SWaT Walking Group - June



  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    3 days in a row! Yay! I did the 3-mile workout with handweights from the 5 mile advanced dvd. Hopefully I'll get in one more tomorrow before my trip this weekend.

    Mary, I loved the fairy rock site. There used to be something similar here in Georgia and I've been looking for it on the internet but can't find it. I'll keep trying, you've got me curious now.

    Keep on walking everybody
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Teresa, that is a fantastic walk, good for you!! Can't wait to hear how you like your HM. It'll be interesting to hear about.

    Sandra, you are rockin!! That is fantastic! I hope you have a great weekend.

    No luck on the fairy rocks. But it was fun lookning and it is so beautiful there.There is train tracks that go over it and they have converted the train tracks to a bike trail. Sometimes we haul our bikes down there also. It's about 10 miles from our place.

    Back to work for me tomorrow. Hopefully i can come home and get a walk in aftger work.

    Have a great Friday everyone!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,251 Member
    I admire all you ladies that are continuing with your exercise. This has been a very hot week in MN and each evening so busy that I have not exercised since my last bike ride on Sunday. We did have packing day at our offices today for the big move to a new building on Monday. We wore grubby clothes and packed up the whole site, tossed junk, ordered supplies for the next school year, etc. Our fund raising committee bought us subway for lunch and had a spread out on the table to help ourselves. I didn't wear my HRM but I feel tired and lazy and rarely sat down. I did end the day with a wonderful acupuncture session that allowed me to have a 30 minute nap. Dinner was popcorn because I'm too tired and hubbie and son are out. One more day of work tomorrow and then outta there for 4 weeks. They are begging for speech clinicians to work June but no way! I need to rejuvenate, get back on track, get my exercise routine working again, and eat better! You all inspire me!!!!!!

    Teresa-how did your HRM work?

  • Redneckgirl924
    Good evening, Everyone!

    It sounds like everyone is doing well on their exercising. Keep up the good work! :smile: Unfortantely, I haven't been able to work out the last couple of days, but I plan on starting again tomorrow. I have noticed that I've been eating more the last couple of days. I guess it's because I'm not exercising and drinking as much water as I'm suppose to be. :cry:

    Jenny - I hope you enjoy your 4 weeks off.

    Sandra- You're becoming a walking machine. You go Girl!!!! Have fun on your trip. Let us know how it was when you return.

    Teresa - Good Job on your walk. Keep it up. If you need any help with your HRM just ask. I can try to help you.

    Mary - Thanks for the site on the rocks. I will have to check it out.

    I hope you all have a good evening!

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday~35/286 PW HRM
    Tuesday~60/519 Heavy Garden HRM
    Wednesday~60/532 Brush Cutting HRM
    69/662 HG HRM
    Thursday~50/389 Light Garden HRM
    55/529 PW W/INT HRM

    Well here's what I have been up to ladies. Glad to see you are all moving. Good job Sandara!

    The cross rocks are really neat. I thought you meant rocks with crosses in them, I have one in my front flowerbed.
    These are natural formations of a mineral, right? Very cool! I am an old rock hound, and still have baskets of rocks and minerals about. Plus the ones I have put in the beds. Just find them fascinating.

    Mary you sound renewed good for you!

    Jenny enjoy those weeks off!

    Ann I hope you have some time for yourself soon.

    Teresa, cheese is my downfall also. I could pass up chocolate for a good piece of cheese. Hope you have your evening controll back. Maybe we should invent a fridge that locks after 7:00.

    Nite all, Alice
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    TGIF!!! It's been another rough week at work--at least the time goes by quickly!

    Our community yard sale is tomorrow. We aren't selling anything this year so my DD and I plan on walking all over to look at what is being offered. I hope to find a step as I'd really like to do some step workouts I have. I'd also like to find some more weights. Not much money to spend so I will be doing a LOT more looking (and walking) than buying!

    I hope everyone is having a good day!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!! :drinker:

    Alice....... I cracked up laughing when you said after 7 pm the refrig should lock. I ONLY WISH, It would make my life so much happier :bigsmile: I Love Cheese, cheddar's my favorite. But if there was chocolate I would have to grab that first :laugh:
    I wonder if your cross rock brought you any luck? :wink:

    Kathy..... Enjoy the yard sales tomorrow, Hope you find the things your looking for. I LOVE going to Yard sales I just hate having them.
    Sandara.... It feel's great when getting back on track doesn't it? Exerciseing for staright 4 days now, Im feeling the weight come back off, THANK GOD!!!

    Ann.... Hang in there girl. I was just in the same boat but for 3 weeks and I'm just now getting back up. I hope you got that exercise in today. Thats the thing, we must keep on moving. I thought once I lost a lot of weight & only had 15 pounds to lose that I could slack up and exercise less & eat more. BOY was I wrong!!! I quickly started to gain the weight back. So Stay strong girl, and try to get back moving again.

    Jenny........ ARE you feeling better yet? :bigsmile: Your day off!!!!!! ENJOY. I hope you have a wonderful 4 week vacation you definitely deserve it.

    Well, I did great last night, didn't grab any extra food. But then again I went to bed very early 8:30 PM :blushing:

    Today was the first time I used the HRM. first when i put the strap on & started walking I was breathing differently but tried not to think of the strap & things got better. Well, I compared it to my pedometer that I also took with me and the calories burnt was so darn close 20 calorie difference. The HRM was 709 & the Pedometer was 689. I'm anxious to see what it will read when I go to work today cleaning.
    My hrm guide book doesn't say, But I thought someone mentioned they could check there heartrate while swimming? It doesn't say if you can wear the watch in the pool :ohwell:
    Another thing I noticed about it, It doesn't read how many miles I walked/ I guess I'll still need to bring my Pedometer with me on my walks :ohwell:

    You all have a fabulous Weekend
    And thank you all for being here, you mean alot to me :heart:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Week 2

    Monday~35/286 PW HRM
    Tuesday~60/519 Heavy Garden HRM
    Wednesday~60/532 Brush Cutting HRM
    69/662 HG HRM
    Thursday~50/389 Light Garden HRM
    55/529 PW W/INT HRM
    Friday~80/724 Best Butt Ever/PW/W HRM This is a Butt kicker!!!! I am sweating buckets. This workout is on Netflix watch instantly. I had to modify it in several places and did not finish all the standing yoga moves as my right knee did not want to.

  • Redneckgirl924
    Happy Friday and Good job Everyone!

    Everyone is doing great on their exercising. Keep up the good work. You all inspire me. :happy:

    I got to do my water walking today but only walked for an hour and 26 minutes today. My HRM said I burned 634 calories. YAY!!

    Teresa - some of the HRM'a are waterproof and some are not. I have the FT40 and it's waterproof up to 30 meters. Guess I won't be going deep sea diving anytime soon or at least not going more than 90+ feet. :bigsmile: I think the FT7 is what you have and if it is, the Polar website said it was also waterproof for up to 30 meters. Polar's official website is www.polarusa.com if you would like to check it out.

    Alice - That would solve everything if I could put an alarm on my kitchen. I could set it for only a 15 min window to get my food and then the cabinets and everything closed up until the next meal. Maybe we should event it. We could make millions from people like me with no self control. :laugh:

    Mary- I have never heard of the cross rocks before. I will have to check them out in Georgia on they way to see my parents in Florida! It'll be like a treasure hunt.

    Kathy - I hope you find your steps and weights at the yard sales tomorrow. Good luck and have fun!

    Well I need to be getting ready for bed now. I have to work in the morning!

    Enjoy your evening!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,251 Member
    You all are doing so well with your exercise! Yay for you! Work is done but tomorrow I need to regroup with my goals for eating and exercise. It has bee a difficult two weeks and I'm way off track. Grad parties, lunches and dinner out, minimal exercise on top of all of that. Tomorrow is a start over day...

    Not feeling relaxed yet but I will by Monday. Once I get my house cleaned, garden weeded, and do some things I want to accomplish I will feel better.

    So keep on moving and I will start again. Maybe I do need a ticker for the visual motivation? I'll have to rethink that issue as June progresses.

  • constancemwj
    constancemwj Posts: 290
    Hi all
    remember me..
    I know I've been gone for over a month.... works been crazy then school ended and my computer crashed, and then I hit the road for a few weeks and everything else got forgotten. I haven't logged on for a month. even though I tried to keep walking. I didn't do very good. Now that everything has slowed down again and my computer is up and running again, and I'm back home for awhile, I need to get moving again.... So new goals. I plan to log and walk 6/day/week and 50 miles :)
    Hope everyone is still doing great. I'll have more time tomorrow to catch up with everyone. It's good to be back.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning!!

    I don't have much time, Sorry! I have to put hair color on & then I have a dance recital to go to at 2 PM today. So I need to shove some lunch in before than. :blushing:

    Welcome Back Contance!! :flowerforyou: ........ I'm Glad you got your computer back up running. I had the same thing happened to me a few month's back. It was miserable, I had to use hubby's desk top.

    Jenny........ Same Here! About the ticker.... :blushing: . I brought it back because it really did give me that extra push that I needed.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

    P.S. I'm very glad I got the HRM :bigsmile: , I'm realizing that the whole time I've been under estimating my calorie burn's & I was pretty much netting 200 calories before :noway: . No wonder I was losing my hair & I was losing over 2 pounds a week. Hopefully I can get to a balance of eating & exercising.
    Oh, And in the polarft7 manual only some of the units can ge worn for swimming. I think this one is not, But I need to check mine for sure. YAY!! I Just read it, And I can wear it swimming, NICE!!

    OOps, forgot I walked 6 miles this morning

    Okay! Have a super Saturday. I gotta go :heart: Luv U!!!!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Awesome job ladies!! Your exercising, your coming back after a month off, your destessing your lives.... You all are doing absolutely great!!

    I had a terrible food day yesterday, but today I packed my food for work so I wouldn't be dependant on what I could find here and I feel ;much better. Yesterday at this time I was already sick because of all the crap I ate! I did not get any exercise in either, I didn't get home from work until 7 and then some people stopped in and it was 9:30 before they left and I got the kids to bed, hopefully today will be better!

    Have a great rest of the weekend! and keep on truckin'
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Nice to see you again, Connie! Glad you are back.

    Today was our Community Garage Sale. We're not selling anything this year so my DD and I went to see what was available.

    Spent 3 hours walking around the neighborhood and was able to get a step (adjustable 3 levels!), a set of hand weights, a nice ceramic canister set and some items that will come in handy in organizing my work space! Also got some things for the baby and the kitty. Spent only $28.00 all together! Walked 3 miles and MIGHT go back out--we'll see how I feel once I get these things where they belong.

    I'm excited. I've been wanting to try some step workouts but never had a step for them! And I've been needing new weights for a while now, too.

    Everyone--wishing you an awesome weekend!
  • Redneckgirl924
    Hello Everyone!

    I just got done walking 2.5 miles. I know it's late, but It was the only time I could fit it in today.

    Kathy- Good job on the garage sales. I'm glad you found what you were looking for. Will you let me know how you like your stepper? I just bought a new DVD called "Muffin Top Meltdown" and it says it works best with a stepper. I don't want to go and buy one, until I hear from someone that has one if they would recommend them.

    Mary- I too started packing my breakfast, lunch & snacks for work a couple of weeks ago per a co-workers suggestion. You will find it does help you keep on track. My weekends are the hardest for me now. I'm thinking about doing the same thing on weekends to keep me on track.

    Jenny - It's amazing how relax you do feel when your house is cleaned and everything's done. Just think you'll get to enjoy your vacation soon. :smile: Oh... how I wish I was on vacation. I have to wait a few weeks for my one week off. :sad: I'm so jealous of your 4 weeks off. Enjoy!

    Teresa- I'm glad to hear your HRM is waterproof. Have fun swimming!!

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I'm off to bed.

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning!

    I hope everyones having a wonderful weekend So Far.

    I walked to Pompano Park & walked track 3 times. Whoo Hoo! I got 6.5 miles in. It's a beautiful Sunny day and 85 degree's outside with a very slight breeze. ( very slight :wink: )
    I have one more pound to lose to get back to what I weighed 3 weeks ago. This time around I pray I make it all the way down to my goal weight without any weight gains inbetween :blushing:

    Ann.... Good for you!! At least you got the walk in, better late than never. WAy To Go!!!!
    I have a stepper that I used to use when I was working out with Susan Powter's VCR tapes & I love it! I think it all depends on the work out. I absolutely loved her one workout tape. I wish I could have gotten that in DVD form, from the VCR I have.

    Okay!!! Time to relax, I should be cleaning the house, BUT NO WAY :noway:
    Have a wonderful Sunday!!!!
  • Redneckgirl924
    Good Afternoon!

    I just got done doing the 5 Mile Walk it Off & Tone it Up DVD by Leslie Sansone. Love that DVD. Now I'm going to have lunch and do some weeding in my flowers while I still know which one's are flowers. Yay!!

    Teresa - I have no doubt that you will lose that pound and then get down to your goal weight. You are determined and you definitely inspire me. Thanks and keep up the good work. :flowerforyou: Who makes the stepper you have?

    I hope you and everyone has a wonderful Sunday!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Afternoon everyone!

    I had the Jane Fonda step arobics tape back when I had a VCR, then my VCR went to hell and I got a DVD player so I quit using it. I now use it to raise my tv in my basement because my tv stand is really low. But, I really enjoyed doing the step arobics, it really made my legs strong and toned.

    Teresa - I can't wait for you to lose that pound that's hounding you!! You'll do it and we'll all cheer for you! ALso great job on the walk, 6.5 is nothing to sneeze about, when I do 4 my legs sometimes feel like there falling off. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Ann - good for you for fitting your walk in. I hope if your outside that late at night your keeping yourself safe.

    I went to my niece's graduation party today, of course I had to many snacks and a couple to many bars, but it was beautiful when we got home, and my 24 yr happened to be home when we got here, so I coherced all 3 of my boys (and my dog) to go for a 2 mile walk with me. At least I got something in after a poor day of eating. Tomorrow I should be able to get back on track with my 4 mile one. I gave up the 30 day shred dvd, my knees were killing me. I'm going to look for some kind of dvd that is easier on the knees but a good work out. So if anyone has any suggestions I'm open to them.

    Have a great night all and a fantastic week!
  • Redneckgirl924
    Good Evening!

    Mary - I like the Leslie Sansone's DVD's. I have a bad back and her DVD's don't seem to bother my back and I usually burn between 400 & 700 calories depending on which one of her DVD's I do.

    Also, thanks for worrying about me on my night walk, but you don't need to worry. Fortunately I live in a really safe subdivision. Usually you can see people still walking at 10 or 11 p.m. and they start it back up at 5 a.m. walking their dogs. There's about 700 houses in my addition and just about everyone knows each other some way or another, usually through our kids. There's also several cops that live here, which I think that helps as well.

    I hear you on giving up the 30 day shred DVD. I have a hard time doing the Biggest Loser videos, so a few of my co-workers and I workout on our lunch hours and we will do theirs just once a week, usually on Wednesday to give our bodys that push we need but we don't over do it. After you start hurting you may try something like that if you like the 30 day shred DVD and work it in just once a week. But always listen to your body.

    I'm glad you got to go on a walk with your boys. I bet you had fun and did a lot of catching up with your oldest son. Also, congratulations on your niece's graduation. My niece's was this weekend, but I couldn't go because of work.

    You also have a good night and a good week.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,251 Member
    Still here but not commenting much because I'm in a slump. Poor food choices, no routine, and no exercise. Hubbie suggested I leave for Michigan a week ahead of him and my son to spend time with my mom and sibs alone, sit on the beach, see old friends and just get a change of scenery,etc. So sweet of him even though he will miss me:) He and my son will follow the next weekend. So I'm leaving this Saturday or Sunday and will be gone for 3 weeks but checking in daily if my sister's computer is working. I plan to walk each day on the beach or by the lake and I typically eat a lot less when I'm there too. Taking my bike so will get some riding in too. The school year was just too much I guess and I'm having a hard time letting go of all the stress and all the other stuff that happened. I have to go back 7/11 so I need to get an attitude adjustment. Maybe 3 weeks in a beautiful area distracted by family and friends will help.

    You all are doing great with your exercise! Keep it up!