30 Day Shred starting June 1st, 2011 - who's with me?



  • debjason65
    debjason65 Posts: 13 Member
    i dont have the dvd but will go and get it tomorrow.. is it to late to join? I want in. im so excited to start it...
  • sunshinesher01
    sunshinesher01 Posts: 82 Member
    Ok, I just finished day one of level one... OMG I am so out of shape!!! Jumping jacks are the DEVIL!!! I know we did them as a kid... but being 282.5 lbs... those are no joke!! I had to run in place for part of them cuz I just can't do them like I used to. But other than that... it was a good work out. Also I am not using weights. I figure since I am going from couch potato to work out machine... its ok to not incoperate weights. We will see how tomorrow goes... I wish I could just get the results with out the work... I know... don't we all? Good night. :)
  • staywithit
    staywithit Posts: 19 Member
    Day 3, level 2, awesome burn felt today hair was dripping with sweat, then went and jumped in our lake.... the ice came off 2.5 weeks ago I must say it was a bir of a polar bear swim and I haven't been in that early after the ice leaves since I was about 15...lol
  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member
    For those wondering how to track it, I've read logging it under circuit training is the closest you'll get without a heart monitor. I've been tracking 20 minutes per day with it.
  • joyfulmommaof2
    joyfulmommaof2 Posts: 95 Member
    I would love to join you. I have always started the program but never followed through past a week! Today I finished day 2! And I am sore from day 1 still. I don't know if I am going to measure every week as that would discourage me but I will do the weigh ins.

    My weight is 156 #s
    height 5'4"


    Left bicep 12
    Right bicep 11.5
    Neck 12.75
    Under Chest 33
    Bust 37
    Waist 39.75
    Hips 41
    R Upper Thigh 23.25
    R Mid Thigh 19.5
    L Upper Thigh 22.75
    L Mid Thigh 19.25
  • cawood2
    cawood2 Posts: 177 Member
    measurements Jun 1/11
    height- 5'4
    weight- 231.5
    waist - 38.75
    bust- 45.5
    tummy- 47
    hips- 50.25
    right thigh- 31
    left thigh 31.5
    upper arm- 16.5

    hopefully these'll change in a couple weeks..
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I wanted to workout in the morning, but then due to work it got postponed. By evening my energy levels were down. But I decided not to give up and finally completed 1/30 of shred. I felt happy about it. It felt much easier than the last time I did couple of months ago.
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Day 2 Level 1 completed :smile:

    Had to get up early to do it today as im working from half 9 to half 4 at one job then starting at 5 till 10 for my other one! Was worried i'd be too tired to do it when i got in. I've got the same tomorrow too. Fingers crossed im not to tired to drag myself out of bed to do day 3 tomorrow!! :yawn:
  • LaurenLynnCarter
    LaurenLynnCarter Posts: 51 Member
    I'm in!!!!!!
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    YOU CAN FIND IT HERE : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/254612-week-1-30-day-shred-june-1st-group
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    I am in as I started yesterday as well...
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    Just to re-iterate for anyone still wondering, log it as Circuit Training - it's probably as close as you'll get :o)

    I just finished day 5 of level two, and it's the first time I've managed to get all the way through level 2 without stopping! Also managed to up the weights (I found this on level 1 too) on the easier moves. Still on some of the modified moves, don't think I'll ever be able to hold a plank and jump at the same time :os

    For those who've just started, hope you're all ok - muscles probably burning but it shouldn't last more than a few days - keep at it, it's AMAZING how quickly your body can suddenly cope with things that you just couldn't do at all a few days before.

    Really weird though, my tummy muscles have hardened markedly, I can *really* feel them when I tense them now - just a shame they're still covered with that pouch of fat (ye olde muffin top ;o) so no one can actually see! But whether the results are visible or not, after only 12 days I actually feel a huge difference to my fitness, endurance and strength levels, so I encourage you all to stick to doing it every day if you can, for 20 mins of pain (and a few days of soreness) the gain is super quick and noticeable.
  • ssstephanie1715
    ssstephanie1715 Posts: 44 Member
    I got through Day 1 yesterday. I've tried before ... twice....and thought it would be a breeze to jump back in. Nope not at all. Looking forward to finishing all the way this time around. I noticed that by the second cardio round (Level 1) everything is downhill from there. It's just getting up the hill that's the problem. Felt good afterwards with some sore arms today.
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    Okay, unfortunately I did not get to start last night as I hoped, but I got up earlier this morning to get it in :laugh: and I feel great! So for me Day 1 is down...29 more to go.

    Here are my measurements:

    Starting Weight: 121.0 (weighed at WW meeting last night)
    Bust: 35
    Natural Waist: 31 1/2
    Waist (just below belly button): 36
    Hips: 40
    Left/Right thigh: 21
    Left/Right bicep: 11

  • Twinkle230786
    Twinkle230786 Posts: 20 Member
    I started this morning! God I hope it works!! x
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    ...and since I suggested it, it's only fair that I upload my day 1 photos. Please accept my apologies for the frighteningly garish itsy bitsy flourescent pink bikini, but I think for the benefit of comparison, the more skin on show the better, you get a much better idea of your progress this way. These pics are hot off the press...hubs took them about 20 minutes ago. Never posted pictures on here before, so here's hoping it works.

    Your are funny, chezkie!

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me someday have a "frighteningly garish itsy bitsy flourescent pink bilini" and be able to wear it in public and look as good as your before picture, let alone your upcoming after picture!
  • lillianelise
    lillianelise Posts: 49 Member
    Day 2 Level 1 Completed! I had to get up early while both kids were asleep - but it is done for the day!! I'm wondering if most of you are ONLY doing the 30ds or are you combining with other things? I want to get great results so Im thinking about combining with some other type of exercise - but I am also curious to see what results I'd get doing just the 30 ds...

    And on a side note.... OMG that was tough - I personally hate the jump rope and the side lunges with arm raises - but when Im done I feel like I can kick butt!

    SW JUNE 1st 150.8
    GW 140 by July 1st
  • moniew24
    moniew24 Posts: 88 Member
    Im in moniew24
  • ssstephanie1715
    ssstephanie1715 Posts: 44 Member
    I was wondering the same thing. I was thinking about putting in a little treadmill time myself but didn't want to mess with the experiment.
  • ssstephanie1715
    ssstephanie1715 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm wondering if most of you are ONLY doing the 30ds or are you combining with other things? I want to get great results so Im thinking about combining with some other type of exercise - but I am also curious to see what results I'd get doing just the 30 ds...

    I was wondering the same thing. I was thinking about putting in a little treadmill time myself but didn't want to mess with the experiment.