed it in.

    I had no problems during round 1... ok maybe a few but not in week 2!

  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    MAK_01: This is your help. Push play! Find a way to do it! You will be so proud of yourself and will feel energized, even if doing it makes you feel exhausted now. Bring it!!

    Repobob: You were totally right about doing ARX first. I was worried it would make me wuss out on the strength workouts. Nope! I got through all the moves in ARX with no problem and was all loose and ready to go for C&B. Awesome! I think I will keep that up. You are so wise!!

    Plyo later today. w00t. Make today awesome, everyone. :bigsmile:
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hello! Yesterday was Core Synergistics for the 1st time! Yowza! Much fun but who can really do those types of push ups????

    Kenpo X today. It's my favorite! I will most definately bring it.

    You know, I'm a bit excited to do Yoga again only because I have now become intrigued by the improvements in my moves. Kinda like a challenge.. hmmm.

    I won't say "I told you so..." oops, I just did...key to a great burn is to get as low as you can in the warrior moves...those quads burn tons of cals and is a real nice iso exercise for them to supplement the torture that Legs and Back puts them through...
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    This is a shout out for help... I have no motivation to push play. I turned off my alarm and didn't get up and workout this morning. After work today we are going to a car show, and will probably be out late, so I'm sure I won't want to do it then. I didn't work out because my day was pretty hectic, BUT if I really wanted it, I could have/should have squeezed it in.

    I had no problems during round 1... ok maybe a few but not in week 2!


    I am probably responding too late to help if you didn't get it in. If you didn't, blow it off and get dedicated to the remainder of the round girl! Think of the results and improvements you will make from the last round! You got this!!!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    MAK_01: This is your help. Push play! Find a way to do it! You will be so proud of yourself and will feel energized, even if doing it makes you feel exhausted now. Bring it!!

    Repobob: You were totally right about doing ARX first. I was worried it would make me wuss out on the strength workouts. Nope! I got through all the moves in ARX with no problem and was all loose and ready to go for C&B. Awesome! I think I will keep that up. You are so wise!!

    Plyo later today. w00t. Make today awesome, everyone. :bigsmile:

    I'm so glad it worked for you!!! Even though I am doing pretty well with ARX now, I am not messing with my routine...I still do it first! It's like an extended warm up for the hour long workout afterward! A lot of times what I will do is keep the video running after the strength workout is over so ARX is running in the background while I am toweling off, washing the HRM, drinking the recovery drink, etc. and thinking "Boy, I am glad I got THAT out of the way"
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hey gang! Yesterday was my rest day...I traveled five hours to NE NY state to meet up with a friend and walking the village there burned a good handful of cals...No X-Stretch for me, at least this week. Back at it tonight with Chest and Back and ARX...hopefully I don't get back to my hotel too late...I don't like doing late night strength workouts...I don't tend to BRING IT! as well.

    Random thought about Ab it just me, or does your brain short circuit when trying to do the reverse bicycles? I have a helluva time getting my legs to pedal in the opposite direction and I end up looking like a 2 year old having a temper tantrum...just curious to see if I am the only clunky dork in the bunch...also, is there a separate core benefit to going in reverse? If not, I may just go forward pedal for 50 reps instead of 25 fwd and 25 rev....

    Have a great day, ALL!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Well, scratch that earlier post...I went out to the lake and hung out with my MFP friend littlelaura and came back to my hotel room to burn off the bacon cheeseburger, steamed clams, and summer ale I had for lunch today with a little Chest and Back...the damn door casements of my hotel room go right to the ceiling....nothing for the pull up bar to hang on...I had to zig zag and pull Shoulders and Arms out of the rotation and move it from batting third to batting lead off for P90X Classic Week 3. All's well that ends well. This was a definite "don't feel like bringing it" kind of day and I like to go at Chest and Back really hard. Shoulders and Arms is less intense and it fit my mood perfectly. So, I knocked out ARX and then did Shoulders and Arms and I feel great.

    Bonus...even though my fat for today is in the stratosphere...I was still under today even with the burger. God, that burger tasted good!! I haven't had a real burger since I don't know when (have had the occasional Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger from Wendy's, but that don't count)

    Heading back to Buffalo tomorrow after knocking out Plyometrics...

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, all!