Mark your calendar...June 6th starts another round of P90X C



  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Going to try to sub Cardio X for Plyometrics tonight because the old plantar fascitis is flaring up bad and it's just not worth it to me. I haven't done Cardio X so if that's not a good plan or there's a better substitute that is lower impact, please let me know! I love Kenpo X....would that be better?!

    Cardio X is one of my favorites...its a blend of Kenpo, Yoga and Plyo. I do it in place of Plyo for the lower impact rate on my knees and feet as well.

    Thank you, I will try it tonight!
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    PLYO!!!!! I always think this is easier than it is. I mean it's just 30 seconds at a time. Soaked through everything. In fact, I'm really sweating the last two days. Am I sick? Does this mean my body is some sort of calorie furnace? Am I possibly "bringing it" with great ferocity?

    My plyo enemy is the sprint stance moves. I love airborne heismans and circle runs. I dont know why I struggle so with the sprint stance stuff, I suspect its due to a little weakness in my left knee..

    I worked out in a different location- shirtless for half in front of a mirror today. My shoulders and chest look athletic on these moves, pretty hilarious to see my belly jiggling on each landing though. Inspiring and embarrasing at once.

    P90X crush is the dentist girl- she's super cute. I like the big kenpo x guy, but dont call it a crush. Does anyone like Drea or Pam the Blam? Or does Tony ruin them because he's so all about them?
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Going to try to sub Cardio X for Plyometrics tonight because the old plantar fascitis is flaring up bad and it's just not worth it to me. I haven't done Cardio X so if that's not a good plan or there's a better substitute that is lower impact, please let me know! I love Kenpo X....would that be better?!

    Cardio-X is shorter and it is basically a combo of Yoga-Kenpo-Plyo-Core Syn...45 minutes from warm up to cool down...try to keep moving between sets or your calorie burn will be LOW. It's a great alternative for when you are crunched for time, are really feeling it, or need a two a day to burn off an extra large meal...
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Who's your p90x crush???

    Mine would be Erik Stolhanske which is the guy with a prosthetic leg. He's a cutie! And I love his sense of humor. I think Sophia (girl that's going to be dentist) is beautiful. She has hot hot hot legs and bootie! Those are my 2 crushes. :bigsmile:

    I dig the girl who makes gumby look like the tinman...*evil wink*
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I did chest and back this morning. Did the first set of push up on my toes (except diamond ones). Also got 2 chin up in without using the chair - had to jump to get up a little, but it's better than ive done before. I'm gettig my bodyfat checked weekly at Max Muscle (accuracy comparable to the bod pod). In the first week and a half I was down almost 1%. I may not be losing weigh(yet), but I'll take fat loss/muscle gain any day.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Going to try to sub Cardio X for Plyometrics tonight because the old plantar fascitis is flaring up bad and it's just not worth it to me. I haven't done Cardio X so if that's not a good plan or there's a better substitute that is lower impact, please let me know! I love Kenpo X....would that be better?!

    Cardio-X is shorter and it is basically a combo of Yoga-Kenpo-Plyo-Core Syn...45 minutes from warm up to cool down...try to keep moving between sets or your calorie burn will be LOW. It's a great alternative for when you are crunched for time, are really feeling it, or need a two a day to burn off an extra large meal...

    Thanks! Do you think it's a better option than Plyo for my plantar fascitis. I really don't want it to get to the point that I can't do any of the cardio! Do you think Kenpo would be a better option. I am dripping wet when I do that one! I'm not aiming for shorter or easier, just less impact to my feet.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Who's your p90x crush???

    Mine would be Erik Stolhanske which is the guy with a prosthetic leg. He's a cutie! And I love his sense of humor. I think Sophia (girl that's going to be dentist) is beautiful. She has hot hot hot legs and bootie! Those are my 2 crushes. :bigsmile:

    I dig the girl who makes gumby look like the tinman...*evil wink*

    Great.. now i'm googling like a mad woman because I don't remember who he's talking about but I remember him saying that because I laughed!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    P90X crush is the dentist girl- she's super cute. I like the big kenpo x guy, but dont call it a crush. Does anyone like Drea or Pam the Blam? Or does Tony ruin them because he's so all about them?

    Sophia is dreamy. :flowerforyou:

    I think Drea is kinda manly for my taste.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Going to try to sub Cardio X for Plyometrics tonight because the old plantar fascitis is flaring up bad and it's just not worth it to me. I haven't done Cardio X so if that's not a good plan or there's a better substitute that is lower impact, please let me know! I love Kenpo X....would that be better?!

    Cardio-X is shorter and it is basically a combo of Yoga-Kenpo-Plyo-Core Syn...45 minutes from warm up to cool down...try to keep moving between sets or your calorie burn will be LOW. It's a great alternative for when you are crunched for time, are really feeling it, or need a two a day to burn off an extra large meal...

    Thanks! Do you think it's a better option than Plyo for my plantar fascitis. I really don't want it to get to the point that I can't do any of the cardio! Do you think Kenpo would be a better option. I am dripping wet when I do that one! I'm not aiming for shorter or easier, just less impact to my feet.

    Hmm.. I would go with kenpo!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I think you could do either one though the small bits of yoga on cardio x might help your feet. When you do the warrior positions it stretches the achilies, etc. and tends to help me a bit. Sadly any more than that yoga or barefoot and it kills me any more.

    I think Kenpo and Cardio X are equally matched as far as plantar fasciitis flare up would go. Neither have bothered my feet issues like plyo and yoga has. I switch out plyo and yoga for cardio X.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I did chest and back this morning. Did the first set of push up on my toes (except diamond ones). Also got 2 chin up in without using the chair - had to jump to get up a little, but it's better than ive done before. I'm gettig my bodyfat checked weekly at Max Muscle (accuracy comparable to the bod pod). In the first week and a half I was down almost 1%. I may not be losing weigh(yet), but I'll take fat loss/muscle gain any day.

    Great progress! If you don't mind me asking, how much does it cost to get your bodyfat checked like that? I never trust caliper measurements and have been comparing against the Navy circumference method to try to do a sense check...Thanks.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Going to try to sub Cardio X for Plyometrics tonight because the old plantar fascitis is flaring up bad and it's just not worth it to me. I haven't done Cardio X so if that's not a good plan or there's a better substitute that is lower impact, please let me know! I love Kenpo X....would that be better?!

    Cardio-X is shorter and it is basically a combo of Yoga-Kenpo-Plyo-Core Syn...45 minutes from warm up to cool down...try to keep moving between sets or your calorie burn will be LOW. It's a great alternative for when you are crunched for time, are really feeling it, or need a two a day to burn off an extra large meal...

    Thanks! Do you think it's a better option than Plyo for my plantar fascitis. I really don't want it to get to the point that I can't do any of the cardio! Do you think Kenpo would be a better option. I am dripping wet when I do that one! I'm not aiming for shorter or easier, just less impact to my feet.

    Kenpo or Cardio-X would be good options...I would just pick whichever one strikes your fancy on Plyo day...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kenpo and 20 minutesish of yoga done tonight. I wore shoes through the bulk of yoga but kicked them off the last 5 or so. When I got in the shower my right ankle and heel were twingy. Bloody hell. Just can't do it I guess. It is what it is.

    I'm going to do another mind numbing Core S tomorrow with a goal of not *****ing through the whole thing and attempting more of the moves without being shell shocked by its randomness, and then I'm moving on to week 5 on Thursday. Yeay!

    This coming weekend I will take 30ish day pics and will remeasure myself.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Did the Cardio X last night and it was pretty good. I did low impact moves when necessary. I can already tell I'm going to like Core Synergistics!

    Did Shoulders & Arms this morning and boy oh boy, can I ever feel it in my triceps! Did 15 reps of each exercise on Ab Ripper X. I've done this the last couple of times. Not perfect form, but I brought my best (and forgot the rest)!!!

    So nice to have a group like this! Thanks all for your support.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Good morning! Sounds like everybody's doings well.

    My 8 month old nephew is staying with us (he got here last night) because my sis and her husband are going on vacation today for a week to Bogota, Colombia. Oh boy. He was up alot last night crying. I'm a sleepy girl today but it's a good day! Yesterday was stretch/ rest day so we rested and headed to the pool for some swimming and chicken on the grill. Yum.

    Today starts Phase 2. Yikes! Tomorrow will be day 30 so pictures are due. So far I'm down about 4lbs. This is good for me as it usually takes me a bit to start losing. Then reading online comforts me as it says alot of people don't lose until later on in the program. But my jeans are loser and I feel GOOD.

    Thanks for the support guys!!!!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Today starts Phase 2. Yikes! Tomorrow will be day 30 so pictures are due. So far I'm down about 4lbs. This is good for me as it usually takes me a bit to start losing. Then reading online comforts me as it says alot of people don't lose until later on in the program. But my jeans are loser and I feel GOOD.

    Thanks for the support guys!!!!

    You are doing great! Keep up the good work. I'm anxious to see where I will be at 30, 60 and 90 days! I feel GOOD too!!! My daily headaches that I used to get are slowly disappearing. :)
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    I'm not losing. All my loss came prior to p90x. I hope when doubles start in a week or so, the pounds will just start falling off and my muscled physique underneath will be revealed for all to see.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    The week before I went on vacay I lost weight finally. Now I'm up and trying to losing the weight I gained from vacay. Hoping Monday to be back where I started and then lose from there. Any time I've ever done any sort of exercise I've not lost weight, only inches. I am okay with it for the most part but it sure would be nice to find a happy medium with my calorie range and working out for an overall deficit each day. I have a bodymedia fit I wear so I can see what I've burned and that helps. I think I need to cut sugar down in my diet.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Plyo is done! When I started this round I didn't think I'd do plyo (i miss my runs), but our weather is so miserable right now I don't mind staying in and doing plyo instead. I think I"m even getting better on the rock star jumps - but I still hate hot foot.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    You guys are really doing awesome! I did Legs and Back and Ab-RipperX tonight...feeling beat a good way. I am really improving my reps on the pullup moves and I think it is mainly because I am getting more pullup work in classic than you EVER get in Lean. I am up to 11 reverse chin ups (unassisted), 5 wide front pullups (unassisted), and 7 closed grip overhand pullups (unassisted). When I get gassed, I break out the bands and do 20 reps with the most resistance possible. There is simply not a good chair or stool available to do chair assist without straining my spine so I make do.

    This week has taught me one thing...I need to figure out how to sweet talk my wife into letting buy some adjustable dumb bells. I need to up my weights and above 35 pounds, those puppies get expensive!

    I have been on the road 19 days straight come this Friday and finally go home for the weekend before heading back up here on Sunday. Hoping to have a belated Father's Day...

    Keep BRINGING IT! people! Can I get a "hey!" (hey!)? Can I get a "ho-ho" (ho-ho)?