SWaT Walking Group - June



  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!! :flowerforyou:

    I got my walk in this morning, Back to the 2 hour walks. I can't seem to take control over those night time cravings :cry:

    My HRM seem's to have a different reading for the same exact walk I always take and I know I walked my butt off. HRM reading is 100 less than what it's been reading. disappointed :frown:

    All We can do is keep on trucking..... Move Move move :wink:

    Have a GREAT THURSDAY!!!!!!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Kathy, I will definately be keeping your mom in my prayers! I hope all goes well.

    Teresa, fantastic on the walk. 2 hours seems so long, good job.

    Couple years ago, I had surgery on my right foot on my metatarsil (sp) bones. My big toe was too long.But I spent about 2 years unable to even walk without pain. So you can imagine my delight when the surgery was a success. Now, I've been having the same pain, for about 2 months, on my left foot. and it has gotten worse in the last 2 weeks. So, I have made an appointment with my foot dr. but I can't get in until the 27th. I am going to keep doing my walks tho, I can't give those up. It's manageable when I'm walking but then after I've been sitting for awhile after a long walk, it pains me the rest of the day. Whoa is me :ohwell:

    I did not get any exercise in today. I am working until 7pm and then I will try to get a stroll in, but I'll have to see what shape my house is in. :bigsmile:

    Have a great evening all!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    Mary.... 2 hours is a very long walk, According to my pedometer it's 5.7 to 6 miles.
    I hope you won't need surgery on your left foot now. :noway: But whatever you need to do, You must Do!! Sorry your going through pain. I have No pain, But after my walk I'm sitting all day if I don't have to go to work :blushing:

    I should be cleaning my house :embarassed: I'll clean it the day before my father & girlfriend come in town :laugh:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Very productive today with my to-do list. Tomorrow is laundry, cleaning a bedroom, vacuuming the house and car, and packing.

    Kathy-sorry about your mom. I hope she's okay and it was just the effects of the meds.

    I need to call my sister and sign off. My mom is failing and getting closer to passing. I wonder if I will get there in time or if she will rebound once again? Please pray that she will be at peace soon. She has got to be suffering at this point but can't tell us because of her dementia. It is such a roller coaster with elderly parents. I'm sure all of us that are middle age are dealing with some form of care giving. My sibs do most of it since I'm out of state.

    Mary-I hope your foot will be okay and you don't need surgery:)

    Good night! I'll be in touch tomorrow and then not sure after that. I may need to log in on my iphone unless my sister's computer is working.

  • Good evening!

    Teresa - yesterday I did get in 2 miles outside, but not the 5 miles I was hoping for, but at least it was something. My HRM is off sometimes too, but if you look at your average & maximum heart rate against the same routine on another day you will find that your BPM will be different. Your body might just be getting use to that walking routine and not having to work as hard.

    Kathy - I'm sorry to hear about your mother. You, your mother, and your sisters are in my prayers. I hope they figure out what's wrong and that your mom feels better soon.

    Mary - Sorry to hear about your foot. I hope they get the pain stopped quickly for you and that you won't need surgery. It's never fun to be in pain. You should pat yourself on the back for keeping up walking when your in pain. Kudos to you!

    Jenny - Sorry to hear about your mother and I hope you make it to MI in time. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Take care everyone!

  • constancemwj
    constancemwj Posts: 290
    Hi everyone
    today I took the day off and me and some friends drove up into the mountains and hiked all morning. You want to burn some serious calories, go hiking. with a small daypack. We only did a little more then 4 miles in a couple hours. But it was a beautiful day and we had lots of fun and I dont even feel guilty about stopping for ice cream on the way home. If it wasn't such a long drive I'd go more often.

    Kathy and Jenny I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom's and I'll keep you all in my prayers too. I know it's hard. I Mom lives 1000 miles away with my sister, who is her care giver. I feel guilty alot being so far away and not being able to do more for her. Her healthy has gone up and down over the years. I keep wondering when I'm going to get that call. she's in her late 80s.

    I hope you all have a great day tomorrow. It's a cleaning day for me too!!!!:drinker:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Connie, I love hiking too! In MN we have the Superior Hiking Trail that starts in Duluth and goes to the Canadian Border, or will when they finish the last 5-10 miles between Duluth and Two Harbors. It's beautiful and I love it when I can go north to hike. We also have a lot of nice regional parks near the twin cities for day hiking. Unfortunately I haven't gotten out to hike this season yet:(

    Well off to walk with Leslie and then tackle the to-do list for today!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Did 3 miles with Leslie S. and used resistance bands for strength training workout. Time to do my list!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. My mom is doing better--no more opiate-based pain meds for her, though! She is in the early stages of dementia but this was so sudden I was pretty sure it was caused by the pain meds. She should be going home in a day or so.

    Jenny it is SO hard when they are so far away, isn't it? I will keep your mom and your family in my prayers.

    I have NOT been good the last two days--too many crappy, simple carbs have led to some binges. I admit they are not even CLOSE to what I used to do but I still need to get a handle on it. I know it 's from stress and I know there are better ways to handle stress!

    Here's wishing a good day for us all!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Kathy-Happy to hear your mom is doing better now. My mom is in the very latest stage of dementia so I know your journey. An observation my siblings and I have made is that when our mom was sick or injured her dementia became worse for a time and then she became stable again. As you know there are good and bad days but it is a good idea to keep an eye on her meds and how they interact with each other. The pharmacist has more knowledge about that than the doctors. Give yourself a pat on the back for not going back to old habits while stressed! Hang in there:flowerforyou:

  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    My thougts are with all your mothers. Mine is 73 and in very good health yet. But dementia does run in her family, 3 sisters so far, and I'm afraid it's a matter of time. I will keep you all in my prayers.

    I hate the ways bad carbs make me feel. Now if i have to many I get stomach aches and cramps like you wouldn't believe! I can't believe all the junk i used to eat and was okay with it. I'm so glad I'm making better choices, and I yet have so far to go!

    It is beautiful out today, so I went for a 4 mile walk, cut my time down by a minute and raised my cals burnt by 50, so my body must have been working pretty well.

    Now, to get some laundry done, have a fantastic weekend everyone!!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Kathy... I'm glad to hear your mom is feeling better. Sometimes Medications can be more harmful than helpful. :indifferent:
    I'm still sorry that your mom is dealing with dementia :cry: It Sucks! I wish there was a cure.

    Jenny..... :heart: Big Hug :heart:

    Mary.... Sound like your on a good path.. Keep up the great work! Awesome walk!!!

    Took my 2 hr walk this morning / But I keep eating more then I'm burning :cry:

    Luv You all!! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!!

    I went for a walk this morning, but the humidity was soooo high, I was having a hard time breathing, and I was sweating like a ??? so I cut it back to 45 minutes and didn't walk as fast but I got one in so that is good.

    Teresa - your still moving and that is awesome!!! You've got a great habit with your walks, and that is a great thing. Keep it up!

    Everyone have a great rest of the weekend!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm a little behind this week. I did get in some weights on Thursday but nothing since. I've got to get caught up with everyone.

    It looks like we all have common problems with our mothers. Mine is 83 and just started on some memory loss reducing drugs. We'll see how it goes. If she is developing dementia it's still in the early stages and her doctor hopes the medication will slow it down.

    Teresa, I loved your mini bike story. Sound like something I would do.

    Kathy, I found one of the Jenny Ford DVD's at amazon and just ordered it. It has 3 diff workouts on it. Thanks!

    I've got to take my Mom shopping so I'll be out most of the afternoon. I have to take it real slow when she is with me.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Happy Saturday Girls!

    Thursday~ 45/476


    Prayers for all whose Moms are struggling. While I understand the pain, I envy you. My Mom who was a huge part of my daily life passed in 2007 at the age of 92.

    She also suffered from drug sensitivities and allergies. We carried a fold out list in her pocketbook, which we presented to every doubting Thomas of a Dr. along with her GP's name and phone number. We had some epic battles over drugs and we saw some ugly consequences when Dr.s and anesthesiologists did not listen.

    I myself cannot function for at least a day if I take a codine based pain pill, can't dress myself, nada. Was given one several years ago and will never take another.

    Enough of such stuff, onward and upward! Alice
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    House is clean, chores are done, and car is packed. I leave early in the a.m. for Michigan for 3 weeks. I hope to check in daily with my sister's computer. Can't wait to walk the beach, lake road and visit family and friends.:bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend and I'll chat again when I get there on Sunday eve or Monday.


  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Late again tonite!

    I didn't get a walk in but I hope to try out the Muffin top workout tomorrow afternoon. Thanks Ann, they had one left at my wal-mart.

    We are having a big Father's day dinner tomorrow so I know I'm going to need that workout. I should have worked out today but after the long trip to wal-mart I had to get a few things done. Excuses I know but . . .

    I hope everyone has a great Father's day tomorrow with the men in your life. I feel very fortunate to still have both of my parents with me.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Had another bad eating day but it was better than the last 2 so it's getting better.

    Mary--Good fro you for walking in the humidity! I seem to use any excuse I can to not work out lately!:grumble:

    Alice--You are inspiring, too!:drinker:

    Jenny, I wish you a safe trip and a great time with your family!:flowerforyou:

    Sandy--I think you still have me beat when it comes to 'formal' exercise. I haven't done ANYTHING during the week outside of work and I've only been managing one short workout on the weekend! :tongue: Oh, when I think of the walking and workouts I did when I wasn't working! I wish I would do better. I am going to try the 10 Minute Solution workouts during the week again. It will be a start, at least!

    You just keep on, don't you Teresa?:drinker: I need some of your motivation, I think!

    Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone!:heart::flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Good Morning, Ladies!

    This week I've been exercising but have went over on my calories on Friday and Saturday, my husband was in a wedding and I wasn't in control of my food. :cry: Today I will probably be over calories with it being Father's day. We're going to my Father-in-law's and he is from the South where when he cooks he usually uses a stick of butter in everything, sometimes two. The food is always good, but I'm so not looking forward to our weigh-in at work on Monday.

    Jenny - I hope you have a safe trip and enjoy this time with your family and friends. Post pictures of the beach, it'll probably be the only way I get to a beach this year. :smile:

    Sandy - I hope to use the muffin top video soon. I'm still looking for a stepper. The cheapist stepper I've found in the store is $40. I don't know if that's a good price or not, so I'm going to look online to compare and maybe find one cheaper.

    Keep up the good work everyone and I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! :flowerforyou:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I hope everyone had a wonderful day. We had a nice dinner at my parents with way too much food. But I told my husband it was one day I wouldn't make him eat anything diet! :laugh: He's always so cooperative with my journey.

    Red, I know what you mean about all the butter. I think it's agains the law to cook without butter down here.
    Keep checking out the thrift stores & yard sales for a stepper. I found mine at a thrift store for 3.00 and I've seen lots of them at yard sales in the past. Of course since your looking for one they won't be there but maybe you'll get lucky too. :happy:

    I did do the muffin top workout, it was good but pretty advanced on some of the stuff. Fortunately they also showed modified moves and I did a lot of those. I particularly liked the kettle ball workout at the end. I had one of those I'd never used too.

    I'm looking forward to the other dvd arriving, it mentioned a beginner workout.