Mark your calendar...June 6th starts another round of P90X C



  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Annyshay - Just do what you can. I bet if you start you will want to finish.

    I started week 5 tonight, chest/back and triceps I think. WOW. The first half I kept thinking I wasn't ready for this, maybe I needed to go back and repeat week 3..but I kept going and by the end I was thankful I'd kept going and happy to know that I have three more weeks to get it down pat. Talk about upping the intensity level.
    I don't know if I will ever be able to get up off my knees to do push ups this first round so I am focusing on deeper range of motion and trying to go lower each time. If I can get all the way to the floor on my knees and do a couple regular off by the end I will be proud.

    Yah I did that one yesterday for 1st time.. it was insane. But I thought the same thing about day #1 and now I can keep up with that.. here's to hoping!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    so we just completed the 1st recovery week, right? well i found it super hard tonight doing plyo. is it because i haven't done it in a week? I kept up but I was beat... or maybe it's lack of sleep!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Annyshay - Just do what you can. I bet if you start you will want to finish.

    I started week 5 tonight, chest/back and triceps I think. WOW. The first half I kept thinking I wasn't ready for this, maybe I needed to go back and repeat week 3..but I kept going and by the end I was thankful I'd kept going and happy to know that I have three more weeks to get it down pat. Talk about upping the intensity level.
    I don't know if I will ever be able to get up off my knees to do push ups this first round so I am focusing on deeper range of motion and trying to go lower each time. If I can get all the way to the floor on my knees and do a couple regular off by the end I will be proud.

    I have to admit I still do the bulk of my push ups in my knees. I do try and go really deep and get good range of motion. Toward the end of round 1 and during cardio x now I do a few regular push ups then do the rest of my reps on my knees.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Im starting week 5 tonight. I am SO excited to do a different new dvd tonight! Woohoo!!

    Taking last night off was a good idea for me. My body isn't so tired and my head isn't so tired though I am still going to have to do osmething about my allergies. They is killing me.

    I am assuming it was Chest Sholders and Triceps? One of my least favorite routines...ugh...doesn't flow well and some of the moves simply suck will love you some Back and Biceps though...4 strip curls...OH MY!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Got a question. I need a little advice.

    This was supposed to be my recovery week but I have been sick and have barely left the bed. I have done phase one for 4 weeks (I extended it a week)

    I am in no hurry to fnish p90x and I want to make sure I get the most out of it, so I am thinking about doing phase 1 for another week or 2 then going into phase 2. I just feel like I need to back up since I haven't done anything productive this week. I am also getting very close to being able to keep up with everything in phase 1 and including arx, and I kinda want to be able to do that before moving into phase 2. The way I look at it is if I am still getting results with phase 1 why not extend it???

    Any insight appreciated.

    Extend a week! If you aren't in any hurry and you feel like you didn't quite bring it like you think you should then even says you can do this in the P90X book. They just reccomend that you don't extend beyond a 2 week period to keep the muscle confusion at its peak.

    Also, thanks for the link...I may just buy that puppy!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Somehow I'm in two threads for P90X starting on June 6th so this is a repeat post from over there. I thought I was actually posting it here!

    Day 19/90 done this morning....Legs & back plus Ab Ripper X (emphasizing each syllable like Tony I noticed I could do the wall squats longer. but get this! I decided to back up a little with the resistance bands for the "chin ups" and one of them SNAPPED! Ugh. So glad it didn't hurt me. I started to alternate and pause the dvd, but then I noticed the other one had a little hole in the outer material, so I just didn't do the last couple of them. I hung from the pullup bar for a few Hey, that was still hard!! :)

    After Kenpo tomorrow, I am on recovery week so I will have time to research and get new bands. I was just using some that I already had and wanted to get some anyway. I think I did maybe an 1/8 of a pull up. lol

    Ab Ripper X I am now from 15 reps of each exercise to 18. Those last 3 were killers!!

  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Melinda, last time I checked I couldn't even hang! Way to go!!!!!

    Everybody is doing awesome! Love to hear the improvements!!! Those keep me motivated.

    P90x question of the day:

    Now that we're far enough into the program, which is your favorite day?

    Mine is Kenpo. I loooove me some tough aggressive workouts!
  • sunnyrunner23
    sunnyrunner23 Posts: 182 Member
    I am having P90X withdrawal...I am so ready to start the next round. I have been cherry picking P90X workouts, but have no structure. One thing to take up my time...I need to get a good plyo mat and some cross trainers for Plyo...Have not done that workout yet and would like to give it a shot during the last "down" week before I do it for "real"...I hear it is the mother of all workouts!

    It's not that bad!
    I love doing it with my boys we just jump around the living room like lunatics!!
    laughing through most of it!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    so we just completed the 1st recovery week, right? well i found it super hard tonight doing plyo. is it because i haven't done it in a week? I kept up but I was beat... or maybe it's lack of sleep!

    I kind figured for me the first day of week five was hard because I'd been on vacation and hadn't done pushups, etc. in over a week and everything was different, etc.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kenpo and Cardio X are hands down my favs. Which is odd because I've never enjoyed any routined cardio dvds or classes before until P90X. I'm supposed to do Plyo tonight but will do cardio X instead I think. Or I might do half and half. I just don't know how many weeks of full on plyo my knees and feet could take. But mixing it up would be good I think.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    P90x question of the day:
    Now that we're far enough into the program, which is your favorite day?
    Mine has to be Core Synergistics. I love that in the Lean program I have gotten to do it every Monday morning.
    Somehow I'm in two threads for P90X starting on June 6th so this is a repeat post from over there. I thought I was actually posting it here!

    Day 19/90 done this morning....Legs & back plus Ab Ripper X (emphasizing each syllable like Tony I noticed I could do the wall squats longer. but get this! I decided to back up a little with the resistance bands for the "chin ups" and one of them SNAPPED! Ugh. So glad it didn't hurt me. I started to alternate and pause the dvd, but then I noticed the other one had a little hole in the outer material, so I just didn't do the last couple of them. I hung from the pullup bar for a few Hey, that was still hard!! :)

    After Kenpo tomorrow, I am on recovery week so I will have time to research and get new bands. I was just using some that I already had and wanted to get some anyway. I think I did maybe an 1/8 of a pull up. lol

    Ab Ripper X I am now from 15 reps of each exercise to 18. Those last 3 were killers!!

    Glad to hear the band didn't hurt you. I had that happen during my last round of P90X, when mine snapped it got me in the arm, I had a pretty decent sized welt. I had a higher resistance band that was thicker and that one has lasted. I do the same for ARX when I have limited time, I started doing 15 reps of each, and have been working my way up. When I have some extra time I will hit pause and take the extra time to try and get through all 25 (shout out to Bob thanks for that tip :flowerforyou: ).

    I'll be pushing play after work today. I had to get my husband to the train this morning, so I was out of the house before 6:30. If I had tried to squeeze in my Legs and Back + ARX and getting ready I would have had to get up at 4:45. That SO wasn't going to happen. Plus side I got to work early, so I can leave early :smile:
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Thanks for the encouragement guys, but I've opted to lay low. I tend to be the kind to push myself when I shouldn't, and I am still hacking and snuffling quite a bit. My plan is to jump in where I left off on Monday with Legs & Back of week 2. Puts me a bit behind, but I really want to bring it this round. Also, I really need to get better before I start internship in a week or so.

    Favorite video is a tie between Chest & Back and Yoga X. Different, I know, but both awesome ways to see how much stronger I've gotten!

    Keep up the great work all!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    OK so after work I did push play and but man oh man ... I think everyone knew I was working out and decided it was time to interuppt!
    LIfe Source called, time to donate, my dad called to talk about dinner, my neighboor stopped by to see if I could help her get her power washer working, my husband called to let me know he was taking an earlier train so I had to leave earlier then I had planned to pick him up.. My 58 min legs and back turned into an hour plus work out. And since it ran over I had to skip ARX to go and get the husband from the train station.

    But I'm very happy I got in the legs and back workout. Now I'm off to go buy paint. Time to finish the renovation!!!!! :happy:
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Somehow I'm in two threads for P90X starting on June 6th so this is a repeat post from over there. I thought I was actually posting it here!

    Day 19/90 done this morning....Legs & back plus Ab Ripper X (emphasizing each syllable like Tony I noticed I could do the wall squats longer. but get this! I decided to back up a little with the resistance bands for the "chin ups" and one of them SNAPPED! Ugh. So glad it didn't hurt me. I started to alternate and pause the dvd, but then I noticed the other one had a little hole in the outer material, so I just didn't do the last couple of them. I hung from the pullup bar for a few Hey, that was still hard!! :)

    After Kenpo tomorrow, I am on recovery week so I will have time to research and get new bands. I was just using some that I already had and wanted to get some anyway. I think I did maybe an 1/8 of a pull up. lol

    Ab Ripper X I am now from 15 reps of each exercise to 18. Those last 3 were killers!!


    Hey Melinda! I got my bands from BeachBody and I pull the hell out of them and they hold up well. Congrats on the little improvements! That's what keeps me pushing play is how I get just a little bit better than the previous workout. You'll be killing Ab Ripper with full reps at hardest position in no time flat! It took me almost the entire first round of P90X to do an unassisted pullup. I am now doing about 6-8 at a go only by continuing to push play.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Melinda, last time I checked I couldn't even hang! Way to go!!!!!

    Everybody is doing awesome! Love to hear the improvements!!! Those keep me motivated.

    P90x question of the day:

    Now that we're far enough into the program, which is your favorite day?

    Mine is Kenpo. I loooove me some tough aggressive workouts!

    You know my answer...Yoga-X followed closely by Plyometrics...I like Kenpo, but I got to do something extra to get a better burn on Kenpo. Although I like the improvements made by the strength workouts, none of them are really my favorites...mostly because I hate counting...LOL. I am a mindless animal...just let me workout without thinking!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hey all! Enjoying the first recovery week! Got Yoga-X tomorrow (yay!). I did Kenpo-X yesterday with ten pound ankle weights, 3# dumbbells and a 40# weighted vest. This workout is not conducive to the weighted vest and my shoulders are dying. I think I am going to limit the vest to workouts that are strength oriented, particularly Chest and Back, Back and Biceps, and Legs and Back. You can't get a cardio burn with that damn thing on because you can't jump at all (without breaking your collarbones)...Live and learn...I am glad I got it, but I caught hell when I got home from my long business trip as I got the EXACT same vest for Father's Day! Now I got to take it back..planning on buying larger free weights.

    Enjoy your weekend guys!
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    OK, let's talk gains here...just done with all the weight work from phase one yesterday.
    So Chest and Back-
    Major gain in standard pushups(with bars) from 20 to 30!
    Modest gains in wide flys (16-22) and Diamonds (11 to 15)
    Upped my weight in heavy pants and lawnmowers from 25s to 40s with same reps.
    Only modest pull up gains(like one rep per)
    NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Decline pushups, most pull-ups in this routine.

    Shoulders and Arms
    Chair dips from 18 to 24! Side tri raise from 18 to 32 (total, not per side)
    Most of the weights were one dumbell up- 5-10 pounds.
    Not sure what I can do better, my arms and shoulders are fried at the end, and have shown most improvement.

    Legs and Back-
    (This one's my favorite gain)- Reverse grip pull ups 5 unassisted, 9 total to 9 unassisted 14 total!!!!!!!!!!!
    Wide fronts 3 to 5, switch grips 4 to 8. close grips second time 3 to 7!
    I have added weights to all the lunges, some of them even 20's. I'm a much better wall sitter.
    NEED IMPROVEMENT- Grouch walk depth, 3 way lunge depth

    I struggle with the sprint squats. All of them. And the hot foot, though I have improved that. I rock the tires and heismans and rock stars and the hopping one.

    I am so much better at this one all together as my core is getting stronger. Still need a yoga block for alot of the reaches.

    This one takes too much guff around here. I like it, and continue to push to get better, faster, stronger, sweatier.

    I don't relish this rest week, but plan on getting a lot of cardio in. Mini-marathon training (as doubles to P90) starts July 3, and I need to redevelop some running base this week along with the recovery week core work.
    Wish me luck.
  • Levi6517
    Levi6517 Posts: 2
    Figured I would chime in after reading this thread! I've just completed my phase 1 on P90 atm .. I do mix in the P90X video's like stretch (Absolutely LOVE!!!!!!) and Yoga, but as my muscle is a bit weak from a hormonal issue I'm opting to stay with P90 for now. I can't wait to start the P90X when I get things straightened around!!!

    I've already noticed some HUGE improvements, I can do the entire video's without stopping every 5 minutes due to muscle cramps and water.

    I've gone from being able to do 4-7 push ups to being able to do pretty much most of the video now. I can do the chair push ups after not being able to do any.

    I can do ALL the sit ups on the Ab Ripper easily so I am thinking of upping it to either the P90X ab ripper or seeing how the Ab ripper is on the phase 2 portion of the P90 goes.

    After reading this thread and seeing the HUGE improvements I have made I'm even more excited than EVER to continue!!!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member

    Hey Melinda! I got my bands from BeachBody and I pull the hell out of them and they hold up well. Congrats on the little improvements! That's what keeps me pushing play is how I get just a little bit better than the previous workout. You'll be killing Ab Ripper with full reps at hardest position in no time flat! It took me almost the entire first round of P90X to do an unassisted pullup. I am now doing about 6-8 at a go only by continuing to push play.

    Thanks for the encouragement Bob! I took my rest day instead of doing Kenpo but I'll do it tomorrow then on to Recovery week. I think I will miss the weight lifting!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Melinda, last time I checked I couldn't even hang! Way to go!!!!!

    I didn't hang for very long! But by the end of this round, we WILL be able to do the pullups!