Senior Golden Sneakers..........June, 2011



  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Once again popping in at the end of the day. I had Neil to see the podiatrist today. I think his feet felt better following. It looks like his last surgery will have to be repeated and his shoes need an adjustment which will hopefully give him a better gait and balance. Dave and I watched tennis that we had recorded. That little feature really makes me watch too much TV!
    The diet is going great except that according to the numbers I am not eating enough. I have been rereading my materials just to be sure I know what I am doing. Most of the time I don't feel hungry.

    Irene -- so nice to read your post. You have been through so much and remain such a bright light for us all. I think Mariah is a wise little girl and that we should all embrace the best day ever!

    Marie -- prayers for a good report for Jerry.

    Jeri -- you also have been on my mind. I hope tomorrow is the day you get good news. Your pictures of the Ottawa tulips are amazing. I love visiting Ottawa but have never got there when the tulips are so full of blooms. I have caught them at the end where only a few are blooming and even then it was pretty. Now I have to get there earlier in the Spring.

    Sandy -- my sons would have been over the moon going to medieval times. You are such a great Grandma.

    I will catch more of you tomorrow. Take care. Gayla :heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hello...I had this tread suggested to me by barbiecat. By the way, Barbie..where do you get those adorable animations? I love them.

    I have been looking for a thread with people over that age of 60 since I am there now. My name is Becky. Birthday is January 29. I have eight children and ten grandchildren. I want to stay active as I get older. I do need to lose about 15 to 20 pounds and am finding it more difficult to do. I want to encourage us Seniors to get out and do things. Join classes, stay limber, and don't act our ages.:smile: So, I am looking forward to learning from all of you. I am not online to often as I work full-time. But, I will try to get here as often as possible.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome SwissMiss


    So gald you drop in. Will be looking forward to know you better. Barbiecat is our pride and joy here. Wonderful personWe all love her.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    I have a question for all of you. How many of you have been vaccinated against shingles? I know the shot is very expensive but I found my Medicare provider will cover all but $88 so I think I'm going to make arrangements. I've never had shingles. I know I had chicken pox as a kid but have no idea how old I was at the time,.,

    A friend has also just gotten the shot. In her one block city neighborhood there are four people fighting shingles. One woman has had the outbreak for more than a year. I figure if there is a way to prevent it, or at least to minimize the infection, I should take it. Opinions, please? Anyone had the shot? Anyone had shingles?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE, I have a Dr's prescription for the stockings, and I was measured anf fitted so I use the proper size. I buy the Juzo 30-40 compression, and the are light and almost look like a nylon stocking; and I order the short size with the silicone band at the top, so they don't slip down. Because I wear sandals, I order the toeless knee-high stockings. And Medicare allows me several pair a year! Few people are aware of that! Getting them on is taught to you where you get measured, and Mike helps me get them off, though I have a special device to do it, also. A pair of Sigvaris rubber donning gloves is also a necessity to grab and smooth them up the leg! Now my legs are slim and no more swelling, and once you are properly fitted, they don't hurt one bit!

    BARBIE: I'm exhausted just reading about 24000 steps. Don't know how you do it!

    JERI, the GD's will survive and forget the whole thing long before you do! The flowers are gorgeous!

    SANDY, I hope your entire family appreciates you! We do, for sure!

    Gayla said
    The diet is going great except that according to the numbers I am not eating enough. I have been rereading my materials just to be sure I know what I am doing. Most of the time I don't feel hungry.
    GAYLA, it expresses exactly how I react! I am seldom hungry, and am usually below what the website says I should eat, but I think our bodies are the best judge! Whatever, it works for me!

    Welcome, BECKY! You are the same age as my eldest, and it's hard to believe we all fit in here, but you'll feel as comfortable on this thread as I do, and the members are very special and supportive!

    CONNIE---GET IT!!! I got my shot a couple of years ago and am so glad I did, even if it cost around $80 copay. Mike got shingles about 12 years ago on his legs. while we were on an overnight sleeper train going up to NY from Florida. He was so miserable, and went to a local hospital where they couldn't tell what he was suffering from, and the party we went up for was a horror for him, and the ride back even worse. After 6 weeks of suffering, the rash finally came out! Lasted another couple of months, and for the last 11 years, his damaged nerves still hurt from time to time! I nagged my Dr ever since for the shot, but he did not feel it was warranted until a couple of years ago, and I got it immediately! You know once you've had chicken pox, that darn herpes zostrex (or whatever it's called) never goes away; just lies dormant until something might set it off! I've seen people with shingles in their eyes, scalp, breast area, and I cannot believe it's not an automatic requirement, like the polio shots! Good luck...and by the way, there was no pain at all after the shot, for me! Even if there were, it's well worth avoiding shingles!

    I'll find out my lab blood results today regarding those platelets being so low. I feel fine! JERI,, tomorrow for you?
    Just workin' out! [img][/img]77363yjcyzuk8gh.gif

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy..just read your joke. So funny. If this is what I can expect in this thread then I know I will love it. I also have whole posts get lost at times. So frustrating. :grumble: That is when I give up and log off.:ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: buzz...your kitty doing push ups is just too cute.

    I don't even get flu shots but I am seriously considering the one to prevent shingles. Our local Kroger store offers them. I was waiting til I turned 60 as that is the age they recogmend them. If I remember right at this store they were not that expensive. I am thinking around $20. I could be wrong about, though. I also know some people who have gotten shingles. Most of them are absolutely miserable. One exception was a co-worker who seemed to only get a mild case. Well, it is time to return to work. Be back later.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie by all means get the shot. I had ir several years ago and the pain was terrible. I had it on my right forhead and on my eyes. i still have scars from it. I got the shots as soon as possible. Don't want any more of them.

    We are heading up to 96 here and hot all week . Our AC went out yesterday But the guys was out early to get it fix. Sure am Glad The fans did not help much last night. All tho we have a small A/C in the bedroom and we slept conforable..
    Sammy is loving the cool air today. Me Too.

    Well time to throw a salad together , have my tea made for lunch. Went out a pick me a nice tomatoe to go in it. Found another tomatoe worm while I was feeding them Hate them things The can stripped the leaves off so fast. Jerry got some stuff to put on them My egg plants have some pretty purple flowers on them Hope no creature get on them.

    Gayla I am glad your WW plan is keeping you full and not craving anything. That is the most important thing. Is Dave on it with you.
    Every one else have a wonderful day. Stay cool.!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    What a lovely day in Rhode Island!:happy: Yesterday we had Tornado and severe Thunder Storm watchs in Mass and RI:noway: ….. very unusual for this part of the country!:noway: But we didn’t get hit, thank the lord!:flowerforyou:

    Love the jokes Sandy & Irene!!!:laugh:

    Welcome Becky! I remember you from the other thread!:flowerforyou:

    Buzz I love the new picture.

    Dee, I know you’re having a rough week so sending hugs and prayers:smooched: :heart:

    Last night I was watching television following the Tornado - Severe Thunderstorm Watch when I saw bright lights coming through my living room. They kept coming and then I realized....those were not lightning flashes but the Police , Ambulance, Fire Dept. parking right in front of my house!:noway: Before you know....Channel 12 Eye Witness News Mobile (our local news station) was parked out there too!!! Everyone was in a group across the street from me trying to figure out what happened as the street was closed off to the public. Apparently my neighbor (right next door to me) stabbed another neighbor (next door to him)! The victim did not die but the other neighbor is now in custody! I live in a very low crime area and such things are highly unusual! But I found out that the perpetrator was upset because someone took his CAT! Oh my goodness! That poor man has been on a lot of medication and I think just lost it! So, the tornado watch was over shadowed by a crime next door! When I saw the news mobile I hid in the house (my hubby went out to investigate) because I was in my nightgown and just took off my makeup:laugh: That would have been a sight for sore eyes if THAT got on TV:laugh:
    Sending hugs to all!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    BECKY, I love the SwissMiss name! Somehow I visualize the Alps when I see it! Just want to say my DD got shingles in her 30's, so I wouldn't wait. You already know how miserable they can be! :grumble:

    MARIE, thank goodness you have the A/C back in this heat! It always seems to happen at the worst time...:ohwell:

    BIRDIE M...quite a bit of excitement for your area last night! ANd those tornadoes must have been a shock! Once, when I lived in Providence, my DD was playing outdoors and I looked out to see a pencil thin tornado whirling down the gutter, strewing all the leaves about, but causing no damage! I couldn't believe my eyes! We often see them to our west looking toward the Everglades, but have been lucky so far! Hurricanes are enough! Whereabouts are you in that gem of a state?

    My blood tests showed everything except the platelet count looks perfectly normal, and it's probably an auto-immune thing that shouldn't cause any problems. I don't have to go back for 6 months, then a year, and if nothing develops, that's it! So I think that gives me permission to not worry, right? [img][/img]1580468j19m0wxvya.gif

  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi everyone---I'm back. I haven't been on MFP very much but I haven't gained any of my weight back. I think my body has gotten used to this weight so I am hoping that I can lose the next 20-30 lbs. My goals for June are to log on every single day, enter my food and exercise every day, try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days per week, stay within my 1200 calories except when we go to a celebration (my oldest grandaughter is graduating high school and I have two grandchildren's birthday parties and one babtism this month) and keep a positive attitude. Does anyone else have June goals? Irene, was very sorry to hear of your health problems but was delighted to see such positiveness in your attitude. I too believe that our life is in God's hands and it is up to us to make the very most of each day. Your post was an excellent reminder. Marie, I hope Jerry gets a clean bill of health. To the rest of you, it was fun reading your posts--you peope are the best! Connie, most definately get the shingles shot. I got mine and it doesn't hurt at all except for the price--I had to pay full price back when I got mine $300, but after I saw one of my husband's clients suffer with it, I decided to bite the bullet because I REALLY hate pain! Have a great day my friends! :flowerforyou: JoAn
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jo AN so exciting you are back here. Welcome back. You were miss.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    JoAn - Nice to meet you. Your goals are what I astrive to do myself. Mostly it works and keeps me on track.

    Birdie - I'd have been hiding from the camera too. LOL

    Sandy - I know how busy you've been. You've done well just posting from time to time.

    Marie, I can't believe how hot that is. I don't do well in very hot weather. How do you cope?

    Buzz - your are right about the grandkids, they survive and thrive better than us. All are feeling good at my dd's today. Hopefully the tooth will stay put.

    Gayla - you really need to get to Ottawa to see all the tulips. My dh's 99 yr old Aunt's bd in May so we often make it down for the Tulip Festival. We always enjoy Ottawa.

    All - After reading what you all have said about the shot for shingles, I think I'll get one too if I can.

    We tomorrow with get our allergic grandson. I'm excited and scared. My dd and her dh are bringing him over tommorow am and then they head off on a weeks vacation. I sure hope he doesn't miss them too much. He is such a busy little guy, 19 mos. old, that I know my dh and I will be ready to have a nap too when we get him down for one.


    Here's another picture I took in Ottawa.

    Ottawa Tulips by FancyLady, on Flickr
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh Jeri. they are just beautiful. Make me want to go to our big garden in Dallas. I hear it is quite lovely. I went once but it has groun so much sence then. Thank you for sharing. You take such lovely picures too. My daughter and i need to get out and see what Dallas has to offer and quit going out for lunch and shopping.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: Greetings from chilly NW Washington :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Becky, how great to see you on the Golden Sneakers...this is a great group of friendly, funny, warm, supportive people....I hope you will like them as much as I do.....the cute graphics come from Photo Bucket and Glitter Graphics----if you click on "Quote" at the bottom of the post of someone who has posted a cute graphic and you can see the code which will include the name of the site where the graphic is found.

    :flowerforyou: About the shingles vaccine
    my mother had shingles and suffered terribly
    the day the doctor told me about the vaccine, Jake and I drove directly to Safeway and both got the vaccine even though it cost $299 for each of us----recently the husband of a friend got shingles and was miserable for a long time......I think it was money well spent for us
    we didn't want to wait five years until we were on Medicare to get the vaccine cheaper

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, you definitely deserve a medal for caring for and home schooling your grandson. :bigsmile: He is lucky to have gone to even one movie. :laugh: You are so kind and generous and patient. First Babe and now Zack. You will have so much time for yourself soon :bigsmile:

    :sad: Gayla, poor Neil to have to have another surgery:sad: just when things seem to be leveling out for him, something new appears. Glad your new commitment to WW is going well for you......if you are eating a nice balance of protein, veggies, fruits, etc. and staying away from empty calories, you are probably doing great.......listening to your body and staying consistent are probably your best allies.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, happy for good blood test results..........when I first carried a pedometer, my goal was 10,000 steps a day....I've just gradually added more helps to have the poodles who are always ready to go for a walk.

    :bigsmile: JoAn, it's good to see you of the things that kept my weight loss going was to add more exercise.....just going for an extra walk each day is a great way to burn some more calories with no special clothes or equipment or preparation.

    :bigsmile: Jeri, just stay in the moment with your grandson and it will be a great experience, although I want to say that I think that you deserve a medal for taking on the challenge

    :sad: Marie, you hot weather and no A/C sounds are such a good sport about all the challenges in your life.

    :bigsmile: We are having company for dinner tomorrow then on Saturday I leave at 6AM for the all day line dance workshop and won't be back until midday on Sunday.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    :heart: Hi to you all from rainy Saskatchewan. Our lawn will be happy and it will give my blister time to heal before I get at my transplanting. I wish I would have got my potatoes planted. I spent the evening at my sisters with a friend. My sister is recovering from surgery and was happy to have some company.

    Neil saw the neurologist today. They increased the pulse of the stimulator hoping to interrupt more seizures. He also has a nasty cold so I am hoping he has a good sleep tonight and no seizures!! He will see the neurologist again in 3 weeks and if the seizures haven't gone he will add a small dose of another drug, making 5 seizure medications. I was hoping that after the surgery we could take some of them away but instead we are adding more!!

    Glad for the reminder about the shingles vaccine. I did have shingles in my early 50's and fortunately my Dr. recognized what it was although the symptoms were mostly pain in my side with just a very few tiny spots. He started me on an antiviral which shortened the process and decreased the pain. I did miss a couple of weeks of work but no problems after. I will look into getting the shot as I don't want a repeat that could be so much worse!!

    Becky -- Welcome here. I am sure you will like it.

    Barbie -- I am liking my plan very much but I still don't have your strength. We had Chinese food at my sister's and I know I could have done better! On the other hand many times I have done worse!

    JoAnn -- How nice to see a post from you. I am glad that you have kept your weight off. I just started back to WW and was happy to find I had only added one pound.

    Marie -- I know you asked me something and I didn't take notes so will have to respond tomorrow. Sorry!

    Jeri -- such a gorgeous picture again.

    Take care everyone. Gayla
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    It is late and I should go to bed, but thought I would try and catch up before morning when there will probably be many more posts.

    I did go over on my calories two days in a row and that upsets me. It is my own fault and I have no one to blame except myself. I will be glad when we get our house back to ourselves and I just need to make dinner for the two of us. I found double baked potatoes in my new freezer and didn't bother to look at the calories before eating one. I check labels on everything not just for calories but for sugar. When I went to post I did check the label and it was 440 calories, oh my gosh, the chicken stuffed with brocolli was 330, so there was 770 right there. I was over by 126 which doesn't seem like much, but I was doing so well that I get angry with myself when the little notice on the bottom that says you will be x amount of weight in 5 weeks goes up instead of down. :laugh: :laugh: Things will be better soon and as long as I am holding my weight (I hope) I won't complain too much. ( I just did , didn't I?) :laugh:

    Gayla, poor Neil, things never seem to go smooth for him. I hope the pulse increase helps him, he deserves some restful days and nights. It is bad enough he has to have foot surgery again. Must be time for another card, I will send him one tomorrow.:heart:

    Barbie, thank you for all the nice things you said, I really don't deserve a medal, I have been losing my patience more lately, but again once we have our house back to ourselves, I think things will improve. I love my grandson and I love my son, but it is so nice to be alone with peace and quiet. :tongue: My meeting helped today, it was on resentment and to try to be forgiving which is a good lesson for all of us.

    Jeri, good luck with your grandson, I am sure things will be great. Did they leave you an epi pack (not sure that is what it is called and for sure I don't know how to spell it) just in case he did get an allergic attack? Any word from the doctor yet??

    Hi JoAn, we missed you and glad you are back. Good luck with your journey and as usual we are here for you.

    Buzz, glad those blood tests came back good, your graphics are so cute and made me smile.

    Birdie, that is some story, I am glad your neighbor did not die and hope they get the other one the help he needs.
    I would have hidden in the house as well if I removed my makeup and had my jammies on, we are so vain in our older years aren't we? Did your husband make the news??

    Marie, your weather is so hot, we keep playing with ours, one day hot, one day cool. I love it when it is hot enough to go to the pool, not to swim so much, but to sit in the sun. ( I know it is bad for me but I love it) Ugg with those tomato worms, I hate bugs of any kind.:noway: Glad you got your air fixed, and hope the news with Jerry is good.:heart:

    Becky, welcome to our group. Any friend of Barbie's is a friend of ours. Post when you can but do check in and let us know how you are doing.

    Connie, I did have shingles and they were terrible. I first had pain in my side and couldn't figure out what it was, then I finally broke out and it was miserable. Remember Lynn, she had such a severe case she almost died. I have not had the shingles shot, not sure I can since I had them, but will ask my doctor about it the next time I see her, it would be worth the money if I never get them again. I don't get a flu shot but did get the pneumonia shot which I think is for my life time isn't it? So, the consensus is yes, get the shingles shot.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Birdie...It is so funny how we don't want to be seen without our makeup. I have to have my eyes done up or else they disappear. You have certainly been living an exciting life !!:noway: Bad behavior can happen in any neighborhood. I think I would have been frightened if a stabbing had happened next door. And the tornado !!! Our weather has become so strange lately. My husband (who has a degree in Geology) says that the earth cycles and has done this sort of weather before. I am reminded of what the Bible says about changes at the end time.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz...Glad that your health is fine. I choice "swissmiss" because my paternal grandfather was born and raised in Switzerland. He came here in his early 20s. My biggest wish is to be able to visit Switzerland.

    Wow, I am going to have to check on the price of the shingles shot. I don't remember seeing that they were so expensive. I guess it is worth it to not get shingles.

    :flowerforyou: fancylady...glad that you will be seeing your grandson. They are so precious. I will be visiting some of my grandchildren this August.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie...thanks for the information on how to get the cute graphics.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy...shocking how many calories some of our frozen foods contain. My daughter bought a Hungry Man dinner for herself. It had just about a full day's calories in it.:noway:

    Tonight is my second from the youngest graduation from high school. She works at a Chinese buffet and has asked me to take her out for dinner there before the ceremony. Last time I ate there I did well. Stayed mostly with the vegetables. My husband will most certainly not go with us. He hates that restaurant. I am not fond of it either but I think that graduation is important enough to comply with what she has asked. And since she isn't at this site I can say what I bought for her. She is getting her own laptop. Can't afford a car :laugh: so I thought that a laptop would be appropriate, especially since she will be heading off to college in the fall.

    Everyone...have a wonderful Friday and weekend.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Good Morning!:smile:

    It is an absolutely gorgeous day, low humidity....the kind that gives you lots of energy. Carpe Diem! I am ready to take it on. Actually, I am waiting for the washer repairman.:ohwell: My washer stopped working full of water and clothes on Monday. I will be soooooooooooooooooo glad to have it back. I did necessaries at the neighbor's and DD's, but still laundry has piled up. How can two people use so much stuff! Heavenly days!

    :smile: Buzz, so glad about your bloodwork results. I know what a relief that is!

    :smile: Jeri, your photos are gorgeous! Are you a pro or a hobbyist with the camera. Your photos look pro, that's for sure!

    Gotta get back to work, but before I do I need to tell you that Katy passed on yesterday. Her family and friends are at peace today because she's no longer trapped in her body, and is with her Lord. She will live on, however, as her organs were harvested and other lives will be saved. Thank you all for your prayers and concern.

    Talk to you later.
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    What a lovely thread, how inspiring and awesome you all are! x