Senior Golden Sneakers..........June, 2011



  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Good morning sneakers!:drinker:
    Had a great exercise session yesterday, when I finished I could feel the strength in my back and abs clearly. Looks like I'm on the mend, with time I should be back to the closest normal I can be. Body is starting to respond, but it will take some time to get the metabolism going at a good speed. Calorie intake for the average has been 1,770-2,020.

    Went outside dug up a couple of wheel barrels of weeds from the yard. Washed down the dust off the house and cleaned out the leaves from under the front door steps. Some day I will get a worker to put a front porch with a extension to the side entrance, that will make the front look much better.

    Hope all is well here, keep at the plan and be true to yourself!

  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    Sandy, see what happens when you spend time at amusement parks, not only can you get scared by the rides and have a ball, but you can come up with some great jokes.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sneakers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Another good rain last night. we will take what all we can get. And we need it bad.

    Phyliss Thanks for taking us on a tour with you. Sound like a wonderful time was had. I reall enjoy the trip with you.

    Piigquilter..... Glad you like the block. I think it is amazing what it transform into. A friend on facebook/Is working on one and I f I can find it I wil steal her picture and send it to you.

    Good morning Gayla, Today is grocer shopping day. I have only 2 things on my list,Veggies and Fruit.

    Sandy love your joke Yes It was a surpis to me. glad you had a good time at the amussement Park. and made it home safly in the rain.

    Mailyn So glad you are feeling better Have a wonderful day.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Pouring rain here today and thunderstorm and lightening all last night :yawn:

    Good thing I have the day off today. :bigsmile: Going to do some errands and getting
    ready for the weekend and off to see my mother in law.
    She recently had cataract surgery in her one eye and we got the good news
    that she does not have to have the other one done.

    Just finished 25 mins Annie Lee Strength training and Weight Lifting.
    So now I am sweaty and need a shower.

    See ya all later
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :bigsmile: More storms are expected, this weather is just awful. :explode:

    Our day at Six Flags Great America was interesting to say the least. My DIL took three of the four teenagers and the two little ones along with her friend early. I drove the fourth teenager around noon since she had some summer school. It was so hot when we got there we went straight to the water park, where it poured about an hour later. It ended up being sunny and the kids had a great time.Then it was off to the rides for the older four ( I went on no rides) until another storm came through, it was about 8:30 by this time so we decided to call it a night, especially since one of the moms called and said there were all kind of storm warnings, with tornadoes and high winds. The bad thing was that we drove right into the storm, the winds were around 70 miles per hour and the rain was torrential. At one point we pulled over to the side of the road since I couldn't see, we also saw a blue light in the distance which meant a transformer blew. (Today in the paper I read it was a light pole that fell but on the other side of the direction we were going). It was the worst storm I have seen in along time but we are all home safe and sound.
    In spite of the weather we had a great time, even if I did eat the wrong foods. My scale was kind and only went up about a half pound so all that walking really helped.

    Shirley, I am so sick of storms and rain, what ever happened to summer?

    Marie, I am glad you are happy for the rain, I did see on the news that you are having a drought and I would be happy to send all of our rain to you.

    Jake, you just make me laugh, even without jokes.

    Marilyn, glad your feeling better and hope you get your strength and stamina back 100%.

    Becky, go for the massage you will love it. Just wear anything, most of the time they give you a robe to put on and once on the table you are either naked or in my case I leave my undies on, (sorry Jake TMI).

    Gayla, doesn't matter how many times you get back on the wagon as long as you are aware. I know what you mean about hair, my is so thin and straight, I am always afraid of a hair cut.

    I better get on that bike and get rid of those unwanted calories I ate yesterday, why don't amusement parks have healthy food?

    Have a great, dry day!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey Sandy...thanks for the information and advice about massages. I keep a robe at the YMCA. Not sure about getting naked as the one who does the massaging is a man.

    I have a question. How come everyone here is burning so many more calories than I am, even if I am doing the same thing???? I wear a HRM which is supposed to let me know how many I am burning but I never get the number that I see at this site. HELP!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Becky, in that case wear some comfortable sweat clothes or just call and ask them what to wear, I am sure they have been asked that before.

    As far as the HRM, it could be that you are in better shape and your body is used to hard work so it takes more for you to increase the heart rate thus the calories. Do you have the kind of HRM that straps around your body? Can you give an example of what kind of exercise you are talking about? I know my HRM calories are less than what the bike tells me, but I do go by the HRM since I think it is more accurate.
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    AARGH!! It is raining again today and we got almost an inch last night. Even though things are growing pretty well it's becoming too much of a good thing. ne of my little geranium seedlings rotted off in the pot, but most of them are doing ok. One even has a bud forming. :smile: Only 65 degrees right now. I want summer :sad: :mad:
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello my lovely sneaker friends,

    I must apologise for being mia and not staying in touch. I have been feeling under the weather, cold/cough etc but it has really knocked me off my feet! Every time I sit I fall asleep. Work is exhausting and when I am not at work I seem to be charging around. Every time I thought 'I will go on MFP' I would dread the climb up the stairs to the computer. When I would get to the top, my mind would give up and I would climb into bed instead! Don't know whats wrong with me:frown: Starting to feel a little better and things are looking a bit quieter ahead.It's good to be back and I have missed you all.
    I have been reading all the posts tonight and it has taken ages,I have loved reading them and have laughed out loud at the jokes:bigsmile: I won't even try to comment on all , except to say

    Jeri, Good luck with the surgery. You sound amazing with your positive attitude. Love you and sending you my positive thoughts too:bigsmile:

    Phoebe, I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for you:flowerforyou:

    Will catch up again tomorrow and will start logging diary again.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    I have a question. How come everyone here is burning so many more calories than I am, even if I am doing the same thing???? I wear a HRM which is supposed to let me know how many I am burning but I never get the number that I see at this site. HELP!

    Becky, I don't use a HRM. I got some basic numbers from MFP and other sources about calories burned during certain activities and continue to use those numbers. For the activities I named for myself (walking at the dog park, walking with frisky poodles, etc.) I made my own determination of whether they seemed more or less vigorous than other activities for which I had a number and then set them up with a baseline
    like 3.5 calories per minute for example and then when I enter the number of minutes it calculates the calories for me. I know that a lot of people use HRMs but I'm not convinced that having one is necessary.

    :sad: my friend who walks with me on Wednesdays is on a trip to visit her daughter in Colorado so now long walk this afternoon.:sad: so this afternoon has been filled with chores

    :bigsmile: Deb, sorry you have been sick and glad to hear that you are on the mend.

    :bigsmile: Sandy, it looks like you didn't need to go to an amusement park to have "hair raising thrills" :laugh:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to you all :heart: now I have to get back to my paper sorting.:bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am posting this early since you will be tied up with your family. have a great time.

    and Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUZZ

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Aw, gee, MARIE, how really thoughtful and sweet of my Li'l Sis to send such a cute birthday wish. Thank you, dear!

    SANDY, I held my breath just reading about your dreadful drive home from Six Flags! I hope you never have another experience like that!. Do you mind if we picture you with your masseur? I love it!:laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou: By the way, for hair and nails, my dermatologist put me on Biotin, 7.5 mg or 7500mcg. He sys in about 3 months, I should be very happy with the results!

    BECKY, basically, what I recall from my speed walking days, a 5 mile and hour walk burned close to 500 calories, but slightly under. Weight has a lot to do with it, too. If one is overweight, we burn more calories than a fit slim person. Plus metabolism is different for everyone. I think the important thing is JUST KEEP MOVING! (I wish I listened to my own advice:noway: )

    JEANNE, Love your Ticker; I've soft spot for pictures of frogs!

    DEB, nice to have you back; I have a feeling you did not simply have a cold and cough. Maybe more like flu, or bronchitis? Sounds like you actually had a fever, so just take good care of yourself, hear?

    BARBIE, I think your body just burns constantly all day long..."a body that moves tends to keep moving" Blah,Blah,Blah!!!:drinker:

    Now I will post a recipe sent to me, and lo and behold, it was cribbed from the ready pie crust package. I made it tonight and it's pretty darn delicious!

    5 Minute Key Lime Pie - 8 servings

    1/4 cup water 1 8 oz tub frozen fat-free non-dairy whipped topping, thawed
    1 4 serving pkg sugar free lime jello 1 Graham Cracker reduced fat Graham Cracker ready crust
    2 6oz containers fat-free key lime pie yogurt

    1.Bring water to a boil, add gelatin and whisk till dissolved.
    2.In large bowl, whisk together yogurt and gelatin mixture. Fold in whipped topping till thoroughly mixed.
    Carefully spread into crust Refrigerate 4 hours or until set.
    I set a slice of lime in the center to decorate.

    Seems like a fairly healthy dessert, compared to bought pastries! I'l try to figure out nutritional valued when I'm able. Also, I
    think it could work with any flavors that blend in yogurt and gelatin!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello all,

    Just a quick update. I finally have a surgery date -- Monday June 27 At first it was july 5 but I asked them to move it up. It will be a lumpectomy and I may stay in overnight. Hopefully I won't have any drains to contend with and it will be a quick recovery. Fingers crossed. 2-3 wks later I'll get the results from pathology and see if any more surgery is required of if any lymph nodes need be taken. If not, radiation in 2 months.

    I feel really good about it all now that surgery is scheduled. That takes a tremendous load off my mind.

    A beautiful day here. Hope it stays nice.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JERI, loads of luck with the surgery; wonderful it takes place so soon! Sounds like it should go smoothly; several ladies in my community have had the same procedure and al are doing beautifully several years later!

    Here are the nutritional facts from Keebler; I used NON-FAT whipped topping, so it is even lighter! Maybe someone can figure that out!

    Calories 160
    Total Fat 3.5g
    sat fat 0.5g
    Sodium 115mg
    Total carbohydrate 27 g
    sugar 13g
    Protein 2g

    vitamin A 0% Calcium 2%
    vitamin C 0% Iron 0%

    Now, a warning: a gal in my community is lying in a hospital today instead of a morgue, due to the fact that her roof neighbor had a carbon-monoxide gas detector installed in their home. When the detector started ringing at 3 in the morning, they called the fire department immediately, and although there were small amounts in their house, the lady in the attached house had already passed out! Her gas amount was very high, but she was still alive. Her car was not running,in her attached garage, but the keys were in the starter, and the gas had run out! No, it was not deliberate, as she was leaving in the morning to fly to visit her son in CA! Now she will be hospitalized for some time to come! We are all planning to buy carbon monoxide detectors!

    :yawn: Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Buzz said
    JERI, loads of luck with the surgery; wonderful it takes place so soon! Sounds like it should go smoothly; several ladies in my community have had the same procedure and al are doing beautifully several years later!

    It seems breast cancer surgery has become so common. We all know several ladies and an occasional gentleman who has had it and won. I intend to ne in the group of winners.
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Hello to all you lovely ladies....yesterday was our shortest day so on the way to Spring...yaaaay, actually our weather has been amazing, i had lunch with a friend who has just returned from doing a walking trip in France so was interesting to hear all about that..we sat outside the restaurant at the Marina in the sun and it was the evening we went out for dinner for Jakes 17th birthday (my grandson who stays with us to attend school) so a lovely day and I managed to stay within my calorie goal so another bonus. He has just got his license (thanks to Nana for driving lessons) so is able to drive himself to school...a bit more time for me in the mornings and not tied to picking him up after school.

    Phyllis...a warm welcome from're life sounds soo interesting but I guess it's not all a bed of must take a while to adjust to that heat.

    Good news for the people of Christchurch who have had their houses damaged badly in the last 3 earthquakes...around 5000 home owners are being paid out by the government, and whole suburbs will be demolished., but can't be built on again.....very sad but as least now they can rebuild their lives ....a lot of people especially the young ones are just not coping...they have had over 7000 aftershocks since September...some of them nearly as strong as the 1st one..I know for one would be an absolute wreck.... a lot are just leaving the country but where do you go where there are no natural disasters???

    Better go and start dinner now - we're having venison casserole done in red wine with mushrooms. I can only eat if if it's disguised with lots of other flavors.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Breast cancer does seem to be on the rise. Or maybe it is just that it is getting more publicity. I do know several women who are survivors. I don't know of any in my family. Our health problem is many diabetes.

    :flowerforyou: Judy, your venison casserole sounds delicious.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, thank you for the information. I do walk about that much every day, so I quess I am burning almost 500 calories. And, this isn't including what I do after work.

    Today I am not feeling well. Headachy and all. I may even go home later.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Morning all. Nice to see JUDY again, and BECKY, hope you feel better!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    You all know how I like my wine!!

    A woman was sipping on a glass of wine while sitting on the patio with her husband. She says, "I love you so much. I don't know how I could ever live without you."

    Her husband asks, "Is that you or the wine talking?"

    She replies, "It's me... talking to the wine."
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :bigsmile: I am just going to keep them coming, if the jokes make me laugh, I have to share. :laugh:

    Good Morning Buzz, nice hearing from you. I have a carbon monoxide detector in my basement but with you bringing it to our attention I think I better get another for upstairs and I better change the battery in my smoke detectors.

    Becky, feel better soon, just take care of yourself.

    Judy, so happy to hear the people of Christchurch are getting some help, but it is still so sad. I would be one of those who would leave the country, not sure where I would go, it seems every part of the world has some disaster.

    Jeri, my mother was a breast cancer survivor and that was more than 50 years ago, so with things so improved things get better everyday. Will be praying and thinking of you on the 27th for a quick recovery.

    Barbie, seeing as I didn't go on any rides at GA, you are right about that hair raising thrill. I think as long as we keep active with some sort of exercise whether we use a HRM, pedometer or nothing that is what is important. We are all smart enough to know if we worked a little harder to gain extra calories. MFP tries to help but is not 100% accurate, so better to be under than over when recording calories. (my opinion)

    Deb, we have missed you and hope you feel better, have you been to see a doctor? You sound completely worn out.

    Jeanne, I know how you feel about the rain, we are having more than our share lately.

    I have my meeting today and now that all the birthdays and other bad eating days of June are behind me, I can concentrate on my exercise and eating habits, not that I didn't try, but it is so much easier when we eat at home and are by ourselves.

    Have a great day!!
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