Senior Golden Sneakers..........June, 2011



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Happy Monday!! :bigsmile: Beautiful day here with sunshine and warm weather, perfect for the golf outing and for our charity event. :love:

    Unfortunately, I changed my ticker today, :angry: All these bad food choices have caught up with me and I am not sure today will be any better. I do know that tomorrow will begin a new journey and I will be back on track. It is so much better when just me and my hubby are home alone, and I am not making meals I don't normally cook. No excuses, I messed up and I will just get back on the horse but not until tomorrow until after it is tamed. :laugh:

    Phylis, like you I hate needles and never watch for shots or blood. I am better with animals though, I had to give my Freeway allergy shots and another Old English I had to catheterize three times a day since he couldn't pee on his own. I found it interesting that your hubby has bad knees and he gets shots in his butt. :smooched: I had weekly shots for my knees but they were in in knees. :tongue:

    Barbie, thanks for clarifying your cleanse days. You do so well and maintain so well, I wish I had your discipline but alas I am weak. That is exactly what I had yesterday, a grilled hamburger and not only that a hot dog to boot. :noway: The day started out badly with Marisa who is so spoiled and never hears the word no. She did not want to stay here and for three hours her dad tried to convince her she was staying, taking her in the car bribing her etc. She needs some discipline but she doesn't get it from her parents and if they keep bribing her with food she is going to get juvenile diabetes. She finally agreed to stay and we went to the park and the pool. Once away from her father she was well behaved and when she asked for a snack at the pool I got her a bowl of fruit. :wink: Sorry to vent but it was a stressful day thus too many calories. :grumble:

    Jackie, we missed you and hope your issues are under control and nothing too serious has happened.

    Gayla, Neil sounds like he really does like his new home which is a good thing correct? I have five bags of clothes that they are picking up tomorrow. Some were so hard to give up and some I didn't even wear. I just had too many clothes and those that I didn't wear for at least a year went into the bag including shoes. I can't think about what is in those bags or I will go back in and change my mind.:laugh:

    Hi L, good to hear from you again, you have been really busy. Glad to have you back and glad to hear we are all trying to get back on track after all these graduations, parties etc.

    Jeri, still on my prayers and love your attitude, it is just like Irene's. :heart:

    Well if I don't get moving I will get nothing done, plan on riding stationary bike, then go for a mani and pedi, picking up granddaughter from camp to bring to a baby sitter and then heading to banquet to meet, greet and volunteer.

    Everyone have a wonderful day and be blessed with what you have.
  • viliberty1957
    My sister just told me, "I can't believe they can't believe it's not butter." :laugh: Hehehe! I'm not allowed any butter or margarine. I use fat free sour cream on my toast. It isn't so bad. After the first couple of times, I started to like it. Sometimes I put the smallest smear of peanut butter, then the sour cream. This also helps me meet my dairy quota for the day. I can have whole fruit jam (no sugar), but I haven't gotten any yet. I'm thinking that would be good with the sour cream. The bread I use is Franz double fiber.

    Everyone have a good day. God Bless.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Irene posted:
    My sister just told me, "I can't believe they can't believe it's not butter." :laugh: Hehehe! I'm not allowed any butter or margarine. I use fat free sour cream on my toast. It isn't so bad. After the first couple of times, I started to like it. Sometimes I put the smallest smear of peanut butter, then the sour cream. This also helps me meet my dairy quota for the day. I can have whole fruit jam (no sugar), but I haven't gotten any yet. I'm thinking that would be good with the sour cream. The bread I use is Franz double fiber.

    Everyone have a good day. God Bless.

    Irene - could you use fat-free cream cheese on your toast? I really can't tell the difference between the full fat and the fat free varieties. I also love spreading FAGE 0% Greek Yogurt on my bread. It is thick like sour cream and less sharp. One day I mixed a tablespoon of creamy peanut butter into a quarter cup of FAGE and used that as a spread. It went quite far, and cut the calories from the peanut butter substantially. But it must be FAGE. I've tried all the Greek yogurts on the market and it is the only one that tastes like the yogurts I ate in the middle east. It is very thick and creamy and can be used as a dressing, sauce, etc. Ask Buzz - I converted her!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So glad to see you back Jackie and those roses are just too beautiul to decribed. But got to say Lovely. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
    :flowerforyou: Marie
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, first aid course finished and glad of it, really a day of aerobics... up, down, up, down, squat, walk, run, down ...., I think I lost a pound there alone.:laugh: Hope all is well here, I have been doing my exercises and am so happy with them, I have noticed a lot of strength coming back into my sides, waist line area. Talked to my son on the phone the other day, he has passed his test (can't remember the names) but he now can train accross the seas and much of North america, yes U.S.A. too. He was happy to hear I was settled with doing the exercises and being patient with myself to better my efforts.

    Day off today but I'm catching up on some reading and protocols from the newest job, they should be (copies) returned to work when I go back.Rain has fallen but the sun is trying to chase the clouds away. Well back to work for me, keep working hard and be true to yourselves...

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe so sorry to hear about your aunt. Is this the one that love to baked coconut cake. yum/ My faverite. Of course I have lost all of my aunts And uncle and most of my imediate familiy. I just have one brother out or 5 siblings left. Mike my younest brother is 20 years younger than me. But whoes know I may out lived him. Have a wonderful day/ I know this is a sad time for you. But Be thankful for the time you had them.

    :heart: Marie
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I was gone all day yesterday. My employer sends us to a local amusement park every year for our company picnic. A meal is included. I stayed away from the hamburgers and hotdogs and stuck with the chicken. Too bad the tenders were fried but I feel this was the better choice. Then my daughter and I spit a funnel cake. Everytime I used a restroom there would be a full length mirror. Seeing myself in my summer clothes and looking too heavy from the waist up has opened my eyes. I really need to get in more cardio.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hi sneakers
    one of my three remaining aunts passed away this morning. I cant help thinking about her sedentery life and what might have been had she been just a bit more active while she was still able to get around. That led me to think of you all and how much better your lives are by your own efforts. Hats off to all you sneakers, and as Barbie says, never never never give up!

    Phoebe, sorry for your loss.:frown: Nice to see you posting.:happy:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Sneakers:

    Naming-nonrenaming boat party went well and we stayed overnight on the boat with my daughter.
    Got up early and went home to shower and change and go across the border for the
    Arts Festival. Needless to say, my two pounds is back after the weekend AGAIN!
    Talk about a roller coaster ride on my weight.
    I will walk today at lunch and stay active and eat right all week.

    The Arts Festival was fun and it was a cool day and nice to see all the artists and crafters.

    Hubby took our old boat and sailed back with new owner and her two friends. The trip
    usually takes around 5 hours. My husband was so frustrated, it took 7 hours and they
    were all trying to outdo each other and one knew more than the other.
    At one point he said they were going in circles, so he had to take the helm and get
    back on track. He was exhausted when he got home.

    My daughter brought her pictures of Paris and Amsterdam and they were awesome.
    She had them on a disk with music. They took 500 pictures.

    Have a good Monday everyone !
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have begun my Zumba fitness. I have not done much cardio in several months so I really got a workout. I think I am going to enjoy it and will be trying to get my daughter into it with me.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I have begun my Zumba fitness. I have not done much cardio in several months so I really got a workout. I think I am going to enjoy it and will be trying to get my daughter into it with me.
    Becky, When my daughter was here in Cairo we used to go to an exercise class together and it was so much fun taking her along. How old is your daughter? So hopefully you can get your daughter to go with you. Good luck! Phyllis:wink:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    It's end of the day for me. I gave my husband a real shot all by myself tonight too. YICKS! I did it wrong first and only got it under the skin but not into the muscle so I had to poke him twice but in the end it worked!! Maybe I should change my profession to Nursing instead of teaching. NOT!!!!!:noway:

    I ended up having to get blood taken from both arms today too cause the lab woman messed up so I got two pokes also. Also got my EKG and had a chest x-ray. :smile: Glad those fun little things are done for the year. I'm a healthy gal so I imagine that I am good for another year. School requires this annual physical.

    Oh Sandy, the reason I give my husband the shots in his butt, not his knee is because it is just supposed to go into his blood stream to help with the pain. They thought injections would work faster than taking pills. So.... that is how I became a NURSE! :huh:

    Enjoyed all the posts tonight. So fun to read and love the chuckles I get from some of your posts. like the one about can't believe they can't believe it's not butter. :laugh: :laugh:

    You are all lso busy with summer fun activites. ENJOY and keep up the good works! LOVE Phyllis:heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    THIS IS US!!!!

    Senior citizens are constantly being criticized for every conceivable deficiency of the modern world, real or imaginary. We know we take responsibility for all we have done and do not blame others.

    HOWEVER, upon reflection, we would like to point out that it was NOT the senior citizens who took

    The melody out of music,

    The pride out of appearance,

    The courtesy out of driving,

    The romance out of love,

    The commitment out of marriage,

    The responsibility out of parenthood,

    The togetherness out of the family,

    The learning out of education,

    The service out of patriotism,

    The Golden Rule from rulers,

    The nativity scene out of cities,

    The civility out of behavior,

    The refinement out of language,

    The dedication out of employment,

    The prudence out of spending,

    The ambition out of achievement or

    God out of government and school.

    And we certainly are NOT the ones who eliminated patience and tolerance from personal relationships and interactions with others!!

    And, we do understand the meaning of patriotism, and remember those who have fought and died for our country.

    Just look at the Seniors with tears in their eyes and pride in their hearts as they stand at attention with their hand over their hearts!


    I'm the life of the party ... even if it lasts until 8 p.m.

    I'm very good at opening childproof caps.... with a hammer.

    I'm awake many hours before my body allows me to get up.

    I'm smiling all the time because I can't hear a thing you're saying.

    I'm sure everything I can't find is in a safe secure place, somewhere.

    I'm wrinkled, saggy, lumpy, and that's just my left leg.

    I'm beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.

    Yes, I'm a SENIOR CITIZEN and I think I am having the time of my life!

    Now if I could only remember who sent this to me, I wouldn't send it back to them, but I would send it to many more too!

    Spread the laughter

    Share the cheer

    Let's be happy

    While we're here.



    Go Green - Recycle CONGRESS!!

    Maddie :bigsmile:
  • viliberty1957
    Connie.....Thanks for the suggestions. I eat from my doctor's list.....and cream cheese isn't on there (I suspect its the satuated fat) , and nonfat cream cheese has a lot of additives. I will try the yogurt you suggested.. That sound like a good idea. The only real dairy on the list is plain yogurt, sour cream and nonfat milk. The other items there are such things as soy milk, almond mild, etc. :angry: I don't like any of them. I pick two dairy items per day.

    I thank all you Sneakers for your support and suggestions. I'm so glad I found ya'.

    God bless.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Irene ~ Drat, and there was me about to suggest you try organic soya spread on your toast but if you don't like soya milk you may not like the spread. It does at least melt into the hot toast so you aren't so aware of what it is. Took me a while to get used to it and only because too much dairy bloats my stomach.
    Great to have you back chatting to us all, we missed you:heart:

    Barbie ~ Mmmm, parmesan cheese sprinkled on your veggies sounds heaven. In my bad old days I used to regularly grate a large mound to put on a huge pasta dish! I'm now strictly following my granny's dictate of everything in moderation!!:laugh: I little won't hurt so you use it and enjoy!

    Marie ~ Missed you too and it was for no other reason that just too many things going on at once and something had to give. Next time something else will give first and I'll stay with all of you:heart:

    Sandy ~ Don't go beating yourself up about one naughty meal. You've done brilliantly and like all of us, you have to occasionally give in!!

    A quick catch up tonight and that's a start. I must get myself to bed because I'm swimming tomorrow morning ~ early!!:noway:

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: daughter is 17 and has gained at least 20 pounds in the past few months. I believe that it is due to her seeing a boy who is overweight. But, he says that he is not overweight but just has a lot of muscles. (bull). Anyway, he has said that he is ready to dump her because of her weight. I really like the boy and would hate to see this happen but then, I think that he is not seeing things as they are. Anyway, I am asking her to go to the YMCA with me. I am telling her that I just want to spend time with her. This is not an untruth as I really love to be with her. She is my youngest child and at this time we are closer than any of the others.

    Now on to you, Phyllis...I can not imagine giving a shot to someone. My sister was diabetic and gave herself the shots. I know that her husband had training to do this if needed. None of us have any training in the medical field at all.

    I really feel that I am doing much better. I am so tired of having this extra weight on me from my waist up. If it were below my waist I could possibly hide it but not so above. Any pictures would have anyone seeing the extra weight right below my face. I hate this.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: today was day for the naughty meal.......Jake announced in the middle of the morning that we were going out to lunch and he gave me a choice of three restaurants----I chose Mexican knowing that there was probably no way that I would keep the calories under control
    they had a veggie chimichanga that was delicious :bigsmile: it would have been better if I had resisted the tortilla chips, but the whole meal was delicious :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: but even all the dog walking couldn't make the calories come out even.

    :flowerforyou: Becky, there is a lot of research that says that if your friends are overweight that the chances go way up that you will be overweight too......even if your daughter's boyfriend thinks he isn't overweight but eats a lot, it's going to be a problem for her....what a great idea taking her to workout with you.:bigsmile:

    time for bed :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: see you in the morning :bigsmile:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    A very quick Hi to you all. I replanted my basil today, it smells so good. We ate better today, not perfect but def. better!! I stewed some rhubarb this afternoon and put a bit too much sugar in it so I have to be careful with that. Dave was happy as it was sweet enough for his palate. Usually he doesn't eat rhubarb. I found that just a couple of tablespoons enchanced the fruit salad that I made for dinner. I love rhubarb pie and rhubarb crisp and the season is so short. However, I will not be making either of these.
    Someone was questioning how somebody could poke someone with needles everyday. When I worked in Critical Care I took a lot of blood and started more IV's than I can remember. There is a certain immediate satisfaction from a successful puncture. So many things that we do in our jobs take time to see the results so it is nice to be rewarded immediately. Actually, nice for everyone when it works first try!!

    Barbie -- I hope you enjoyed your special meal. So much nice when it is an occasional thing. When we eat like that every day we don't even notice how special it is!

    I must get to bed so will close for now. Thinking of you all. Gayla :heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie..I understand what you mean about the Mexican restaurants. We could make a meal out of the chips and salsa that we get as soon as we sit down. And, it wouldn't be a healthy meal.

    I am back to work this morning. I had a four day weekend. It really feels good to be back.

    I don't know if I mentioned this yesterday. I started the Zumba fitness. Just learning the steps is quite a workout. Most of them I already knew but learning them this way I can hopefully do them correctly. A couple of them I still can't figure out. They were even harder when I was learning them in class because the steps were not broken down then. I don't know how many calories I burned. I will need to use my HRM next time. No classes at the YMCA this week. New session begins next Monday.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Maddie, I could,t agree more!!!:wink:
