What do your meals look like? (Let me see pics)

kkellam1 Posts: 182 Member
We've all probably heard the comments from our friends and coworkers. To eat so few calories, you must be starving! When I tell them that I actually eat LOTS of food, they all seem skeptical. So, I decided to start documenting some of my meals to prove that you can have a big plate full of food and still come in at a low calorie count and, most importantly, still have a meal that you find satisfying.

So here are a couple of my meals from the last few days. These aren't anything all that impressive, just what I have thrown together lately. Typically, I have about 15 minutes to get something together and get it on a plate. With 12 hour work days, I am actually surprised that I have the energy to do this much. They are not necessarily pretty, but they work for me.

Anyway, here's my challenge. Post some pictures of what you have been eating, along with some calorie counts for the meal. Maybe we'll see some great ideas that we can all use. Personally, I hate to go over 300 calories for a meal. Sometimes, of course, you have to.

Let me see what you've been eating!

ooops...I forgot to change the calorie count on this one...it's actually 385, not 170...sorry






  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Those look really yummy! Very colorful which we all know is key!
  • carina_75
    carina_75 Posts: 88
    they all look yummy!!

    psi hope you don't mind but i sent you a friend request so i can 'borrow' some of your ideas!! :smile:
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    im drooling!!!!!
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I was thinking about this the other day too as I piled my veggies & 1 oz of WW pasta on my plate---that's a lot of food!! Love the pics! Will see about posting some of my own!
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    I'll take some pic.s in the next couple days and get back to you :)
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Dude!!! That's amazing!!!!! That stir fry. How the hell did you keep that at 190 cal? I gotta peep those ingredients.

    PS- never mind
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Fab post I love looking at other peoples diarys but this is so mcuh better ,the tuna looks gorgeous as do al the others ,thanks .:smile:
  • nolimitriderz
    this is a great thread I will start taking pics of my food and updating thanks again I am now craving your spicy tuna leafs think thats what is going to be for dinner
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Awesome! I often think that I should take pictures of my meals! I look at the plate and think, "I get to eat all this food for only 300 calories". I almost feel guilty sometimes because the mountain of food is so big (filled with veggies, of course)!
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    I don't know how to post pics but this recipe is one of my faves. 1.5 cups for under 400 calories. I serve it with steamed broccoli. =)

  • kkellam1
    kkellam1 Posts: 182 Member
    Awesome! I often think that I should take pictures of my meals! I look at the plate and think, "I get to eat all this food for only 300 calories". I almost feel guilty sometimes because the mountain of food is so big (filled with veggies, of course)!

    Exactly! Not only do the veggies give you an opportunity to eat a big quantity, but they are full of nutrients, they don't have the "bad stuff" and they taste great. I am kind of like forest gump with my veggies...stir fried veggies, steamed veggies, veggie soups, raw veggies...there are enough ways to keep it interesting and still have loads of colorful veggies every day.

    I can't wait to see what y'all post. Hopefully I will see some things that inspire me!
  • naturalnaijabeauty
    Wow! Those meals look awesome! You have really inspired me! I'm going to branch out more and make more fulfilling meals! :)
  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    Bumping for now, K. I'll post pics soon!
  • bridetobe310711
  • Scentlessapprentice
    Scentlessapprentice Posts: 170 Member
    Please come and live with me!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    It all looks amazing but the stir-fry looks especially yummy!
  • kkellam1
    kkellam1 Posts: 182 Member
    Thanks for the nice feedback, everyone. I am really looking forward to seeing some other people's pics. That will probably take a few days (I know nobody just happens to have pics sitting around of their food). In the meanwhile, here are a few more of mine.

    I actually just spent the evening cooking, but NOTHING I was working on is for me. We have a couple of Memorial Day parties this weekend and I am bringing food that everyone else will enjoy. Me...I will be sticking to my plan and not drinking or exceeding my calorie limit. It's hard to cook without taste testing, so I hope the stuff turned out OK. I am sure that my family will quite clearly let me know if I let them down! :)




  • BettyBeth14
    BettyBeth14 Posts: 171 Member
    Bump. I wanna see these meals, and will add my own asap :-) xx
  • pammi65
    pammi65 Posts: 44 Member
  • katt0628
    katt0628 Posts: 58 Member