SWaT Walking Group - June

The SWaT Walking Group is kicking off the summer with a June Free for All. Anything goes, this is your time to try something new, punch up your current routine or just go with the flow! Some of us have decided to take a little vacation from the tickers and just see what we can accomplish.

New members are always welcome. This is a great group if you’re looking for friends and support so if you would like to walk, run or just amble along with us just join right in. This has mostly been a walking group and of course walking is still totally acceptable. We’re just trying to broaden our exercise routines a little bit. So this month anything goes. If you want to set a goal or use a ticker go right ahead. There is nothing special required to join, just introduce yourself and / or post your goals for the month and you are set. Just check in whenever you would like, daily, weekly, whatever works for you.

Happy June! Let’s get moving!



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm in! Not much time right now but will be back later!

    Happy June, everyone!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    I'm in! Exploring a combo of swimming laps, walking, biking and maybe even hot yoga! Let's get moving...

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm In :bigsmile:

    Thanks Jenny!! for the tips from that book "Diet free for life" I'm also trying to incorporate some things. I'm trying not to eat carbs after 6 pm (which I blew big time last night) and This morning I lifted weight's for 30 minutes and did 30 minutes of cardio right after. That was a big accomplishment, since I have definitely been sliding backwards for weeks.

    I did my own version of Leslie Sansone this morning for 30 minutes while listening to country music :blushing:

    My plan this month......... swimming, walking & weight training & light aerobics with Leslie Sansone
    My goal is to get 25 minutes in every morning with weight lifting and then 30 minutes of cardio

    Good Luck!! And Happy June everyone
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hump day again! :happy:

    I just spent the last 2 hours (with hubby's help) untangling Christmas icicle lights in 96 degree weather. We're going to use them for decorations on the Relay for Life booth. And in case I forget to mention it, I won't be on after tomorrow until probably late Saturday or Sunday. It depends on how long it takes me to recover from the Relay. When I signed up I didn't know it was an all night thing, but it sounds like it's going to be fun anyway.

    When I took my ticker off my signature I erased all of them, now I have to figure out how to put the MFP one back on :laugh:

    I"m really liking some of the ideas you are all coming up with. After this weekend I'll try to get myself together with some kind of plan too.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :laugh: :tongue:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Yay for June and the free for all! I did 25 mins weights and 35 min Alice's freestyle walk. It's a combination of Leslie's. Biggest loser, and Denise Austen's walk with alot of attitude thrown in.

    I am just going to mix it up all month but continue to do resistance and weights. A lot of my walking and cardio woll be Agricise for now. Many gardens and animals to tend.

    Time for bed, I am so glad we came into June with the thread intact. We make a good group! Nite all, Alice
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi Ladies!! Good Morning!!!

    I'm both disappointed with myself & happy :wink: . I just got on the scale after staying off it for a week, knowing I haven't been eating right. Sure enough I'm up 5 POUNDS ( 5 Huge Pounds) YIKES!!!! The nights are the worst for me I will pig out on bread that I had bought for the lunch sandwiches I made when I went boating. Well the bread is gone :blushing: . I should have thrown it out, but No!!!! :frown: ( I won't be buying seeded rye bread again)
    On A good Note! I Hope I'm back on track with exercise. This is my Second day : Lifted weight's for 30 minutes and right after I Did the light aerobics for 30 minutes. My own routine again, this time I added some Biggest Loser moves (Thanks Alice! :drinker: ) And I added skipping to it. OMG!!! The skipping really felt like a workout plus I felt like a kid again :bigsmile: .

    Just working out to music I Love listening to & throwing some dance moves in, Makes me So Happy. It Feels Great!!

    Alice.... You made me laugh when you said " It's a combination of leslie, biggest Loser & Denise Austen's walk with alot of attitude thrown in. :laugh: I could just picture the both of us working out together, I'm sure it would make U tube :bigsmile:

    Sandara....... I can't wait to hear about the "Relay for Life" event.

    Jenny..... Hot Yoga :smile: Interesting!! ( i'm Thinking of You :smile: )

    Kathy.... Hi!!! I see we're on another group challenge together :wink: I'm always showing up late:ohwell:

    Only two more days left till the weekend. YAY!
    Have a wonderful Day!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Hi Ladies/Gents- June 2nd and I haven't been able to work out yet this month. Last night was a retirement party for work with 4 colleagues retiring. Wish one of them was me! Bad day, need to do paperwork tonight, and I'm not going to vent and put a damper on this thread. Enjoy your evenings and I will report back in when I have time and am feeling more upbeat and talkative.

    Night Night!:flowerforyou:

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Without attitude what have we got?

    Jenny I hope things go better for you. I hear you about the paper work, I am in the middle of an audit.:grumble: Feel free to vent whenever you need to.

    My work out today was all Agricise. Another woman and I fed, and cleaned the farm animals. Whew! I burned over 1000 calories. With HRM turned on only when I was really actively working. Then I ran the weedeater for another 500 cals.

    I think I have today covered. Lot's of walking with feed and hay, and such and plenty of upper body work with that weed eater.

    I am so thankful that my body works this well at the age of 57. How blessed am I?

    Nite all, Alice
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Ladies!!

    Jenny.... Please Vent all you want thats what we're here for, support! I know your paper work is at work :blushing: , But I have a huge desk at home that the papers need to filed and logged into excel. And My husband & I just Ignore it. Last yrs taxes we both had to do the last 3 months right in front of the tax preparer. I'm sure she wasn't to happy. Thats why she charged us an ARM & a LEG :mad:

    Alice....... Thats It! I must get an HRM. Is yours a WATCH & does a strap go around your waist? What kind?
    Hearing what you do, OMG!!! I would pass out. Seriously! That is very Hard work. Just walking with Hay & feed putting it out is exhausting. I used to go with my Dad's wife and help her, she had three or four horses. And Weedeating That is alot of arm muscles being used. I tried that at home & didn't get very far before I handed the tool back to Hubby.
    You REALLY Are a HARD worker. In our family we'd call you an OX :drinker:

    Just From working out yesterday, My legs are sore from skipping & jumping around like I'm 6 yrs old again :blushing: and My arm's are sore as heck from weights. I'm taking a rest today from weight lifting. FOR some reason I have a very difficult time breathing correctly while lifting the weights. I can feel the headaches coming back again. I will try and use smaller weights with some of the routines I do.

    Thats It I'm in a FUNK! I gained 5 pounds and I don't feel like doing anything, I just want to sit here and complain :frown: . I just don't feel like exercising either right now. I pigged out again last night :grumble: :noway: ( WHAT AM I DOING TO MYSELF :sad: )

    Have A GREAT Weekend Girls!! :flowerforyou:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Just checking in but no time to exercise as of yet and it is 6/3. I guess the "free for all" is getting a slow start on my end. I do plan to ride my bike on Sunday and tomorrow is shopping at the malls for my son's summer wardrobe. I'll wear my HRM and see what I burn. I also plan to put on my swimsuit and lay in my lounge chair on the deck and read my book on Sunday. I need color and we've had very little sunshine this spring. This weekend is suppose to be beautiful. One more week of work and then a 4 week break. Counting the days, hours, minutes and seconds. Worst year of my career and time to leave it behind. Can't wait to walk and lay around on the Lake Michigan beaches in a few weeks.

    Teresa- it has to be hard in the Florida heat. Weight lifting 2-3 times a week at our age range is just fine so don't feel you have to do it every day. Remember to exhale as you lift or push and inhale on the easy side of it. You don't want to put pressure on your heart valves by not breathing through the lift. Another way to do strength training is in your pool. Water aerobics works wonderfully to sculpt the body and rid it of fat. Just by jogging in place and doing arm movements for biceps and triceps under the water you are doing a resistance workout. Google aquacise, aquacize, water aerobics, water jogging, etc. and see what you find. Those water noodles are a great thing to hang onto or sit on (between your legs) in the deep end while you work your arms going back and forth across the pool. Wish I was there to show you. I use to do it twice a week and it changed my body back then. Haven't found a good class in years.

    Well enjoy your weekend ladies and hopefully I will burn some calories and have that to report:) I picked up Leo's ashes and paw print yesterday. He's on the mantle until I decide what to do with his remains.:cry:

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hot, hot, hot!!!! We had frost last week and a high of 91 today. You have to love WI!

    Teresa I really do like my heart monitor, I think this one is a Proform. I'll have to look when I get it out for workout in the a.m.
    You set it for your age, height, weight, activity level, and I think resting heart rate, It tells you time elapsed, calories burned, time at target heart rate, above rate, below rate. Those are the main functions I use it has many others. I have checked it against other HRMS and it was always within a few calories of what the others read for the same workout. It does have the chest strap.

    Today I did an hour of weed eating in the heat, and walked the dogs for 35 minutes, their idea not mine. To darn hot!
    The airconditioner is humming happily and thanks to it I am off to bed! Alice
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Well, it's been a rough couple of days but I plan to have a nice, relaxed weekend and only do what I want to do!

    I want to do some walking and also some yoga but I always seem to put that off in order to help out with the baby, etc.

    I want to get more of my jewelry supplies sorted for organizing, too, and to just enjoy the beautiful weather we are having this weekend.

    I hope you all have a great day!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Relay for Life was AWESOME!

    7 pm yesterday until 7 am this morning, I'm too old for staying up ALL night and I've been asleep most of the day. I'm still not woke up good and I can't stay out of the bed. I'll give more details tomorrow but just wanted to check in. :yawn:
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Hi, I'm Mary, you guys mind if I jump in? Looking for a group to keep me motivated, and when I was "peeping" I thought you all sound like a really nice, motivational group.

    This month I am trying to incorporate some light arobics to my walking routine. I try to walk 4 miles 3 or 4 times a week, and now I'm trying to do 30 Day Shred on 3 of the other days. I like walking better, but I get a better work out with the DVD.

    Oh yea, I also threw my scale out for the month of June, well, I had my hubby hide it. I measured on the 1st, and then I'm going to on the 15, and then on the 30th I will dig the scale out and measure again. I was getting two depressed with the 1 lb loss, 2 lb gain, 3 lb loss, etc.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend, and it'll be nice to get to know you all. :drinker:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Welcome Mary! Glad you could join us. We are open to everyone. This month we are all doing whatever kind of exercise suits our mood and schedule. Many of us use to use exercise tickers to track progress each month but are not doing that this month but feel free to do so. We hail from all over the country and check in daily or weekly whatever you prefer.

    Today my exercise was walking and shopping at the Mall of America with son and hubbie. My son needed summer shorts and a swim suit, flip flops, etc. and we went to the big mall for a change and then out for a nice early dinner. Unfortunately it was the nicest day we've had yet outside and we should have spent it outside but we needed to get this shopping done. So now he is set for awhile. I wore my HRM and clocked my time and calories burned. 2.5 hours of walking leisurely and burned 717 calories. That place is 3-4 floors and huge. We walked up and down stairs, escalators, back and forth from store to store. I ate a nice dinner and then had gelatto for dessert at at gelatto stand. Didn't feel guilty. My chicken, potatoes and spinach with a salad felt pretty healthy and balanced.

    Hope you are all having a great weekend! Tomorrow better be nice for my bike ride.
    Congrats Sandy on doing the Relay for Life. I would like to do that sometime too. I've walked the Susan B. Komen Walk for the Cure, the Walk for Alzheimers and rode my bike in the MS50 one year. Now they only do the MS150 which is too long for me.

    Bye Bye!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Welcome, Mary!:flowerforyou:

    Sandy--I used to do the Relay for Life every year but I haven't found a team here. I want to for next year, though! I always found it to be a lot of fun.

    I got lots of my supplies sorted and plan to do more today but first I am going to walk to the store for a few things and take the little guy with me. It is beautiful outside and I want to get out in the sunshine!

    Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi MARY WELCOME!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    We Love to Have you with us!

    I Have clearly feel off the wagon & I'm slipping deep. I feel like Im in quicksand & can not get out. ( I'm pretty scared). This feels like something I cannot control. It feels like a chemical imbalance that is triggering something to grab carbs & Sugar. I took my diary off viewing, So I can start really logging the stuff I'm eating, so I won't be embarrassed .
    On top of that I have Not exercised either, :cry:

    I'm trying to talk about something pleasant, Happy & I guess when your soo low it's hard to come up with anything. My Dad should be coming in town in two weeks & I already gained back 5 pounds & probably more than that since I pigged out last night at my cousin's graduation party.
    The heat & humidity here is not helping much with my exercise routines.

    Well, I finally cleaned out my fish tank today ( 90 gallons) and yesterday I shaved one of my dogs & gave her a bath, So I got something accomlished, that's been over due for months.

    Have A GREAT SUNDAY!!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Okay Ladies, I hope your Sunday is going great!

    I'm feeling much better than my last post :wink: . I went for a 30 minute swim & then did 20 minutes of gardening, It really cleared my mind. Not that I'm feeling better about myself, But I'll get back up and brush myself off & Start working on things I need to work on. Like eating right & exercise.

    I think I'm going to look into that HRM & invest in that as soon as possible. I hear it's cheaper to purchase on Amazon.com. I'm not sure But I think it was a polar7 that was concidered one of the best? But I'm not sure.

    TTYL Time to search for HRM
    Have a Nice evening :happy:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Teresa-What can we do to help you? You've come so far and it's normal to have a slump at times. Just keep talking to us so we can encourage you and listen when you need us to. As for the HRM... I love mine! It's a Polar FT4 (women's). I went to the Body Tronic Site that is advertised on here. There is also a promotional code on this site PoPo is the code I think and that gives you another $5 off. I researched many sites including Amazon. Amazon is good too. I paid $89.99 for mine and if I'd remembered the promo code I would have gotten it for $84.99. You may see them cheaper if used or on sale. Just google Polar FT4. It's so easy to use and the chest strap is so comfortable sometimes I forget to take it off! Before I bought mine I posted a thread asking people to respond to me about which HRM"s they liked and if it was the FT4 why they liked it. It was helpful. Most people love this one.

    Today I met a friend from work and we rode our bikes. I left the house at 10:00am to meet her on the trail and didn't get back until 1:15pm. It's a hot day and her asthma was giving her problems so we had to take breaks and sit in the shade. I turned my HRM on pause when we rested. We explored the trail systems in our suburb and discovered where some of the new paved paths connect to the regional park near my house. So now I have a really good path mapped out for some serious riding when I need to get in 7-10 miles or more. Burned 654 calories in 102 minutes. This was only 9 calories under what MFP calculated so pretty accurate!

    Laid on the deck in my suit and started my summer tan. I used 30SPF but still got red which usually happens before I tan. Oh well...

    Have a nice evening ladies!:flowerforyou:
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Thank You Jenny!! :flowerforyou:

    I already purchased the polar ft7 3 minutes ago on Amazon.com. I wish I read your post first :indifferent: I just paid $116.00 including tax.
    Can't wait to try it out, That should get me back in the mood for exercise

    Good Night Ladies!