Senior Golden Sneakers..........June, 2011



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    My brain sort of froze when I posted my story....:angry: I didn't go back and read the earlier posts and feel bad I did not welcome
    Phyljen (may we call you jen?) Welcome and have fun while you are trying to change your lifestyle. :drinker: :drinker: We try to encourage and keep each other smiling and also if necessary vent to each other. (I am the big whiner) We love new people and hope you enjoy our group, there is no age limit, we love everyone. :heart:

    Deb, I am exhausted just from reading your post, what a day!! I hope you get some time alone to catch up on some needed rest.
    I am so happy that found the pup. I would have been frantic. All is well that ends well, which is a good thing.

    Gayla, my first alone day will be tomorrow and I am looking forward to it. Babe goes for therapy and all the company is gone, so just me and Daisy will be able to get the rest we need. :bigsmile:

    Will be back in the morning, sleep tight everyone.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member

    I am writing to you from Cairo Egypt where I live and teach school at An American School. I've taught here for 15 years. ( Almost )
    We just wrapped up another year and had the graduation ceremony out at the pyramids. What a back drop! It was beautiful. One of the little girls who graduated was in my Kindergarten class 13 years ago. Amazing how time flies.

    AT the moment I am still at school and came over to organize some PILES that I never got around to organizing all year. Should I just chuck them all and start fresh in August when school begins! That would certainly be a LOT easier.

    I will be coming to the states in a few weeks. I'll go to Idaho. Anyone live up that direction? I am so excited to see family and friends. Usually get home once a year in summer and spend too much time shopping! but it is sure FUN!

    O.K. I am really going to see if I can make a dent in the piles so that I can throw a sheet over the book cases and walk out of this room until August. NICE THOUGHT! We have to cover up everything with sheets or fabric because if we don't we will find a layer of dust on everything when we get back. Love living in the land of the sand!

    Thanks again for all your WELCOMES. I think I am going to love this group.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Phyllis...graduation with the Pyramids !!! I guess that beats the one I went to on Friday. We had ours at the football stadium. We are all thankful that the weather stayed dry for the event.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla...go ahead and have a steak. We need our little treats now and again. It is wonderful that you would be thinking in advance on what to have.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy...your little angel dog at the end of your story is perfect. glad that another week has begun. A new week and a new start. I didn't do much at all over the weekend. We didn't even go to the Strawberry Festival. Second year in a row that we have missed it. Probably for the best. We only go for the huge cream puffs. Wonder how many calories are in one of those.:noway:
    I work only four days this week and next week. I am taking this Friday and next Monday for two vacation days. I will be very busy at home at least on Friday.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Me again!!!

    Becky_ Well Football stadium is good too and glad that it didn't rain or anything. Our graduation was at 8 in the morning and I still got sun burned on the back of my neck. Forgot to apply sun screen. WHOOPS! SO I have this farmers tan line on the back of my neck. Really attractive! :noway:

    I guess most of you are still sleeping since I am on a different time zone. I'm 9 hours ahead of the West coast.

    Got a lot accomplished today at school. Making head way on the piles Three cheers for me!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: ( that is water I'm drinking by the way! LOL

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Happy Monday!!:bigsmile: Company is gone, Babe is at therapy, just me and Daisy and she is sleeping. What is that sound?
    :bigsmile: it is called peace and quiet. :heart:
    Other than washing clothes I am just going to chill out today, if the sun would come out I might even sit in the yard, but as of now it is an overcast sky.:noway:

    Phyllis, how exciting that you are from Egypt. And congratulations on being a teacher, if you read back in my posts you would see how much I admire teachers and home schooling moms. My experience with home schooling was not good and I would never be able to do it, especially at this age when my patience is not as good as when I was young. I can't even imagine the Pyramids as a back drop for graduation, what a beautiful site that must have been. I saw on your profile that your daughter is getting married, will that be in the States?

    Becky, wise choice in not having a huge cream puff, I would think the calories would be a whole meal if not more. Happy you got to take a couple of days off but it sounds like you will be busy at home.

    Have a great day everyone and by the way, where is everyone???
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    With a garden overflowing with several varieties of beautiful leaf lettuce, I'm looking for ways to include it in my diet. Salads are great but three times a day is a bit much.

    This morning I took a huge handful of mixed lettuce, chopped it, threw it into my saute pan, and added the equivalent of two eggs and made an omelet. I figured if you could do it with spinach, why not lettuce. I topped it all with a tablespoon of grated romano cheese and let me tell you - it was delicious, added only about 40 calories to my log and a serving of vegetables.

    if anyone else has some creative uses for fresh leaf lettuce, please let me know.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Sandy, - My daughter did get married in August last year. If you are on FB you could be my friend and see all the photos of the wedding. I am not tech savy on adding photos to this site yet. I do have a slug of profile pics but that is about all. The pic of me in the red dress was actually at the wedding last August.

    I joined MFP over a year ago and at the time she was not married. i was determined to get looking good for her wedding and I got down to about 132. I was a happy HOT mamma! LOL:laugh: but over the year I managed to put back on about 10 pounds. YICKS so I got back to MFP and for the past few weeks I have been logging in and being responsible. I don't want to get to the states and find that everyone there sees a FAT PHYLLIS! I AM BEING VERY STRICT WITH MY SELF RIGHT NOW. I feel great and have lost about 3 pounds. I was 140.8 this morning. Almost to the 139 that I was at last time I logged in a few months ago. Too many end of year parties and stress eating while doing report cards. NOW NO EXCUSE!:laugh:

    Gayla, I say go for the steak too. I usually pass on RED meat but once in a while I don't think it will hurt.

    Becky, That STrawberry festival sounds like fun. I love BERRIES.. We have pretty good strawberries here in the winter but what I miss is Blueberries and raspberries. I am for sure going to pig out on them once I get to AMERICA.:heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all of you nice ladies. Ao nice to hear from you all.
    I have been out in my garden feeding my plants. here are a couple tomatoes plants I have., they are patio tomatoes grown in a container. I am also going to post "phoebe" a stem off on one of these tomatoes and it is showin some growth. I also planted another one name "Jim" but he did not make it.


    This is "phoebe"
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :sad: I will not be able to post during this lunch...I just worked through it.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Afternoon Ladies:

    Phyllis welcome !! I am from Ontario, Canada. The ladies here are great!!

    I have been having trouble posting on weekends because summer weekends are
    becoming very busy. So my posts will be mainly during the week.

    Saturday night was a bridal shower I attended. I knew only two people
    there and they were hosting the shower. I did meet a lady and low and behold
    she is on this site trying to lose weight. So we had a lot to talk about.

    Sunday was sail pass and the kick start to the sailing season. Then on the
    same day was a 50th anniversary party so we popped in there too.

    So what I am trying to say is, the temptations for food and drink was all around me.
    I tried my best, but did put on a couple of pounds. So I will have to dig deep
    this week and get back at it. Maintaining is not what I want to do. Losing is the
    object and I have a ways to go yet.

    Thanks for listening to my whining and have a great day!!

  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone...sorry been missing again. Just busy weekends now that it is warming up. Went to a cancer walk on Saturday evening (Relay for Life). It was very nice...they even gave me a big bag of nice stuff for being a survivor. We were walking for a friend who is really struggling with cancer. There were alot of bikers that showed up...Go Team Black Then we went out to a mexican dinner (good thing I didn't have time for lunch cause I would have been over on dinner). Then Sunday we went to the B.A.D. Ride (Bikers against Diabetes) which was fun and is a cause dear to our hearts but we missed the band :mad: cause my husband missed the offramp. I told him to take the 57 to the 91 to the 55 but he said no it's the 57 to the 55...whatever!!! so we got lost and wasted about two hours cause he wouldn't just go back cause it was out of the way...what is it with men and directions??? :grumble: anyway...we finally got there and had a good time but missed the music and the lunch so no lunch for me again :grumble: But we more than made up for it at dinner :bigsmile: as we decided to ride on down to Newport Beach afterwards. Got in lots and lots of walking at the beach and lots and lots of eating so I'm hoping one will cancel out the other :laugh: ...we'll see. My weight is up today but that is probably just sodium/water retention cause I splurged and had my favorite Ahi Tuna Vegetable Chowder down at the is to die for!!! Well better get moving and get in the shower as I have errands to run today...Take Care Everyone & will talk to you all later!!!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, just a quickie, how are you all doing?? I am working not so hard these days, and against my will, I am not going to work harder than I need to, just for the summer. My goal is to get through these exercises to a point that I no longer have to worry about every bend from the back I have to do, especially reaching in refridgerators that are lower than my waist. My knees are getting better I can squat without much or at times no pain. So I must be patient and get the rest of me in shape of sorts..

    My diet is still good, but the body is not sheding anything right now, the shock of the disk has left my metabolism is slow mode so the body has cushioning and stored food. Once this lets go I should be on the way down. I've got to give me time, and I am always rushing things or getting things done too quickly. Habit of work I think.

    Have a load of reading to do from the new job, so I better get to it. Keep up the goals and don't let things rub them out of your sight!

  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    A quieter day for me today, on my own and managed to get the house in some sort of order again. I have been so busy lately that the house was like a tip:frown: It rained for most of the day too, so I did'nt feel like I was missing anything:wink: Back to work tomorrow though.

    Donna, good to see your post. What is it with men & directions? They always know best:frown: Glad it worked out in the end. My sil came off his bike the other day. He jumped off just in time and his bike went under the back whells of a lorry! His only injury is a sore thumb thank goodness.:bigsmile:

    Marilyn, good to hear from you. You sound tired, take it easy. You work so hard. You will achieve your exercises in no time but don't try to rush them:flowerforyou:

    Connie, I never thought of cooking lettuce. Sounds delicious. I will certainly be giving it a try.

    Sandy, Enjoy your peace and quiet, you deserve it and I can't help thinking that knowing you, you will be busy again in no time:wink: Loved your story:bigsmile:

    Marie, Hows the paleo going? I love your graphics. Shame about Jim, but Phoebe looks great:bigsmile:

    Shirley, what a small world! Have you friended her on here now?

    Well I'm off to beddy byes now. Nite nite:yawn: zzzzzzzzzzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello Sneakers

    Still alive and having fun with our sweet Grandson. He is a true little boy, an angel one minute and a little monkey the next. However he goes to bed with no problems and sleeps until 7:30. What more could I ask for.

    I got the news from the doctor today. It is cancer, but in the early stages. I see the surgeon next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me

    I told my Mom, my sister and our dd who lives close to us. I will wait until our other dd gets back from Hawaii to tell her. I am in good spirits and know that I can beat this thing. One thing about me is that I always have a positive attitude and I am extremely strong.

    Good night all
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Funny that buzz mentioned watching our sodium. That is my downfall. I love salty foods. I don't know how I can eat the low calorie, low fat food without adding salt to flavor it. Other spices just don't do the job.
    I am also a "salt-aholic" and watching my sodium intake. I've discovered that grated Parmesan cheese adds a bit of a salty taste to food without adding a great deal of sodium or calories. I mean the "bargain" stuff in the plastic shakers, not fresh, grated Parmesan. Try it.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    I worked very hard today changing my winter clothes to summer clothes. I decided to get rid of anything I haven't worn in the last year. I have five bags of clothes for charity. I gave myself 300 calories for this chore since it took me about 4 hours. I hope I didn't give myself too many but I at first only gave 200 which is posted on my home page. It is way too hot and humid to take Daisy for a walk tonight so I hope I did burn those calories.

    Dee, I did try to do nothing today but it didn't work. Between doing the clothes I ran to the store so it hasn't been a restful day after all. Tomorrow I am getting my hair trimmed and have an eye appointment. Wednesday could be a day of rest but with this big charity dinner/auction coming up Monday I will probably be sitting for Marisa most of the week. Her mom does all the signs and handles the silent auction so this is her busiest week. No rest for the wicked they say, that must be me.

    Marilyn, I agree with Dee, just take it easy, go slow and get healthy before worrying about exercise. You are doing the best you can do and that is all that matters.

    Donna, congratulations on being a cancer survivor. How nice that you give back not only for cancer but for diabetes. You are a special person,God Bless You.

    Shirley, summer is a busy time for all of us, don't worry about posting especially since you are on the home page.
    What a small world that you meet someone else from this forum. It must have been fun comparing notes and I bet it made you both stay on track, the best you could.

    Phyllis, I guess I didn't pay attention while checking your profile, I thought the wedding was this summer. I am sure you will look great for your family visit, you look great to me right now.

    Marie, your tomato plants look great, how come one wasn't named after me. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Jeri. I love your positive attitude and will definitely keep my fingers and toes crossed for you. Is it okay if I add a prayer?
    Being in the early stages is a good thing and with you being a fighter, I see good things in your future. Lean on us if necessary we will always be here for you.

    I hope you all had a great day and get a good nights sleep. Talk to you in the morning.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My weekend line dance adventure was wonderful. I danced all day and would have danced longer except one of the group I traveled with asked to leave at 9:30.:sad: I slept quickly, woke up early and had time for a 45 minute walk before we met for breakfast.:bigsmile: it was the first time in several months that I've been able to walk alone (no poodles, no Jake, no friends) and it was a nice change.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: when I got home, we had to clean house and then clear out for two hours for the national open house afternoon:bigsmile: it seemed like a great time to take the dogs to the dog park for a long adventure but it was too hot for them (about 70 degrees) and they wanted to leave after only about 20 minutes so we went for a drive.:bigsmile: we had dinner at the home of the friends who came to our house on Friday and they served great food but I ate more than I should have:bigsmile: today after two days of not posting either food or exercise, I am back on track with long walks and careful eating. :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Tomorrow, I'll be back on track with responding to all of you more personally :bigsmile: I've missed you and enjoyed reading your posts
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member

    sandy said:

    Jeri. I love your positive attitude and will definitely keep my fingers and toes crossed for you. Is it okay if I add a prayer?
    Being in the early stages is a good thing and with you being a fighter, I see good things in your future. Lean on us if necessary we will always be here for you.

    Thank you Sandy. All prayers are welcome.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all. Bedtime and here I am! It was a gorgeous day to hang out my clothes. It reminded me that growing up, Monday was always clothes washing day and of course they were hung on the line. What a sight to see home after home with clothes flapping in the breeze.! Sure glad I don't have to use a wringer washer and I still don't like ironing! In my memory we ironed everything.

    Tonight we went to a steak night for a cancer fund raiser. It was fun and food wise I did fairly well.

    Jeri -- so sorry about your news but your positive energy will take you miles. Prayers for you. :heart:

    Barbie -- glad you had such a good time. No worries about gaining an ounce with all that exercise.

    Sandy -- what a good feeling to have clean and organized closets. I need to get that done, I have a large size range!

    Marie -- I had such a laugh over Sandy's comment about your tomato names. So . . . when are you going to name one after me? A nice big healthy one would be nice. :wink: :heart:

    Must get a wiggle on. Sleep tight. Gayla :heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: will be in my prayers.

    Been many women even have clothes lines outside? I do but don't use it very often. I like the smell of line dried sheets. And, my work pants get hung up. Put them in the dryer and they will shrink.

    Is anyone in my part of the world taking advantage of strawberry season? They are very healthy and make for a great snack. My husband goes out every year and picks them. He only wants to preserve them so I have to jump in real quick and grab some raw ones.