Senior Golden Sneakers..........June, 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member

    Well, good morning, whomever is first up. this would be my sunrise, except it's 2 A.M. and I haven't gotten to bed, so I just thought I'd greet the first one in! Is it the last one out last night??? Well, :flowerforyou: and have a beautiful Sunday, and hope you all in the west have better weather today!

    :yawn: Buzz :love:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good mornig all.:smile: Hubby and I have had colds so laying low. :ohwell: I had a bad day yesterday with my food. :grumble: Hubby always cooks on the grill but he was feeling worse than me, so I made the bad decision to make pizza so he didn't have to do anything. :embarassed: Not good.:embarassed: If anyone thinks that because you reach your goal have conquered all your are fooling yourself. I ate way too much and will not make pizza again. :flowerforyou: Sometimes we try to please my hubby LOVES mt homemade pizza....but to our demise.:mad: Next time I'll make the omlette he loves or something else.:laugh: is a new day and will be a great one.:flowerforyou: I cannot change the past but I sure will be vigilant about my choices today.:bigsmile:
    Have a great sunday!
    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Birdie just one cheat day is not all that bad. Just don't
    make a habbit out of it. Even Barbiecat enjoy slice of pizza once in a while.

    Buss love you sunset. Beutiful.

    I will be cooking today. A neghborsent gae us some fresh squash and green beans i had Already start me some dry butterbeans for tonight
    Sammy and I had our walk. He would not go with Jerry. came back in the house to get me to go. now to go make my Flaxseed muffin for a late breakfast.

    See you guys later
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :bigsmile: The sun is shining and it might get warm enough to take Marisa to the pool. :drinker:

    Birdie, I know exactly how you feel,I have not been good. I have had Marisa the last couple of days and didn't walk Daisy because of cool weather so I have been over in calories. Today my scale went up a little, not to put me over my original goal, but that woke me up. Having pizza one day because of her birthday and then her favorite dinner of ravioli the next is not exactly the best food choices, especially with no exercise. Today is a new day and even though we might go to the pool I think I will go down and ride the bike and see how my knees react. You Birdie, exercise so much and do so great, I don't think one cheat day will hurt you, just get back on track today. :heart:

    Marie, your food choices and walks are so great, I bet you feel good and have more energy. Sammy loves those walks, so keep up this good behavior. :love:

    Buzz, your sunset is really beautiful, thanks for sharing.

    I bought a Dell PC and am happy with my decision. I prefer two hard drives because of my video/transferring and I just couldn't convince myself to spend all that money on an Apple desktop. My new computer should be here in about a week. :bigsmile:

    Marisa is coming today since the banquet hall has to be set up for the big event tomorrow, so she will be here all day. I must be good with food choices today but first some exercise.

    Have a great Sunday and stay true to yourselves.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Buzz said:
    CONNIE, just saw your sad tale about Afghans with problems that shouldn't happen! However, looking at the brighter side, you will probably be helped by his walks of necessity every day. Although you already burn calories like crazy! :drinker:

    Buzz, it's been so darned hot here I've been staying out of the yard so my daily calorie burn has dropped some. The walks do give me my goal exercise time (30 minutes a day) but not my goal burn (300 a day). Yesterday we had a mega thunderstorm which dumped about an inch of rain in under an hour. Thank goodness for we've been dry for ten days. The rain was most welcome. it also knocked the temperature down about 20 degrees. It seems that each time Mother Nature gives us a welcome gift, she tucks an unwelcome one alongside. The rain means the mosquitoes, which had almost disappeared, will be back.

    Because it was so wet, we drove into town last night to the Georgia White Walking Park to do our 1/2 mile which is twice around the park. Actually, Will and I did an extra lap at a jog and this morning we rode one-way with my dh to the local mart where he picked up a Sunday paper, then the dogs and I walked back the 3/4 mile.

    I have so much single leaf lettuce (3 varieties) in the garden I've been eating it at almost every meal. I mentioned my sauteed lettuce omelets (same recipe Buzz posted, sans the tomato and onion and with chopped lettuce instead of spinach) before and they have become a breakfast staple. I also eat a huge salad for lunch. I bought a small spray bottle and filled it with Real Lemon. Now I spray my salad, drizzle on about a teaspoon of honey and chop an "oats and honey" granola fiber bar into small chunks and add that for some crunch. I love walnuts and would toss some in but they are so high in calories (200 for 1/4 cup). The fiber bar is only 80 calories.

    Lost an inch around my waist since the last time I measured (months ago). I have to make some decisions about the summer shorts and pants I unpacked - a few are absolutely baggy - but for now they are comfy, loose fitting and great for working outside. I also need to address a few dresses that have hung in my closet since we moved here. I haven't worn a dress or a skirt in almost four years. And I'm sure these are too big, too, but they are so hard to get rid of. Some have great memories attached. When we moved, I finally sold and gave away all the more formal (cruise wear) dresses I had. Do they still dress for dinner on cruises? My husband even had a tux to wear for the Captain's dinner, and I always dressed in a long gown.

    This is a long post and all about me. Sorry for that but I am on my mind this morning. :P
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    This is kinda long but worth repeating. A friend posted it on her Facebook page in a note titled Growiing Older.

    1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good..
    2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
    3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
    4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
    5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
    6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
    7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
    8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
    9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
    10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
    11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
    12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
    13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
    14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
    15.. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
    16. Take a deep breath It calms the mind.
    17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
    18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
    19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
    20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
    21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
    22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
    23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
    24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
    25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
    26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words :'In five years, will this matter?'
    27. Always choose life..
    28. Forgive everyone everything.
    29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
    30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
    31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
    32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
    33. Believe in miracles.
    34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
    35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
    36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
    37. Your children get only one childhood.
    38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
    39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
    40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
    41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
    42. The best is yet to come...
    43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
    44. Yield.
    45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, another threatening sky day with no rain for my poor parched land! The lakes are way too low, in fact, the zoo got permission to add water to their lake to keep the monkeys from escaping through the "feeder" pipes that were no longer under water! My backyard now has a beach instead of its lovely lake! And the orchids are dropping their buds:cry: I just hope hurricanes will be as scarce as rain this year!

    BIRDIE, I seem to glut on pizza when we indulge in the Hawaiian Pizza we love! In truth, it doesn't make a huge difference once in awhile, so especially while you feel yechy, just enjoy the infrequent pleasure! Hope you all feel better:smile:

    MARIE, you do so well cooking with all your fresh veggies! I envy your creativity :flowerforyou: . I notice a different diet near your signature. Have you switched from the Paleo? Is this the one IRENE spoke of? Anyway, you're doing great! And I love your Fairy with the wand!

    SANDY, good luck with your new PC; I love my Dell, though I'm so glad I bought the extended warranty, as when I was infected with a trojan, and the PC would no longer work, Dell completeloy replaced it for me!. I hope Norton's Security Suite, included in my Comcast Internet, does a better job. I just switched to it. You are very knowledgeable about so many things regarding computers! Just enjoy the new baby!

    CONNIE, I have a friend who cannot eat cabbage in any form, and she's a great chef. She always makes her cole slaw with chopped lettuce leaves instead of cabbage! Maybe you could use up some of the lucky gal! Rabbits ate our last attempt!
    I'm so impressed with your post on Growing Older: so much wisdom there, and so much we take for granted! Thank you for sharing that with us.
    And you should be thrilled to have such problems with your too large clothing! Give it all away and don't look back! It's probably out of style now, anyway, and the last cruise we enjoyed, everyone wore dress pants! I still have the lovely dress with the bugle skirt I wore to my daughter's second wedding! Now when will THAT come back into style? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Someone asked me today just how much weight I planned to loose. I told them enough to put me in an ideal weight range for my height and frame. That got me to thinking - not sure WHAT size frame I have so I did some checking and found this.

    To determine your frame size:
    Grip your wrist using your thumb and index finger.
    If your finger and thumb don't touch you are a LARGE frame.
    If your finger and thumb just touch you are a MEDIUM frame.
    If your finger and thumb overlap you are a SMALL frame.

    My thumb and finger don't touch so I have a large frame. I thought I was a medium frame so I recalculated my ideal weight range based on a large frame and it is 144 - 148 pounds. In that case, I've adjusted my goal to 146 which would be a 50 pound weight loss. it was reassuring to know I'm being realistic. So I'm within 15 pounds of my goal and that makes me optimistic that I'll be there at the end of one year (November).

    Here's where I found the information -
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Connie, My fingers just touch so I entered my weight at medium build, even fibbing an extra 1/2 inch, saying I am 5'3 because I used to be 5'6, and it says I should weigh between 124 and 128! :noway: ...I would look like death warmed over...a scrawny scarecrow. I look best between 135 and 140, but doubt I'll ever get there again. I was 132 at my perfect weight, when I modelled for Hattie Carnegie, and I stayed ther until I hit 42! Oh well. But I'd be happy seeing 145 someday again. The face would collapse at anything lower!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

    Lost an inch around my waist since the last time I measured (months ago). I have to make some decisions about the summer shorts and pants I unpacked - a few are absolutely baggy - but for now they are comfy, loose fitting and great for working outside. I also need to address a few dresses that have hung in my closet since we moved here. I haven't worn a dress or a skirt in almost four years. And I'm sure these are too big, too, but they are so hard to get rid of. Some have great memories attached. When we moved, I finally sold and gave away all the more formal (cruise wear) dresses I had. Do they still dress for dinner on cruises? My husband even had a tux to wear for the Captain's dinner, and I always dressed in a long gown.

    Connie, at the suggestion of my friends on MFP I gave away all my too big clothes as I lost weight.:bigsmile: I cried when I gave away all the dresses that had all the great memories:sad: :sad: :sad: I knew that I would never find dresses that I liked as much, but there was no point in having a closet full of size 16 clothes when I was wearing smaller sizes and planned to never gain the weight back......I gave so many clothes to the thrift shop and imagined that there were women losing weight from much larger sizes and finding my size 16's and being thrilled. That helped :bigsmile:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Phyliss said

    Jeri: Wondering how it went when you told them about the cancer. How is your little grand son. Hope he is feeling better.

    You are so sweet. My girls took the news about my cancer very well. Our oldest dd is rock solid and extremely supportive and practical. I guess having 7 kids by age 35 will do that to you. Our youngest is so sweet but she says she is in denial. That's okay because her poor little guy still isn't 100% recovered from the flu. They get back from Hawaii to a sick baby and a Mom with cancer. No wonder she's in denial. LOL. I would be too.

    We are away for the weekend. We left Saturday morning. I definitely needed to leave town. Having fun but I might have a touch of Lukas's bug as I have a queasy stomach. We went to a dinner theatre last night. Amazingly they were able to accommodate my dairy free, egg free, gluten free request. Today we went to an antique mall, the casino (I lost) and then out for supper. Tomorrow am we are having coffee with an oils friend I haven't seen in about 25 years. We've been exchanging annual Christmas cards for 35 years. Do you think we've changed any? LOL

    Oh, BTW the liver doctor isn't too concerned about e cancer treatments. Whew.

    Good night all
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi sneakers
    one of my three remaining aunts passed away this morning. I cant help thinking about her sedentery life and what might have been had she been just a bit more active while she was still able to get around. That led me to think of you all and how much better your lives are by your own efforts. Hats off to all you sneakers, and as Barbie says, never never never give up!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Hi sneakers
    one of my three remaining aunts passed away this morning. I cant help thinking about her sedentery life and what might have been had she been just a bit more active while she was still able to get around. That led me to think of you all and how much better your lives are by your own efforts. Hats off to all you sneakers, and as Barbie says, never never never give up!

    So sorry for your loss Phoebe, prayers to you and your family. Glad you thought of us at this time because we have missed you here and love hearing from you, even if the news is sad. Love you kiddo!!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member

    So sorry. It's tough losing our aunts and uncles.
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    Been so busy to read, let alone post anything... So I'm sorry, I haven't kept up at all with you all! All the kids are home now - 2 from college... along with a dog and friends. My youngest graduated from 8th grade and I have had all 3 of my kids plus 3 or 4 other bodies sleeping in my house the past week or so! I'm exhausted. I need to go to work to rest. This weekend was the party for my youngest son's graduation.

    Today, I ate like a pig with all the leftovers we've had and didn't excercise at all! So guess it was kind of a rest day... tomorrow back on the wagon!!!!

    I'll try and be better at reading and posting, but wanted to say hello!!!!!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all from a lovely Saskatchewan summer. I had to go pick up a couple more plants today. For some reason my basil dropped his leaves and died. Not sure why but I will replace him and give him a friend. I have never lost basil before so we shall see. I would surely miss the fresh basil throughout the summer. I had a small fall from the wagon today but I believe I have climbed back on and will work hard not to let it catch up with me by the end of the week.

    Once again Neil decided to go home a few hours early today. He was out for a bike ride, visited his friends and was ready to go home. I hadn't started dinner so he called his house and they said they were barbequing burgers and lots for him so away we went. That was where my problem began --- burgers!! I was hungry and so was Dave. We had a couple of Home Depot errands to run and knew that it would already be past hungry time when we got home. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. I will let you know how it goes.

    Phoebe -- So sorry to hear about your loss. Glad you popped in to let us know. It was so nice to see your face. Please take care.

    Jeri -- Also glad to hear from you. Glad you got away for a bit and hope you don't end up with the stomach flu.

    Barbie -- It is strange how attached we get to some of our clothes. I have a couple of things, as well, that right size or not I would likely never wear them again but there they sit in my closet collecting dust. One of my goals is to get my closet cleaned and toss things before I can talk myself in to keeping them.

    Marie -- Hope you got those fleas taken care of!! A whole lot of scratchin' goin on!!

    Sandy -- You are wise to check that small gain before it becomes a big problem. That is exactly what we all should have done!!

    Connie -- I really enjoyed 'Getting Older'. I hope you don't mind if I share it with my friends. I know they would really enjoy it.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Good Morning from Cairo Egypt, all my SNEAKER PALS:wink:

    We had a hot day yesterday but at 3:00 I headed to the swimming pool and swam for an hour and I got cooled off and plus got my exercise in. Felt great. I have been SERIOUS and DEDICATED all month to my health and fitness and was glad that one day to see the 139 LB on the scales. But since then it keeps going up and down. I guess that is what happens. My weight fluctuates a pound or two every day. But I try not to focus so much on the number as the way I am feeling. And I do feel that I have lost some inches from the exercises. Today I was 140.6 and I was good as Gold yesterday so I wanted to be mad at those darn scales but just need to be patient. The weight will come off if I stay consistent RIGHT BARBIE.. TELL ME I AM RIGHT????::huh:

    Jeri - so good to hear about your daughters reactions about the cancer. I am sure that I would be in denial too if my mom told me that. But I have no doubt that you will be able to get past all this and be healthy again some day. I'll keep praying for you.

    Phoebe- good to see you on this post. I guess since I came along you have been busy. So sorry about the death of your aunty. It is so sad to lose those we love. My husbands mom, who lived in our apartment building below us in another apartment passed away a few months ago and it is hard to walk past her apartment and not be able to pop in and say HI to her. We all miss her so much.

    Barbie- Last summer after I had lost 30 pounds ( am plan to get to that point again ) I gave all my BIG clothes away and my nieces said WHAT IF YOU GAIN BACK THE WEIGHT??? YOU BETTER KEEP THOSE CLOTHES!!! I told her if I gained I would stop eating cause I never wanted to wear those FAT clothes again. Now I am working to stay in the new clothes I bought. UGGG!

    I sent Buzz more details about the traditional breakfast foods and if anyone else wants them I could send this out to you too. some of the ingredients are not available in the states though to my knowledge. This morning I am having NO breakfast because I have to get my annual check up for school and I have to go fasting so they can do blood work. I hate getting blood work by the way. I just freak out with needles. and my husband has sore knees and went to the doctor a couple days ago and the doc says he needs an injection every day. so the first day he gave it to himself in the butt! I was gone at the time. When I got home he said I had to give him the shot for the next 5 days. I HAVE NEVER GIVEN SHOTS OR WANTED TO IN MY LIFE! so yesterday he got the injection all ready and said to shoot it in his butt. I MAY BE A WHIMP BUT I JUST COULD NOT STICK THAT NEEDLE IN HIS FLESH. SO HE PUSHED IT IN AND I PUSHED THE MEDICINE IN AND PULED OUT THE NEEDLE. well Today he says I have to get a grip and push the needle in because it is really hard for him to do it to himself. :frown: :embarassed: I HOPE I CAN DO THIS!!!! SORRY I HAVE GONE ON AND ON ABOUT THIS.

    Gayla- Never mind the burger. we all need a burger once in a while. they taste better if you just have one now and again anyway. that fresh basil sounded divine. I hope you can get some more growing so you can enjoy it all year.

    Hi Everyone else. I need to take notes on the posts so I can remember who is who. I am still trying to get you all straight and put a pic of you in my mind. But I do love your posts and love getting to know you too.

    OH one more thing... I love Christopher and Banks, do any of you order clothes from them??? Well I do and I had my nephew bring some clothes that I ordered and he brought a swimming suit size 12 but for some reason... I must have mixed up on the cup size and it is a double D!!!! I could swim in those cups!!! I don't know if I can return it since they have a 30 day limit for returns and I ordered this way longer ago than 30 days. DO any of you need a size 12 suit with double D cups!!! :laugh: :laugh: I could mail it to you in the summer. It is really a lovely suit. If not I may have to do some altering and see if I can make it work for me. or maybe they will do a switch at the store when I get back to the states if they have my real cup size in stock.

    O.K. I am going to get dressed and go tot he doctor! OUCH! I already feel the pain of that needle to take my blood! I AM A WHIMP.. IT IS TRUE.:grumble: LOVE YA PHYLLIS:smile:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello Sneakers, I've just spent the morning reading through posts for June and realise how much I've been missing. I'm sorry I've not checked in for so long as I got bogged down with a number of issues but should be back with you now, just won't be able to begin to respond to everyone's recent posts as there are far too many.:embarassed:

    I've been behaving myself and sticking to a healthy diet but didn't always log it as I'm getting to know now what sort of day I've had. I'm more inclined to log if I think I may have gone over but am aware I've not been exercising nearly enough so plan to change that as of now!!

    I have missed you all so will check back this evening and catch up with you individually, meanwhile have a great Monday. Leaving you with a photo of a rose that was given to me a couple of years ago when I retired called appropriately the retirement rose. Put your nose into those petals and breath in that scent!!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Good Morning from cloudy NW will be a day in the 50's with some rain possible.

    :flowerforyou: yesterday was not a cleanse day.....we aim to do cleanse days on Sundays----while I was losing weight I did one every Sunday, but now it's about twice a month....yesterday Jake was gone all day to Seattle for appointments and lunch with a friend. When I am home by myself I usually have Isagenix shakes for three meals and bedtime snack and my snacks during the day are a whole package of frozen vegetables with a bit of Parmesan cheese on the top. My two long walks with the dogs burned a lot of calories so it was a healthy day all around. On cleanse day I have all liquids and fewer than 1000 calories and do less exercise and use it as a day of physical and spiritual renewal.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, so sorry to hear about the loss of your aunt :sad: but glad to see you posting on the thread.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I am always glad to hear stories about Neil being more independent and wanting to be with his friends at his new home...gaining that independence is such a huge milestone for him....a lot of people are talking about barbecuing burgers......I found myself looking at the ground beef in the store recently but then moved over to the chicken :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, when I found out that my dad had cancer I found it out from my mom and I was angry at her for giving me the information as though it were her fault....and then I was just angry in general as though my anger would be fierce enough to make the cancer go away. I spent some time with a friend who reminded me about acceptance as a spiritual tool and then i could say "OK, this is how it is, now what do we do?" Your daughter will find her way in time. You have such a great spirit and attitude that will serve you well.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, we miss you when you don't post. I hope all the issues that have you bogged down will be resolved soon so you can relax again and join our daily chats :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Phyllis, I can't imagine having to give my husband a shot. I had to give the cat an insulin shot twice a day for awhile but that was just into a fold of skin, I can't imagine doing what you have to do. When I have to have my own blood drawn, I close my eyes and recite prayers to myself to relax and they usually ask me if I'm OK because I seem so far away :laugh: As a teacher, I was frequently told by people that they couldn't imagine spending all that time with large groups of children and I always tell the person that draws my blood that I can't imagine having a job that involves sticking needles in people all day long :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: A few days ago, someone who looked at my food diary asked me about "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter".....she wondered about it because of all the chemicals in it. so, I got to thinking and realized that I had been so enchanted by the fact that it doesn't have any calories that I lost sight of all downside of the chemicals, so yesterday I decided to switch to putting a bit of Parmesan cheese on my veggies instead.......more calories but no chemical. :bigsmile: