Senior Golden Sneakers..........June, 2011



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today is one of the three days a week I go to line dance classes. Today I got to teach a beginner dance (the same one I taught last Friday----a dance that I learned at the workshop at the beginning of the month). I got up really early this morning----I love the long days in June
    and had time to take the poodles for a walk for over an hour.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, you are an amazingly principled person to donate that big screen TV back.:bigsmile: most people would not have been that principled and generous.:bigsmile: Congratulations on your continued weight loss.....i noticed that you have been really consistent about riding your exercise bike.......more exercise burns more calories and boosts your metabolism so it's a double winner.

    :bigsmile: Buzz, a lot of the papers I'm talking about are things like all the paid utilities bills from back to the 1980's for houses we sold over ten years ago.:laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Becky, I love almond butter but found that I can't have it in the house because it doesn't take me long to go from spreading it on a sandwich thin to eating it out of the jar with a big spoon :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jeanne, you are so right about staying focused on what is happening right now and not falling into the trap of thinking "I'll be happy when ________________________"

    :bigsmile: Birdie, I'm glad to hear that two of those naughty pounds are gone :bigsmile: you are an inspiration to us all the way you get right back on track after a detour.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Jane, welcome to the group. I hope you will post more and read more and become part of our family.

    :bigsmile: Phyllis, I started being a walking fan by being more active at home and gradually started walking outdoors and then walking whenever I got a chance instead of sitting. for a lot of my life I brought a book with me when I traveled and sat in airports between flights and read. Now, when I travel I have a backpack as my carry-on so it is easy for me to walk all over the airport between planes so I get some exercise :bigsmile: Where will you be when you come back to the States?

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, be sure to tell us exactly when the surgery is (when you find out) so we can all be thinking healing thoughts for you

    :laugh: I took the dogs to the dog park after lunch but now that the temperature is in the 60's they think it is too warm and after a bit of running they wanted to lie down in the shade with the Old English Sheepdog that was there at the same time :laugh:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Barbie said:
    I have been busy going through boxes of old I really need every piece of paper about the houses I sold years ago? So I need every birthday card I ever got ? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    When you sell your primary residence, you can make up to $250,000 in profit if you're a single owner, twice that if you're married, and not owe any capital gains taxes. So - if you sell your house for a half million dollars more than you paid for it, and invested in it, then you may have to pay capital gains.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just droping by to say hello from Texas and it is hotter than H.... Thats bad.
    I have ben envole in working on a disapearing Nine patch Quilt blocks. Got 6 Made so far. I reallylike this pattern.. It Kept me off of the internet.
    Would love to go to Braums and get one of their large yogurt cones. I think that would cool me off. But better not.
    Hope you all stayed coole and had a wonderful day.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    My appt with the doctor went well. They will schedule the surgery within 1 to 3 weeks. It is very treatable. I am scared but know that I will be just fine in the end.

    Wheeeeeee that's exactly what we've all been waiting to hear. I must have checked this thread twenty times looking for a follow up post from you. You remember the Gloria Gaynor song from the late 70s?? It was about some guy who walked out on the girl but some of the lyrics are perfect for you......

    At first I was afraid I was petrified

    I will survive. Hey hey.
    It took all the strength I had not to fall apart
    And I spent oh so many nights
    Just feeling sorry for myself. I used to cry
    But now I hold my head up high
    I will survive.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: fancylady...I am sure that you are glad that you know what is going on now. Sort of a "closure". I can understand how you can be scared. Surgery is a scary thing. You will feel better when it is all over. Just try to relax and let the doctor do what needs to be done. I will be praying for you.:heart:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. I did get some yard work done before the rain came. It looks so much better. I am struggling with my diet and don't expect to see a loss this week. What is wrong with me that I can't stay focused on my healthy plan?

    Jeri -- I am so happy that you are feeling better about your diagnosis and treatment plan. Just having a plan always makes things feel better. Prayers for you.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    CONNIE. Thank you. Those lyrics are absolutely right on. Thanks.

    GAYLA thank you too. Sometimes it's just hard to stay focused. If I religiously record everything I eat, even the slips, I stay better motivated.

    SWISSMISS all prayers are welcome. Thanks

    And everyone else who has said a silent prayer or wished me luck. It's working and thank you

    I tried to keep very busy today. I made myself a loaf of bread to freeze and I'll do another tomorrow. Phoned another friend who had breast cancer a couple of years ago to compare notes. Got some books from the library about breast cancer. Really I am doing pretty good. We went over to Moms tonight to play a couple of games of cards. I don't want to neglect her. I know she is feeling scared about this too. She is being so sweet. I love her so much..

    Anyway, I recorded my food today and will try to tomorrow as well. I don't really care I'd I lose weight, but I sure don't want to put it on.

    Hope tomorrow is a great day for everyone. Cheers.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    From Jeri


    Thank you so much. Those tulips put a real smile on my face.

    My appt with the doctor went well. They will schedule the surgery within 1 to 3 weeks. It is very treatable. I am scared but know that I will be just fine in the end.

    We had a great weekend get away. Sure glad we did it.

    Sounds good Jeri. Glad you enjoy your weekend. Blessd your Mom and bless you. , Jeri.
    You are just too sweet for words.

    Hope everyone is doing great.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have already blown it today. Had a mocha frappe. Wow, didn't realize all the calories in one of those. More than half my daily allowance. Guess I will really have to work hard today to burn them up. :grumble: I should really know better.:embarassed:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Friday! :bigsmile: Another beautiful day, sun is shining, my weight stayed the same so life is good. :heart:
    Might try to go to pool today although my children's grandmother is in the hospital and I should go see her. Even though I am divorced from her son we remained close friends, she is the one Bryanna and I went to see in Arizona, who now moved back to Chicago. Her daughter posted on face book that she was in the hospital with congestive heart failure but should come home in a few days. She is 94 years old but still is doing well for the most part. :heart:

    Becky, years ago I found out the calories in Starbucks coffees and drinks and never went back. :tongue:

    Jeri, love your positive attitude, you are like Irene, two special angels here on earth.

    Gayla, I think it hard for all of us to stay on track, some days harder than others. Just do the best you can and maybe posting your food daily would help you keep you focused. Just keep your diary private for your own benefit. If you see what you are going over in you might decide not to eat that again. Just don't leave us again, please.:love::love:

    Connie, I sang that song often after my divorce, I was going to survive with four kids no matter what. It is a good motivation song that applies to lots of things.

    Marie, I know nothing about quilting but is sounds like hard work to me. I thought of you yesterday when our weatherman said how hot it is in Texas. Stay cool and don't venture out in that heat. :noway:

    Barbie, you are always so nice with your compliments, thank you for being so sweet. I never thought I would get down to the weight I am at and it makes me want to keep going. :laugh: I will tell you that I got lots of compliments at the benefit asking me how I lost the weight and I have to admit it felt so good. :blushing:

    Birdie, thanks for sharing the recipe, it sounds really good. Congrats again on losing the two pounds, let's get this last pound off together. :tongue:

    Phylis, I had to laugh with your comment of two more sleeps until boarding, my granddaughter measures time the same way.
    :laugh: Have a safe flight and great trip, hope you will keep up with us once you are in the states. Thank you for the compliments not sure I am worthy of all of this praise. :blushing:

    Jane, hope you will continue to visit with our group, We welcome all new comers and are here for support if you need it.

    Jeane, we missed you and welcome back. Love your dangling carrot story. Anything that helps us keep focused is worth doing.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day, enjoy !!!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, I'm sleepy, had a late night out with the girls, lots of drinking and boisterous fun! I had a fish and chip dinner and a pitcher of water, not too bad, but it is the first time that the "favorite dinner" did not please my palet. Not sure why. I'm thinking a tuna sandwich would have been better. Not like me to think that way. Did not feel bad this morning, met my day with bran and some raisins thrown in. Did my therapy exercises and to my satisfaction they are making a difference. A little walking in the mix from work and home 30 minutes per day, also helps move some of the stuff out of the body. I have not noticed anything physical yet, I am still quite round and square at the waist and hips yet. Hope this will go away. I have a figure 8, when I am in good shape.

    Hope all is well here, everyone is on track and keeping the determination fired and strong. Motovations will start when the size goes down and the curves become a little more noticeable. But it will come!

    Got to get ready for work, so I'll catch you all a bit later.

    Love to all....

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Janenashville said
    :love: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
    Enjoyed the comments. I am 68 and need to lose 60 lbs at least.

    Jane, welcome to our thread. Sorry we seemed to slid right past your post. It wasn't intentional. You're in the perfect place to find understanding, support and even some advice. While none of us are personal trainers or professional nutritionists, we do have a few RNs here, and lots and lots of experienced weight losers (sadly). In concert, we've probably sung every hymn in the book!

    Hey, Sneakers -- say hello to Jane, from Nashville, Tennessee.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Thin Commandment #3 says “The problem may be in the food, not in you.”

    As someone who has had to ban sugar, alcohol, white flour, peanut butter, most cereal, and most bread from my house, I can understand that. I don’t think about one drink, one piece of cake, one bowl of ice cream or cereal or one piece of bread. I think instead of consuming the whole container. If I don’t take the first bite then I’m fine. rerfte

    The last paragraph of the chapter says, “We can’t change our basic genetic response to food, but we can alter it powerfully through strategy. Whether we control it or it controls us is up to us, through the power of these techniques”

    The chapter has a lot of information about the different ways different people respond to different foods and some strategies that are useful responses. For me the important thing is to recognize that I respond differently to certain foods and deal with it rather than lamenting the fact that other people can eat certain things with impunity while I go off on a binge after one bite.

    :flowerforyou: If you’re new to this thread, this is about a book called “The Thin Commandments Diet” by Stephen Gullo. Someone recommended the book to me and I started reading it and promised to share a few nuggets from the book along with some comments.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Jane said
    :love: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
    Enjoyed the comments. I am 68 and need to lose 60 lbs at least.

    Welcome to the group Jane. What a great place it is too. Hope to hear more from you. I haven't been around for too long, but I feel like it's home and I have a bunch of sisters and best friends to look after me. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Maddie said:

    Deb: Where the heck are ya????

    I was wondering the same thing about you???

    I'm also missing Pam (Oldtyke3) who hasn't logged on here in a month. She's still active on Facebook and I've messaged her there. I hope she'll come back.

    That's enough for my first day back.....I talk too much anyway!!:drinker:
    We never get enough of your talk, Maddie!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :bigsmile: Another beautiful day with the sun shining, for now. The problem is with all the rain when we walk Daisy we are being eaten alive by mosquitoes. :grumble: No happy compromise, but still better than some of the weather our friends have been getting. :tongue:

    I have been riding the exercise bike and did take Daisy for a walk so I have been good the last couple of days. :laugh: I don't want to overdo the stress on my knees so I will let them decide how much I can do. Watching my food has become easy, it is just second nature to me now. When we were at the pool yesterday, (went with Cheryl and Marisa) Marisa asked for ice cream and I again told her there is no ice cream but she could have fruit. If her mother would only do the same, maybe she could lose the 20 pounds she has to lose. With being overweight and also sometimes a brat, she is sometimes hard to be around, especially if her parents are present. I know that sounds like an awful thing for a grand mother to say, and I do love her, but sometimes it is not easy. My patience is not what it used to be and even though she is six, she demands attention all the time. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. ;:laugh:

    Please forgive no personal responses today, but I hope everyone is well and busy with fun, although I do have to ask Marie where she has been? Marie, Marie, come out and play!!

    Have a good day!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we don't have mosquitoes so walking in the rain here is a pleasure.......Brandy, Sasha, and I walked for over an hour this morning. I put big towels in the garage and took the garage door opener with me so when we got back we could go in through the garage and I could dry the girls off before they went into the house.

    :bigsmile: Connie, I love the song "I Will Survive" :bigsmile: There is a beginner line dance to the song and I taught it awhile back and so many women would come up to me after the dance and tell me how much the song has meant to them at various times in their lives.:bigsmile: thanks for the reminder.

    :bigsmile: I like to think that all the Golden Sneakers who aren't posting are busy in their gardens or on a fun vacation and will rejoin us when life slows down.:bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Sandy,
    I have been playing. Working on anthre quilt. The disapearing nine patch. and trying to stay cool. Drinking ice tea Decaf. and ice water. I am happy to report I am back with Zyla. Its hard to accept that you have no control over food. I am just a plain ol food addict. I got an regular e-mail from Judy this morning and she pert me up.She is such a dear person. I am not haing to count calories andjust weight i once a month. will be posting my menu in the post box down at the end of the food chart. Have another friend that will be starting it Monday. I will still be around here. Got to keep up with all my dear fiends.

    Irene and Jeri I keeping thinking of you both everyday. And wishing you the best.

    And Buzz too she is doing so well. Gonna be a year older pretty soon. Judy sent me a list of foods that the elders are surpose to be eating. And evrything is on my list except avacada. I know for my age I do not need to be eating 1200 calorie.

    Maddie so glad you are dropping in again. Miss your charactor jokes

    Gayla So glad you are back on WW. You will get it right. Here is an old saying If you get it right 90 % of the time you will reach your goal. My problem is I get it right 10 % of the time. time to change that bad habbit.

    Phoebe, I went to Fage web page to see about some nw recipe for using Fage greek yogurt. and on the first page would you believe a coconut cake. But I don't think that was on my list.
    So I will continue using strawberries over toast with plain Fage Yogurt and called it strawberries short cake. Here is a piacture I was eating these back in 1969 in WW for breakfast or lunch. I think his was made with cottage cheese

  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Just a quick post, I need to vent & cry a little or I'm going to head for the cupboard or fridge and that's not going to help :cry: Just had another nasty phone conversation with my son which ended up with him hanging up on me, but at least without dropping the f-bomb on me. I didn't think I'd raised one of those 'spoiled' only children, he didn't get everything he wanted, but I did everything I could to show him how much he was loved. Now, I'm only allowed apparently to say yes, no, whatever you want and drop everything when he wants it. It's like my mother reaching out from the grave and making me feel worthless :cry: There is no point even trying to reason with him. I could go on and on, but I'm going to spare you other than to say I'm not going to head for the food, I'm going t go stitch down the binding on my I Love Lucy quilt. I picked up 2 more quilts at the machine quilters yesterday, I'll tell you about them some other time,
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    JEANNE - that's what we are here for, for support. Good for you for heading to the quilting. That's the thing to do.

    MARIE -- thanks for your kind remarks. It's cold and rainy here today. Wish we had some of your warm weather.

    BARBIE - no mosquitos -- if only. Where I grew up north of here, there were so many. More and more in Calgary now too as they don't spray any more. But I'd rather have mosquitoes than toxic chemicals. If it is warm, a walk in the rain can be very nice.

    SANDY - I admire your determination on that bike and good will power too. You never have to apologize for not commenting on everyone, you are a true trooper.

    As I mentioned, it is cold and rainy here today. We just watched a movie on tv and then friends called to invite us to go to a movie. So off we will go. My dh and I are glad to do anything to distract us these days. Everytime I start to stress I am now going to think Positive Affirmations and I told my dh to do the same. I don't know about the rest of you, but when I think positive thoughts, I feel better.

    Our daughter and grandson, the one we babysat, stopped over this morning for a bit to deliver my dh's Father's Day card. Poor Lukas was very cranky and at first didn't want us. I think he remember this is where he was so sick. Melissa said it was the same at home when he got better. He didn't want anything to do with the towel she used to wipe if up with after being sick. But after the offer of a cookie or too, we were in his good graces again. The power of cookies. LOL

    Hope you all have a great day tomorrow. All the best.