Senior Golden Sneakers..........June, 2011



  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    Just a quick note to Jeri...

    So sorry to hear that it is cancer...I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery/remission. I will not lie to you...the treatment can be tough but you can and will beat it. When I had cancer, I knew for sure that I would beat it and I can you! Take care of yourself and concentrate on healing not dieting although you should continue to eat healthy and to exercise when you feel like whatever the doctor says. Do not push your body to do things other than heal itself. This is one of those times when you need to put yourself first. If there is anything I can do for you...please don't hesitate to ask and know that I am here for you! Sending hugs, love, and lots of healing thoughts your way!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    I'd love to join this group. I will be 60 in August. Whole different ballgame, trying to lose weight and being older. How do I join? Thanks in advance.
    Please feel free to add me as a friend.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You just did and welcome to our group. So glad to have you around.
    My name is Marie next to the oldest here. of ripe old age of 80.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :bigsmile: It is going to be extremely hot here today so the less outside the better. Since I have a hair appointment this morning and an eye doctor appointment this afternoon there will be no time for the pool.:tongue:

    Welcome Homeport, we are happy to have you join our group. We range in all ages so there is no special age, just love having people to share our days. We try to encourage each other, cry with each other and just be there no matter what. We come from all over the world and yet it seems like we have known each other forever. I am married (2nd time), live in Itasca, Illinois, have 4 children of my own, my husband has two and between us we have six grandchildren, 5 from my children and one from his son.
    We have a wonderful Old English Sheepdog, Daisy Mae who is two years old and is only a little bit spoiled.
    I have managed to reach my goal but added another 5 pounds and only have 1 to go. It took me two years to lose it but that is because I wasn't faithful to the program. Now that I have made a lifestyle change and have the support of this group I am committed. Welcome and success with your journey.

    I did have a clothes line outside but it broke. I used to hang sheets and blankets outside for that wonderful smell.

    Time to get moving, have to drop Daisy off for her grooming before I go get groomed.:laugh:

    Have a good day!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Welcome homeport 51...I know that the 51 is your birth year. I turned 60 this past January. Yes, you are right. We do have a harder time losing weight as we get older. I think that this is why it is important to keep active as we age. Just be sure that your doctor is aware of anything you are doing.:

    :flowerforyou: certainly do not look like you are 80. What is your secret?

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, we are also having a hot day. Up over 90 and tomorrow is to be hotter. I am so thankful that I bought two window air conditioners last year. At least two of our rooms will be cool. By the way...I am married for the second time also. Between us we have 12 children. I have 10 grands.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi PALS!

    What a good day! A HOT day but so far so good. Did two 30 minute DVD's early this morning while the house was quiet. My husband and son woke up late and we didn't eat breakfast until about 10:30! Boy summer is GREAT! And my husband made breakfast so that was a BONUS! then I went to school and worked on a few cupboards for a couple hours then took in an hour swim. I was exhausted after the swim. I just do laps... Back and Forth Back and Forth...I wear flippers and a snorkel mask and I look a sight but It works for me.

    Becky, I do have clothes lines off the balcony. We live on the 4th floor in our apartment. I often hang up sheets and towels out there and my swim suit. We also have a dryer but in this warm weather, clothes dry almost as fast on the line.

    Sandy, How did the hair appointment and eye appointment turn out. sounds like you had a busy day. Where do you swim? Do you have a pool at home? I would love to have my own but I swim at the school outdoor pool year round.

    Jeri, Thinking of you and sending prayers up and hugs your way. What kind of cancer is this that you get to FIGHT?

    Marie, I can't believe you are 80 either. If I look that good at 70 I'll feel like a million bucks. Plus just want to say I love that tea pot with the pink roses.

    Homeport - WElLCOME!. I am turning 60 in August too. What day exactly is your birthday. Mine is the 12th. Would you believe that my mom gave birth to two daughter on the same day. Yip I share my birthday with one of my sisters. She is 9 years younger than me. I also have 4 other sisters too and one brother.

    Donna, My oldest sister also is a survivor of breast cancer. She had one breast removed and lost all her hair. but she had a positive attitude all the time. I really admire folks like you and my sister.

    Well my mom is going in for surgery right about now in Idaho. She fell and broke her arm about 3 weeks ago and it just didn't heal. She is almost 83. Today the doc is going to open it up and either wire it back together or put in a plate. It's her upper arm. It snapped just like a broom stick. OUCH! I hope it all goes well today in surgery.

    Well best to everyone on this Tuesday. Phyllis
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeri, so aorry to hear the news/ but with you attitude, everything will turn out great. So glad they caught it early. my prayers will be with you all the way.
    That grandson is so cute. I know you and your husband enjoy him. Its been a long time since we have had a little one in the family. Don't know what wrong with my grandkids. too busy enjoyinglife and partying.
    You will always be in my thoughts. Love ya ......Marie........ Take care! Jeri
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Hair appointment went well, just a trim not really a cut. Eye doctor also went ok except he wants me to come back next week and see his specialist for my macular degeneration. He said he is sure it is fine, but one area concerns him and since it is hereditary he wants to be sure. My dad was diabetic and had it and my older brother has it really bad. He can't drive anymore and he needs a big magnifying glass to watch TV. Mine has been the same for years, but I am thrilled to have a specialist look at it since they have such new things now.

    Marie, what did the doctor say about Jerry? Did you get a final report? And our newcomers are so right, you look no where near 80, I think you are fooling us.

    Phyllis, you are really focused with all that exercise, those pounds should melt off. I don't have a pool, we either go to the park district pool or my Country Club pool which I prefer since it is no where as crowded as the park district. I don't go by myself, but my granddaughters are out of school as of today, so I think we will be going often. I envy you swimming laps, I am a self taught swimmer so I tire easy while trying to swim laps.

    Becky, this being our second marriage I hope we get it right this time. Of course the first failure was certainly not our fault in any way. Did you give us the date in January for your birthday? I would like to add both you and Phyllis to the birthday list.
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Just wanted to say to Jeri that I am so sorry for your news. You have such a positive attitude though and that goes a long way to beating it, l'd say! My sister is also a survivor of breast cancer and I agree with Donna. Treatment is tough, but with a positive mind and positive support from those around you, you too can beat it.I am sending positive thoughts to you Jeri along with my prayers.:heart:

    Congratulations Donna on being a survivor too:drinker:

    It seems that I have hardly no spare time this week, and its way past my bed time. I have to get up early for work, so I will try to get on here earlier tomorrow to catch up with you all. Miss you:heart:

    Welcome to all the new ladies ( I can't remember if I have done so already:laugh: ) I am looking forward to getting to know you all.

    Nite Nite, take care
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy Jerry is doing fine . His voice is back 100 %. That I am glad of.
    i am still on the paleo diet. I had a gain this week but I had forgotten to tkae my water pill. And I retain water so easy. But I have not lost hope on it.
    the dang birds are eating our ripe tomatos so having to pick them before they are fully ripe. If its not one thing its another trying to hae a garden, Between the hail storm, tomato worms now the birds. I guess they think they are big oleg red berries.

    Next will be the extreme heat.

    Enought of my whinning.

    How is all the sneakers doing. I read all the post but don't remember them too long.
    I'll be dropping in again tomorrow
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Becky said:
    Been many women even have clothes lines outside? I do but don't use it very often. I like the smell of line dried sheets. And, my work pants get hung up. Put them in the dryer and they will shrink.

    I have a "red neck" clothes line. At least that's what my kids call it. Our soil is so rocky, putting in any kind of post or pole is a major operation so we drilled a hole in a tree stump and stuck the pole from an umbrella-type cloths dryer in the hole! Works great and I dry almost everything outside except terry towels.

  • viliberty1957
    Hello, all my Senior Sneakers friends, I see there are quite a few more of you; so wonderful to have you join. I appreciate all the encouragement I have recieved here. are always there for me!!!! Thank you so much.

    I've been enjoying everyone's posts. I pray with those going through bad times and I rejoice when good things happen.

    Cancer Care referred me to a naturopath/nutritionist and she put me on an anti-inflamitory diet and sent me home with supplements. I spent a couple of hours with her and she was great. So much about how cancer works and how diet plays an important part in it that I didn't know. This is my fourth day, and my blood glucose hasn't gone too high even once. And it had been so out of control.

    It's hard to eat the quantity of food required. I was eating only about 600 calories a day because I just wasn't interested in food. (This is the first time in my life that I ever "didn't care about food.") She put me on 1600 and said I should lose weight better on that with the right food than on the 600. So I guess the advice I've read on MFP about not going too low on calories is right. Ralph keeps wanting me to go out for meals with him, but he understands that I can't. Nutrition is the main concern now. They said I should lose a couple of pounds a week on this. I've actually been losing already.

    The clinical trial I was on wasn't for me. I could only stay on the drug for a couple of days at a time and my blood glucose would go well over 300. (It shouldn't go over 120 berfore meals and 140 after.) Then I had to work to get it down so I could go back on the drug. I even started taking insulin, which I never did before. . They put me through heck several times, until I finally said, "Seems to me we are doing the same thing and hoping for a different outcome." So they agreed it was time to do something else. They said, "You're only a little worse than you were when you started the trial." I am now on a standard chemo drug, Doxil. I've had one session with no side effects so far, and I am two weeks out. This one happens every 4 weeks.

    God Bless all of you.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Irene, every time you write a post I am more inspired by you. With all that you have gone through I am not sure how you maintain such a wonderful outlook. I am glad they are trying something else since the trial didn't work, praying for good results. It is great that you have your diabetes under control. Your naturopath/nutritionist sounds like she knows what she is talking about and I hope you can eat the calories she recommends. Hope the chemo doesn't get too rough but you are a fighter and will persevere.

    Jeri, one of our new members was just diagnosed with breast cancer and Donna is a survivor, what wonderful ladies you are and so willing to share your stories. I hope is some small way we help each of you and just know that you all are in our prayers and good wishes.

    Love to all of you. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Thanks for all the good wishes. My cancer type is ductal carcinoma in situ. Which my doctor tells me is a "good type" of cancer to get. If any cancer can by a good type. LOL

    Although I am feeling a little anxious I am determined to be upbeat and strong about all of this. I know that strength is one of my best qualities and I have lots of it. I am also the queen of the positive attitude. My glass is always half full, not half empty.

    We had so much fun with our grandson and granddaughter today. We drove our granddaughter to a field trip to Safety City. They practiced crossing streets and riding bikes, etc. in a mini town. What fun for them. My dh, and yes that who is in pictures, hung out with our grandson. Poor Lukas was so tired by the time we got home he was fast asleep. We took him in the house, put him up to bed and he went right to sleep. My dh and I both laid down and had a nap too. I guess it is a combination of babysitting and the whole breast cancer thing, but I've been looking after me each day and having a daytime nap. It feels good.

    I am still trying to watch what I am eating but I am not too concerned about recording everything.

    Have a great evening everyone.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi from sunny Saskatchewan. I spent most of the day in the city. I had a nice salad for lunch with her and then took Neil for speech therapy. He really loves his speech therapist and she is very pleased with his voice. Then I made a stop at the Farmer's market for some corn, toatoes and strawberries. Yum!

    I plan to be home all day tomorrow so after some yard work I will attempt a longer post.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Jeri, your positive attitude will serve you well as you battle this nasty stuff that is challenging your body :bigsmile: check in with us often to help relieve whatever stress you have and take it one day at a time.....:heart:

    :bigsmile: Gayla, there has only been one time in my adult life that I was able to hang clothes on the line and I enjoyed it but we didn't live in that town long before we back on the coast where it was either damp or cold or both :laugh:

    :bigsmile: homeport, welcome to the group:bigsmile: we are glad you are here:bigsmile: some of have been here for years and others are newer but we feel like family

    :bigsmile: Phyllis, even though it is not too hot here, I like to do as much exercise in the morning as possible

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I want to be as active as you when I am 80:bigsmile: glad to hear that Jerry is doing fine:bigsmile: I know that makes both of you happy:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Becky and Sandy, Jake is my second husband and I am his fourth took us both awhile to figure out how to do it right :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I tried lap swimming and it was too boring for me and then I tried water aerobics and liked it and then decided that I don't like exercise that you have to change your clothes and take a shower for so I returned to walking as the main event.

    :flowerforyou: Deb, I don't seem to have any spare time either and I don't even have a job to go to (well I have a job walking the frisky poodles :laugh: )

    :flowerforyou: Irene thanks for sharing the wise words about nutrition and eating enough calories

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Jake is already asleep, so I'd better shut this computer off and call it a day :laugh: :yawn:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Connie, what a great use for an old tree stump. :smile:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I went to a water aerobics class last night for the first time. It really gives you a workout. And, without getting all sweaty. Loved it.

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, I think that I mentioned this before but it is worth have the most wonderful attitude. I can certainly see you as a whole, healed woman.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, it can be so hard to eat right when you are battling different illnesses. Prayers going up for you.:heart:

    Does anyone use the stretchy bands? Not sure what they are called. You hook them onto a door or heavy piece of furniture and they act sort of like weights. I love them as I can take them anywhere.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Does anyone know if lifting weights counts as calories burned? I am sure that some are burned but can we add this to our diaries?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sneakers. What a good group of ladies we hae here.

    Good hearing from Irene and Jeri. The have got such a good attitude, Wish I had some of it. They are the best.

    You new ones I so love reading your post. I don't alway address eberyone but do read your post and love reading them. Keep up the
    good work. And I really have not got your names down good. yet but I will one of these days.

    Donna you are quite a assess to this group. Love it.
    So sweet and kind. to everyone.

    Well got to back up and see what Connie did to that tree stump i read about. No telling!!!!

    Hello Sandy, Gayla, Phoebe, Buzz,......... Jackie [ where are you]?..... Hello to all the rest of you Sneaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Irene and Jeri, does it help any to know my sister was not diagnosed until she was in Stage 4, Ovarian Cancer, and given 3 months to put her affairs in order? That was 12 years ago, and she is alive, healthy, and just as beautiful as she ever was! Good doctors, good treatment, and great attitude throughout, and you gals have it all!:flowerforyou:

    Haven't much time right now, but wanted to share with a few of you who've discussed weak nails that split. My dermatologist yesterday told me to take 7.5 mg of Biotin daily, and in about 3 or 4 months, the splitting should start clearing up. I got that Colombian prime coat (Nail Hardener), with the tall green cover, and found it had formaldehyde, which I can't use, so I'll let you know about the Biotin. If anyone wants to try it, 5000mcg =5mg; and 2500mcg=250mg. I also saw 1000mcg, so I take 2.5 of thiose plus the 5000 and I hope I know what I'm doing!

    Did I mention I have a new grandpuppy, a longhaired Dachshund 5 and a half inches long (for now) ...?

    Back later, I hope.