the myth, starvation mode, and dont eat before bed.



  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Although not a bodybuilder Lyle Alzado attributes his death to steroid abuse. Has it clearly been demonstrated in double blind laboratory studies? No. But you don't have to be a health professional with volumes of medical research to know that tinkering with the body's endorcrine system can be very damaging to long term health.

    Yes I remember Alzado.dangers of anabolic steroid use is mostly based on the dosage. Like any other drug.

    Awesome. Now you are condoning the use of anabolic steroids in moderation for muscle gain. I'm sure that steroid use is endorsed by the NASM or whatever that you keep throwing around as one of your credentials?

    What a joke.

    Funny how people just randomly assume things I never said. I can guarantee you that alcohol and tobacco use have killed more people than use of steroids. These are legal. Steroids are prescribed all the time. There many different types of steroids. I have known of Doctors who have taken steroids for the benefits. He does take them in very low doses. There was this long list of drugs that have killed people. I think anabolic steroids was like 225 on the list.

    No it's not endorased by NASM. 6 meals a day was endorsed by NASM which is not "the best way" for weight loss. I have known many people who have used them without effects of emotional disturbance. Some do get this effect, but like anything else in life. Can we conclude that alcohol can effects people emotional state in a negative way? Yes the angry drunk. Can it change it for the positive? Yes the happy drunk.
  • capogirl728
    capogirl728 Posts: 15 Member
    While this makes perfect sense, I would bet that the reason cavemen aren't exactly the best example to compare to our current situation because they didn't live sedentary lives. They were constantly active and on the go.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    While this makes perfect sense, I would bet that the reason cavemen aren't exactly the best example to compare to our current situation because they didn't live sedentary lives. They were constantly active and on the go.

    Yes you're right, activity is very important to counteract the effects of starvation mode.
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    Crap, now I'm hungry!!!!
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    Apparently cavemen weren't Diabetic.

    Thank you!

    My take on all of this is that everyone is different. I never accepted that "a calorie is a calorie no matter where it comes from" or a "carb is a carb, no matter where it comes from" line of thinking. I call BS because, for me, it is different. I was up and down with my weight loss until I started eating something for breakfast within an hour of waking. It's what works for me. May not work for others. I also have a very low metabolism and I didn't lose weight on 1200 calories a day. At 1300, however, my body says fine.

    So I don't think either line of thinking is wrong per se, it just depends on the person. As you say, you have to go from personal experience and not because someone else says so. There are so many corporations and people pushing a personal agenda, that it is hard to know what to believe. It's all about research based on your personal circumstances and finding what works for you.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Apparently cavemen weren't Diabetic.

    Thank you!

    My take on all of this is that everyone is different. I never accepted that "a calorie is a calorie no matter where it comes from" or a "carb is a carb, no matter where it comes from" line of thinking. I call BS because, for me, it is different. I was up and down with my weight loss until I started eating something for breakfast within an hour of waking. It's what works for me. May not work for others. I also have a very low metabolism and I didn't lose weight on 1200 calories a day. At 1300, however, my body says fine.

    So I don't think either line of thinking is wrong per se, it just depends on the person. As you say, you have to go from personal experience and not because someone else says so. There are so many corporations and people pushing a personal agenda, that it is hard to know what to believe. It's all about research based on your personal circumstances and finding what works for you.

    I agree with finding what works for you. That's the best advice anyone can give. Is it possible your breakfast consisted mostly of protein?
  • cmaloy11
    cmaloy11 Posts: 2
    I think that youre on the money. I started counting calories and it has made all of the difference in the world. right on
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Question: Why do we keep referring to the predecessors of humans as cavemen when cavemen are usually synonymous to Neanderthals? Just something that annoys me.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Question: Why do we keep referring to the predecessors of humans as cavemen when cavemen are usually synonymous to Neanderthals? Just something that annoys me.

    I did cover this in my blog. It's just a pain to spell it out neanderthal
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    will have a look at the gyms near me thanks

    Yeah the body bugg isn't money friendly. Like i said in a post, the BMR calculator was 1000 calories higher than what the bodybugg said. if I used the BMR formula, the recommendation is eat 500 calories less than normal, and exercise 500 alories more for a steady weight loss of 2lbs a week. That is 1000 calories. Following the BMR calculator I wouldn't have lost any weight.
  • heather0416
    heather0416 Posts: 118 Member
    if youre trying to lose weight then you shouldnt eat within 3 hours of bed. if theres nothing in your stomach your body will burn fat at this time instead of food. burned fat = weight loss ;)

    ps. weight is such a dumb measure. use how you look and feel as a measure of when youre doing things right. or bmi

    weight fluctuates so much and people freak out for no reason

    AGREED!! I started P90x.. and read that you should eat 3 hours before bed for the reason you stated.. and ive since lost about 4 lbs in the last two weeks.. i use to eat before bed all the time.. not anymore.. and i think its helping with my weight loss journey!
  • TonysMiss
    TonysMiss Posts: 128 Member
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    if youre trying to lose weight then you shouldnt eat within 3 hours of bed. if theres nothing in your stomach your body will burn fat at this time instead of food. burned fat = weight loss ;)

    ps. weight is such a dumb measure. use how you look and feel as a measure of when youre doing things right. or bmi

    weight fluctuates so much and people freak out for no reason

    AGREED!! I started P90x.. and read that you should eat 3 hours before bed for the reason you stated.. and ive since lost about 4 lbs in the last two weeks.. i use to eat before bed all the time.. not anymore.. and i think its helping with my weight loss journey!

    This is actually one of the worst diet myths.

    3 hours + 7-8 hours of sleep equals a 10-11 hour fast. You body and your brain need calories all night long and bodyfat can not be used to feed your brain. So guess where the glucose comes from?
    Sleeping without adequate energy supply causes the brain to stress and release cortisol which will catabolize your muscles and convert them to glucose to feed your system.

    It's not so much when you eat, but how much over 24 hours or several days. So if you'd prefer to eat more at night and before bed then just do it. I just highly recommend NOT going to bed hungry.

    I eat about 60-70 % of my daily calories at night and up to bed time, and this is how I got down to 8% bodyfat.

    Studies on eating late versus early

    "A higher lipid oxidation and a lower CHO oxidation were again demonstrated with the meal at 18 hr."

    These participants were fed once a day, either at 10am or 6pm, and the ones fed at 6pm high higher levels of fat burning for energy.

    "The high-energy breakfast induced a strong inhibition of fat oxidation throughout the day."

    So this one is stating that if we have a high energy/carb breakfast we strongly reduce our body's ability to burn fat all day long.

    It's not so much that you lose more weight by eatiing carbs later, but it's where the weight comes from. Eating later casues more fat to be burned and saves muscle mass.
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    I think that youre on the money. I started counting calories and it has made all of the difference in the world. right on

    You should try visiting Leeds in the UK sometime :wink: actually no, forget I said that
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    good post (OP)
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    CommittohealthCHANGED Posts: 436 Member
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    if youre trying to lose weight then you shouldnt eat within 3 hours of bed. if theres nothing in your stomach your body will burn fat at this time instead of food. burned fat = weight loss ;)

    ps. weight is such a dumb measure. use how you look and feel as a measure of when youre doing things right. or bmi

    weight fluctuates so much and people freak out for no reason

    AGREED!! I started P90x.. and read that you should eat 3 hours before bed for the reason you stated.. and ive since lost about 4 lbs in the last two weeks.. i use to eat before bed all the time.. not anymore.. and i think its helping with my weight loss journey!

    This is actually one of the worst diet myths.

    3 hours + 7-8 hours of sleep equals a 10-11 hour fast. You body and your brain need calories all night long and bodyfat can not be used to feed your brain. So guess where the glucose comes from?
    Sleeping without adequate energy supply causes the brain to stress and release cortisol which will catabolize your muscles and convert them to glucose to feed your system.

    It's not so much when you eat, but how much over 24 hours or several days. So if you'd prefer to eat more at night and before bed then just do it. I just highly recommend NOT going to bed hungry.

    I eat about 60-70 % of my daily calories at night and up to bed time, and this is how I got down to 8% bodyfat.

    Studies on eating late versus early

    "A higher lipid oxidation and a lower CHO oxidation were again demonstrated with the meal at 18 hr."

    These participants were fed once a day, either at 10am or 6pm, and the ones fed at 6pm high higher levels of fat burning for energy.

    "The high-energy breakfast induced a strong inhibition of fat oxidation throughout the day."

    So this one is stating that if we have a high energy/carb breakfast we strongly reduce our body's ability to burn fat all day long.

    It's not so much that you lose more weight by eatiing carbs later, but it's where the weight comes from. Eating later casues more fat to be burned and saves muscle mass.

    That's a very good post. Glad for the studies to verify. I eat most of my food at night time, i lost 20lbs in 3 weeks by doing this.
  • krissybug72
    krissybug72 Posts: 35 Member
    Not to offend...but you know what momma always says "Stupid is as stupid does"....

    reference Forest Gump.....I can back this source up LOL
  • heather0416
    heather0416 Posts: 118 Member
    well to each their own.. ive lost over 40lbs so im OBVIOUSLY doing something right!!
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    well to each their own.. ive lost over 40lbs so im OBVIOUSLY doing something right!!

    That's what matters, getting results. Congratulations.
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