Mark your calendar...June 6th starts another round of P90X C



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    P90X2 in development!!!

    Slothness of the past three days ends tonight. Tomorrow I will start recovery week. Was just gonna skip it since there wasn't time on vacay as we were constantly going to do it, but I want to do it right as much as I gonna do it and try to double up on some of the routines so I can get back on track asap.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member

    P90X2 in development!!!

    Slothness of the past three days ends tonight. Tomorrow I will start recovery week. Was just gonna skip it since there wasn't time on vacay as we were constantly going to do it, but I want to do it right as much as I gonna do it and try to double up on some of the routines so I can get back on track asap.

    I hear P90X2 is crazy!! It may be awhile before I do tentative plans are to finish this round of P90X classic, then do Insanity, and then do a P90X/Insanity hybrid. That will take me into 2012. I may do it in February or March...we will see.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Good morning all!!!

    This weekend went by slooow just the way I like it.
    Time for confessions: I'm having a very hard time sticking to low carb/high protein eating on the weekends. Both my hub and I are doing p90x and we like to go out, eat and be merry (all that jazz) on the weekend. I try to stick to salads (even though restaurant salads aren't like our salads at home) but even then it gets tough.
    I'm not getting discouraged but I can't pretend that I don't care... that I haven't really seen the scale move. Usually, it does take me a bit to start losing weight. I'm not one of the ones who can lose 8lbs in a week, especially in the beginning. It usually takes me 3-4 weeks before seeing results. I think so far I've lost 3-4lbs.
    I also get the occasional fearful thought that maybe I'm the exception and that p90x won't work on me and that I should probably just stick to what I know (lots of cardio and eating better) where it's a fact that I will lose weight.

    I'd like to add a disclaimer too. It's the time of month for me which could be why I ate chinese yesterday (sniff sniff), why I'm confessing, why I'm feeling gross and bloated and why I HATED p90x this weekend. TOM sucks the life out of me. :(

    Bob- Yes I feel like a moron doing them backwards. My brain farts on those!! What I can't get is the stupid move on Kenpo. I forget what its called but it has to do with the sword and doing a star shape. I cannot get it.

    okay back to hiding in my cubicle.... oh and someone decided to bring sausage kolaches. you betch your *kitten* i want to tear into one of them (have i told you i can EAT when TOM) but i won't. sorry to the boys on here... but ya'll wanted a group and i'm part of it.. :tongue: ya'll can't disciminate...
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Good morning all!!!

    This weekend went by slooow just the way I like it.
    Time for confessions: I'm having a very hard time sticking to low carb/high protein eating on the weekends. Both my hub and I are doing p90x and we like to go out, eat and be merry (all that jazz) on the weekend. I try to stick to salads (even though restaurant salads aren't like our salads at home) but even then it gets tough.
    I'm not getting discouraged but I can't pretend that I don't care... that I haven't really seen the scale move. Usually, it does take me a bit to start losing weight. I'm not one of the ones who can lose 8lbs in a week, especially in the beginning. It usually takes me 3-4 weeks before seeing results. I think so far I've lost 3-4lbs.
    I also get the occasional fearful thought that maybe I'm the exception and that p90x won't work on me and that I should probably just stick to what I know (lots of cardio and eating better) where it's a fact that I will lose weight.

    I'd like to add a disclaimer too. It's the time of month for me which could be why I ate chinese yesterday (sniff sniff), why I'm confessing, why I'm feeling gross and bloated and why I HATED p90x this weekend. TOM sucks the life out of me. :(

    Bob- Yes I feel like a moron doing them backwards. My brain farts on those!! What I can't get is the stupid move on Kenpo. I forget what its called but it has to do with the sword and doing a star shape. I cannot get it.

    okay back to hiding in my cubicle.... oh and someone decided to bring sausage kolaches. you betch your *kitten* i want to tear into one of them (have i told you i can EAT when TOM) but i won't. sorry to the boys on here... but ya'll wanted a group and i'm part of it.. :tongue: ya'll can't disciminate...

    Sword/Hammer! pretend that you are karate chopping a guys neck and then to add insult to injury you are making a fist and hammer his gonads...THAT is the move. Star Blocks suck...I either skip it (lose my mojo on the heart rate) or go into the "break" early and start running in place. It is the dumbest move in Kenpo-X.

    Many people do not lose in the first month of P90X. Make sure that you do your measurements at day 30 to see where you are from where you started. That is where you typically see results. Weekends are hard for me as well...out of routine and there is nothing ever at the house for me to eat as I travel during the week and pack my food. Just try your best and make good food choices when out...I try to eat fish when I go out to eat because I don't do so well preparing it at home and it is a change of pace...Love me some grilled tilapia or salman steaks!!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Happy Monday All!

    Killed Plyo last night...I effing love plyometrics...quickly becoming a favorite of mine. Love the burn and the food I get to eat as a result of the burn. I am doing Chest and Back as my day 3 routine as I did Shoulders and Arms on Saturday due to not having the ability to do pullups in my hotel room I stayed in over the weekend (took a weekend trip to Saratoga Springs, NY). I am hoping to CRUSH Chest and Back with new personal bests as I won't see that guy for another five weeks until the start of phase 3.

    I cheated (sort of) on Saturday...even though I was technically under my fat was through the roof after partaking in my first bacon cheeseburger since sometime in 2010. But, I weighed in this morning and I was down 2 pounds! THAT was a nice double bonus! Made my Monday a wee bit more bearable.

    Keep BRINGING IT! to the table, all!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Good morning all!!!

    This weekend went by slooow just the way I like it.
    Time for confessions: I'm having a very hard time sticking to low carb/high protein eating on the weekends. Both my hub and I are doing p90x and we like to go out, eat and be merry (all that jazz) on the weekend. I try to stick to salads (even though restaurant salads aren't like our salads at home) but even then it gets tough.
    I'm not getting discouraged but I can't pretend that I don't care... that I haven't really seen the scale move. Usually, it does take me a bit to start losing weight. I'm not one of the ones who can lose 8lbs in a week, especially in the beginning. It usually takes me 3-4 weeks before seeing results. I think so far I've lost 3-4lbs.
    I also get the occasional fearful thought that maybe I'm the exception and that p90x won't work on me and that I should probably just stick to what I know (lots of cardio and eating better) where it's a fact that I will lose weight.

    I'd like to add a disclaimer too. It's the time of month for me which could be why I ate chinese yesterday (sniff sniff), why I'm confessing, why I'm feeling gross and bloated and why I HATED p90x this weekend. TOM sucks the life out of me. :(

    Bob- Yes I feel like a moron doing them backwards. My brain farts on those!! What I can't get is the stupid move on Kenpo. I forget what its called but it has to do with the sword and doing a star shape. I cannot get it.

    okay back to hiding in my cubicle.... oh and someone decided to bring sausage kolaches. you betch your *kitten* i want to tear into one of them (have i told you i can EAT when TOM) but i won't. sorry to the boys on here... but ya'll wanted a group and i'm part of it.. :tongue: ya'll can't disciminate...

    Sword/Hammer! pretend that you are karate chopping a guys neck and then to add insult to injury you are making a fist and hammer his gonads...THAT is the move. Star Blocks suck...I either skip it (lose my mojo on the heart rate) or go into the "break" early and start running in place. It is the dumbest move in Kenpo-X.

    Many people do not lose in the first month of P90X. Make sure that you do your measurements at day 30 to see where you are from where you started. That is where you typically see results. Weekends are hard for me as well...out of routine and there is nothing ever at the house for me to eat as I travel during the week and pack my food. Just try your best and make good food choices when out...I try to eat fish when I go out to eat because I don't do so well preparing it at home and it is a change of pace...Love me some grilled tilapia or salman steaks!!!

    It's the STAR BLOCK! Is that the one where you go up and then in and then out and then twist your arm down?!?! That's the one I always screw up.

    On the fish.. in the past I will think "hmm I should get the fish plate but for the same $12 I can get the hot pasta yummy cheesy plate" :noway: So I just stick to salads. Or if I get a burger I get a side salad or veggies.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    The starblock thing in Kenpo - what a disaster that is. I just wave my arms around in punching motions for the duration. I also always wonder how many takes that took them to get it all right all in sync.

    I don't think I will be ready for P90X2 either..I think I've got at least one more round of this before I would be strong enough to do it. It looks crazy. My next round is going to be a mix of P90X and Kettleworx. I don't know how I will work it yet, but thats the plan.

    Tonight I am going to do Core Synergetics and at least half of Kenpo to get caught up more quickly. This is also day 30 for me, but I will wait until next weekend to take 30 day pics and measure again. Don't have time for it during the week.

    I am SO excited to get going again! I've had the slothness since Saturday when we got back and I woke up this morning ready to Rock. It.!!!!!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Can I get a re-do... OH YES I CAN!

    Back to re-do week 2, I was miserable last week (TOM rears it's ulgy head), and I only got 3 days in. So re-do it is. Up and at it at 5:45 this morning got Core Syn done, day 8 is in the books.

    Since we are talking about moves we struggle with... jab/cross/hook/uppercut. NO. It's hard enough in Kenpo, but in Cardio X when you switch legs, and Tony's like "we will start off slow" NO... HECK NO! That is NOT slow, I swear he's giong faster then where you finish the first side. I feel like my arms are flying around and I can't keep up. I had to put it out there.

    Thanks for the support :smile: Couldn't do it without you guys!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Can I get a re-do... OH YES I CAN!

    Back to re-do week 2, I was miserable last week (TOM rears it's ulgy head), and I only got 3 days in. So re-do it is. Up and at it at 5:45 this morning got Core Syn done, day 8 is in the books.

    Since we are talking about moves we struggle with... jab/cross/hook/uppercut. NO. It's hard enough in Kenpo, but in Cardio X when you switch legs, and Tony's like "we will start off slow" NO... HECK NO! That is NOT slow, I swear he's giong faster then where you finish the first side. I feel like my arms are flying around and I can't keep up. I had to put it out there.

    Thanks for the support :smile: Couldn't do it without you guys!

    Enjoy the reset week...BRING IT harder than ever, Meghan!. I don't have any trouble with the four punch move, but I always start off with the wrong arm when there are only three punches (jab, cross, hook)...I end up flip flopping which arm I start with on that sequence and have just embraced it now...

    If we wanna talk about moves, how about some of the plyo moves...the Mary Katherine lunges...are you kidding me...who in there right mind can switch their legs in mid leap and land in a lunge...kiss my *kitten*...I can do every other Plyo move but that one.

    I also can't do some of the stretching moves in Kenpo very well.

    In chest and back, I really struggle with diamond pushups and dive bombers mostly because I have a tweaky right hip and both moves really strain my hips a reps on those are very low, but slowly getting higher.

    Hate corn cob pullups with a passion...they should be illegal...sorta like the towel pullup though (shows up in Back and Biceps for you newbies).

    That's all I can think of for now...
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Chest and Back and Shoulders and Arms are history until Phase 3...makes me kinda sad. Finished up both of them over the last three days and they are in mothballs until week nine (first week of Phase 3)...about halfway through the third week of Phase 1 just before the glorious recovery week where I get reacquainted with my good friend Core Synergistics and that mother of moves the Chatarunga Runs...I will conquer those before the round is have my word.

    Brought it in Chest and Back tonight...upped my reps in all of the pullup moves...I am doing 5 wide front pullups, 9 reverse grip chin ups, and five closed grip overhand pullups now...all unassisted. I concentrated on depth of movement on the pushup moves tonight, so my overall reps were lower, but I think I got more bang for my pushup buck. This is a tough workout, but not a big calorie burner like Legs and Back is. All I know is my back, shoulders, and chest are feeling it tonight...

    My favorite...Yoga-X is tomorrow...gonna try holding Crane for at least 45 seconds tomorrow...wish me luck!

    Good night...I am tired and got to get up early.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Enjoy the reset week...BRING IT harder than ever, Meghan!. I don't have any trouble with the four punch move, but I always start off with the wrong arm when there are only three punches (jab, cross, hook)...I end up flip flopping which arm I start with on that sequence and have just embraced it now...

    If we wanna talk about moves, how about some of the plyo moves...the Mary Katherine lunges...are you kidding me...who in there right mind can switch their legs in mid leap and land in a lunge...kiss my *kitten*...I can do every other Plyo move but that one.

    I also can't do some of the stretching moves in Kenpo very well.

    In chest and back, I really struggle with diamond pushups and dive bombers mostly because I have a tweaky right hip and both moves really strain my hips a reps on those are very low, but slowly getting higher.

    Hate corn cob pullups with a passion...they should be illegal...sorta like the towel pullup though (shows up in Back and Biceps for you newbies).

    That's all I can think of for now...
    Corn cob pull ups are ridiculous with the bands. They are so awkward and weird. I don't know if I could do a real pull up let alone a corn cob. But the pull up bar might be in my not so distant future. :bigsmile:

    How bout the Drea Roll. I surprised myself and got in 10 this morning... WHAT?!

    Don't mind dive bomber push up's I can usually muster out a few. Diamond push-ups... fell on my face the last time I tried that.

    How about the plank to chatarunga run... are you kidding me?!

    Good luck with crane tomorrow!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Core Synergetics...WOW. Kicked my *kitten* tonight. I haven't worked out properly in a week and am slightly congested from allergies and that work out is just all around all sorts of hard. I couldn't wait for it to be over. Makes me rethink Plyo as something I might want to try again. I did notice however tonight that I was doing the push ups without my knees on the ground! I did it without even thinking about it. I can't go anywhere near to the ground, but just getting up off my knees was cool.

    When I saw the guy doing the chatarunga runs tonight I screamed about ten different expletivesand a middle finger flew up in the air lol.

    The divebomber pushups are hard for me as well, as are some of the simple ab moves, such as going from banana to superman and froggy in Ab Ripper, as I have a sway back and its hard to get realigned right every time and not tweak it. Its frustrating.

    I also get which arm to start with mixed up when throwing combo punches in Kenpo and Cardio X. I find myself having to go "left right left" etc.

    I watched the youtube trailer for P90X2. I was like Holywow. That is a ways ways off for me. just the stuff they showed in the one minute clip is so much more advanced than my abilities right now...but it is nice to have something to look forward to.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    So I missed two days over the weekend. Big whoop wanna fight about it? I plan on making them up in the recovery week. So I'm stuck on plyo.
    Put me down for hating the whole sequence of moves on your back in ab ripper x. Pheiffer scissors through pulse ups. Ugh.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Going to try to sub Cardio X for Plyometrics tonight because the old plantar fascitis is flaring up bad and it's just not worth it to me. I haven't done Cardio X so if that's not a good plan or there's a better substitute that is lower impact, please let me know! I love Kenpo X....would that be better?!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Goooooood morning all!

    It's nice to know we all struggle with some move or another. I keep imagining everybody else in the world can do p90x perfectly except ME. Nice to hear you all are "normal" haha.

    I did 1 hour and 5 minutes :wink: of yoga yesterday. It was fun! BOB, you were right mister. My flexibility has improved so much!!! I can now touch my toes when sitting down and legs are together flat stretched out in front of me, I could always touch toes when my leg are wide apart but not when together!!!! I was so proud.
    Also the PLOUGH, I can do it completely now. I was smiling so big as I was all bent up like a pretzel. woot woot!

    Sooo p90x question of the day:

    Who's your p90x crush???

    Mine would be Erik Stolhanske which is the guy with a prosthetic leg. He's a cutie! And I love his sense of humor. I think Sophia (girl that's going to be dentist) is beautiful. She has hot hot hot legs and bootie! Those are my 2 crushes. :bigsmile:
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Sooo p90x question of the day:

    Who's your p90x crush???

    Mine would be Erik Stolhanske which is the guy with a prosthetic leg. He's a cutie! And I love his sense of humor. I think Sophia (girl that's going to be dentist) is beautiful. She has hot hot hot legs and bootie! Those are my 2 crushes. :bigsmile:

    I love Erik... he looks like he's actually having a good time doing Plyo! My crush is the lawyer that looks like Tony... Bobby, maybe??? He can defend me anytime :wink: Girl crush is Mirene(?) - the "German potato soup" girl from Chest and Back... I want her abs!

    So... seriously, I haven't done my workouts in a week. Babies haven't been sleeping all night, and I'm getting over a minor sinus infection. Those are my lame excuses. I'm picking up where I left off tomorrow with Arms/Shoulders. Kick my butt if I don't.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Sooo p90x question of the day:

    Who's your p90x crush???

    Mine would be Erik Stolhanske which is the guy with a prosthetic leg. He's a cutie! And I love his sense of humor. I think Sophia (girl that's going to be dentist) is beautiful. She has hot hot hot legs and bootie! Those are my 2 crushes. :bigsmile:

    I love Erik... he looks like he's actually having a good time doing Plyo! My crush is the lawyer that looks like Tony... Bobby, maybe??? He can defend me anytime :wink: Girl crush is Mirene(?) - the "German potato soup" girl from Chest and Back... I want her abs!

    He looks like Sylvester Stallone to me! lol
    I heard through the grapevine that Maren is a pornstar.. a nasty one at that.
    Here's a blog that talks about it. (not sure if work safe)

    Ouch for missing.. but get back on and go for it!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Going to try to sub Cardio X for Plyometrics tonight because the old plantar fascitis is flaring up bad and it's just not worth it to me. I haven't done Cardio X so if that's not a good plan or there's a better substitute that is lower impact, please let me know! I love Kenpo X....would that be better?!

    Cardio X is one of my favorites...its a blend of Kenpo, Yoga and Plyo. I do it in place of Plyo for the lower impact rate on my knees and feet as well.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Sooo p90x question of the day:

    Who's your p90x crush???

    Mine would be Erik Stolhanske which is the guy with a prosthetic leg. He's a cutie! And I love his sense of humor. I think Sophia (girl that's going to be dentist) is beautiful. She has hot hot hot legs and bootie! Those are my 2 crushes. :bigsmile:

    I love Erik... he looks like he's actually having a good time doing Plyo! My crush is the lawyer that looks like Tony... Bobby, maybe??? He can defend me anytime :wink: Girl crush is Mirene(?) - the "German potato soup" girl from Chest and Back... I want her abs!

    So... seriously, I haven't done my workouts in a week. Babies haven't been sleeping all night, and I'm getting over a minor sinus infection. Those are my lame excuses. I'm picking up where I left off tomorrow with Arms/Shoulders. Kick my butt if I don't.

    Here's the whip crack you asked for!! I only have one kid, but for the first three years she maybe slept five hours a night and woke up a ton...lots of ear infections and such. It is a total killer so I feel for you. I KNOW you can do it! Once you start Arms/Shoulders you will want to do the next work out as well.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    He looks like Sylvester Stallone to me! lol
    I heard through the grapevine that Maren is a pornstar.. a nasty one at that.
    Here's a blog that talks about it. (not sure if work safe)

    That makes me sad! I thought she seemed so nice :frown: