Senior Golden Sneakers..........June, 2011



  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    Sandy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    barbie...I will have to remember that..."that is not my food". Good one. We should all have that mind set.

    Had a confusing evening where everything got messed up. Was to spend the evening and dinner with husband but ended up driving all over creation (like every weekend) doing for my kids. I just grapped whatever and really do not care. So tired of still having to cater to kids when I am in my 60s.
  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 110 Member gotta warn people not to be drinking when reading your posts...almost choked on my crystal light laughing so hard :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Gotta remember that one to pass it on :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: too :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    thanks guys for the laughs...I really needed them this week!!! Just been swamped but only one more day to go as we have a huge fundrasier Sunday (a poker run to raise money for a children's home). Well better get to bed...will talk to you all later :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Saturday!!! :bigsmile: It is a beautiful sunny and warm day!!!

    Donna, hope the crystal lite didn't go up your nose, I hate that. :laugh: Good luck with the fundraiser Sunday, isn't it great to give back? :heart:

    Becky, what I have learned in Al Anon is to say NO when you mean NO and YES when you mean YES. Enabling our children doesn't help them, they need to take care of themselves. (Listen to what I say not as I do :tongue: )

    Jake, sorry didn't mean to :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: you.

    Barbie, I just feel like I get a better workout walking then anything else. I seem to get more calories when I ride the stationary bike but for an overall exercise walking seems best.:love:

    Gayla, you love your sports don't you? How is Neil? Did he have his foot surgery? How is his voice and swallowing? And how are you my dear friend?

    Have a wonderful Saturday, hope your day is filled with love and kindness.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I lost my post so will leave with a note to Jeri. I will be thinking of you Monday:heart: with love.

    and a note to Irene. :heart: Thinking of you with love

    Now to go cook some food for today.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Today is going well. One of my older daughters is visiting. I am trying to talk her into doing a Zumba DVD with me. So luck.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Had a confusing evening where everything got messed up. Was to spend the evening and dinner with husband but ended up driving all over creation (like every weekend) doing for my kids. I just grapped whatever and really do not care. So tired of still having to cater to kids when I am in my 60s.

    Dr. Phil would tell you you need to put some new words in your vocabulary. The first one would be "no." Are we so afraid our kids won't love us that we do everything they ask for their entire lives? One thing in your last sentence really stands out - "having to cater to kids" - you don't HAVE to do any such thing.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member

    Happy Anniversary, Connie......have a great day
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello to all my lovely sneakers,:flowerforyou:

    Well I am glad to report that I am feeling much better today. Almost normal (don't think I could ever be that, still...)
    I had a lovely lazy day yesterday and not done much today. Think it has helped a lot.
    I went to a church breakfast this morning. The guest speaker was a man called Steve Chalke MBE. He was so interesting. He founded the charity OASIS. He has added a new charity Stop the traffik to it. It's fascinating to listen to his story and very inspiring.
    Breakfast was good too lol:laugh:

    Sandy: I agree with Donna about the warning. I almost choked on my grape:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Jake: Same to you too:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It's so good to laugh:drinker:

    Gayla: I have missed the first week of Wimbledon this year,due to not being well. I have been a couple of times in previous years. Loved it, although I did get a bit star struck and embarrassed my daughter:laugh:

    Barbie: It's such a chore sorting through paperwork but sounds like you have made a good dent in it:bigsmile:

    Marie: How come they are bulldozing homes in your street? Wishing Jerry lots of luck at his appointment next week:flowerforyou:

    Becky: I bought the Zumba dvd today. I do go to class, but sometimes I just can't get there. It's straight after work but sometimes I don't finish in time. I think the dvd will be a great back up and like you, I am hoping my daughter will join in. Enjoy:flowerforyou:
    I know what you mean about running around after our children. I find thats what I do most of the time. Every now and then I have to tell them NO. They always tell me off for not telling them that I am tired. It's my fault in the end for speaking out. I always feel like sayimg no is letting them down, but they do understand, most of the time!! I know that I get tired a lot more tired more quickly these days Take it easy. :flowerforyou:

    Sandy: when you say you have to go to your meeting what do you mean? Not sure if I am reading into things!! Tell me to mind my own business if you like:flowerforyou:

    Buzz: I hope you have had a super birthday:drinker:

    Phyllis: You must be so excited about getting home. Have a wonderful time. Well done for being 'good'.:drinker:

    I put on my 2lb that I lost 2 weeks ago. I think it's from grabbing whatever food was around or not eating enough on really bad days. Anyway, I never changed my ticker at the time, so it remains stuck:frown: I have'nt done a shop yet but will be doing that in a few days and will hopefully be getting some exercise back in there too.

    Have a lovely weekend ladies.
    Its good to be back
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member

    Happy Anniversary Connie!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member

    Sandy: when you say you have to go to your meeting what do you mean? Not sure if I am reading into things!! Tell me to mind my own business if you like:flowerforyou:

    Have a lovely weekend ladies.
    Its good to be back

    As most of the others know my son is in recovery and my step son almost died last year from alcohol. He is not drinking but has not gone for recovery or to any meetings, so he is what they call a dry drunk with the same attitude as when he was drinking. I go to Al Anon not for them but for myself, which most people do not understand. There is nothing we can do to make an addict quit but in taking care of ourselves we can handle a lot, including everyday life. Yes, I do drink, but I am not an alcoholic. I hope that clears things up for you Deb.
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Thank you Sandy for explaining. I hope it did'nt come across that I was being nosey. It's so hard to write what I want to say without making it sound awful. I am not very good with words as you may have noticed already:laugh: It must be very hard for you, but a big 'Well done' to you for taking part.

    My OH drinks a lot and I sometimes wonder whether he is treading a very thin line. Its very difficult and I admire you greatly.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Thank you Sandy for explaining. I hope it didn't come across that I was being nosey. It's so hard to write what I want to say without making it sound awful. I am not very good with words as you may have noticed already:laugh: It must be very hard for you, but a big 'Well done' to you for taking part.

    My OH drinks a lot and I sometimes wonder whether he is treading a very thin line. Its very difficult and I admire you greatly.

    No problem Deb, I am proud of my son and actually proud of myself. My DH also drank too much and had to quit so he battles with the disease also. Most people don't recognize it is a disease and just as we can't cure a terminal disease we can't cure alcoholism,.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: we have emptied several boxes of papers and photos today. We have been ruthless in throwing things away. We had all the photos from our 1990 trip to NW Washington and Vancouver Island and they had never gotten out of the envelopes so we decided that if we hadn't put them in albums by now, it didn't make any sense to hang on to them.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: we threw out many other pictures that have been in boxes for years or decades. I told Jake that I had amazing memories of many events in our life but in my mind's eye I was a size six instead of the size 16 that I am in all the photos.:laugh: I did notice that I had a lot of really cute shirts but they were all size extra large.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, thanks for sharing about Al-Anon. It's such a great program but frequently misunderstood. You're so right about not being able to get an addict to quit what they're doing.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: we go to bed shortly after 9PM every night so I can get up at first light and take the dogs on the hill at sunrise, then eat breakfast and be off for our neighborhood walk between six and six thirty.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Becky, you got some great advice from other mothers about saying "no" to your kids. I have done only a short stint as a parent of teenagers so I felt that I wasn't the one to be making suggestions. I do know that no one can take advantage of you without your permission.

    :bigsmile: Deb, I hope you can get back into the groove of exercise soon. It will make you feel so much better.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: I hope you are all having a good weekend with weather that allows you to do something special for yourself. It's great to be loving and caring toward others but it's also great to treat yourself to a good time.:bigsmile:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm so tired I'm falling over, but I wanted to download some pictures while my DS was around, just in case! Actually, I did remember how to do it, and a few are acceptable, so I'll rotate them a few days. I'll post AFTER they are gone, and I'm back to a reasonable normal! Had a lovely Birthday day....and thank you ALL for all your wishes; we started out by going to the Everglades for a ride on an airboat, and we all loved it, as I always do. So informative. I think I used a picture of me with Meggie, my granddaughter who is visiting. She announced she is now going to be living on the mainland, perhaps ending up in Oregon, but may be having a wedding in about a year back in Hawaii overlooking Kaneohe Bay. I never thought I'd be getting back there again, but how could we refuse her invitation? For any Magnum P.I. fans, much of the old TV shows were taped in and around Kaneohe Bay, with it's gorgeous islands out in the Pacific. (I think I still have a crush on Tom Selleck!)
    I noticed today is Connie's Anniversary so a very Happy almost belated Anniversary to you both!
    I'll deal with looking over everything posted when I return, perhaps by Monday. Mohs surgery (:noway: ) is scheduled for next week, so I'm not sure what the plans will be, but again, thank you all for all your greetings.
    hugs to all....(and glad Deb is feeling better)
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from rainy Saskatchewan. We needed some rain but now we have had enough! Dave moved my clothesline so now the clothes will no longer get caught in the mugo pines. Yeah for that. I can still stand on the deck and hang my clothes -- what a princess. We enjoyed the play last night although the chairs were hard even for my full-bodied butt cheeks! It was a comedy and laughter is always welcome in my circle.

    Deb -- oh how I envy you going to Wimbledon. I have looked at going to the Roger's Cup (Canada) and hope to get there one day. Tickets are so pricey!

    Sandy -- it is rather peculiar that this short fat girl (the one usually picked last for ball) turned into such a sports fan. Unfortunately, the armchair kind. It started young, I was always at all the school sports cheering from the stands. I took skating lessons for many years (not bragging because I was never very good at it but liked it). We always had season's tickets for hockey. Now I mostly watch figure skating and curling in the winter and tennis in the summer. Watching tennis is like a full- time job! Neil and I also like to watch equestrian events. I should not have got started on that!! Neil is doing ok although still having seizures. They are fewer and usually not as intense so happy for that. He sees the throat dr. On Monday. I am hoping he says to try liquids that are not thickened and so is Neil. I am fine. The diet went off the rails a few days ago and I didn't get to WW today. I am going to have to work hard to get back on track this week.

    Marie -- you have become so good at using pictures. Proud of you. I am happy I can turn the computer on! I mostly use my iPad now but remain very basic level. Jerry will be on my mind Monday along with Jeri.

    Buzz -- enjoyed your photos. Sounds like you have been having a great time.

    Barbie -- you are not going to have much to move -- you are a cleaning machine!

    I know I wanted to make other responses but didn't open another page and now can't check back. Get you next time.

    Take care everyone. Gayla :heart:
  • !-The Diet Solution Program-!
    !-How To Lose Weight-!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: buzz...I understand how you feel about Tom Selleck. He and I share the same birthday (different years). I really think that the two of us should celebrate together.:laugh:

    Kids are slowing coming back home from their weekend activities. I am hoping that my husband and I can go to the YMCA sometime today.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :bigsmile: It is another beautiful day here. I hope today I can exercise and get some sun since for once we are not going to my step sons for dinner. :tongue: They have plans today so we went last night and he again was obnoxious but we just ignored him. :ohwell:

    Becky and Buzz, give me George Clooney or Patrick Dempsey any day, I don't care if that makes me a cougar, I love those guys!! :heart: :heart: :heart: Becky, hope you have some alone time with your husband, you deserve it.

    Gayla, I used to play tennis when I was young, thus the bad knees. I was much better in doubles since I didn't like to run too much. :laugh: If the ball came to me, I was really good, other wise my poor partners were exhausted by the end of the game. :laugh: I like to watch figure skating on TV, but it seems there isn't enough time during the day to sit down, most of my TV watching is in the evening until the wee hours of the morning. Glad Neil is a little better with his seizures and hope the doctor has good news about his liquids. Did he mention if he got my card??

    Buzz, love the new profile picture, you look amazing.:love: Who is in the picture with you? All the new pictures are great, I bet your family is so proud of you and your weight loss. I hope you had a great birthday, I know it was filled with love and happiness. :heart:

    Barbie, I too am envious of all the walking you do, but not sure I could keep up with you. I wish I could get moving early in the morning but I am a night person and do better after dinner, except for exercising, that I prefer to do during the day.

    Marie, hope all goes well with Jerry tomorrow, I will keep him in my prayers that the news is all good. :flowerforyou:

    Jeri, good luck tomorrow and remember we will all be praying for you and sending good vibes for a quick recovery. :heart:

    Bryanna will be with me most of the week since her mom is on vacation. This makes me very happy. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Have a great Sunday!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    And they just keep coming!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    A cowboy appeared before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.

    'Have you ever done anything of particular merit?', St. Peter asked.

    'Well, I can think of one thing,' the cowboy offered.

    'On a trip to the Black Hills out in South Dakota, I came upon a gang of
    bikers who were threatening a young woman. I directed them to leave her
    alone, but they wouldn't listen.

    So, I approached the largest and most tattooed biker and smacked him in the
    face, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring, and threw it on the
    ground. I yelled, 'Now, back off or I'll kick the s - - t out of all of

    St. Peter was impressed, 'When did this happen?'

    'Couple of minutes ago.'
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