Senior Golden Sneakers..........June, 2011



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!! :bigsmile: It is going to be another scorcher here but some rain is coming and then the temps will dip to the 60's tomorrow just when I will be watching my 5 year old granddaughter and I won't be able to take her to the pool.
    We have a big benefit on Monday a charity that we have been involved in for many years. MCCD is the Midwest Council for Children with Disabilities. These kids have many different illnesses ranging from multiple sclerosis to autism. Most insurance companies put a cap on benefits for these kids and our charity gives back 100% to the kids. They help buy wheel chairs and equipment and in some cases even a van. It is a wonderful charity and our event usually makes a few hundred thousand due to the silent auction and raffles. This is my DIL busiest week getting things ready for Monday and I am the babysitter when needed. Monday will be rewarding because a lot of the kids are there and watching them have such a good time is heart warming. They sing, dance and just have a great time. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Marie, so happy Jerry is back to normal, that is a good thing right? Just kidding.

    Yes, Becky lifting weights can be recorded. Do you wear a heart monitor, if so it should record the calories for you, otherwise MPF might estimate it, but be careful because MFP sometimes over estimates.

    Barbie, I am with on not having spare time. I don't work and it seems like before I know it the day is over.

    Gayla, you are really focused on weight watchers. Did you read the article on the computer that said weight watchers is the best over all diet. It said it takes the weight off and keeps it off if you follow the program.

    Jeri, being with your grandchildren is the best thing for you right now, they will keep you busy and tire you out. Keep taking those naps to keep up with them.

    My computer troubleshooter called me and said it was not my power but it could be my mother board. Since my computer is about 5 years old it is harder to find so I might just buy a new computer. I have to think about whether I want another Dell with two hard drives or perhaps an Apple. These decisions take me forever.

    Have a great day!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    An old guy (not in the best of shape) was working out in the gym when he spotted a
    'sweet young thing'.

    He asked his trainer, "What machine in here should I use to impress that sweet thing over there?"

    The trainer looked him up and down and said,

    "I suggest you try the ATM in the lobby."
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI SNEAKER PALS;:smile::wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue:

    I agree with Maire... I just love all you ladies already!:heart: Just wanted to say that form the start. :flowerforyou: I love checking in to see if any one has written and I can feel your personalities shining through all the way over her to my living room in Egypt. Thanks for sharing anything that you are doing.:smile::smile:

    What a great charity (MCCD) Sandy that you are involved in. Those kids are so LUCKY! Doesn't it just make you feel so good to be able to help out! I can tell you are a really dedicated lady and I am sure it would be fun to be around you.

    My son left for the states this morning and will be helping my brother get some fireworks stands all set up and ready to sell around the 4th of July. He has about 10 stands scattered around the state of Idaho. It started out as a little hobby and now he says he makes about as much money selling those silly fireworks for this short season, as he makes in his regular job all year. CRAZY! But People just love to shoot fireworks in JULY. :bigsmile:

    Buzz, my fingernails are ALWAYS splitting. But my toe nails are as hard as rocks. What is up with that? Maybe when I get to the states I can check out that Biotin. I don't think they have any of that over here or if they do I wouldn't know how to say it in Arabic. I can communicate but it probably sounds like 'pigeon' ARABIC to the locals ! LOL

    Just talked to my mom and she gets to go home from the hospital today. She had the surgery to put a plate in her upper arm where it was broken. It just wouldn't heal and she has been in a cast for 3 weeks. POOR THING. She still sounded a bit groggy but she says she will be o.k. at home.Glad my sisters are there to take care of her and dad. :smile: Sigh.. I'll be there on the 25th of JUNE.

    What is this birthday list that you are talking about Sandy? You ladies think of everything don't you?

    well it is 9 at night for me and I've been up a long time. I woke up at 4:00 am today so I could call my sister to find out about mom's surgery. then I found out my other sister got evacuated from her home in Arizona because of the fires! Did I already say that?My brain is a bit fuzzy.
    Better go sleep!! Good night or have a good day!
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    An old guy (not in the best of shape) was working out in the gym when he spotted a
    'sweet young thing'.

    He asked his trainer, "What machine in here should I use to impress that sweet thing over there?"

    The trainer looked him up and down and said,

    "I suggest you try the ATM in the lobby."

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Sandy, that was a great joke :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    In honor of Arnold Schwarzenegger, a new commandment has been created.
    Be sure to write this one in underneath the other ten:
    "Thou Shalt Not Share Thy Rod With Thy Staff."

    And the hits just keep coming.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Becky, if you don't have a HRM, you can do your own estimate based on comparison with other workouts you do.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: right now I have an exercise called "Morning Yoga" that I count as 2 calories per minute, strength training 2.5 calories per minute, and "Gut 'n' Butt", 2 calories per minute :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: it may not be completely scientific but it seems to not be an overestimate (walking with frisky poodles I count as 3.7 calories a minute):bigsmile:
  • viliberty1957
    Thanks everyone for all the good words.

    Marie, the diet I am on is called the anti-infamitory diet. It is easy for me to stay on it because I eat pretty plain and like lots of raw (and cooked) vetabled and fruits. The way it was explained to me is to think of food as fuel. It is like a wood burning stove (for you who remember the good old days. hehe). There are lists of foods that are LOGS, and there are lists of foods that are KINDLING.

    LOGS: Concentrated protein:(meats, fish, cottage cheese, etc. I choose 3 four ounce servings a day
    Legumes: beans, bean soups, split peas, hummus. I choose 3 half cup servings of about 110 calories
    Nuts and Seeds. I choose one serving of about 100 calories.

    KINDLING: Catagory 2 vegetables (potatoes, winter squash, beets, carrots,yams, etc.) I choose 1 of 1/2 cup
    Fruits: I choose 2 servings of about 80 calories each.
    Grains: Multi grain, whole grain. I choose 3 of about 75-100 calories each.

    FATS: the kinds of fats are limited. Olive oil, olives, and others. It does not include any butter, margarine,
    mayo or those types of fats. Choose cold pressed. I choose 4 per day of 1tsp or about 40 calories.

    CATOORY 1 VEG. These are the ones we already know are good for us.1/2 cup, about 10-25 calories. Choose
    at least 4, Unlimited.

    DAIRYand alternates: 6 oz nonfat, 8oz almond milk, 6oz buttermilk, 8 oz plain soy milk, 6 Tbs nonfat sour cream,
    4 oz plain yougurt. I choose 2 per day

    Three meals and three snacks are required and not going more that three hours without food (except at night).

    Now....back to the wood stove. When you light kindling you have a quick, hot fire that goes out soon. That's why you need the logs to keep it going. Never light kindling without the logs. Never eat the kindling foods above with out logs. When I started this last week my blood sugars were out of control. Already they are in complete control, and I have lost several pounds already.

    The number of servings per day are for 1600 calories. You can find something about this on the internet. Just search "anti-inflamatory diet" and "anti-inflamatory foods." I have to plan my days meals ahead so I get in all the required food.

    This is probably more than anyone wanted to know LOL. God bless you all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    In honor of Arnold Schwarzenegger, a new commandment has been created.
    Be sure to write this one in underneath the other ten:
    "Thou Shalt Not Share Thy Rod With Thy Staff."

    And the hits just keep coming.

    Bada Bing!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • viliberty1957
    I just had to share this little story with you. Mariah (great granddaughter, picture in ticker below) was doing artwork at my house this week. She brought me a picture with a short skinny person and a taller more rounded person. She said, "These are me and you. You don't mind do you that I drew you bigger?" I told her of course not, she should draw me as she sees me, that's what artists do.

    A little while later she came over to me and said, "I want you to go on a diet and do exercise so I won't have to draw you round."

    As if that wasn't enough, she drew another picture of us both thin, and said, "See, this is how you will look if you do the diets and exercises I'm telling you."

    What would I do without her. She is part of what makes life worthwhile.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Irene, your little Mariah is wonderful......what amazing things she could write a book with her as the star:bigsmile: your food plan sounds so healthy and sensible:bigsmile: thank you for sharing:bigsmile: it would be healthy eating for anyone :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Sandy, yes, today is Wednesday and now that I'm walking the dogs in the morning, the calories really get burned. Line dance class was fabulous:bigsmile: we did two dances that we learned at the Saturday workshop:bigsmile: then we had to get the house ready to show again before I left to meet my friend for our four and half mile walk on the Olympic Discovery Trail:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jake walked the poodles while the house was being shown and now he is cutting the grass:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: in a minute I'll be leaving for the dog park :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Marie, i don't know the ages of all the people who line dance with me but up until a few months ago there was a woman who recently turned 89:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: one woman who went to the workshop with us on Saturday is over 80 and one who dances both Thursday and Friday is coming close to her 80th birthday:bigsmile: the teacher of the Thursday and Friday classes is 75 :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, does your new grandpuppy live nearby so you can see him often?

    :flowerforyou: Phyllis, glad the news is good about your mom's recovery:bigsmile:

    dogs are pestering me so I'd better get going :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Maddie :heart:

  • viliberty1957
    Barbie...I have written a book for Mariah It isn't about the things she says, though. The title is "MARIAH the Story of a Princess."
    I used pictures of the people in her life, such as The Fairy God Granny (me), Queen Sylvia (her mother), Lady Denise (her grandmother), Sir Ralph the butler (her grandpa),Sir Lionel the royal chef (her uncle) etc. I managed to work in all of "her people" into the story with pictures. It was so much fun. I made her a bound copy to have as a keepsake in the future, and a looseleaf one that she can play with.

    My current project is another book for this year. The title so far is MARIAH the Story of a Regular kid. It will be a record of all the things she does this year, with pictures.

    Oh, the other project I'm doing is THINGS MY CHILDREN MAY WANT TO KNOW. After my Mom died, I found there were so many things I still wanted to ask her. I'm just writing my life from the earliest I can remember, complete with pictures when I have them (and I have a LOT of pictures).

    If anyone's interested I could share Mariah's Story and an attachment to an email.
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Irene, I would love to read Mariahs story. What a lovely idea on all counts. You are so clever and thoughtful. She will have it to treasure all her life and will be able to pass it on. How wonderful:bigsmile:

    The 'Things my children may want to know' is a great idea. I wish I had something like that from my mum. You are right, there are so many things I would have liked to have known. I might borrow that idea from you.

    Sending a friend request so you can send it on to me.:heart:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Thanks for all the good wishes. My cancer type is ductal carcinoma in situ. Which my doctor tells me is a "good type" of cancer to get. If any cancer can by a good type.

    "in situ" is indeed a good thing. Basically in situ means in place - it has not spread. My first round with cancer at age 28 was cervical carcinoma in situ. I had a hysterectomy, and didn't have to have any chemo or radiation because the bugger had not spread. My guess would be they will remove the tumor and will probably not do any additional treatment. I already had four kids so didn't mind loosing the baby carriage.

    Keep us posted and keep your chin up. See irene's posts for an example of positive thinking! She's amazing.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Me too. Irene she is such a darling. I would love to read it. I will send you my e-mail address thru our Message board Also coping your diet to save too. It is so much like mine except for the beans and I am going to add them to mine. We get no bread and I don't miss them so I will continue on leaving bread off. I get no grain no dairy except whipping cream And I admit I over use the cream Going to have to cut down. and cut down on the olive oil some too. I feel like I am not getting enought fiber in my diet.

    You are the sweetest grandmother I know of..And the Sweeest person on the internet.

    Thanks for the diet

    :heart: Marie
  • viliberty1957
    Me too. Irene she is such a darling. I would love to read it. I will send you my e-mail address thru our Message board Also coping your diet to save too. It is so much like mine except for the beans and I am going to add them to mine. We get no bread and I don't miss them so I will continue on leaving bread off. I get no grain no dairy except whipping cream And I admit I over use the cream Going to have to cut down. and cut down on the olive oil some too. I feel like I am not getting enought fiber in my diet.

    You are the sweetest grandmother I know of..And the Sweeest person on the internet.

    Thanks for the diet

    :heart: Marie

    Awwwww! Thanks. Irene
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    From Maddie

    Maddie :heart:


    What luxcious strawberies i have been eating my share of them so good this time of the year.
    How is ecerything going. ? Sure have miss you beening around. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing> And how is that grandson? Hope you got things clear up with your D inLaw Be looking for more of you.
    Love Marie
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    This is such a great place to be. I get support for diet, life and cancer. Talk about a great place to be. Thanks everyone.

    We had another fun day with Lukas. We took him to swim lessons. The lady who babysits him has him enrolled in swim lessons so we took him out so he could do the lesson. It was worth the 45 minute drive because it was so fun to see how much he enjoyed it.

    You know I was very anxious about having him for a week but he has been my saving grace in these stressful days. He gives me cuddles, smiles, hugs and makes me laugh. When he is up and around there is no time to worry, just time to watch him and have fun. What a blessing. My husband and I are enjoying him so much.

    Tomorrow I go to my liver specialist. As I might have mentioned I have an autoimmune liver disease which I guess I inherited from my Dad's side of the family. (Dad had one and so does my sister). As with any autoimmune disease, they get triggered somehow and there they are. There is no cure but the saving grace is that it progresses slowly in most cases.

    I am anxious to talk to my doctor to see what effect this breast cancer and it's treatment will have on my liver disease. Hope he says none. LOL

    Wish me luck.

    Have a great evening, if you have on left and a great day tomorrow.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy...the new Arnold Schwarzenegger commandment is a hoot. :laugh: Thanks for sharing it.

    :flowerforyou: Irene...I could only think, "Out of the mouths of babes". Grandkids can sure keep us in line.

    :flowerforyou: are still in my prayers. And, God does answer them.:heart:

    This is my last day of work until next Tuesday. I am taking two days off because this weekend is going to be very busy.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Irene: You are a lucky lady to have such a wonderful grandchild.
    No grandkids here yet, one daughter 28 just married and one 30 still looking. :love:

    What a start to my day today, the US brige was backed up and luckily I got through before
    all the trucks behind me started on. Then when I reached customs there had to be
    at least 20 trucks or 30 trucks waiting to go through. There have been at least four or
    five lanes closed and last week the same thing, I don't what that is all about. :mad:
    I go through Nexus which is the express lane so all was well there. Then I got to my
    parking ramp and the left lane was not working so everyone had to use the right lane,
    and the arm that lets you through was not working right. By the time I got to work I
    was all flustered. (I do have high blood pressure ):tongue: So I am trying to get into a
    Zen mood right now and get through this lousy day. :frown:

    On Tuesday we had another presentation by the Toshiba guy on the new copier. One of
    ladies was not there for the first one and the other co-worker came in half way through and
    people had questions. So he came again and he had ATTITUDE and one of the secretaries told him
    so. So that was an interesting day, and then the postage meter decided to act up at 4:45 just
    before closing the office. I pulled the plug on that one and rebooted and it came back to life. All
    in all I guess this week sucks :explode:

    Wednesday I worked around the house, we have the AC on because it got close to 90 degrees.
    Did some shopping in the morning and then decided it was a good day to defrost the freezer
    out in the garage so I got that job done. East Peasy.
    My lower back has been acting up again so I gave in to exercise to try and feel better.
    I ended up going to Tim Horton's (our local donut shop) and got a small Ice Cap mint chocolate supreme.
    I didn't even look up the calories on that one. :frown:

    This weekend will be busy again so I will share later.

    Have a wonderful day my friends.
