the myth, starvation mode, and dont eat before bed.



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    This is real simple, people.

    If I'm burning 2000 calories a day and I eat 1500 calories a day, then where is that extra 500 calories I'm burning come from?

    MY FAT stores (for the most part).

    You do not have to play dangerous games with your metabolism or hormones to lose weight.

    Thank you very much!!

    Or, if you can use safe alternatives such as caloric zig zagging or shaking up your exercise to boost things back into the melting fat zone.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I don't care if you guys argue about the topic until the cows come home, but stop with the name calling and childish remarks and derogatory statements.

    Since I have previously participated in this topic, I would not be the person to moderate it, but I have no problem requesting another moderator do so.

    If you can't be civil, don't post on MFP.

    thank you,


    If I personally get out of line...don't hesitate to let me know please. I don't mind correction and certainly want to stay within the rules of the forum. I'm sure the majority of the rest of us feel the same.

    Thanks man.

  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Maybe you don't realize that some people come on this site to find information on how to lose weight fast, they have a wedding or a graduation coming up and they are desperate to lose weight and will grasp on to anything that sounds like it will help them. You give advice like you are an expert and you have all the answers, and some of the things I have seen you say are just plain crazy and downright dangerous.

    This site is meant to help people lose weight in a safe and healthy fashion, and the people who post on it should be mindful of that, not just posting crazy stuff to prove a point. I know don't have all the answers, that is why I am here.
    Yes I understand, what you're saying. It's more about not believing everything you hear/read/see. 90% of the most common things in health and fitness are just pure lies. To take advantage of people. I don't think it's right. I am not saying believe what i say, or what other people say, that's not what I am saying. I am saying, be open minded, think for yourself, don't follow things blindly, that is what this original post is about.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I don't care if you guys argue about the topic until the cows come home, but stop with the name calling and childish remarks and derogatory statements.

    Since I have previously participated in this topic, I would not be the person to moderate it, but I have no problem requesting another moderator do so.

    If you can't be civil, don't post on MFP.

    thank you,


    Thank you, Some people have been offensive, I do my best to be respectful despite the name calling.
  • Rawrbyn
    Rawrbyn Posts: 109 Member
    Actually, I don't eat a whole lot of carbs.
    Actually, I have educated myself pretty well on this.
    I eat protein, fruits, veggies, take a multivitamin, and drink plenty of water. I also exercise. THAT"S what ups my energy....not crap food.

    Get a clue.

    I am talking about BEFORE you changed your dietary habits, when you said you where always tired and stuff.

    I didn't eat a whole lot of junk then, either. I've also noticed that my weight loss slows down if I don't hit 1200 calories in a day. I've been on this a month, and my energy is still high. According to your THEORY, I should be tired all of the time from eating so much more.
    I also know that once I reach my goal weight, this is an eating style I can live with. I eat a splurge meal once a week, and still lose weight....and keep my energy. 800 calories a day is not normal, healthy, or manageable for a lifetime.

    Oh, and when you say you have a ton of evidence to prove your theory, try citing from more than just one website.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    If I personally get out of line...don't hesitate to let me know please. I don't mind correction and certainly want to stay within the rules of the forum. I'm sure the majority of the rest of us feel the same.

    Thanks man.


    I didn't have a problem with your prior statements Chris, they were biting, but not overtly mean, just your observations, which I find is fine. I don't think you always have to be sweet and cuddly on here, but some others have resorted to name calling and denigration, which is just wrong. there's no place for it in MFP.

    I feel like this, if you agree, fine, if you disagree fine, in either case, feel free to state so and reasons why, allow discussion and disagreement. And to his credit, asmcriminal has taken all the heat on here (and there has been quite a bit) and remained relatively calm about it. Whether or not you agree with his point of view, I give him respect for that. When I thought he was wrong about something, I stated so and why, and we disagreed about it, but it was never mean. Calling someone names is just mean, and it has no place here.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    This is real simple, people.

    If I'm burning 2000 calories a day and I eat 1500 calories a day, then where is that extra 500 calories I'm burning come from?

    MY FAT stores (for the most part).

    You do not have to play dangerous games with your metabolism or hormones to lose weight.

    Thank you very much!!

    Or, if you can use safe alternatives such as caloric zig zagging or shaking up your exercise to boost things back into the melting fat zone.

    I completely agree with this. I never stated other wise. Honestly, I would recommend a beginner to shoot for 1lbs a week, it's easier than 2 lbs a week, the less stress you put on your body, the more likely it will resist you, the more resistance the more likely you'll relapse. I am totally for slow and gradual changes for beginners. I already stated, my intention isn't about changing people's dietary habits, it's more of expanding thier view, and people thinking for themselves.
  • Rawrbyn
    Rawrbyn Posts: 109 Member
    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I don't care if you guys argue about the topic until the cows come home, but stop with the name calling and childish remarks and derogatory statements.

    Since I have previously participated in this topic, I would not be the person to moderate it, but I have no problem requesting another moderator do so.

    If you can't be civil, don't post on MFP.

    thank you,


    Thank you, Some people have been offensive, I do my best to be respectful despite the name calling.

    And the only thing that I've said is that you're kind of an idiot. I didn't say it to sling a name. I said it because I feel it's true. I'm not going to call you anything that isn't appropriate, or that shouldn't be on a public forum. I just think that it is very idiotic to post something this harmful on a public site, when you have no credentials to back up your advice. If your advice was sound, I would say that you were smart. It's just using the appropriate term.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    To each his (her) own! Do what works for you! It's your body, you are in charge. I did it both ways. Before I lost 53 pounds by eating 1200 - 1500 calories a day and probably got in a good 300 calories of exercise but that was before I was cognicent of my exercise calories. If I ate 1500 calories more often than not I would start gaining as with eating most calories at once. Today I eat about 1400+ to 1500+ on a regular basis and have the same weight loss results, but I am happier with more food because I make sure to exercise so I can eat more. I still generally leave 100 - 200 calories uneaten by the end of the day. I am 54 so weight loss might be a bit slower, but I am thinking it is age related, too. I like to eat often so I don't feel hungry all the time. If I'm hungry that is all I can think about. I save a few calories to account for inaccuracies. I prefer to err on the lower side than the higher side.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I didn't eat a whole lot of junk then, either. I've also noticed that my weight loss slows down if I don't hit 1200 calories in a day. I've been on this a month, and my energy is still high. According to your THEORY, I should be tired all of the time from eating so much more.
    I also know that once I reach my goal weight, this is an eating style I can live with. I eat a splurge meal once a week, and still lose weight....and keep my energy. 800 calories a day is not normal, healthy, or manageable for a lifetime.

    Oh, and when you say you have a ton of evidence to prove your theory, try citing from more than just one website.

    I think medical/scientific studies are the most valid. When I do post links that aren't scientific studies. People criticize because it's not a reputable source. Guess what? These studies can be misleading. In one it says you can eat 800 calories, and lift weights without loss of muscle mass. What did they eat in those 800 calories? I don't recall it says anything about what they where fed. This goes back to my original point, don't follow things blindly.
    I am talking about BEFORE you changed your dietary habits, when you said you where always tired and stuff.
  • fitaliciag
    fitaliciag Posts: 373
    Humans have evolved biologically since caveman days. A healthy breakfast is important. I think your opinion is poorly constructed, sorry.

    yeah ^^^^^^what she said^^^^
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Here's the thing. A lot of what you mention in forums, you then go ahead and say you don't recommend. Not everyone wants to take the time to sort through every word you say as if you're the #1 authority on weight loss.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    And the only thing that I've said is that you're kind of an idiot. I didn't say it to sling a name. I said it because I feel it's true. I'm not going to call you anything that isn't appropriate, or that shouldn't be on a public forum. I just think that it is very idiotic to post something this harmful on a public site, when you have no credentials to back up your advice. If your advice was sound, I would say that you were smart. It's just using the appropriate term.

    Sorry, but calling someone an idiot on MFP, whether you consider it a true statement or not, is unacceptable. Unless it's done in jest and obvious jest at that.
  • Rawrbyn
    Rawrbyn Posts: 109 Member
    I didn't eat a whole lot of junk then, either. I've also noticed that my weight loss slows down if I don't hit 1200 calories in a day. I've been on this a month, and my energy is still high. According to your THEORY, I should be tired all of the time from eating so much more.
    I also know that once I reach my goal weight, this is an eating style I can live with. I eat a splurge meal once a week, and still lose weight....and keep my energy. 800 calories a day is not normal, healthy, or manageable for a lifetime.

    Oh, and when you say you have a ton of evidence to prove your theory, try citing from more than just one website.

    I think medical/scientific studies are the most valid. When I do post links that aren't scientific studies. People criticize because it's not a reputable source. Guess what? These studies can be misleading. In one it says you can eat 800 calories, and lift weights without loss of muscle mass. What did they eat in those 800 calories? I don't recall it says anything about what they where fed. This goes back to my original point, don't follow things blindly.
    I am talking about BEFORE you changed your dietary habits, when you said you where always tired and stuff.

    You've now said that TWICE. Before I changed my habits, I wasn't eating a whole lot of bad stuff. I have always loved fruits and veggies. I have always skimmed the fat off of meat. I was only eating two meals a day. That's it. Once I started eating more and exercising, my energy went up. Even on the days that I don't exercise, my energy is up.

    My point is that you have a couple of references to your theory being sound, yet there are countless studies to show how bad a very low calorie diet is in the long term. Yeah, you may lose weight fast, but unless you decide to stay on 800 calories for the rest of your life, you WILL regain the weight once you up your calories again.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    To each his (her) own! Do what works for you! It's your body, you are in charge. I did it both ways. Before I lost 53 pounds by eating 1200 - 1500 calories a day and probably got in a good 300 calories of exercise but that was before I was cognicent of my exercise calories. If I ate 1500 calories more often than not I would start gaining as with eating most calories at once. Today I eat about 1400+ to 1500+ on a regular basis and have the same weight loss results, but I am happier with more food because I make sure to exercise so I can eat more. I still generally leave 100 - 200 calories uneaten by the end of the day. I am 54 so weight loss might be a bit slower, but I am thinking it is age related, too. I like to eat often so I don't feel hungry all the time. If I'm hungry that is all I can think about. I save a few calories to account for inaccuracies. I prefer to err on the lower side than the higher side.

    Yeah you made a good point. If we where talking about a dietary approach to caloric intake. I just have to say that, some people have been successful on a low caloric diet. Lower than the recommended. Some haven't, it ca be too stressful for them. Do whatever works for you, if it doesn't work for you, don't give up, just change your approach, increase your calories and try again. No big deal.
  • Rawrbyn
    Rawrbyn Posts: 109 Member

    And the only thing that I've said is that you're kind of an idiot. I didn't say it to sling a name. I said it because I feel it's true. I'm not going to call you anything that isn't appropriate, or that shouldn't be on a public forum. I just think that it is very idiotic to post something this harmful on a public site, when you have no credentials to back up your advice. If your advice was sound, I would say that you were smart. It's just using the appropriate term.

    Sorry, but calling someone an idiot on MFP, whether you consider it a true statement or not, is unacceptable. Unless it's done in jest and obvious jest at that.

    I edited the name out of the post. While I don't agree that I should have the right to say what I believe to be a truth, I do respect the rules of the forum.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I didn't eat a whole lot of junk then, either. I've also noticed that my weight loss slows down if I don't hit 1200 calories in a day. I've been on this a month, and my energy is still high. According to your THEORY, I should be tired all of the time from eating so much more.
    I also know that once I reach my goal weight, this is an eating style I can live with. I eat a splurge meal once a week, and still lose weight....and keep my energy. 800 calories a day is not normal, healthy, or manageable for a lifetime.

    Oh, and when you say you have a ton of evidence to prove your theory, try citing from more than just one website.

    I think medical/scientific studies are the most valid. When I do post links that aren't scientific studies. People criticize because it's not a reputable source. Guess what? These studies can be misleading. In one it says you can eat 800 calories, and lift weights without loss of muscle mass. What did they eat in those 800 calories? I don't recall it says anything about what they where fed. This goes back to my original point, don't follow things blindly.
    I am talking about BEFORE you changed your dietary habits, when you said you where always tired and stuff.

    You've now said that TWICE. Before I changed my habits, I wasn't eating a whole lot of bad stuff. I have always loved fruits and veggies. I have always skimmed the fat off of meat. I was only eating two meals a day. That's it. Once I started eating more and exercising, my energy went up. Even on the days that I don't exercise, my energy is up.

    My point is that you have a couple of references to your theory being sound, yet there are countless studies to show how bad a very low calorie diet is in the long term. Yeah, you may lose weight fast, but unless you decide to stay on 800 calories for the rest of your life, you WILL regain the weight once you up your calories again.

    Okay yes, If you where eating low calories like you said 2 times a day, of course your energy would be low. I also agree if you eat 800 calories a day and hit a plateu and you increase your caloric intake you will gain weight. You said it yourself, "there are many studies that state how a low calorie diet can be dangerous in the long term" the phrase in this is "long term"
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member

    Maybe you don't realize that some people come on this site to find information on how to lose weight fast, they have a wedding or a graduation coming up and they are desperate to lose weight and will grasp on to anything that sounds like it will help them. You give advice like you are an expert and you have all the answers, and some of the things I have seen you say are just plain crazy and downright dangerous.

    This site is meant to help people lose weight in a safe and healthy fashion, and the people who post on it should be mindful of that, not just posting crazy stuff to prove a point. I know don't have all the answers, that is why I am here.

    Please stop telling people that it okay to do what you are doing until you have lost all your weight and kept it off for at least a year of maintenance. Let people who have more experience or training give the advice!

    I appreciate the OP making his postings. I don't find anything dangerous in them — mind you I don't agree with some of the things that I've read but "dangerous"?

    If you're trying something on a diet and it's making you not feel well, stop doing it. It's not the advice that dangerous, it's the adult taking advice from some stranger on the internet and acting on it without consulting a medical expert. That is what's dangerous.

    Another item — just because the OP could lose some weight and keep it off for a year does not mean that his advice is sound. All that means is that some unknown person on one of many forums on the internet wrote some words that say that he ate X or did Y. We have absolutely no idea of that person is real or if anything he's reporting is true.

    Even if it were true, just because it works for that person does not mean that it will work for many other folks or that it's actually medically sound. And I'm a case in point for that.

    Folks here have castigated me for my approach to losing weight. My girlfriend, who runs a medically supervised weight loss clinic here in SoCal, applauds what I'm doing as does her father who is an MD. But does that mean that what I'm doing will work for everyone? No. Does it mean that it's good for everyone to do? No.

    The OP is not evil — he has found something that works for him and he's eager to share it with us. We don't have to read what he writes and, like everything else on the Internet and in life in general, we have to use critical thinking and our BS detectors to figure out what we should read and absorb.

    There's a lot of interesting comments on this site and it's a pretty good community, right? As I see it, the OP is just providing his two cents worth.

    How about your thoughts?
    Would you like to contribute?
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    Don't forget exercise! When people are talking about diet and their caloric intake, they so often forget the impact of regular exercise. You can eat less calories than your body needs to maintain its weight (but not go so far as to be into starvation mode), and your muscles will be just fine if you only exercise daily. Exercising your muscles (even doing cardiovascular exercise regularly) will maintain your muscle mass while eating at a lower caloric value. Muscle mass is only lost in dieters who are sedentary.
  • Rawrbyn
    Rawrbyn Posts: 109 Member
    I didn't eat a whole lot of junk then, either. I've also noticed that my weight loss slows down if I don't hit 1200 calories in a day. I've been on this a month, and my energy is still high. According to your THEORY, I should be tired all of the time from eating so much more.
    I also know that once I reach my goal weight, this is an eating style I can live with. I eat a splurge meal once a week, and still lose weight....and keep my energy. 800 calories a day is not normal, healthy, or manageable for a lifetime.

    Oh, and when you say you have a ton of evidence to prove your theory, try citing from more than just one website.

    I think medical/scientific studies are the most valid. When I do post links that aren't scientific studies. People criticize because it's not a reputable source. Guess what? These studies can be misleading. In one it says you can eat 800 calories, and lift weights without loss of muscle mass. What did they eat in those 800 calories? I don't recall it says anything about what they where fed. This goes back to my original point, don't follow things blindly.
    I am talking about BEFORE you changed your dietary habits, when you said you where always tired and stuff.

    You've now said that TWICE. Before I changed my habits, I wasn't eating a whole lot of bad stuff. I have always loved fruits and veggies. I have always skimmed the fat off of meat. I was only eating two meals a day. That's it. Once I started eating more and exercising, my energy went up. Even on the days that I don't exercise, my energy is up.

    My point is that you have a couple of references to your theory being sound, yet there are countless studies to show how bad a very low calorie diet is in the long term. Yeah, you may lose weight fast, but unless you decide to stay on 800 calories for the rest of your life, you WILL regain the weight once you up your calories again.

    Okay yes, If you where eating low calories like you said 2 times a day, of course your energy would be low. I also agree if you eat 800 calories a day and hit a plateu and you increase your caloric intake you will gain weight. You said it yourself, "there are many studies that state how a low calorie diet can be dangerous in the long term" the phrase in this is "long term"

    Exactly. Long term. Why on earth would anyone want to get on a diet, lose the weight for a little while, then yo-yo for the rest of their life? If you learn about nutrition, adopt a manageable calorie intake, over 1200 a day, then you have a plan to stay healthy for the rest of your life. I have friends that have been doing this for years. Quick fixes don't get to the root of the problem. Yes, you may lose weight for that special occasion, but then you but it right back on, just to stress out some more.