Share your secret goals...WARNING, not for the modest!!!



  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    Get in even better shape than his ex-wife


    because with my disordered thinking.. even though we have a crazy good love life and he compliments me a few dozen times day....and even though I honestly believe he thinks I'm way sexier than her.... the one thing that sticks in my head is when he saw an old picture of me and said "wow, you used to be even skinnier than **** (insert x-wife's name here)"

  • jennyb31
    jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
    To wear my wedding dress for my 50th wedding anniversary in 14 months. I started at 230 lbs. Hope to go below 200 this week. Instated my weight loss sep 2010 when I retired from work. My husband weighs 125. This goal is for me but also for him
    This is fantastic! I can't wait till my 50th!!
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    Ok my secret goal is to go out with my friends and be the center of the male attention. This is totally shallow and I am very happily married, but I would love to go out and not be the fat friend, and instead be the hot one. Oh and to wear a bikini and know that I look hot and not be worried about covering up and hiding, not sure about this one, there is quite a bit of stretch mark damage :grumble:
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I also have the pin-up photo shoot on my list. Hence, the new profile picture. (Funny timing for this thread)
    I already have a wall of mirrors in my bedroom because I have a huge closet with mirrored doors, but I can't wait to really enjoy what I see in those mirrors. :)

    good thread!
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member

    1. To wear sexy bra and panty sets and look sexy in a thong.
    2. Wear sexy lingerie to bed and not be self conscious.
    3. Repierce my bello button and show it off in a bikini.
  • claudiapetty
    claudiapetty Posts: 5 Member
    I LOVE your goals! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has these type of goals in mind. My secret one is to enter an Over 40 Modeling contest in a magazine. And the Sexy Halloween costume. And the lingerie! Ohhh the lingerie.... ;-)
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    I like all your goals minus the mirrors on the ceiling. LOL Instead of that one I would go for a pole and take the stripper classes to learn how to rock the pole for my hubby.

    BTW, how far along on the p90x are you and which version are you doing?

    I am on day 25 of a modified lean version.... Basically I am doing the classic with one less weight day for a core workout. I am on my rest week and I plan on making it doubles next week.

    I am only on day 4 of the classic version. I have already reached my weight loss goal doing Jillian Michaels dvds. I decided to give P90x classic a try because I mostly want to gain a little muscle...I am also hoping that it will lean out my legs a little more. I love the stripper pole idea too...that would be fun!
  • MarieAnneN
    MarieAnneN Posts: 205
    You know what? I am tall and big boned (for real)... my hands are bigger and taller than most men I know.

    I just wish to feel more femine and weight less than the average man my height.
    Just being and feeling delicate. No bumps over my pants and my bra...
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i totally want to strip tease! preferably with a pole. i have my song picked out too: lovin' touchin' squeezin' by journey - great for slow pelvic rolls...
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I want to look good in my bikini and actually believe my boyfriend when he says he doesn't want me to wear it because he doesn't want guys gawking at me. And good enough where my friend says "Yea you look totally hot." Instead of "Well it doesn't make me want to claw my eyes out at least"

    I want to be small enough and strong enough so that people don't hold back laughter when I say I want to become a personal trainer.

    I'd also love to be on top for more than 10 minutes without getting winded.:tongue:
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    Since we're not being modest...

    Having been heavy most of my adult life, I never really received "appreciative" looks from the opposite sex. During the few periods of time in my life when I DID start looking better, I notice those looks a little more. Does wonders for my self confidence. :smile:
    Of course, my wife gives me appreciative looks no matter what my weight. :heart:

    There are certain "activities" in bed that aren't conducive to being heavy and inflexible. As we go through this process, it's nice when my wife and I discover that we... "fit" better. :laugh:

    hmm, I think this still came across as being somewhat modest lol.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    1) I want to be fit enough to dress up like my favorite anime gals in conventions. They are in such awesome shape, of course, so I need to be, too!

    2) I want to do way more races because I absolutely love giving to charity and racing while doing so is just plain awesome.

    3) A sexy photo shoot is definitely in the future :wink:
  • Gretchen27
    Gretchen27 Posts: 82 Member
    My secret goal is to be slim enough to justify surgery to get my baby flap removed,lol!!!! 3 c- sections is awful hard on a belly :huh:
  • PecanTanDiva
    PecanTanDiva Posts: 162
    I'm loving the goals that are posted :happy:

    Mine goes a little something like this...

    #1 - I want to wear a thong bikini any and everywhere :smokin:
    #2 - Have a nude picture of myself, along with my husband's guitar :bigsmile:
    #3 - Wear an awesome Wonder Woman Halloween costume


    #4 - Enter in a wet T-shirt contest, ok maybe not, but I can let my husband hose me down in our backyard :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Ok my secret goal is to go out with my friends and be the center of the male attention. This is totally shallow and I am very happily married, but I would love to go out and not be the fat friend, and instead be the hot one. Oh and to wear a bikini and know that I look hot and not be worried about covering up and hiding, not sure about this one, there is quite a bit of stretch mark damage :grumble:

    I have stretch marks also and at first I was very upset about them, but after whipping my butt back in shape...I actually kinda like them (weird, I know). They are a constant reminder to me of what my body is capable of....1. bearing a child and 2. physically recovering from bearing a child and looking even better than before, despite them. I say get your body to the point that you are happy with it, and then sport those stretch marks like no one else's buisness!!!
  • tereci
    tereci Posts: 2
    What is P90x ??
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member

    I want to be small enough and strong enough so that people don't hold back laughter when I say I want to become a personal trainer.

    I'd also love to be on top for more than 10 minutes without getting winded.:tongue:

    Ohhh me too, Whenever I tell people I teach exercise classes and that I would like to be a personal trainer they always give the once over. I want to be sure that there is no doubt based on the way I look.
  • DowntimeDesigns
    DowntimeDesigns Posts: 134 Member
    My secret goal is to be able to go to the beach and take my shirt off without feeling like an embarrassed beached whale...
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Mine is to have abs like "The Situation"
  • Cblue541
    Cblue541 Posts: 17
    Take a pole dancing class and show my boyfriend what I learned