30 Day Shred starting June 1st, 2011 - who's with me?



  • leahdanbury
    leahdanbury Posts: 132 Member
    Day 2 Level 1 Completed! I had to get up early while both kids were asleep - but it is done for the day!! I'm wondering if most of you are ONLY doing the 30ds or are you combining with other things? I want to get great results so Im thinking about combining with some other type of exercise - but I am also curious to see what results I'd get doing just the 30 ds...

    And on a side note.... OMG that was tough - I personally hate the jump rope and the side lunges with arm raises - but when Im done I feel like I can kick butt!

    SW JUNE 1st 150.8
    GW 140 by July 1st

    I hate the jump rope and side lunges too!!! I seriously complain every time I do them! soooo glad i'm not alone with this! lol
  • ChChCharlie
    Checking in on day 2!
    Thought I'd be aching this morn but was fine, could feel it as soon as I started though! I also hate the side lunges, but jump rope is fine.
  • chezkie
    chezkie Posts: 55 Member
    ...and since I suggested it, it's only fair that I upload my day 1 photos. Please accept my apologies for the frighteningly garish itsy bitsy flourescent pink bikini, but I think for the benefit of comparison, the more skin on show the better, you get a much better idea of your progress this way. These pics are hot off the press...hubs took them about 20 minutes ago. Never posted pictures on here before, so here's hoping it works.

    Your are funny, chezkie!

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me someday have a "frighteningly garish itsy bitsy flourescent pink bilini" and be able to wear it in public and look as good as your before picture, let alone your upcoming after picture!

    I aim to please! :bigsmile:

    ...and thank you goes without saying!
  • barbiegirluk
    barbiegirluk Posts: 30 Member
    Can I join too?I started in 28 May, did four days couldn't do yesterday and today because of personal reasons. From tomorrow I will think I am on day 3.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Day 2/30 completed. I didnt do the pushups on the second round properly. Need to concentrate more on it next time.
  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    Day two done.

    It's the Jumping jacks I don't like!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I'm skipping today because well, my butt hurts and I had to take my doggie to the vet to find out she has Lyme Disease :( I have a baby that doesn't want to nap and people came ot clean the carpets and hardwood today so... Off today, for now! I may feel like doing it a little later. Especially after that ridiculous dinner (hadn't eaten today, I was STARVING!) So hopefully I'll come back and say, "Just kidding, I did it!" haha
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    Ohmygod, how do people do this workout for 30 days straight? I've done it 2 days in a row and I feel like I'm crippled. LOL. I plan on sticking with it, though, come hell or high water.

    I go with Anita on the modified version of things, though! And I CANNOT do as many push-ups as Jillian wants. I also have to modify the side lunges and the weights . . . I only lift one weight at a time instead of both. Oh well, hopefully it will get better as I go.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    Ohmygod, how do people do this workout for 30 days straight? I've done it 2 days in a row and I feel like I'm crippled. LOL. I plan on sticking with it, though, come hell or high water.

    I go with Anita on the modified version of things, though! And I CANNOT do as many push-ups as Jillian wants. I also have to modify the side lunges and the weights . . . I only lift one weight at a time instead of both. Oh well, hopefully it will get better as I go.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • rmqt
    rmqt Posts: 78 Member
    My kids kept distracting me so I am forever a step behind, but i feel great. Good job everyone! See you tomorrow.
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Just started round 2 today!
  • lucero22
    lucero22 Posts: 75 Member
    I started today! how do yall add it in the exercise diary?
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I started today! how do yall add it in the exercise diary?

    Circuit training
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Good morning peeps :)

    Hope everyone is ok. Just completed day 3 level 1. Now im off to work. Had a cheeky weigh in this morning, looking good for weigh in day next week!!!
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Day 2 Level 1 Completed! I had to get up early while both kids were asleep - but it is done for the day!! I'm wondering if most of you are ONLY doing the 30ds or are you combining with other things? I want to get great results so Im thinking about combining with some other type of exercise - but I am also curious to see what results I'd get doing just the 30 ds...

    I am doing 30 DS and P90x and also walking 40 minutes a day. I do 30 ds at 6am before my kids get up ; walk after the older kids go to school and then do the p90x either in the afternoon before they get back or in the evening after they go to bed depending on my work schedule for the day.

    Hope this helps!
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Level 1 day 4 done!!
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    L1 D2 done!
  • harliesmom
    harliesmom Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Harliesmom,

    I just found this site too. I was googling nutrition facts on purple Kale to see if it had the same wonderful qualities as green kale and then ended up here. I belong to a couple other similar free sites but haven't found them as helpful. This site appears more user friendly...uh, or it could be I am more ready to be serious about this again!

    Your post struck me immediately when I read it, I'm with you on this! Is it 30 pounds in 30 days?

    Yes, it does seem more user friendly! I like it because there is a lot of activity and people are posting all the time!

    No, not 30 lbs in 30 days! That would be a lot I think. It's pretty much just a work out you do for 30 days- and they say you can lose up to 20 lbs, but I've seen most people lose about 5 to 7- and also lose inches!
  • harliesmom
    harliesmom Posts: 25 Member
    30ds workouts I struggle the most with::

    *Pushups of course, I am lacking in upper body strength...
    *Side lunges- for some reason my legs just dont move properly I think- and again hard to do the arms... I am using a 5 lb weight, so that could also be why
    * Bicycle Abs- again, my legs can seem to follow with my arms!

    Does anyone else have problems with these?
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    30ds workouts I struggle the most with::

    *Pushups of course, I am lacking in upper body strength...
    *Side lunges- for some reason my legs just dont move properly I think- and again hard to do the arms... I am using a 5 lb weight, so that could also be why
    * Bicycle Abs- again, my legs can seem to follow with my arms!

    Does anyone else have problems with these?

    I am seriously lacking in the upper body strength department so I really struggle with these things too!
    My friend (who is a personal trainer) suggested that try doing 1 set of the pushups against the wall instead of on the ground to help build up the strength, and then the other set on the floor, it seems to really help, I can still feel the wall ones working my muscles, and it's still challenging but I can actually finish them all!

    The side lunges I struggled with at first, until I realized you really have to sort of push your bum out (back) and to the side, that helps your legs to get the right motion...or it did me anyways. But the arm raises that go with those, OMG. Those are a real challenge for me, and i'm only using 3lb weights!

    Don't stress too much about not being able to do things just like them, I think any bit of movement is better than none, and as the strength builds up the technique will get better too :)