Senior Golden Sneakers..........June, 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    What a blessing to hear from you all this morning.

    Jeri sound like you are enjoy that Grandson. The are so cute at that age.

    Irene. you and your great granddaughter are such dears. Love hearing about her. She sounds so much older than she is. Thanks to great Grandma Such great love between you two.

    Shirlwy aounds like a rought time getting to work. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.

    Becky good morning to you Have a wonderful day.

    Sandy I have not heard anything about you Bingo nites here lately?

    Gayla got to go back and find your late post last night. I missed it.

    Have a wonderful day you 'all
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Stormy Thursday!! :explode: We had storms most of the night but I managed to sleep through them.:yawn: I have my meeting today and Marisa will come for dinner so some of the volunteers can stuff golfer bags (free gifts for the golfers) for the benefit Monday. This year they decided no kids since they rain around like little Indians last year. :laugh:

    Shirley, sorry you are having a bad week, hope it does nothing but improve.

    Becky, I can't take credit for the Arnold joke, that came from Jake, Barbie's husband. He pops in sometimes to share his wisdom with us. :laugh:

    Jeri, that is why we love our group, we are always here for each other. It sounds like your grandson is a miracle sent by God this week, he is there to help you get through this stressful time. I hope all goes well with the liver specialist today, prayers will be said. :heart:

    Maddie, thanks for sharing your sweetness with us. Hope all is well and things are improving in your life. :heart:

    Marie, I agree with you 100% with your compliment to Irene being the sweetest grandmother and sweetest person, she is one remarkable lady.

    Connie, how young you were to have a hysterectomy, did it put you in early menopause? I had one at 50 but managed all the side effects with medication. Congratulations on your weight loss, terrific job!!

    Irene, there are no words to explain how wonderful it is to read about someone with an incredible outlook of life. All I can tell you is that it is an honor to know you. I love the idea of your books and if you would please send me a copy of the book on Mariah at Another idea is to video for everyone, my sil videoed my father in law and he told the whole story of when he lived in Italy and how he came to America. It is great to sit down and watch it even though it is sad. It is funny how kids, ourselves included love hearing about the years when our parents were young. :love:

    Barbie, walking the Olympic Discovery probably put your pedometer over the top. Hope you had a great day for hiking,
    It is amazing that the women who are a little "older" than you are line dancing, what a great exercise and fun to boot. (pun intended)

    Meeting today and then Marisa, will try to check in later. Have a great dry day!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Love these jokes you sneakers are coming up with. Get my day off with a chuckle. Thanks you for Sharing>

    Phyliss I bet you are looking foward to coming home this month. Hope you have time to keep us posted on your time here. Really been enjoying your post.

    Went back looking for gayla but guess she went to bed early of just busy.

    I went out to feed my plants this morning. Felt like God had the A/C on this morning . so nice with a gentle breeze but it wont last long. heating up fast. I found a couple of little eggplants growing pretty good and Cucumbers are coming along fine. My little icebox sized watermelon has got some blooms now. And some little peppers plant have some peppers. And the hibiscuit plants have got some buds on them. So really a lovely morning.

    Have a great day.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    In honor of Arnold Schwarzenegger, a new commandment has been created.
    Be sure to write this one in underneath the other ten:
    "Thou Shalt Not Share Thy Rod With Thy Staff."

    And the hits just keep coming.

    My husband calls him the "Sperminator":laugh:

    A quick hello to all. Very hot yesterday so I took it off and went to the beach with my hubby. :bigsmile: Very bad lighting storms here last night.:noway: Lost electricity so couldn't use computer OR treadmill this morning etc. (I am now at work). Winds so strong they uprooted some trees (around Providence). We just had the lighting. They expect more tonight! What crazy weather!!! 2 weeks ago we had to turn on the heat because it was about 40 degrees! Go figure!

    I do miss popping on here several time a day like I did a few weeks ago, but alas...that privilege did not last. I hope everyone is well! I just glazed over the post real fast........and had to send Jake another Arnold "hit".:wink:

    Hugs to all!:love: Back to work:ohwell:

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Shirley...I certainly hope that your week gets better. My favorite Tim Horton extravagence is vanilla iced cap with chocolate drizzle. I haven't looked up the calories on it either. I also have a thing for the frappes at McDonalds. Whoops, have to get back to work.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    My scale finally jiggled down a pound this morning. It's probably just a fluke but I'll take it.

    I also have to get honest with myself. While I am 100% faithful about logging my food in the daylight, once it is dark my mind seems to think it isn't necessary to count the calories. Almost like secret eating. I log off of MFP with excess calories that could be eaten, and then I eat those calories over and over. It adds up so fast. A peanut butter sandwhich, a handful of nuts, a bag of microwave popcorn - killers.

    Last night I had my popcorn around 8:00, then went to bed at 10:00 and didn't get up to raid the frig. This morning a pound was gone. Of course I worked in the yard, in the heat, and probably perspired a gallon but I did drink 3 liters of water throughout the day.

    Why or why can't I get a handle on this secret eating - if done in the dark, it doesn't count. I know better during the daylight but after dark, oh my.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I also have to get honest with myself. While I am 100% faithful about logging my food in the daylight, once it is dark my mind Why or why can't I get a handle on this secret eating - if done in the dark, it doesn't count. I know better during the daylight but after dark, oh my.

    Connie, you are not alone. I have the same problem during snow storms.:embarassed::laugh: I'm not sure what the answer is accept to say that when I am struggling with any particular issue, it helps me to commit to someone that.....just for tonight....I will not do whatever it is that I'm struggling with and to track exactly what I will eat... and not go over one bite. I sometimes promise to report back to someone the next day. There's something about making a decision and commiting it to someone.....even if that someone is yourself.... that frees you from bad choices. Because once you've decided what you'll eat....there are no choices to be made other than sticking to exactly what you've decided to do. It's not easy to change behaviors so ingrained into us...but it CAN BE DONE....especially if you take it one day at a time. Good luck and never give up!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I got on the scales this morning and FINALLY saw those 130's again. 139.6 but at least it was in the 130's.:heart: I did a happy dance around the bathroom:happy: All my hard work is paying off. Glad to have all your support and great posts to read to keep me motivated.

    Went and got a hair cut, colored my roots ( they were really looking gross,) and had highlights put on too. All in all I was in the beauty shop for about 4 hours!!!!!!!!! but I walked out a new lady :wink: with an empty wallet!! :huh:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. Just having a bite to eat (cottage cheese, pineapple and blueberries). I love fresh fruit.

    Marie -- sorry I didn't post last night but not going anywhere. I got busy playing scrabble online with a great friend from my nursing scool days. It was too late to post by the time we were done. I will try to leave a late post tonight. Now for my late lunch and outside to do some work.

    Take care. Gayla :heart:
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    Went back to Zumba class tonight, straight from work. It was great to be back, but OMG it was sooo hard! I had missed 5 lessons but it had made such a difference. I felt I had gone right back to the beginning. My mind was willing but the body was not! Got through it though and I hope Mondays lesson will be a bit easier.

    Phyllis, It's so good to be pampered. I am envious! Except for the empty wallet of course lol.

    Connie, Congratulations on your weight loss, its terrific. You can always report to me again.

    Shirley, Sounds like you've had a miserable week. Hope it gets better for you.

    Birdie, My husband calls him the "Sperminator":laugh: Suits him!! The worlds weather has gone mad!

    Jeri, Good luck at your doctors. Hope your news is good for you deserve it!

    Sandy, You sound busy again! I want to Thank you for all of your support and comments on my home page. It means a lot!

    Barbie, You have so much energy. How do you do it?

    Marie, Sounds like your plants are doing great. I am thinking of making myself a veggie plot in the garden. We'll see. All that digging sort of puts me off. I could do with Connie being here lol.

    Buzz, Hows your grandpuppy? Are you still staying indoors? Hope you're not too grouchy lol.

    Irene, Take care. Looking forward to the read.

    Gayla, enjoy your yard time.

    Maddie Phoebe, Donna , Judy & Judi & Jackie, Come back, miss you all!

    Have a lovely day, or evening as the case may be.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello Sneakers

    What a day and night. Last night around 11pm our sweet little grandson came down with the stomach flu. He threw up many times over the night and finally around 4:30 he may have fell asleep. We probably fell asleep shortly after that My dh and I had decided that I would go to my liver specialist alone as we didn't want our dd to bring over all the other grands when Lukas was sick. Lukas woke up around 7am but still very sick My sweet dd got a babysitter for the grands and came over to help my dh. Good thing then he added diarrhea to the whole mess. The loads off clothes we washed. My dh would have had such a hard time all by himself.

    I went to the liver doctor by myself with a long list of questions. GOOD NEWS. He said my liver disease is in REMISSION and should stay that way for a long time. I AM SO HAPPY. I thanked him for the good news and he said "you are welcome, I don't get to give good news very often"

    I came home and eventually we got Lukas to have a nap and my dd went home to take our granddaughter to the dentist to check on the tooth that got knocked out. My dh and I were able to have a nap to make up for the 2 hrs of sleep we got. After a couple of hrs Lukas woke up feeling much better. I was so relieved about it all, the tears let loose and I cried and cried. It felt so good. God does work in mysterious ways, doesn't he.

    Lukas is sleeping again, my dd is coming back over later and dh and I will go out for a much needed break.

    Thank goodness things are finally getting better. Lukas' parents come home tomorrow. They'll find out about Lukas and his episodes and I'll have to tell them about my cancer. I feel pretty good about the cancer so I should be able go reassure her about that.

    Have a good evening.

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    And it goes on and on.

    This time it is my oldest dog - the one that got bit by a snake last July. Will has always been a big dog, bigger than he should be, but since being treated with steroids for the snake bite, his weight has really gotten out of control. We decided in January to put him on a reduced calorie food, AND reduce his portion sizes. It hasn't helped, and lately he's been having problem moving around. Today I took him to yet another vet and had his thyroid tested. It turns out he has hypothyroidism - which accounts for the fast gain in weight (while on DIET food he gained 30 pounds). This vet also noticed a couple of other things that should have been warning signs to vets 1 and 2. He has a spot on his tail where he has been loosing hair for the past three years - it keeps getting bigger and bigger, and the skin beneath is black and leathery. Vet number 1 said it was from sitting on his tail (Afghans do not sit on their tails). Vet number 2 said he was probably chewing on it (would have to be a contortionist to do that). And the new vet also noticed how dry his skin is (I thought it was because we eliminated most fat from his diet).

    So now the dog is on daily meds along with the spouse. And I am the nurse, of course. One tiny pill, twice a day; a new dog food (not diet) but vastly reduced portions, no cookies, no treats, no biscuits. Poor Will. AND - two 1/2 mile walks every day.

    Will needs to loose 50 pounds. Suppose there is an MFP for dogs?
  • Sandy--I sent Mariah's Story to deb without any problem. I tried several times to send it to you. Do I have your address correct: ? :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Each time I got a failed message.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Sandy--I sent Mariah's Story to deb without any problem. I tried several times to send it to you. Do I have your address correct: ? :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Each time I got a failed message.

    Yes, Irene that is the correct email address, I don't know why it doesn't go through. You can try with a capitol S or try sending it to
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :laugh: Birdie, Jake and I howled at your husband’s name for Arnold, the Sperminator----I think your husband wins the best joke of the day prize….he should be posting on the Sneakers thread:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I think every food plan is a work in progress…I know you’ll find the right amount of cream and add some fiber to make it work for you….your garden sounds wonderful

    :flowerforyou: Irene, I agree with everyone that you are the sweetest person….I want to be like you when I grow up:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Maddie, I love the picture and miss you…..I hope you’ll be posting more very soon.

    :flowerforyou: Becky, glad you are able to take some time off work to accommodate your busy weekend.

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, your week sounds like a series of opportunities for spiritual growth

    :bigsmile: Sandy, the Discovery Trail is great because it is paved so it’s like walking but in a beautiful and safe environment. There are so many places to park and enter the trail that you can walk someplace different every day if you want to and walk any distance you want.

    :flowerforyou: Connie, I had some similar bad experiences with peanut butter:sad: :sad: . I never seemed to measure accurately when I ate it and it didn’t take long until I was eating it out of the jar with a knife and pretending that I was having only a single serving. I finally had to abstain from peanut butter completely because I couldn’t be sane and honest about it……when the vet said that my older cat needed to lose weight I felt terrible depriving him of food (that was before MFP when I was eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted)…..I didn’t like the feeling that my pet hated me.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Phyllis, congrats on getting into the 130’s that is an outstanding milestone……all your pampering sounds wonderful (except for the empty wallet)

    :flowerforyou: Deb, I have gained all this energy a little bit at a time. I have always loved walking and little by little I have done more and more……I think part of the energy comes from the Isagenix products along with very healthy eating……every day I look for more opportunities to be active…..I carry a pedometer and challenge myself to add more steps each day……I put a sticker on my calendar on any day that I walk more than 10,000 steps.

    :bigsmile: Jeri, glad to hear the good news from the liver doctor….you sure had your hands full with all the grandchildren adventures

    :flowerforyou: I went to Costco today thinking that I would treat myself to all the free samples because I already had 20,000 steps on my pedometer, but when I saw so many heavy women loading their carts with big boxes of French fries, ice cream, cheesecakes, and all sorts of packaged foods, I had a moment of sanity and decided that I didn’t need to treat myself with food.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I love the long days up north here…….Bernie the cat gets me up at 4:30 and I’m walking the dogs by 5:00 and when we go to bed tonight, it will still be light.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Irene I thougt I put in a request to get mariah writings. My ADDRES IS but maybe it did not go thru. She is ssuch a sweet grandaughter Your whole family is. Have a wonderful day!

    Thanks Barbiecat. You always know the right words to used.

    Going looking for Gayla
    Didn't find her Must have been up late playing games again
    See you all later
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    First that I have been able to get online. We are having terrible storms. Lots of thunder and lightning. So, I have been unplugging my computer. As soon as one storm passes through another one arrives. Biking is certainly out. Good thing that I drove my husband to work as I have the car.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Friday!! :bigsmile: Another rainy day here with cool weather, what ever happened to summer? :grumble:
    Today is my granddaughter's 6th birthday and hubby and I were donated to bring the pizzas to her kids party at the indoor swimming pool. :drinker: I think there will be around 20 or more kids there so we won't be staying long. :laugh:

    Marie, you are up bright and early this morning and sounding very cheery. You bring sunshine to our posts and keep us happy.

    Barbie, the trail sounds wonderful, I think I mentioned they spent a million dollars to put a river walk in our small town, the problem is the engineers weren't too smart and every time it rains the creek floods the river walk.:noway:

    Irene as I said in my email to you, your story was amazing. It brought tears to my eyes with how you put all of Mariah's family into the story along with pictures. I believe you are an angel on earth and so happy I know you.

    Connie,I don't remember the posting of Will being bitten by a snake, but what an awful experience. 50 pounds is a lot of weight to lose for a dog, heck even for a human. When our dogs were over weight we supplemented lettuce with their dog food to fill them up. Also gave them carrots for treats instead of regular treats. It worked and they lost weight. With the vet wanting Will to go on 2 1/2 walks a day, your weight will be coming off also. Now stay away from those night treats, eat a carrot. :laugh:

    Have to get a move on, pizzas are to be picked up by 11:00 am.

    Have a great day!!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI SNEAKER PALS: I changed my profile pic and added a pic of me and my beautiful daughter. This was taken in April when I went to visit her in Saudi.
    WOW this Friday is flying by and it is a HOT ONE. Already 5:00 pm and I have been up since 6:30 am. Went to church and it was great. Always get such a boost every Friday at church. YES! we have Church on Friday over here since it is the Moslems Holy day. When in Spain......Right?

    Irene: I didn't get a copy of the story either. Sure would love to read it. Either or would be two addresses to send it to.

    Connie: That is a BIG DOG you have. I am baby sitting a teachers cat and they said she has an eating disorder. Likes to eat all the time. But we only feed him twice a day. Guess animals are like Humans! sometimes you just can't get enough food!

    Sandy: I can just imagine you arriving with all those pizzas! Imagine the joyful shouts when they see all that pizza. I personally love pizza but better not even think about it or I'll gain weight.

    Barbie: I had to smile about the river walk just picturing it all flooded when it rains! Too funny. Not if you want to walk though! Good job on passing up the treats at Cosco.

    Jeri: Wondering how it went when you told them about the cancer. How is your little grand son. Hope he is feeling better.

    Becky: Send some of that Rain to me. I haven't seen RAIN in months. Sure would cool things off and clean the trees too.

    Well better get busy but not too busy since it is the SABBATH day. Nice to have one day a week to just RELAX.

    Love ya Phyllis
  • Marie - did you get Mariah's Story. If not I will try again. Having others wanting to see my book makes it even more fun. Thanks everyone.

    We've had an invasion of lady bugs in our yard. I think they are after aphids in one of the trees. We've had to take several of the little critters out of the house. I don't know how they get in. I'd much rather have lady bugs than aphids any day.

    It looks like a sunny day coming up. This is great as long as it doesn't get toooo hot.

    The Cancer Care Center where I get my treatments recommended that I read a book, "Anti Cancer A New Way of Life" by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, Phd. I've read a lot and this is the best I've seen. It isn't only for cancer patients, but for anyone who wants to work at preventing cancer and other diseases. It deals with the whole person. I highly recommend it. I got my copy on

    This is "free" day. No appointments for either Ralph or me. Nothing more for me until Monday when I get blood work and B12 shot. Now that I am no longer on the clinical trial I will have a lot more "free" days.

    Have a good day, everyone. God Bless.
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