SWaT Walking Group - June



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    Was I the only one that did not do a ticker this month? This did not work for me. I did not set a goal and therefore did not get my exercise in. July will have to be more structured for me to move forward:grumble:

    More shopping today, spent too much but it was fun!

    Tomorrow suppose to be nice so I plan to get a good walk in. Maybe a bike ride...

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes all! I am back in the game. Must work full day tomorrow and then may have a little more time to play.
    Hauled chips, moved plants, and mowed lawn today for my official exercise. Did the same things for my unofficial exercise.

    Nite all! Alice
  • constancemwj
    constancemwj Posts: 290
    Hi ladies.
    Two more days left for June, and I'm going to reach my goal, I've been walking like crazy,
    I did 6miles Sat
    3 Sun, 3 Mon. and 7 today. two more days and five more miles to go...... I think for july I'm really going to push myself and see what I can do...:bigsmile:

    Sounds Like everyone is doing great,,,,
    Alice, glad your feeling better, and I understand about the yard work, I've been out in mine almost every morning. watering weeding, and its time to mow again.... but Im hoping I can put off for another couple days.

    Jenny, sounds like your having lodes of fun up in MI,,,I'm ready for vacation again. My Oldest daughter is coming home for the weekend,,,, maybe we'll go to the mountains for a day. :)

    everyone keep moving and lets finish this month out with a bang!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm thinking about my July goals. I know I need to start a formal exercise routine again so I am considering all my options.

    I do plan on starting with the 1 mile a day DVD I have but after a week or so I want to do more. Maybe some more of the step (still trying to get more than 15 minutes of that done at a time!) and I want to start using my weights again, too.

    Yoga before bed would be nice, too--I have a downloaded one that is supposed to help me sleep but it won't help if I don't do it!

    I know I'll feel better if I get moving more again!

    See you all soon!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I'm back! Sorry for the disappearing act but TOM has been very difficult, I can't wait for him to move out! :laugh:

    I'm glad everyone is getting excited about July. I need a fresh start. And no Jenny you aren't the only one that didn't do a ticker this month. I agree that I'm definitely going back to one for July. It's probably going to be for minutes instead of miles because I'm really enjoying the step workout. I did it for 40 mintues tonight but I just replayed the warm up and combo one over and over. I"m feeling a little more comfortable with the steps so maybe I'll add in combo 2 tomorrow but I still need to work on the arm movements. It is a little harder on the knees than the walking though. Lots of twisting and stepping so I'll have to be careful until I get the steps better.

    Teresa & Constance your both doing great with your goals. Keep giving us those pep talks so we can all get back in the groove.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    Wonderful day for weather today. My friend has two small kayaks so I met her at the beach and we kayaked up and down the shore while we caught up on life with one another. Building the tan but using lots of sunscreen...

    tonight is family dinner here at my sisters. 13 of us will be here (not all are in town) and we are having fajitas, mexican rice, home made strawberry pie, drinks, etc.

    I'll have to think about my July goals. I'll be back at work July 11th full time. I'm definitely using a ticker for July for minutes of exercise.

    Have a nice evening,
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Another great month working together! Congratulations to you all that made your goals! And it's a fresh month for those of us who didn't! (me, me, me) I'm really trying to get my mind back in the battle. The last few months have really been a struggle for me and Im determined to get back on track.

    Here's a link to the July thread, I hope to see you all there.
